2019-2020学年高中英语Unit3ComputersSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修2 .docx

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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit3ComputersSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修2 .docx_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit3ComputersSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修2 .docx_第2页
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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit3ComputersSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修2 .docx_第3页
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Section Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、单句语法填空1.In the last few years thousands of films (produce) all over the world.答案have been produced2.Following his recent rise to fame,Rizea (ask) by many cities,including the capital of Romania to transform their old tree trunks into works of art.答案has been asked3.After getting lost in a storm,a member of the navy team (rescue) four days later.答案was rescued4.Housework is a frequent source of argument between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives,but women (warn) not to expect men to do equal housework any time soon.答案have been warned5.Debbie (not allow) to drive for six months.答案has not been allowed6.If Justin (take) away by aliens too,I hope they will return him soon.答案has been taken7.The world record (break)for many times by Chinese.答案has been broken8.The workman (just interview) by the engineer,who was pleased to see him.答案has just been interviewed9.The house (not paint) for years.答案hasnt been painted10.Shakespeares play Hamlet (make)into at least ten different films over the past years.答案has been made11.Will you attend the meeting this afternoon?But up till now I (not tell)anything about that.答案havent been told12.A lot of high-rise buildings (put) up in the business district already.答案have been put13.How long you (employ) as a firefighter?Since 1990.答案have;been employed14.Unfortunately,with the development of industrialization,the environment (pollute).答案has been polluted15.(2017天津)A bedroom,after all,is a very private space,in which some woman I dont even know (immortalize).答案has been immortalized二、将下列句子变为主动语态1.The room has been booked by Tom.答案Tom has booked the room.2.So far about 40 works of art have been created by him in the local parks.答案So far he has created about 40 works of art in the local parks.3.The animals habitat in Antarctic has been seriously affected by tourism.答案Tourism has seriously affected the animals habitat in Antarctic.4.Networks and processes have been limited to one factory by them since then.答案They have limited networks and processes to one factory since then.三、使用被动语态完成句子1. (许多树已经被种植) behind his house.答案Many trees have been planted2.The important problem (已经被讨论一周了).答案has been discussed for a week3.Table tennis (长期受到称赞) for its ability to improve attention and concentration.答案has long been praised4.No book (被人买过) since last week.答案has been bought5.Many new buildings (在过去的十年中被建造起来).答案have been built in the past ten years6.His father left home in 1998,and (从那以后再也没有收到过他的消息).答案has not been heard of since then7.For some reason I (总是被吸引) to older people much more than children.答案have always been drawn8.A new hospital (已被建起) in what was a wasteland.答案has been built9.Throughout history,different man-made languages (已经被发明).答案have already been invented10.How many times have you (被告知) not to play with fire?答案been told四、阅读理解Personal computers and the Internet give people new choice about how to spend their time.Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members,but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care about most.I know this from personal experience.E-mail makes it easy to work at home,where I now spend most weekends and evenings.My working hours arent necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office.This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have.The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends.Say you do something funnysee a great movie perhapsand there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it.If you call each one,you will get tired of telling the story.With e-mail,you just write one note about your experience,at your convenience,and address it to all the friends that you think might be interested.They can read your message when they have time,and read only as much as they want to.They can reply at their convenience,and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.E-mail is also an inexpensive way to stay in close touch with people who live far away.Many parents use e-mails to keep in touch,even daily touch,with their children off at college.We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch.They dont eliminate(排除) any of the old ways.1.The purpose of this passage is to.A.explain how to use the InternetB.describe the writers joy of keeping up with the latest technologyC.tell the merit(价值) and usefulness of the InternetD.introduce basic knowledge about computers and the Internet答案C解析推理判断题。文章的目的和意图是介绍因特网的用途和价值。2.The use of e-mail has made it possible for the writer to.A.spend less time workingB.have more free time with his childC.work at the office on weekendsD.work at a speed comfortable to him答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知邮件的使用使得作者有了更多的空闲时间与孩子在一起。3.According to the writer,e-mail has an advantage over the telephone because it can.A.reach a group of people at one time convenientlyB.keep ones communication as personal as possibleC.pass on much more informationD.get in touch with ones friends faster答案A解析细节理解题。由第三段内容可知A项正确。4.The best title for this passage is.A.Computers:New Technological AdvancesB.Internet:a New Tool to Keep FriendshipC.Computers:Machines to Make Life EasierD.Internet:a Convenient Tool for Communication答案D解析主旨大意题。从整篇文章来看,作者都是在写因特网使人们之间的交流更加方便。五、七选五Here are some easy steps for you to stay safe and secure on the Internet.1 Never give out your full name,address and phone number,unless it is a safe site or it is a well-known site.Protect your money.Do not give out your card information unless it is a secure site.You can tell if the site is safe by looking at the lower part of your screen.2 If it is locked,the site is secure.“Unlocked” means that you should not give a card number.Dont believe “Get Rich Quick!” If it sounds too good to be trueit is!If you get an e-mail that says you can make thousands of dollars in a few days,it isnt true.Most likely it will cost you in the end.3 A good virus scan(杀毒软件).Update your virus scan.4 When you buy a virus scan,it may have been on the shelves for months,so you need to update it frequently.5 Do not open e-mail attachments(附件) that are programs.Receiving these programs in e-mail is harmless,but opening and running them can be dangerous.A.There is a small lock.B.Stay away from these offers!C.New viruses come out daily.D.There are always some unsafe sites.E.Protect yourself from dangerous e-mail viruses.F.Dont give out personal information.G.Keep your main e-mail address private.答案15 FABCE六、选词创境运用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35句)type,so.that.,with the help of,as a result,solve参考范文My grandpa is 70 years old.He couldnt type in the beginning,but he was so interested in the Internet that he came to me and hoped I could help him solve the problem.I was glad to teach him.He worked very hard.As a result,two weeks later he could type his name.With the help of me,now he can chat with others on the Internet.


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