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2018-2019学年高一英语12月月考试题A第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where did the woman have lunch?A. At her house. B. At a caf. C. On the riverbank.2. What will the man do?A. Book a restaurant. B. Have a rest. C. Send out invitations. 3. What time is it now?A. 4:00. B. 3:30. C. 3:10.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Their university days. B. A football match. C. A person.5. What homework is the boy doing?A. English. B. Science. C. Math.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What will the woman have to do tomorrow?A. Write a paper. B. Hand in her paper. C. Repair the mans puter.7. What is the woman most likely to be?A. A puter programmer. B. A secretary. C. A student.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How did the man feel about his trip?A. Pleased. B. Excited. C. Frightened.9. What happened to the man in the wildlife park?A. He ran into a tree. B. He was attacked by a lion.C. He was run after by a lion听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where is the man?A. In Chicago. B. In New York. C. In Los Angeles.11. How will the woman go to meet the man from the airport?A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bus.12. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Book a hotel for her.B. Talk to the salespeople and customers.C. Spend some time with her in the center of the city.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why did the woman go to China?A. To do business. B. To learn Chinese. C. To get experience on tourism.14. Who could the woman probably be?A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A tour guide.15. Where is the woman now?A. In Australia. B. In America. C. In Canada.16. What can we learn about the woman?A. She learned a lot in China.B. She had been in China for a year.C. She worked as a hotel manager in China.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What did people use to think of the statue of Bronze Horseman?A. Beautiful. B. Famous. C. Important.18. How many people can St. Isaacs Cathedral hold at most?A. 14,000. B.4,000. C. 1,703.19. What is special about the Winter Palace?A. It is a museum actually.B. It houses a great art collection.C. It allows people to have a great view.20. What is the talk mainly about?A. An ancient Russian ruler. B. Some historical places of interest in Europe.C. The city of St. Petersburg.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWe offer a full range of services to make your IKEA experience more plete:Old Kitchen Removing ServiceAre you going to buy a brand-new kitchen in IKEA? So how to deal with your old kitchen at home?Dont worry! IKEA is now providing professional dismantling and removing service for old kitchen to you.By this service you can have your new kitchen at home easily.(For service detail and charge please go to the staff of kitchen department.)Transport ServiceNeed a way to get your new home-furnishings home? You can rent a transport or hire us to deliver it for you.Just talk to our Customer Service department for details.Return PolicyAs long as the items are undamaged, unassembled(未组装的)and unused, you could return them intheir original package within 60 days (IKEA FAMILY member within 180 days) together with your original receipt/invoice (bank card POS receipt is needed if you have paid this way), we will refund you the same way as you have paid.Sorry, we cannot accept exchange or return of food, plants, liquid bathing products, AS-IS products,customized products, kitchen electrical appliance and all products that have already been cut, sewed orpainted.“The exchange and return policy above applies only to the products purchased from IKEA stores in mainland China”IKEA Restaurant/CafThe restaurant/caf serves both classic Swedish dishes and local favorites, and is one of the most popular areas of the whole IKEA store. Shopping at IKEA is fun and offers great value, but can also be hard work, so stop by and treat yourself to a refreshing drink and a bite to eat.21.Accordingtothecluethemeaningoftheunderlinedword“dismantling”shouldbe.A. takingapart B. makingup C. pickingup D. leavingoff22. WhatcanwelearnfromReturnPolicy?A. Anyproductboughtcanbereturnediftheyareundamaged.B. Thestorepaybackyourmoneyincashwhateverwayyouuse.C. Thevalidtimeforreturnserviceiswithin180days.D. ThereturnserviceonlygoesforIKEAstoresinmainlandChina.23. WhichofthefollowingisNOTmentionedinthepassage?A. Yournewkitchenisavailableinaneasyway.B. Thefurniturecanbetransportedtoyourhouse.C. Theyhaveflexiblepaymentchoices.D. YoucanenjoydeliciousfoodinIKEA.24.Thepassageisprobablytakenfrom.A. aguide B. atravelbook C. anewspaper D. amagazineBYour DNS cache (域名存储器) stores the locations (IP addresses) of web servers that contain web pages which you have recently viewed. If the location of the web server changes before the entry in your DNS cache updates, you can no longer access the site.If you encounter a large number of HTML 404 error codes, you may need to clear your DNS cache. After you clear your DNS cache, your puter will query(询问) nameservers (域名服务器) for the new DNS information. The following methods allow you to remove old and inaccurate DNSinformation that may result in 404 errors.Windows7ToclearyourDNScacheifyouuseWindows7,performthefollowingsteps:ClickStart.EntercmdintheStartmenusearchtextbox.Right-clickmandPromptandselectRunasAdministrator.Runthefollowingmand:Ipconfig/flushdnsIf the mand succeeds, the system returns the following message: Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.Windows8ToclearyourDNScacheifyouuseWindows8,performthefollowingsteps:OnyourkeyboardpressWin+XtoopentheWinXMenu.Right-clickmandPromptandselectRunasAdministrator.Runthefollowingmand:Ipconfig/flushdnsIf the mand succeeds, the system returns the following message:Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.WindowsXP,xx,orVistaToclearyourDNScacheifyouuseWindowsXP,xx,orVista,performthefollowingsteps:ClickStart.OntheStartmenu,clickRun.IfyoudonotseetheRunmandinVista,enterrunintheSearchbar.Runthefollowingmand:ipconfig/flushdnsIf the mand succeeds, the system returns the following message: Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.MacOS10.10.4andaboveToclearyourDNScacheifyouuseMacOSXversion10.10.4orabove,performthefollowingsteps:ClickApplications.ClickUtilities.ClickTerminal.Runthefollowingmand:sudokillall-HUPmDNSRespondeIfthemandsucceeds,thesystemdoesnotreturnanyoutput(输出信息).Warning:Torunthismand,youmustknowtheputersadministratoraccountpassword.25. Ifthemandsucceeds,allthefollowingsystemsreturnamassageexcept.A. Windows8 B. Windows7C. WindowsXP,xx,orVista D. MacOS10.10.4andabove26.What isthemainpurposeofwritingthepassage?A. Tointroducesomethingaboutseveralsystemsonputer.B. Toexplainhowtosolvesomeprobleminseveralsystemsonputer.C. Toexplainhowtoaccesssomesitesinseveralputersystems.D. ToexplainhowtoinstallDNScacheinseveralputersystems.27.WhichofthefollowingistrueaboutDNScacheaccordingtothetext?A. DNScachestorestheIPaddressesofwebservers.B. DNScacheneedstobecleared,ifyoumeetalargenumberoferrorcodes.C. DNSinformationmayresultin404errors.D. UnlesstheentryinyourDNScacheupdates,thelocationofthewebserverwontchange.CIt was Sunday, so Dad and I were at the second-hand goods market, looking for tools, appliances(家用电器), and other things that needed cleaning.Some were broken; others, like silver cups, just needed to be cleaned and polished.It was 1974, and the Depression(经济大萧条) was very serious.Dad worked full-time at a factory, but the money wasnt enough.Dad had tried a second job for a while, but he found it was too hard on the family.One day, he had an excellent idea that set me on a lifelong course of making money to support myself.Standing beside a crowded table at the second-hand goods market, I looked over an ancient manual sewing machine.Someone had changed it to run on electric power.It was much older than Moms machine, but it looked like it had quality and a long life built into it.“Dad!” I called.“This is a beauty!”Dad walked over, pulling a cart full of audio equipment, tools, worn-out appliances, and what appeared to be a block of dull kitchen knife.“What have you got, Son?” I described what I saw and what I figured I could do to x the beauty up.Dad paid for my discovery, and we headed home.Every day after school I worked on the ancient machine, and every night Dad and I sharpened tools and knives, sanded off rust, polished metal, and replaced missing parts from various items.The next Saturday we headed off, as we did every weekend, to that same market, where we sold the treasures wed purchased the week beforeat a tidy profit.My antique beauty brought in more money than anything else, and Dad let me keep every penny.Dads gone now, but I can never thank him enough.Even if we hadnt needed the extra money Dad and I brought in, I wouldnt have traded those weekends for all the picnics or Little League games in St.Louisnot in a million years.28.Dadsgoodideawas.A. gettingasecondjobforawhileB. havinghissongetanafter-schooljobC. savingmoneybybuyingonlyuseditemsD. buyingthingsandfixingthemupforresale29.Whydidtheauthorwanttobuytheoldsewingmachine?A. Hewantedtochangeitintoanelectricmachine.B. HethoughtitwaslikehisMomsmachine.C. Hethoughtitwasofgoodquality.D. Hewantedtopracticehisrepairskills.30.Wecaninferthattheauthorthankshisfathermostfor.A. lettinghimshopatmarketsB. helpinghimchoosetreasuresC. allowinghimtokeepmoneybyhimselfD. teachinghimalessonofself-support31.Whatwouldbethebesttitleforthetext?A. WeekendsattheSecond-handGoodsMarketB. AnExpensiveSewingMachineC. AnAccidentDiscoveryD. JobsduringtheEconomicDepressionDMany Chinese people have awakened their interest in classical Chinese poetry recently thanks to a popular TV show that aims to “appreciate classical Chinese poetry, explore cultural genes and enjoy the beauty of life” by bining traditional literary form with light-hearted TV quizzes.The ten-episode “Chinese Poetry petition”,since its broadcast, has been praised for injecting vitality(活力) into TV programs with fantastic performances of contestants, impressive ments from judges as well as its innovative interactive mode. In the show, poems can be adapted into songs or depicted(描绘) through artistic pictures. Any contestant who can memorize the largest number of poems may not necessarily be the final winner, while fast reaction and usage of poems matter a lot more in the petition.Wu Yishu, a 16-year-old student from the High School Attached to Fudan University in Shanghai, is the champion of this season. Her rich knowledge of classical poetry impressed everyone and she rose to bee famous online. In an earlier episode, Wu wowed the audience when performing in a section. She amazingly recited lines from the Classic of Poetry(诗经), the earliest collection of poems in China.“Learning poems isnt about winning or losing. The power of poetry lies in shaping ones view of life and developing ones inner world,” said Li Bo, an expert guest at the Chinese Poetry petitions second season.When it es to teaching people about poetry, Li Dingguang, the shows academic advisor, suggested that teachers should explain more about the beauty of the poetry from both the aesthetic(审美的) and emotional sides, and guide students to lose themselves in the poems rhythmic and rhyming(押韵的) lines.“Although the proportion(比例) of ancient Chinese poems in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased, many students still learn them for exams,” Li Dingguang said.“Therefore, its important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry.”32. TheTVshowhasbeenproducedto.A. appreciateclassicalChinesepoetryandcherishourtraditionalcultureB. shapepeoplesviewoflifeanddeveloptheirinnerworldC. helpstudentslearnpoemsforexamsD. exploreculturalgenesandenjoyclassicalChinesepoetryandlife33. WhatdoweknowabouttheTVshow?A. Onlybymemorizingasmanypoemsaspossiblecanacontestantwinthequiz.B. Poemscanbeadaptedintoanyformofartintheshow.C. TheTVshowhasarousedpeoplesinterestinclassicalChinesepoetry.D. Fantasticperformancesofcontestantsmattermost.34. WhichofthefollowingmayLiDingguangagreewith?A. Thebeautyofthepoetryshouldbeexplainedmorefromtheaestheticandemotionalsides.B. Studentsshouldmemorizethepoemsrhythmicandrhyminglines.C. Themaindutyofteachersistohelpstudentstrulyappreciatetheartistryandfunofpoetry.D.TherewillbemoreandmoreancientChinesepoemsinthetextbooksofprimaryandsecondaryschools.35. Theunderlinedword“wowed”inthethirdparagraphprobablymeans.A. excited B. impressed C. puzzled D. inspired第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Just like other vitamins and minerals, vitamin D plays a key role in many important body functions.36Not getting enough vitamin D can lead to weak bones, muscle weakness, and even cancer.Besides getting 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure each day, consider including the following foods into your meal plan to help your vitamin D intake. Dairy products37 Cow milk provides your body with about 50% of your vitamin D daily requirements.Apart from milk, consider having cheese, butter, yogurt, and buttermilk.Look for low-fat versions if you are on a diet. EggsEggs are a superfood.38 They contain lots of protein, vitamin A,vitamin B12, vitamin B6, calcium and vitamin D.One egg provides your body with 11% of your daily remended value of vitamin D.Isnt it a reason for having some eggs for breakfast or lunch? Caviar(鱼子酱).Caviar contains vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and protein. If you are a big caviar fan, why not make it a part of your weekly meal plan? There are many ways to eat caviar.39 At the same time, avoid buying fake caviar. Lacking vitamin D is a big problem these days since we tend to spend more time in the offices during the day.40 Include these three foods in your meal plan to make sure your vitamin D intake is not low. A.Eatyourmealswithenoughvitamins.B.Butmakesureyoudonotboilorbakeit.C.CowsmilkisanexcellentproviderofvitaminD.D.Thatisthemainreasonwhywelackvitamins.E.Thisisbecausetheycontainsomanyvitaminsandminerals.F.Wheneverpossible,trytowalkoutdoorstogetyourvitaminD.G.WeneedtomeetourvitaminDneedstoavoidserioushealthissues.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Christmas 1940 makes me misty-eyed every time I think about it. In the hard times, people 41 one another. We 42 food, clothing, bedding and household items and gave them to the needy. That Christmas we students found ourselves 43 toys we collected and loading packages for 44.As we presented the gifts, we saw 45 in many faces, especially those of the children. We had a few more 46 to make on Christmas morning. The air was heavy and frozen to the bone. For several hours, we knocked on doors. But as the cold hours passed, our 47 gradually faded. When we 48 headed home, someone 49 a small house down a canal bank. None of us knew who lived there, 50 we wondered if there were 51.We still had a doll, two trucks, some small toys, chocolate Santas and a box of groceries. We decided to make one last visit. When we knocked on the door, a young woman answered it, looking at us 52.Three small children watched from behind her skirta little girl of about 2, and boys perhaps 4 and 5 years old. “Merry Christmas,” we 53 as we bent down and handed the gift-wrapped packages to the children and the box of groceries to the 54, whose eyes widened 55.She slowly smiled, then quickly said, “e in.” The room was 56 as the children looked at their mother, wondering if the gifts were really for them. The little girl 57 her doll, and the boys grasped the trucks as they sought a(an) 58.She put her arms 59 them and said in a 60 voice, “I told you Santa Claus would e.”41. A. escapedfromB. struggledagainstC. petedwithD. dependedon42. A. boughtB. borrowed C. collectedD. begged43. A. wrappingB. cleaningC. makingD. sending44. A. saleB. deliveryC. memoryD. production45. A. fear B. envyC. sadnessD. joy46. A. toys B. callsC. visitsD. promise47. A. painB. loveC. strengthD. passion48. A. finallyB. graduallyC. happilyD. worriedly49. A. arrivedatB. lookedforC. pointedtoD. shoutedto50. A. andB. butC. soD. for51. A. guestsB. giftsC. adultsD. children52. A. eagerlyB. questioninglyC. anxiouslyD. calmly53. A. whisperedB. criedC. greetedD. added54. A. fatherB. motherC. sonD. daughter55. A. withamazementB. withreliefC. inhorrorD. insorrow56. A. emptyB. silentC. noisyD. tidy57. A. huggedB. hidC. droppedD. hit58. A. suggestionB. answerC. boxD. place59. A. behindB. beforeC. overD. around60. A. surprisedB. familiarC. chokedD. loud第二节 语法填空:(共10题;每题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。OverthepastyearsStarbuckscoffee61(bee)acoffeechainstore.Thecafesdontsellcoffee;theysell62veryatmosphere. Theyoffercustomerstheperfectatmosphere63whichtotaketimeoutandrelax.Everysinglestorethroughouttheworldisfurnishedinaromanticstyleand64(special)meanttobecozy,privateandquiet:earth-toned(褐色调)space,fancywallpaper,lovelypaintings,65(amaze)backgroundandirresistiblecoffeesmellThemostfantasticdecorationstyleaboutStarbucks66(design)withoversizedchairsandtablesoutsidethestore.When67estoasunnyafternoon,Ilovetotakeaseatoutside,68(bathe)intheafternoonsunshine,andlisteningtothelovelymusic69tastingthemostterrificCappuccino.ThisisexactlywhatIloveinheretheStarbucks!ThisisthecafeIlovenotmerelybecauseofthecafeitself,butalsobecauseofthe70(feel)itbringsme.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单词填空(共10小题、每小题1分、满分10分)71. The book, which is_(设计) for children under 5 years old, must be simple and colorful.72. The job gave her a chance to get_(宝贵的) experience.73. The local government should not ignore its _(责任) or turn a blind eye to the problem.74. More than 1,000_(参赛者) took part in the Marathon.75. Im happy that my 80-year-old grandma has learned how to _(下载)from the Internet.76. The librarian asked me to r_ the book on the shelf after reading.77. Do you know how many a_ from around the world peted in the xx Olympics Games


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