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山东省日照市2019届高三英语5月校际联考试题(扫描版)2019届高三校际联考英语试题参考答案第一部分 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) 15 ABBCC 610 CACBA1115 BCCAC1620 ABABB 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21-25 BACCC 26-30 ADADB 31-35 BBADC第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)36-40 CDGAE第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41-45 BCCAD 46-50 ADBAC 51-55 DAADB 56-60 BCCBD第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. pletely 62. to help 63. were inserted 64. went/had gone 65. their66. stories 67. how 68. by 69. known 70. wisdom第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10处错误;每处1分,满分10分)I would like to have a smart robot that can do plenty of the things for me. For example, it can clean my room and make the bed, keeps everything in order. I hope it will be programmed to do homeworks without making keeping homeworkmistakes. In that way, I can turn to it wherever I need help with my study. Beside, it can take care of my little whenever Besidesbrother, who often bothered me much. Then I can have more free time to do what Im fond. It doesnt matter bothers ofmuch whether it is shaped like, but it must be able to municate with me and understand its feelings. How what mywonderfully life will bee with such a magic robot!wonderful第二节 书面表达One Possible Version:Dear Chris,Im happy to hear from you.As you know, in order to improve the teaching and learning environment, our school has started an activity called “Building the most beautiful campus”. Im very glad to tell you something about it. All the teachers andstudentsin our school are taking an active part in the activity. Not only are we busy cleaning our school, but we have done colorful wallnewspapers. Whats more, we arerequiredtoconductourselves in good manners, acting politely, being helpful and getting on well with each other.Im sure a better learning and living campus will certainly contribute a lot to our studies. Yours, Li Hua 听力原文:Text 1M: When did you learn to draw like that? Did you take lessons when you were a kid?W: No, I learned it in college during the summer. I thought about taking an art class in high school, but at the time I was too busy to handle many lessons.Text 2M: Can you hand me that pen? This one doesnt work anymore.W: I didnt remember to bring an extra one. Here, you can use my pencil, but you need to sharpen it first. Text 3M: Jenny! I wasnt expecting you at this time. I thought you werent getting to the party until after 7:00. W: Yeah, I didnt have to work overtime tonight. My boss actually let me off when he said he would. Who could have guessed?Text 4 W: I will never go anywhere with Bill ever again. He can never remember where he parks his car.M: That certainly sounds like Bill. Text 5W: Heres ten dollars. Ill pick you up in thirty minutes at the front of the mall. Find a nice gift for your friends birthday.M: Aw, Mom! Cant I have twenty? Text 6 M: Will you plug this in Oh, wait a secondlet me just look at this message.W: Youre always looking at messages on your phone! How many messaging apps do you have, David? M: Four? Five? Maybe six by nowW: If you have an average of 10 people on each of those six social networks who send you messages every day, thats at least 60 conversations! Lets say you spend as little as one minute on each conversation Thats a whole hour! But you would probably spend two or three times that much for each person What a waste of time!M: Calm down, Maggie. Its my mother. Were making plans for the weekend. Shes one of the five people I regularly text. Text 7 M: Where are my glasses? I cant find them. W: Thats a problem. You need glasses to help you find things, but what do you use when you need to find your glasses? M: I should have some in a brighter color yellow or blue maybe then I could find them easily. Brown is too dark. W: You should buy one of those strings so you can wear them round your neck when you dont have them on.M: I dont like them. They make me look old. Im only 28 almost too young to be married!W: Well, if your colleagues see you wandering around looking for your glasses, they might assume you are far older.M: Yes. Tomorrow Ill get one of those strings from Whats the place where they sell glasses?W: Are you losing your memory as well?Text 8W: Hello, Bruce. I havent seen you this past autumn. M: I know. My parents put me in a private school. W: What do you think so far?M: The school is really nice.W: I heard that you cant wear the clothes you want. Is that true? M: Yeah. We have to wear a dress shirt, a tie, and dress pants every day. W: Really?M: Yeah, but there are other cool things. They dont take away our phones, and we are all getting our own personal puters when the spring es. W: That does sound cool! Do you have much homework for the holiday? M: I just pleted a book report, but I have a quiz on Africa when I get back. How about you? W: All I have to do is read some chapters from my science textbook. M: Since we both arent busy, why dont we plan to meet up for a cup of coffee?W: Id love to. It will give us a chance to catch up.M: Yeah, and it will give me a chance to wear something other than a uniform!Text 9 M: Hey, Alice. Im sorry I am late. W: Dont worry about it. Did you have trouble finding a spot to park?M: Actually, that wasnt the problem. I left early enough to avoid the traffic, but I couldnt get across the bridge.W: Whats happening on the bridge?M: I couldnt tell. I just saw the road signs, so I turned around and took the long way here. W: Well, it looks like we missed the worst of the weather. It was pouring this morning. M: Thats good. I can see the sky is clearing up and the wind has stopped. What are those tents for?W: Theyre for the food fair. It will close soon, so youd better get over there if you want to eat. Unfortunately, you came a bit late for the music. M: So what is this event all about, anyway?W: Its just a munity festival we have every year. All the food, entertainment and activities represent the many cultures in our city.M: Cool. Whats happening across the street at the stadium? I saw that the local TV stations are all set up there.W: Thats where all the dancing and sports events will take place. This area is for families. I saved us this spot on the grass here. M: That sounds fun. Ill go grab something at the tents, and then meet you back here.Text 10Jin Yong, the famous Chinese novelist, wrote 15 books about martial arts. He is considered to be one of the three greatest wuxia writers and Hong Kongs most famous writer. Jin was the best-selling Chinese author of all time, with over 300 million copies of his works sold worldwide. Jin was born in Zhejiang Province, the second of seven children. Even as a boy, Jin enjoyed writing. He was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages at the Central University of Political Affairs in Chongqing, but he left to study international law at Soochow University. Jin was planning to have a career in the foreign service, but in 1955, he began writing his first martial arts novel, The Book and the Sword. In 1957, while still working on wuxia novels, Jin got a job writing movie scripts at Great Wall Movie Enterprises Ltd. and Phoenix Film pany. In 1959, Jin co-founded the Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao with a high school classmate. Many of Jins most famous wuxia novels appeared in the newspaper, including The Smiling, Proud Wanderer and The Deer and the Cauldron. Jin Yong fused martial arts, fantasy, history and romance into must-read novels. Many years after he had stopped writing novels, Jin earned his Doctor of Philosophy from Cambridge University in 2010.

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