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Unit1Myname sGina SectionA 1a 2d 课后作业 一 根据句意及中文提示完成单词1 Ishis 名字 Dale 2 Thequiltiswhite 和 red 3 Myjacketisblack 也 4 Isthat 你的 ruler 5 Niceto 遇见 you 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 早上好 我是辛迪 Cindy name and too your meet Good morning I m 2 我的名字叫吉娜 Gina 3 史密斯女士 很高兴见到您 Smith meetyou 4 看 那就是琳达 Linda 5 你姓什么 your My name s Ms nice to Look That s What s last family name 三 单项填空 1 areyou Tony I mfine thanks A HowB WhatC WhereD Who 2 sheGina Yes she A Are amB Is amC Is isD Are is C A 3 Goodmorning Myname Tom Goodmorning I Tim A is isB am amC am isD is am 4 Hello Kate Nicetomeetyou A Howareyou B What syourname C Nicetomeetyou too D I mfine D C 5 IsheMike Hisname sPeter A Yes heisB No heisn tC Yes IamD No I mnot四 按要求完成句子1 Hi I mJennyWhite 改为同义句 Hi isJennyWhite B my name 2 AreyouJack sfriend 作肯定回答 Yes 3 IssheGina 作否定回答 No 4 HisnameisFrank 就画线部分提问 name 5 I mCindy Nicetomeetyou 作出回答 I she isn t What s his Nice to meet you too am 五 完形填空Hello I mMark I m1student 学生 I minShanghai China I m2No 5MiddleSchool MyschoolIDcard3is1330765 Cindyismygoodfriend 4lastnameisGreen 5isinShanghai too She sinNo 3MiddleSchool She6inmyschool Wecan7intheevening Cindyhas 有 aredphone 8herphonenumber Oh it s375 9168 Redisherfavorite 最喜欢的 9 Herjacketisalso10 Shelikesitverymuch 1 A aB anC theD 2 A forB onC ofD in 3 A nameB classC numberD phone 4 A MyB HerC HisD Your 5 A SheB IC YouD He 6 A isB isn tC areD aren t 7 A sayB meetC seeD spell 8 A What sB How sC WhatD How 9 A mapB rulerC friendD color 10 A blueB purpleC redD green A D C B A B B A D C SectionA GrammarFocus 3c 一 根据句意及中文提示完成单词1 他的 jacketisredandblack 2 Is 她 anEnglishgirl 3 她的 rulerisyellow 4 IsMr SmithEnglish No 他不是 5 你是 Ms Brown Yes 我是 His she Her he isn t Are you I am 二 按要求完成下列各题I 用恰当的单词完成下面的短文 Goodafternoon 1 amGina Bobis2 friend 3 isagoodboy 4 telephonenumberis756 2368 Bobhasasister 妹妹 5 nameisAlice 6 cansay Thanks inFrench 法语 I my He His Her She II 用am is are填空 7 How you Mary I fine 8 heFrank No he not 9 Theruler yellow 10 What thatinEnglish It anorange 11 youLinda Yes I are am Is is is is is Are am 三 单项填空 1 What s name name sGina A your IB your MyC you MyD you I 2 ThisisanEnglishboy Ericis name A heB hisC sheD her 3 Bobis friend isagoodboy A my HeB my HisC I HisD I He B B A 4 What sthis It s pencil A myaB amyC theD my 5 HowisJimSmith A HeisOKB HispenisblackC HeismyfriendD HeisinChina D A 四 按要求完成句子1 HeisJim 就画线部分提问 name 2 IsheJack 作否定回答 he 3 HeisBob 改为同义句 isBob What s his No isn t His name 4 IamLiHua 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 LiHua Yes 5 HernameisLiFang 就画线部分提问 hername Are is you I What am 五 阅读理解Hello MynameisDora Iamseven Ihaveagoodfriend HisnameisBoots Ilikehimverymuch Ihaveabackpack 背包 It snice Akey acup apenandamapareinit Whatcolorisit It spurple Ilikethecolor Mynew 新的 friends Yes Ihavetwonewfriends Andtheyaremygoodfriends HuTengtengisfromChina Hertelephonenumberis737 5698 Shelikesyellowandshehas ayellowbackpack LiuHaoisfromChina too Histelephonenumberis666 8875 Helikesblueandhehasabluejacket 1 Dorais A sixB sevenC eightD nine 2 文中画线的单词 it 指代的是 A thepenB thecupC thekeyD thebackpack B D 3 Dorahas goodfriends A twoB threeC fourD five 4 LiuHao stelephonenumberis A 737 5698B 738 5698C 666 8875D 696 8875 5 WhichoneisRIGHT A Doradoesn tlikeBoots B LiuHaohasapurplejacket C Bootslikesblueverymuch D HuTengteng sbackpackisyellow B D C SectionB 1a 2c 一 根据句意及中文提示完成单词1 I mthe 第一 studenttogettoschool 到校 2 Heismygood 朋友 3 IaminBeijing 中国 now 4 SheisKateGreen Greenisher 最后的 name 5 Whatcolorisyour 电话 first friend China last telephone phone 二 按要求完成下列各题I 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 1 他姓李 nameisLi 2 他的电话号码是多少 What shis 3 抱歉 琳达不是我的名 Sorry Linda my name 4 你妹妹能从零数到七吗 Can sistercountfrom toseven 5 我的朋友在中国 Myfriendis His last phone telephone number isn t first your zero in China II 按要求改写句子 6 AreyouMike 作否定回答 7 Isthegirl 女孩 Lily 作肯定回答 8 SheisLinda 改为一般疑问句 Linda 9 HernameisnotGrace 改为同义句 Grace 10 IamLiMing 改为同义句 LiMing No I mnot Yes sheis Isshe Sheisn t Myname s 三 单项填空 1 Twoandthreeis A fiveB fourC sixD one 2 Myfatherisateacher phonenumberis546 8079 A HeB SheC HisD Her 3 HernameisAmyGreen Herlastnameis A AmyB GreenC AmyGreenD GreenAmy A C B 4 Isthis number A youB IC heD your 5 his It s857 3526 A What s phonenumberB What nameC What s nameD What telephonenumber D A 四 短文填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文 每个空只能填写一个形式正确 意义相符的单词 TodayisSeptember1st 2018 It sthe1 dayIcometoNo 1MiddleSchool Letmeintroduce 介绍 myself Myname2 LindaSmith Myfirst3 isLinda andmy4 nameisSmith Iam5 England My6 numberis251 9178 MyfatherisJackSmith Heis7 first is name family last from telephone phone an Englishteacher Andmymother Maria 8 inasupermarket Ilikemyfather9 motherverymuch It sniceto10 allmynewteachersandclassmates 同学 here Wouldyouliketomakefriendswithme That sall Thankyou works and meet SectionB 3a SelfCheck 一 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空1 AliceGreenisin 2 Heismy HisnameisMike 3 HeisJohnSmith Smithishis name 4 I mJennyBrown My nameisJenny 5 Myphone is535 1988 China friend last first number friend number last first China 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 这是一所好中学 Thisisagood 2 海伦在中国 Helenis 3 鲍勃是史密斯先生的名字 BobisMr Smith s 4 她的朋友是张晗 isZhangHan 5 艾伦的电话号码是多少 Alan sphonenumber middle school in China first name Her friend What is 三 读写综合A 信息归纳请阅读下面一篇关于LiDong和他的家人的文章 根据提供的信息 完成信息卡 Hello boysandgirls MynameisLiDong I mfromAmerica LiDongismyChinesename IamastudentinNo 3MiddleSchool MyIDcardnumberis2017701 Myphonenumberis345 987 TodayisSaturday Myfamilyareallathome Welcometomyhome Thetallmanonthesofaismyfather HisnameisKenMartin Heistalkingonthephone HehasanewiPhone Hisphonenumberis878 897 Thewomancookinginthekitchenismymother SandyMartin InAmerica awomanusuallychanges 改变 herlastnametoherhusband slastnameaftermarriage 结婚 Thegirlnexttomyfatherismysister Jenny Sheisamiddleschoolstudent Shestudieswell ShelikeswatchingTVonweekends Sheis15andsheistwoyearsolder 年龄更大的 thanme Icallher Jenny InAmerica it sOKtocallyoureldersister sorbrother sname WhatamIdoing Iamcleaningthehouse MyChinesefriendsarecomingtomyhometohaveaparty InformationCard America Martin 878 897 13 Thirteen Heiscleaningthehouse B 书面表达假设你们班来了一个新同学 请根据以下信息介绍你的新同学 不少于60词 内容包括 Hello everyone MynewclassmateisAlanSmith AlanishisfirstnameandSmithishislastname HecomesfromEngland HeisinPenMiddleSchool HeisinClassOne GradeSeven Heis14yearsold Histelephonenumberis556 4879 Blueishisfavoritecolor Helikesplayingbaseballandreadingbooks Whataboutyou


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