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Unit5Water 第1课时Vocabulary Module3Naturalelements 广东学导练七年级下册配上海教育版 一 根据汉语写出英文单词1 旅行 旅程 n 2 数量 n 3 形成 构成 v 4 实验 试验 n 5 化学品 n 6 淡的 无盐的 adj 7 通过 穿过 prep 8 宝贵的 很有用的 adj 9 继续 v journey quantity form experiment chemical fresh through valuable continue 10 嗓音 说话声 n 11 归还 v 12 银行 n 二 根据汉语写出下列词组1 关掉 2 把 加入 3 有点 一点 4 由 组成 5 干涸 6 的一部分 voice return bank turnoff add to abit be madeupof dryup partof 7 父母给孩子的 零花钱 8 记得不要做某事 9 环顾四周 10 从 出来 11 掉入 12 的尽头 13 一滴 pocketmoney remembernottodosth lookaround comeoutof dropinto theendof adropof 1 dropn averysmallamountofaliquid滴v sth fallsontosth elseorfallsfromsw 掉下 落下 例句 Itmadeusforgetthateverydropofwinewedrinkcomesfromclonedgrapes 它使我们忘记了我们喝的每一滴酒都来自克隆的葡萄 Hefelthottearsdroppingontohisfingers 他感到热泪滴在他的手指上 辨析 drop fall与sink 1 drop指物体从一定高度落下 Thefruitdroppedfromthetree 果实从树上落下 2 fall与drop同义 指突然或猛烈地降落 但fall可指任何下落 同高度或形式无关 IfIfalldown whatshouldIdo 如果我摔倒了 我该怎么办 3 sink指在空气或水中垂直下降 下沉 Theboatwasbeginningtosinkfast 那艘船开始快速下沉 应用 我感到有两滴雨落在了我的脸颊上 Ifelt rain onmyface two drops of dropping 2 journeyn theactoftravellingfromoneplacetoanother旅行 旅程 例句 It sabouthalfanhour sjourney 大约半小时路程 辨析 journey trip travel与tour 1 journey为普通用语 指陆地上的远程旅行 Thisneednotbetheendofyourjourney 这里未必是你旅行的终点 2 trip指有特定目的的短距离旅行 强调在路上所花的时间和所走的路程 OnThursdaywewentoutonadaytrip 周四我们出去旅行了一天 3 travel惯用复数形式 泛指到各地旅行 表示旅行的路途远 时间长 Healsocollectsthingsforthehouseonhistravelsabroad 他在国外旅游时也为家里收集些东西 4 tour指途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光游览 Thebandwillbegoingontour 这支乐队将要进行巡回演出 应用 用journey trip travel或tour填空 1 AtfirstIwasafraidthelong wouldbetoomuchforher 2 Wewentonaguided ofItalythatincludedstopsatMilan Venice FlorenceandRome 3 Igotoworkbytrain andthe takesme40minutes 4 The ofMarcoPoloisoneofthemostinterestingbooksthatIhaveeverread journey tour trip Travels 3 voicen thesoundofhumans嗓音 说话声 例句 Iknowherbyhervoice 我凭说话声知道是她 拓展 1 inalow loudvoice小声说 大声说Hespokeinalowvoice alwayswithoutinflection 他低声说话 总是声调平平 无抑扬变化 2 atthetopofone svoice声嘶力竭地 大声地Shesuddenlycriedoutatthetopofhervoice 她突然声嘶力竭地叫起来 辨析 voice sound与noise 1 voice主要指人讲话或唱歌的声音 是可数名词 Whentheteachercameintotheclassroom ourmonitorspokeinaloudvoice Standup 老师走进教室时 我们班长大声喊 起立 2 sound指一般情况下 各种能听到的声音 Peterheardthesoundofgunfire 彼得听见了枪炮声 3 noise主要指令人不愉快的声音 尤指噪音 Thenoiseoftraffickepthimawake 车辆的喧闹声使他睡不着 应用 用voice sound或noise填空 1 The wakesmeup 2 Theteacheropenedthedoorwithouta 3 Heansweredthequestioninalow noise sound voice 4 addv putonethinginoronanother toincrease completeorimproveit添加 增加 例句 Sheaddedsugartohertea 她在茶里加了糖 拓展 1 addto增添 增加Thebadweatheraddedtoourdifficulties 恶劣的天气增加了我们的负担 2 add to 把 加入 Headdedafewmorethingstotheshoppinglist 他在购物单上加了几样东西 3 addupto总计达Thecostofthetwotripsaddedupto1 000dollars 两次旅行的费用总计达1000美元 应用 Add27 23 andyouget50 A onB uptoC to C 5 throughprep adv movedirectlyfromonesidetotheother穿过 通过 例句 Lettherainwaterrunthroughthispipe 让雨水从这个管道中流过 辨析 through与acrossthrough和across都可以表示 穿过 但是through表示从物体的内部 穿过 如穿过森林 云层等 而across表示从物体的表面 横过 如穿过大街 桥等 Hewalkedthroughtheforestalone 他独自一人走过森林 Thestudentsranacrosstheplaygroundtothecanteen 学生们穿过操场跑到食堂 应用 用through或across填空 1 Ourtrainpassed thetunnel 2 Youshouldbecarefulwhengoing theroad 6 continuev keepdoingsomething继续 例句 Shelookedupforaminuteandthencontinueddrawing 她抬头看了一会儿 然后继续画画 拓展 1 continuesth doingsth 相当于goonsth doingsth 一直做 同一件事 Icontinueddoingmyhomeworkafteransweringthephone 我接完电话继续做作业 through across 2 continuetodosth 相当于goontodosth 做完一件事 接着做另外一件事 IcontinuedtodomyMathshomeworkafterfinishingEnglish 我做完英语作业接着做数学作业 3 continuewithsth 继续某事 Iwenttomyroomtocontinuewithmypacking 我走进房间 继续打包 应用 Ididmyhomeworkfor2hours Afterdrinkingacupofcoffee Icontinued do myhomework doing 一 根据要求写出相应的单词1 quantity 复数 2 salt 形容词 3 valuable 名词 4 drop 动词 5 add 过去式 6 continue 过去式 7 form 第三人称单数 8 chemical 复数 9 on 反义词 10 fresh 反义词 quantities salty value drop added continued forms chemicals off under salty stale 二 词汇测试i 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项 1 Weshouldturnoffthetapwhenwearebrushingourteeth Yeah Wereallyshouldsavewater A throwawayB switchoffC giveup 2 Theworkersaddsomechemicalstothewatertocleanit Thenwecandrinkcleanwater A put intoB get fromC lead to B A 3 Whatwillyoudoduringthesummerholiday IwilltakeajourneytoBeijing Therearemanyplacestovisitthere A jobB bookC trip 4 Whatdoyouthinkofyourfather Heistallbutheisabitfat A toomuchB alittleC very 5 Whendidyouborrowthebookfromthelibrary IborrowedittwodaysagoandIwillreturnthebooktomorrow A thinkofB givebackC lookafter C B B 6 Cleanwaterisvaluable andeveryfamilyhastouseiteveryday Yes Wemusttryourbesttosaveit A usefulandimportantB helpfulandfriendlyC usualandconvenient 7 Afterarest let scontinuedoingourwork Noproblem A keepB stopC finish 8 About3 ofthewateronEarthiswithoutsalt A saltyB freshC clear A A B ii 根据句子意思 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子 9 Ifyou something yougiveitback A buyB throwC return 10 Ifsomething itfallsdowntotheground A dropsB disappearsC launches 11 Thewaterinthelake Why Becausepeopleandfactoriestooktoomuchwaterfromit A wokeupB gaveupC driedup C A C 12 Maryhasasweet Yes Shecansingverywell A voiceB soundC hearing 13 Watercoversabout oftheEarth A onethirdB onehalfC twothirds 14 Jim buttherewasnoonethere A lookedforB lookedaroundC lookedafter 15 Isthereenoughwaterinthelake A No thereislittlewaterinitB ThelakeisnexttomyhouseC Thewaterisveryclean A C B A 一 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1 Don tbesorude Youshouldspeaktothegirlinasoftv 2 Peoplehavegotalotofusefulc inexperiments 3 Addad ofoiltothedish 4 Howlongcanthisc 5 Howlongisthej fromLondontoParis 6 Openthewindowandgetsomef air 7 Hehad 10 000intheb oice hemicals rop ontinue ourney resh ank 8 Canyouexplainwhybubbles 泡泡 canf 9 Tonyfeltab hungry soheateacake 10 Youneedtoa somewatertothecontainer 二 词汇测试i 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项 1 Inproduction wedemandnotonlyquantitybutalsoquality A moneyB productC amount orm it dd C 2 Anideaformedinhismind A developedB droppedC decided 3 Sheseemedabitafraidofgoingoutaloneatnight A verymuchB alittleC muchmore 4 Heturnedoffthetapandleft A switchedoffB switchedonC opened 5 Thegroupconsistsof3teachersand5students A makesupofB ismadeupofC ismadefrom 6 Hervoiceissosweet A thesoundofapersonB theactofapersonC theappearanceofaperson A B A B A 7 Thelightwasonandthedoorwasopen A inuseB outofuseC broken 8 Don twastemoneyonclothes A savealotB spendtoomuchC makefulluseofii 根据句子意思 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子 9 The isthemoneythatyoureceivewhenyoupayforsomethingwithmoremoneythanitcosts A pocketmoneyB rewardC change A B C 10 Somethingthatis isfreefromdirtorunwantedmarks A dirtyB cleanC fresh 11 To water airorlandmeanstomakeitdirtyanddangeroustoliveinortouse A protectB wasteC pollute 12 pensarethereinthebox Therearemorethan50 A HowmuchB HowmanyC Howoften 13 Helefttheroomwiththeradio A openB openedC on B C B C 14 Thesunlightgoes thewindow A throughB atC across 15 Iamsosorrytogiveyou trouble A notabitB alittleC little三 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Isittimeforyourfather tell storiestoyou 2 Thewebsiteprovidesuswithalotof value information 3 Afterhefinishedreadinganovel hecontinued play gameswithhisfriends A A totell valuable toplay 4 Remembernot leave thelightsonwhenyougoout 5 Don teattoomuch salt food 6 Iwanttobea chemical whenIgrowup 7 There be enoughorangesonthetable 8 Let s go totheclothesstoretomorrow 9 Theyareworkingonthefarm happy 10 Ithinkitistime have abreak toleave salty chemist are go happily tohave 四 阅读理解Onelatenight ayoungmanwalkedintoacornerstore Therewasonlyasalesgirlinit Suddenly themantookoutagunandorderedhertoputallthemoneyintohisbag Thesalesgirlwasfrightenedandhadtodoasthemantoldher Justwhenthemanwasleaving hesawabottleofwhiskey 威士忌 behindthecounter Helovedwine sohedecidedtotakeit too Atthattime thesalesgirlhadanidea Sheinsistedthatshewouldn tgiveittohimbecauseshedidn tbelievethemanwasover21 Themangotangryandquicklypulledouthisdriver slicenseandshowedit Atlast thesalesgirlgavehimthewine Afterthemanleft sheimmediatelycalledthepolicewiththeman snameandaddress Soonafter themanwascaught 1 Theyoungmaninthestorywasa A customerB robberC detectiveD policeman 2 Thesalesgirlhadtoputallthemoneyintheman sbagbecause A hewastheownerB hehelpedhersavethemoneyC shewasveryafraidD sheneededtopayhimthemoney B C 3 Theyoungmanmightbe yearsold A lessthan21B just21C morethan21D wedon tknow 4 Thepolicecaughtthemansoonbecause A theyhappenedtomeethimB hewenttothepolicestationhimselfC otherpeoplehadcaughthimbeforethepolicearrivedD thesalesgirlreportedtheman sdetails 细节 C D


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