2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 选修7 Unit 21 Human Biology学案(含解析)北师大版.doc

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Unit 21 Human Biology一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效 .阅读单词(知其意)1interval n间隔;间歇2enhance vt. 增强;提高3supreme adj. (程度)最大的,极度的4pulsory adj. 强制性的,义务的5controversial adj. 有争议的6contradict vt. 与(其他事物)相矛盾7interpret vt. 翻译;解释8impulse n. 脉冲9plicated adj. 复杂的10ample adj. 充足的,充裕的11storage n. 储存12acute adj. 严重的;剧烈的13statistics n. 统计资料;统计数字14adaptation n. 变化;变种15mourn vi.& vt. 感到悲痛;表示哀悼16prescription n. 处方17systematic adj. 系统化的18temporary adj. 临时的;短暂的19terminal adj. 致命的;晚期的20minimum n. 最低;最小21.extension n延期22sceptical adj. 怀疑的23absurd adj. 荒谬的;不合理的.重点单词(写其形)1circulate vi.循环2digest vt. 消化3abuse vt. 滥用4fundamental adj. 根本的;基础的5seek vt. 寻找6submit vt. 提交7postpone vt. 延期,推迟,延迟8identify vt. 确定;认出,识别9symptom n. 症状;征兆10weekly adj. 每周一次的11decline vi. 下降12firm n. 商行,公司13rate n. 比率14deadline n. 截止日期,最后日期15vote vi. 表决16circumstance n. 情形;情况 .拓展单词(通其变)1tolerate vt.容忍tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的tolerance n容忍2oppose vt.反对opposite adj.相反的;反对的opposition n相反opposed adj.相反的,对立的3privileged adj.荣幸的privilege n特权;优惠,优待4enquiry n询问enquire v询问,调查5prohibit vt.禁止prohibition n禁止;禁令prohibitive adj.禁止的6unite vt.联合;团结;统一union n团结united adj.团结的7equip vt.使有准备equipment n装备;设备8fortune n大笔钱财,巨款fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunate adj.不幸的misfortune n不幸9concern n担心;担忧concerned adj.关心的,牵挂的;有关的concerning prep.关于10annual adj.每年的,一年一次的,年度的annually adv.一年一次地,每年地,年度地语境活用1Tom is often fortunate. Last year he went to Shanghai to try his fortune. Fortunately he met and married his girlfriend there.(fortune) 2I admire you for your tolerance,_ because you can tolerate things which cant be tolerant.(tolerate)3Our parents are concerned about our health and future.As far as Im concerned,_we should talk with our parents and tell them our concerns.(concern)4As a famous saying goes, union is strength. If united,_ we can overe all the difficulties, so lets unite together.(unite)5We oppose building a chemical factory near our village, which will cause much air pollution. Luckily, because of our opposition,_the factory wont be built.(oppose)6Our school offers good equipment and you will be well equipped with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)7If you want to join our club, theres an annual membership fee of 100 and the organization publishes its list of member annually. (annual)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.in_vain 徒劳,白费力气2at_random 随便地,随意地3at_all_costs 不管多大代价,无论如何4straight_away 立刻,马上5wipe_out 彻底毁灭6stop_sth._in_its_tracks 终止;消灭7rob_sb.of_sth. 抢劫某人某物8at_any_rate 无论如何;至少9get_down_to 开始做10bring_up 教育;抚养;呕吐11get_through 通过(考试);完成12clear_up 整理;解释;澄清13put_off 推迟;延期14miss_out 遗漏;遗忘;错过机会15focus_on 聚焦;集中;对准1.The people for the experiment were chosen pletely at_random.2We must at_all_costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.3I have tried very hard to find out a solution to the problem, but in_vain.4At_any_rate,_the medical supplies will reach you within a week.5Its not an easy task for you to bring_up a small child on your own.6Had the boy worked harder, he would have got_through the exams.7They have decided to put_off holding the meeting because of the bad weather.8Its time that I got_down_to thinking about my future.9I cant focus my attention on study with so much noise outside.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.It is pulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested at random.获胜者要强制性地进行检查,而其他参与者只是随机地检查。“It isadj. for sb.to do .”句型。(2017全国卷书面表达)你通晓中国文化是有必要的。Its_necessary_for_you_to_have a good knowledge of Chinese culture.2.The Olympic spirit the spirit of petition which emphasises taking part rather than winning has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.人们不惜任何代价想要获胜的愿望违背了重在参与而不是获胜的奥林匹克精神。rather than并列连词,表示“而不是”。作为学生,我们应当通过努力学习而非考试作弊来取得好成绩。As students, we should try to get good results by studying hard rather_than_cheating_in_exams.3.Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history.西班牙流感在18个月内使多达5千万人丧命,并且发病的倾向为年轻力壮的年轻人而不是老年人,它被认为是历史上最严重的流行性传染病。“sb./sth.be believed to .”意为“某人或某物被认为”。他被认为是健在的好的作曲家之一。He_is_believed_to_be one of the best living posers.二、课堂重点深化1postpone vt.推迟,延期自主体验单句语法填空The military training for the freshmen in the new term was postponed until/to the next Sunday because of the bad weather.The headmaster postponed holding (hold) the meeting until all teachers arrived at the meeting room.系统归纳postpone doing sth. 延缓/推迟做某事postpone sth.until/to . 把某事推迟到重点强化易错处处防He decided to postpone to delivering the lecture, owing to his bad health. 去掉第二个to佳句时时写(2018全国卷书面表达)首先,你最好准时到达而不要推迟到达,因为在中国守时是礼貌的。First_of_all,_youd_better_arrive_on_time_instead_of_postponing_arriving_because_it_is_polite_to_be_punctual_in_China.2oppose vt.&vi.反对;反抗自主体验单句语法填空All people present are opposed to working (work) extra hours on Sunday.We oppose using (use) this unusual technique to clone humans.She turned and walked off in the opposite (oppose) direction.一句多译我反对修改这个方案,因为它是可行的。I oppose_correcting_the_plan for it is practicable.(oppose)I am_opposed_to_correcting_the_plan for it is practicable.(opposed)I object_to_correcting_the_plan for it is practicable.(object)I am_against_correcting_the_plan for it is practicable.(against)系统归纳(1)oppose (sb.s) doing sth. 反对(某人)做某事(2)opposed adj. 相反的;对立的be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事;与(做)某事对立opposite adj. 对立的,在对面的prep. 在的对面重点强化易错处处防I am opposed to go shopping on Sundays for it is too crowded.gogoing佳句时时写(2015浙江高考书面表达)当我的想法与其他人的想法对立时,我选择尊重大多数人的意见。When_my_idea_is_opposed_to_others,_I_choose_to_respect_the_opinion_of_the_majority.名师指津opposeobject tobe against“反对”;oppose后跟动词时要用动词ing形式。be opposed to结构中,to是介词,其后也要用动词ing形式。3prohibit vt.禁止,阻止自主体验单句语法填空The environment group is demanding a plete prohibition (prohibit) against setting off fireworks in the Spring Festival.His small size prohibits his being (bee) a policeman.There is a prohibition on/against tobacco advertising in newspapers and magazines.句型转换Some people think that its necessary to prevent/stop/keep people from smoking in public places.Some people think that its necessary to prohibit peoples smoking in public places.Some people think that its necessary to prohibit people from smoking in public places.系统归纳(1)prohibit (doing) sth. 禁止(做)某事 禁止某人做某事(2)prohibition n. 禁止;禁令a prohibition against/on . 的禁令重点强化易错处处防The soldiers were prohibited from leave camp after dark.leaveleaving佳句时时写(2014江苏高考书面表达)事实上,中国人从来没有禁止从其他语言中提取词汇,比如日语中的“ganbu”或“minzhu”。In_fact,_Chinese_has_never_prohibited_taking_words_from_other_languages,_for_example,_“ganbu”_or_“minzhu”_from_Japanese.联想发散“禁止/阻止某人做某事”表达法荟萃:discourage sb. from doing sth.ban sb. from (doing) sth.prevent sb. (from) doing sth.forbid sb. (from) doing sth.keep sb. from doing sth.stop sb. (from) doing sth.4tolerate vt.忍受,容忍自主体验单句语法填空As a teacher, you need to show tolerance towards your students carelessness in study.I couldnt tolerate being_interrupted (interrupt) when I was editing my book.We must learn to be tolerant of different cultures especially when we live in a multicultural society.一句多译我不能容忍被嘲笑。I_cant_tolerate_being_made_fun_of.(tolerate)I_cant_bear/stand_being_made_fun_of.(bear/stand)I_cant_put_up_with_being_made_fun_of.(put up with)系统归纳(1)tolerate (doing) sth. 容忍/容许(做)某事(2)tolerant adj. 容忍的;宽容的be tolerant of 对宽容;容忍(3)tolerance n. 容忍 show tolerance towards sb. 容忍某人重点强化易错处处防The school cant tolerate cheat in exams.cheatcheating佳句时时写(2014江苏高考书面表达)随着英语学习者数量的增加,我们应该对我们语言中出现的不同词汇保持宽容。As_the_number_of_English_learners_is_on_the_rise,_we_should_be_tolerant_of_different_words_in_our_language.联想发散表示“容忍,忍受”的单词或短语还有:bear, stand, put up with等。5submit vt.提交;递交vi.服从,屈服自主体验完成句子The heroic people will never submit_to foreign rule.英雄的人民决不会屈服于外国的统治。You must submit_yourself_to the traffic rules when driving.开车时你必须遵守交通规则。I will submit_my_reports_to you as soon as possible.我会尽快把报告提交给你。系统归纳submit to 服从于;屈从于submit sb./oneself to 使某人/自己甘受;服从submit .to . 向提交重点强化易错处处防Well submit the judgement of the court.submit后加_to佳句时时写(2014辽宁高考书面表达)除了出色的创意之外,你还需要向学生会提交一份报告,解释你是如何想到这个点子的,以及你使用了哪些材料。Along_with_your_wonderful_innovation,_you_need_to_submit_a_report_to_the_Student_Union,_explaining_how_the_idea_occurs_to_you_and_what_materials_you_use.6seek (sought,sought) vt.寻找,寻求;追求;探求,探索;试图自主体验单句语法填空Half an hour later, he sought out his favorite toy in the basket, which made him very happy.He sought to_climb (climb) over the fence, but failed.The foreigners have sought help from the local government.完成句子If you want to_seek_for/after_success,_you must work hard.如果你想追求成功,就必须努力工作。He told us that he was going to Beijing to_seek_his_fortune.他告诉我们他要到北京碰碰运气。系统归纳seek sth.from sb. 向某人请求/寻求某物seek (after/for) sb./sth. 追求/寻找某人/某物seek ones fortune 找出路;碰运气seek out 找出;寻出seek to do sth. 试图做某事重点强化易错处处防You should seek advice for your lawyer on this matter.forfrom佳句时时写(2014广东高考书面表达)为了理解不同文化中成功生活的意义,理查德从2011年开始在世界各地寻找同年同月同日生的人。In_order_to_understand_the_meaning_of_successful_life_in_different_cultures,_Richard,_from_2011,_began_to_seek_after/for_time_twins_around_the_world.7equip vt.使有准备;配备;装备自主体验单句语法填空My father always reminds me to equip myself for the future.Please equip yourself with a pencil and a rubber for the exam.His work experience equipped him to_deal (deal) with all kinds of people.Our school is equipped with much advanced equipment bought from abroad.(equip)系统归纳(1)equip .with . 用装备equip .for sth./to do sth. 为(做)某事而装备be equipped for/to do sth. 为(做)某事装备好;做好准备equip sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事(2)equipment nU 装备,设备重点强化易错处处防In addition, they spend money on fishing equipments, fuel and boat repairs.equipmentsequipment佳句时时写(2018全国卷书面表达)此外,由于我们学校配备了各种设施,各种各样的体育活动才能够得以举办。Moreover,_with_all_kinds_of_facilities_equipped_in_our_school,_a_wide_range_of_sports_activities_are_able_to_be_held.8decline vi.&vt.下降;谢绝 n下降;衰退自主体验写出下列句中decline的词性和含义I invited her to my wedding, but she declined my invitation. vt.谢绝The pany reported a small decline in its profits. n.下降As is known to us all, industry in Britain has been on the decline since the 1970s. n.衰退单句语法填空There has been a sharp decline in/of the amounts of sale this year.The number of population in the poor country has declined by 10 percent during the past 10 years.Though I had difficulty walking back to my classroom, I still declined to_accept_(accept) the help of my classmates. 完成句子His health fell_into_a_decline after he was injured in the accident.在事故中受伤后,他的健康状况每况愈下。Theres a widelyheld belief that educational standards have_been_on_the decline/in decline_in the past few years.许多人普遍认为过去几年教育水平下降了。系统归纳(1)decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事decline to 下降/减少到decline by 下降/减少了(2)a decline in/of sth. 在某方面减少/下降in decline 下降on the decline 走下坡路,在衰退中fall/go into (a) decline 开始衰落,陷入衰退重点强化易错处处防The unemployment rate declined to 4 percent last month. toby佳句时时写(2017江苏高考书面表达)然而,去年中国的经济增长率有所下降。However,_China_saw_a_decline_in_its_economic_growth_rate_last_year.9fortune n财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气自主体验单句语法填空It was fortunate (fortune) enough that he found his lost wallet at last.What a difficult test! Fortunately (fortunate) I had worked hard, otherwise I would have failed.She was fortunate enough to_find (find) a job as soon as she graduated from the university.完成句子Many young people want to live in big cities to seek/try_their_fortune.许多年轻人想在大城市里寻找出路。He made_a_fortune in the gold fields of South Africa.他在南非的金矿里发了财。系统归纳(1)seek/try ones fortune 找出路;碰运气make a fortune 发财(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(lucky)be fortunate to do sth. 有幸做某事(3)fortunately adv. 幸 运地(luckily)重点强化易错处处防Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making fortune without hard work.making_后加a佳句时时写(2014湖北高考书面表达)幸运的是,她受伤不严重,我们把她送到了最近的医院。Fortunately,_she_was_not_badly_injured_and_we_sent_her_to_the_nearest_hospital.1at any rate无论如何;不管怎样;反正,至少自主体验完成句子You should make an adjustment about your behaviors at_any_rate.你至少应该对你的行为作出调整。At_this_rate,_we wont make it to the destination before 5 oclock.照此情形,5点之前我们是不能到达目的地的。The driver was driving at_the/a_rate_of 100 kilometres an hour on the free way.司机在高速公路上以每小时100公里的速度开车。系统归纳at this/that rate 照此情形;如此下去at the/a rate of 以的速度或比率;以的价格重点强化易错处处防You should read one of the English articles every day with any rate. withat佳句时时写(2014湖北高考书面表达)在我看来,我们中的每个人无论如何都应该尽力帮助那些需要帮助的人。In_my_opinion,_every_one_of_us_should_try_our_best_to_help_those_in_need_at_any_rate.2wipe out彻底毁灭;全部摧毁自主体验完成句子The storm wiped_the_building_out only in two hours.在仅仅两个小时之内,暴风雨就把那座建筑物毁坏了。He wiped_away the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.他用手背擦掉了额头上的汗水。The flowing water wiped_the_pictures_drawn_by_children_off/from the sand.流动的水把孩子们画的画从沙子上擦掉了。I wiped_up_the_ground after children left the room.孩子们离开房间后,我把地上的东西擦干净了。系统归纳wipe away 擦掉,清除掉wipe sth. off/from 从上擦去某物;勾销(债务等)wipe sth. with sth. 用擦wipe up 擦干净重点强化易错处处防The whole village was wiped away by the earthquake. awayout佳句时时写(2015江苏高考书面表达)交通问题是一个很难解决的问题。它不仅影响我们的日常生活,而且还可能毁灭人们的生活。The_traffic_issue_is_a_hard_nut_to_crack.It_not_only_affects_our_everyday_life,_but_may_also_wipe_out_peoples_life.3at all costs无论如何,不管多大代价自主体验完成句子Economic growth must not be achieved at_the_cost_of environment or resources.发展经济绝不能以破坏环境、浪费资源为代价。The work is so urgent that we must finish it before 6 at_all_costs/at_any_cost.这项工作如此紧急,以至于我们无论如何得在6点前完成。You can buy the books at_cost on the Internet.你可以在网上以成本价买到这些书。系统归纳at the cost/expense of . 牺牲;以为代价at a cost of . 以的费用/价格at any cost at all costs 在任何情况下;无论如何at cost 按成本价重点强化易错处处防At all cost, we must plete the task on time.costcosts佳句时时写(2015安徽高考书面表达)如果我能采访他,无论如何我也要问问他是什么使他成为一名宇航员的。If_I_could_interview_him,_I_would_ask_him_what_made_him_an_astronaut_at_all_costs.4It isadj.for sb. to do .教材原句It_is_pulsory_for_winners_to_be_tested but other participants are only tested at random.自主体验(2017江苏高考)It_would_be_difficult_for_developed_countries_to_maintain the size of population.对发达国家来说那将很难维持人口规模。It_is_very_clever_of_them to make good use of the Internet.他们很聪明,能充分利用互联网。归纳点拨用法规则(1)“It isadj.for sb. to do .”结构中的形容词仅仅描述事物。这类形容词有difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous, impossible等。(2)“It isadj.of sb.to do .”结构中的形容词描述不定式行为者的性格、品质。这类形容词有 kind, good, right, clever, foolish, stupid, wise, rude 等。注意事项(1)若形容词是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价时用of sb.,反之用for sb.。(2)of后面的名词或代词与前面的形容词有逻辑上的主表关系;而for后面的名词或代词与前面的形容词无逻辑上的主表关系。佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2017北京高考满分作文)It is wise of us to make a video to record our experiences at school.(增分要点句)(2017全国卷满分作文)Its difficult for a foreign learner to understand the true meaning and culture of Tang poems.(增分要点句)(2018全国卷满分作文)It will be not only meaningful but also interesting for you to enjoy the movie.5并列连词rather than教材原句The Olympic spirit the spirit of petition which emphasises taking part rather_than winning has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.自主体验Nowadays some teenagers prefer_to_chat online with strangers rather_than_talk_with their parents face to face.如今,一些青少年宁愿在网上与陌生人闲谈也不愿与父母面对面谈话。(2014陕西高考)We would rather our daughter stayed_at_home_with_us,_but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.我们宁愿我们的女儿和我们待在家里,但这是她的选择,她不再是个孩子了。归纳点拨用法规则(1)rather than 常用于下列结构中:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.would do sth.rather than do sth.would rather do sth.than do sth.(2)would rather从句,从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气:过去时表示现在或将来的愿望;过去完成时表示过去的愿望。注意事项(1)rather than为并列连词,表示选择,意为“而不是”。它通常用在平行结构中,连接相同的句子成分,即rather than 前后两部分在成分和形式上应该一致。(2)rather than 连接主语及其附属成分时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的词在人称和数上保持一致。佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2017北京高考满分作文)Personally, I would rather walk along the Yangtze River than climb the Mount Tai.(增分要点句)(2015重庆高考满分作文)Of the two, I prefer to choose the latter rather than select the former.(增分要点句)(2015上海高考满分作文)The reason why I am in favor of the picture in the top right corner is that it is simple and apparent rather than dull and isolating.6sb./sth. be believed动词不定式教材原句Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the_Spanish_Flu_is_believed_to_have_been the most acute epidemic in history.自主体验Tom is believed to_be (be) the child they are looking for.人们认为汤姆就是他们要找的那个孩子。The pany is said to_be_advertising (advertise) for a sales manager, and you can have a try.据说这家公司正在刊登广告招聘一名销售经理,你可以去试一下。The professor is reported to have succeeded in carrying out this experiment.Its_reported_that_the_professor_has_succeeded in carrying out this experiment.据报道这位教授已经成功地完成了这项实验。归纳点拨(1)“sb./sth. be believed动词不定式”为固定结构,意为“人们认为(相信),被认为是/做”,此结构可以和It is believed that或People believe互换。常用于这种句型的动词有say/hope/think/report/know等。(2)动词不定式用完成时,强调动作发生在主句动作之前;用进行时,强调动作正在进行;用一般现在时,强调动作与主句动作(几乎)同时发生,或之后发生。佳句背诵(增分要点句)(2018江苏高考满分作文)Depending entirely on the ratings in consumption is generally believed to be unwise.(精彩收尾句)(2018天津高考满分作文)It is said that you have had a good performance in the robotics skill contest.单词拼写1Most babies can digest (消化) a wide range of food easily.2The flight was postponed (延期) because of the thick fog.3We can find the happiness we seek (追求) if we first share it with others.4Under the circumstances (情况), we must rely on ourselves.5They were accused of abusing (滥用) their power to keep prices artificially high.6As we all know, soil is fundamental (根本的) to the growth of the plants.7The disappearance of jobs is a symptom (征兆) of a deeper social economic change.8Due to bad management, pany profits have been declining (下降) over the last three years.9Your suggestion was submitted (提交) to the mission for its consideration.10With such a short time left before the deadline (最后日期), it is unlikely for John to finish the job on time.


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