2017-2018学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题 (VI).doc

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2017-2018学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题 (VI)一、阅读理解。(30分)I have never taken cooking classes in my life. I learned cooking from my mother because she was really interested in teaching me how to cook.The main reason for this was that when my mother got married,she didnt know how to cook anything,not even an egg. My grandmother never allowed her to stay in the kitchen when she was cooking. My mother did not start to cook until she was 25 years old. After she got married,she had to cook for herself and my father. One morning,she cooked two eggs for my father,but she didnt make them cooked. My father had to go to work with an empty stomach. My mother felt very sorry for my father and she decided to learn to cook from then on. In the beginning,it was very hard for her. Therefore,she had to take cooking classes to prepare the meals.After having that experience,she decided to teach me how to cook because she didnt want me to have the same experience. I remember when I was seven years old,and my mother was cooking,I was with her in the kitchen enjoying cooking. I always helped her. Nowadays,I dont need help to cook a meal. I can cook for myself alone or for a group of people;it doesnt matter. All has been done because of my mother. I will do the same with my children when they are young because I dont want them to have the same experience as my mother. If one day I am not with them,I want to be sure that they can carry on their lives without me.1Why couldnt the authors mother cook before she got married?ABecause she was too lazy to do any cooking.BBecause she was tired of doing that.CBecause she was too busy to do that.DBecause she wasnt permitted to do that.2How did the authors mother feel when her husband left for work with an empty stomach?ADisappointed. BAshamed. CWorried. DHelpless.3It can be known from the last paragraph that the author _Abees a famous cook with the help of her motherBdecides to teach her children to cook when they grow upCwants to make her children live alone when they are youngDis grateful for her mothers teaching her to cookBThere was once a king who had a wise advisor. The advisor followed the king everywhere and his favorite piece of advice to the king was “Everything happens for the good.”One day the king went hunting and had a small accident. His foot was injured. Fortunately he was not badly injured but as always he was forced to ask his advisor what he thought about the accident, to which the advisor replied, “Everything happens for the good.”This time the king was really angry and put his advisor in prison. The king then asked his advisor, “Now, what do you think?” The advisor again answered, “Everything happens for the good.”About a week later,the king went on another hunting trip. As it turned out the king was caught by some cannibals (食人者) and taken to their camp where he would be prepared to be their evening meal. Before putting him into the cooking pot, he was examined and the cannibals realized that the kings foot was injured. They decided to throw him back into the forests. It is the tradition for the cannibals not to eat anything that was in any way injured.It is true that everything in our lives happens for a purpose, and most often for our own good. If you think about it, all our past experiences actually happened to bring us to where we are today and make us a better person. So whatever challenges that we may face today, consider it happening to bring us to the next level.4. The second paragraph tells us that_. A. the advisor didnt have much useful adviceB. the king was always careless about everything C. the advisor was worried about the kingD. the king always asked for advice from the advisor5. When the advisor was put in prison, he remained_. A. calm B. nervous C. angry D. upset6. It can be inferred(推断)from the last paragraph that_. A. everything happens for their own reasonsB. it is good for us to think about experiences C. our life experiences are our best teacherD. challenges will make you do anything7. By telling the story, the writer_. A. tells us the danger of hunting B. asks us not to hunt any more C. wishes us to follow others advice D. wants us to think positivelyCAnyone can write a baby poem. And everyone enjoys reading them, young and old. Baby shower (婴儿洗礼) poems can have rhythm and rhyme, but they certainly dont have to. Poems can be either long or short, but short is probably best for your typical baby shower needs. You can add a little humor as well!The people who are most often touched by baby shower poems are those who have had children themselves. Sweet poems can remind them of the time when their little ones were still young. No one will appreciate them more than the family members themselves. If you are a creative writer or have a special talent for putting words together in a special way, then you should try writing your own baby shower poems. This would make a great gift idea as well.If you decide to write your own baby poems, even mon things can inspire you. Inspiration can be found anywhere. Look to your own memories from the past. What was special about your childhood? What special object have you treasured over the years? What words of wisdom (智慧) of advice could you pass on to the next generation? Look around the house and imagine a baby being there. What do you see, hear, or feel? Let those thoughts be the source of your best baby poems.When writing a baby poem, you do not have to write like Shakespeare, you just have to be sincere. Years later when the baby has grown, think of how special they will feel knowing the words were just for them.If you are not the creative type dont worry! There are lots of places online where you can look for poems saying just the things you want to say. Poems have been written on all subjects throughout the ages, and baby poems and baby shower poems are no exception. A quick search online doesnt have to take any time at all.8In the authors opinion, baby shower poems _.Aall have a little humor in themBare not suitable for adults to enjoyCdont have to have rhythm or rhymeDmust be short enough to meet babies needs9What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?AAdvice from famous poets on writing poems.BWords that can be used in baby poems.CDifferent ways of writing baby poems.DInspiration for writing baby poems.10According to Paragraph 4, a baby poem should sound _.Aencouraging Bsincere Cbeautiful Dinteresting11What would be the best title for the passage?AWrite baby poems to say whats on your heartBThe most beautiful poems in the worldCHow babies read poemsDHow poems inspire babiesDDue to climate changes, Arctic ice is breaking up earlier in the spring, and its area is decreasing. This is creating problems for polar bears that make their homes off northern Alaska and in Hudson Bay.Polar bears off Alaska normally hunt and raise their young on ice sheets that float on the ocean. But as the ice has melted, the polar bears have been forced to spend more time on land. There, they have begun to frequent beaches, feeding on the remains of whales caught by native hunters. For polar bears, this food is less nutritious than seals that they normally catch on ice sheets. The shrinking (减少) ice has also forced more polar bears into the ocean. In the past, they only had to swim short distances between ice sheets. But as the ice has shrunk, polar bears have been forced to swim longer and longer distances in the open ocean. This poses a severe danger during rough weather, and an increasing number of drowned polar bears have been observed.In Hudson Bay, the ice breaks up three weeks earlier in the spring now than it did 20 years ago. Polar bears on Hudson Bay fast (绝食) during the summer, waiting for ice to form in the fall to hunt. Every year, the summer gets longer, and the bears get skinnier. Over the past 25 years, the average weight of the female bears has dropped 68 kg. This loss affects their ability to reproduce, and already the number of births has dropped by 15 percent. Unless the bears can learn to survive these climate changes, these giants of the ice may one day disappear.12What is Arctic ice doing earlier each year?AIts freezing. BIts hardening.CIts melting. DIts expanding.13What is true of polar bears that are spending more time on land in Alaska?ATheir young are dying. BTheir diet is changing.CTheir health is improving. DTheir families are growing.14What does the writer imply about female polar bears in Hudson Bay?AThey are having fewer young now.BThey suffer from various sicknesses.CThey dont need stronger protection.DThey cant find enough good males.15In which publication would you most likely find this passage?AMedical News. BSociety Today.CWildlife Journal. DDesign Magazine.二、完形填空“Lend a hand to others if you can,” I often tell myself. One night I was 16 through a local neighborhood when I saw a little boy 17 at the roadside. He seemed to be 18 ,so I stopped my car to see if he needed any help. 19 I came up to him I found his eyes were filled with tears. Something 20 must have happened to him. I asked him why he was here 21 ,but he wouldnt say anything. When I 22 him to have some ice cream somewhere,he agreed to 23 my car.As we were 24 ,I kept asking where he 25 and offered to take him home. Finally he said,“No,please. She has been 26 to me.” I asked him if he lived with his parents,and was told that he ran away because he disliked his stepmother. He said that he wanted to 27 his mother,but she lived in Texas.We drove around for about an hour,never finding a(n) 28 ice cream store,and he still 29 to be taken home. Finally he told me the 30 of his best friend,so I took him there and gave him my phone number.A week later I got a(n) 31 from his friends parents,telling me that they had 32 cigarette burns on his arms and other cuts across his back. He ended up being 33 to his mother in Texas after a big court (法庭) battle. It gave me much 34 to have been able to play a part in helping him escape from the 35 world he had been living in.16Awalking Brunning Cdriving Dcycling17. Acrying Bplaying Creading Ddancing18. Ain action Bin danger Cin charge Din trouble19. AIf BWhen CSince DAlthough20Astrange Binteresting Cunpleasant Dunbelievable21Aalone Bagain Ctoo Dinstead22Aallowed Bordered Cwished Dinvited23Acheck Btake Crepair Dwash24Awatching Bpreparing Csearching Dwandering25Alived Bhid Cstood Dslept26Afriendly Bimpolite Cgenerous Dunkind27Alook after Bstay with Clearn from Dwait for28Alarge Bgreat Copen Dspecial29Arefused Bhoped Cagreed Dregretted30Aname Bidea Chobby Daddress31Aletter Bcall Cemail Dmessage32Amade Bfound Ccleaned Dtreated33Asent Bshown Ccarried Dintroduced34Ahonor Bwealth Cpleasure Dpain35Asmall Bquiet Cperfect Dcold第二卷一、语法填空(每空1.5分,总分15分)If youre invited to an American friends home for dinner, keep 36 mind these general rules for polite behavior.First of all, arrive approximately on time (but not early). 37 (America) expect promptness (准时)When youre invited to someones home for a meal, 38 is polite to bring a small gift. Flowers or candy are always appropriate. If you have a(n) 39 (attract) item made in your native country, your host or hostess would certainly enjoy 40 (receive) that as a gift.Wearing proper clothes and 41 beautiful smile is simply not enough. Table manners are also very important. Do not open your mouth to talk, unless you have swallowed your food. Also, chew food with your mouth 42 (close). When you want to get the food 43 is at a distance, do not stretch your hands to reach for it. Instead, ask for the food to be passed to you.Dont leave 44 (immediate) after dinner, but dont overstay your wele, either. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behavior as a cue (暗示) to leave. The next day, call or write a thankyou note 45 (say) how much you enjoyed the evening.二、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)46. More and more people cannot bear the _ (压力) of modern life.47According to the law, drivers who are drunk are _ (禁止) from driving.48Wherever you go, you can find this kind of _ (分布广的) plant.49To keep things move smoothly, they need a more _ (灵活的) policy.50They are thinking of ways to deal with air _ (污染). 51This activity helps _ (加强) memory and build trust.52You cant always _ (预测) a heavy rain or remember your umbrella.53Have you any _ (具体的) ways to deal with this difficult problem?54Barbara is in her late forties and has a _ (倾向) to plain about what she doesnt feel content with.55The message _ (传达) here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.”三、单句改错(1共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)56.Under the circumstance he felt unable to accept the job. 57On a whole, he was generous and honest, but sometimes he was mean.58Her son was addicted to smoke, which had a bad effect on his health. 59People from Latin American countries, on other hand, touch each other quite a lot. 60Many old men are opposed to cut down the 100yearold tree for rebuilding a shopping center. 61To our disappointed, it rained every day of the trip.62Nick attempted to swimming the distance between Florida and Cuba in 1978.63She often says that she feels like read books in her spare time.64. Take it easily, and you will be all right in a couple of days. 65. If I worked hard, I would have surely succeeded. 四、书面表达(25分)面对繁重的学业负担,很多学生出现了不同程度的心理和身体方面的不适。鉴于此种情况,中学生应该学会放松。假如你是中学生李华,请以“How to Relax Ourselves”为题写一篇文章给21世纪英语报投稿。内容包括:1为什么要学会自我放松;2自我放松的途径(如看电视、上网、体育锻炼、旅游等);3你更喜欢哪种自我放松方式及原因。注意:1词数100左右; 2文章开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:physical身体上的,mental心理上的How to Relax OurselvesFaced with heavy learning burdens, many of us students _.高二英语期末试题答案1、 阅读理解:15 D B D D A 610 C D C D B 1115 A C B A C 1620 C A D B C 2125 A D B C A 2630 D B C A D 3135 B B A C D2、 语法填空36.in 37.Americans 38.it 39.attractive 40.receiving 41.a 42.closed 43.that/which 44.immediately 45.to say3、 单词拼写46.stress 47.banned 48.widespread 49.flexible 50.pollution 51.strengthen 52.predict 53.concrete 54.tendency 55.conveyed4、 单句改错56.circumstancecircumstances 57.athe 58.smokesmoking 59.on后加the 60.cutcutting 61.disappointeddisappointment 62.swimmingswim 63.readreading 64.easilyeasy 65.worked 前加had5、 书面表达参考范文: How to Relax OurselvesFaced with heavy learning burdens, many of us students often feel tired both physically and mentally. If the situation continues, it will affect our life and study. Because of this, we are supposed to learn to relax ourselves. As you know, there are various ways to relax ourselves, such as watching TV, surfing the Internet and traveling.As for me, I prefer surfing the Internet in my spare time. For one thing, the Internet provides me with many activities for relaxation. Sometimes ,I play puter games to relax myself. For another, the Internet helps me make friends with people at home and abroad. Furthermore, the vivid pictures on the Internet can greatly refresh me when I feel tired.


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