2019高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Sporting events 牛津译林版必修4.doc

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Unit 2 Sporting events一、阅读理解。 Gregory Talley used to sleep in a park or under a bridge. The 50-year-old has been homeless for more than 10 years.It is hard. Its hard to live homeless. You filled every day trying to find out where you are going to get something to eat. If I hadnt found wonderful Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter, I wouldnt know where I would be by now. I might be dead, Talley said.The Kennedy Shelter is one of the facilities New Hope Housing provides for homeless people.Pam Michell has devoted her life to making the lives of this vulnerable (易受伤的)population better as executive director of the non-profit organization.I went to Africa in 1985. And I saw a huge amount of poverty, but I saw so much hope. And I decided that I should try to do something that would bring hope to people, Michell said.When Michell began working with New Hope Housing 25 years ago, its three shelters had about 80 beds. Now, it has 350 beds and serves about 1,500 homeless people every year. She has expanded the program beyond just providing beds for the night.We do outreach(拓展), we do prevention, we do permanent housing, we do transitional housing. We have an education program with all sorts of different things to move people to end their homelessness, she said,Our Out of Poverty program is not just about money. Its about you could be spiritually poor, you could be relationship poor . you could be educationally poor. So it is focusing on how you get out of this poverty that has brought you to being homeless. The program tries to teach the shelter residents self-reliance (自立) and work values, and includes courses on planning and personal responsibility.l learned I still have opportunities to change it and I can change it, said shelter resident Lewis Webster. It is just about going forth in doing necessary work to do it. I mean if you really want better, you would do better and thats the frame of mind of me now.1. Gregory Talleys story is told at the beginning of the text to _ .A.tell readers the situation for the poor in the US is getting worseB.introduce a non-profit organization that is trying to help the poor in the USC.disclose the truth that more and more homeless people are dying from hungerD.remind readers that the homeless people in the US have no trouble getting food2. According to Paragraph 6. Pam Michell started to bring hope to the homeless by _ .A.providing clothes for themB.offering food for them C.building new houses for themD.offering them shelters for the night3. What is the final purpose of the education program?A.To tell the homeless people the ways to make money.B.To help the homeless people find the causes of their poverty.C.To encourage the homeless to work and rely on themselves.D.To teach the poor how to live a better life in the shelters.4. What may be the best title for the text?A.fort in the Kennedy ShelterB.Ways to achieve successC.An Opportunity to Fight HomelessnessD.An Organisation to End Homelessness【文章大意】文章介绍美国非营利组织Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter帮助无家可归者结束流浪生活。1. B【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段的句子“If I hadnt found wonderful Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter, I wouldnt know where I would be by now. I might be dead”可知,文章开头介绍Gregory Talley的故事是为了介绍一个努力帮助穷人的美国非盈利组织。故选B。2. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第六段的句子“She has expanded the program beyond just providing beds for the night.”可知,Pam Michell一开始给无家可归的人提供夜晚的住宿,故选D。4. D【解析】标题判断题。根据文章和第三段的句子“The Kennedy Shelter is one of the facilities New Hope Housing provides for homeless people.”可知,文章介绍美国非营利组织Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter帮助无家可归者结束流浪生活。故选D。二、词汇练习1. 愉快的 a d_2. in honor of3. 现代的a c_4. 奖牌n5. championship6. hang on7. 尝试n&v8. 居民n9. 谷物n10. frequent a11. 预算n12. 去除v13. make way for14. whistle15. bitter16. 与此同时ad17. tie18. 宝贵的a19. _ against each othera fierce _a _ society (竞赛,竞赛者)All the _ have tried their best.20. be _ from school (缺席)His _ from school made his teacher annoyed.21. ones noble(高贵的) _ (起源)It is _ from an old African custom22. be of great _ be very _ (重要)23. the whole _a _ campaign (全民,全民的)24. win the gold medal in the _arrive here _ (决赛,终于)25. make an _He _ to do the job better.(尝试)三、完形填空Falling off a boxcar and landing on my head,I lost my sight when I was four years old.Now I am thirtytwo.I can _1_ remember the brightness of sunshine.It would be wonderful to see again,_2_ a tragedy can do strange things to people.It _3_ to me that I might not have e to love life as I do now if I hadnt been blind.My parents and my teacher saw something _4_ me,and they made me want to _5_ against blindness.The hardest _6_ I had to learn was to believe in myself.If I hadnt been able to do that,I would have _7_ down for the rest of my life.When I say _8_ in myself I am not talking about _9_ the kind of selfconfidence that _10_ me down an unfamiliar staircase(楼梯)alone.But I mean something bigger than that:the assurance that I am a real positive person _11_ imperfections.It took me years to obtain this _12_.It had to start with the _13_.Once a man gave me an indoor _14_.“I cant use this,”I said.“Take it with you,” he _15_ me,“and roll it around.”The _16_ stuck in my head.“Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went.This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought _17_. At the School for the Blind I _18_ a new kind of baseball called the “ground ball”All my life I have set a series of goals and then tried to reach them,one at a time.I had to learn my _19_.I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made _20_.1A.randomly BabruptlyCroughly Dpletely2A.so BbutCthus Dand3A.occurred BreferredCbrought Dturned4A.of BforCto Din5A.get BfightCfind Ddrop6A.method BexperienceClesson Dmanner7A.broken BputCsettled Dlay8A.courage BambitionCbelief Dpower9A.firmly BsimplyCfairly Dslightly10A.stops BhelpsCfinds Dgives11A.despite BbesidesCwithout Dunlike12A.description BexistenceCaccusation Drecognition13A.intelligence BincidentCtrouble Ddetermination14A.chair BbaseballCgame Ddesign15A.urged BblamedCgreeted Dteased16A.goals BwordsCimages Dideas17A.valuable BreasonableCimpossible Dunbearable18A.discovered BequippedCformed Dinvented19A.limitations BadvantagesCpuzzles Dpersonalities20A.sense BprogressCmistakes Ddecisions【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了“我”在四岁的时候失去了视力,但通过一件小事,“我”学会了自信,并逐渐取得进步的过程。【核心词汇】tragedy悲剧imperfection缺点on the average一般来说roughly粗略地1C考查副词。“我”四岁时失去视力,现在已经三十二岁了。由此可推知,此处表示“我”粗略地记得,故选C。roughly“粗略地,大致上”。2B考查连词。根据语境可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故选B。3A考查动词。“我”想到如果“我”没有失明“我”可能不会像现在这样热爱生活。It occurs to sb.that.为固定句型,意为“某人想到”。4D考查介词。“我”父母以及老师看到了“我”内在的一些东西,他们让“我”想要与失明作斗争。根据语境可知,此处应选D。5B考查动词。参见上题解析。fight against.“与作斗争”。6C考查名词。“我”学到的最困难的一课(lesson)就是要相信“我”自己。7A考查动词。如果“我”做不到那样的话,“我”可能已经精神崩溃了。break down“(在健康或精神等方面)垮掉”。8C考查名词。根据上文中的“to believe in myself”可知,此处应选C项与上文相照应。9B考查副词。“我”说的信心并不仅仅(simply)指帮助(helps)“我”走下陌生楼梯的自信。10B考查动词。参见上题解析。11A考查介词。尽管“我”是一个不完美的人,但是“我”是一个积极的人。despite“尽管”,符合语境。12D考查名词。“我”花了很多年才认识到这一点。A项意为“描述”;B项意为“存在”;C项意为“控告”;D项意为“认识”。13B考查名词。这从一件小事开始。A项意为“智慧”;B项意为“小事”;C项意为“麻烦”;D项意为“决心”。14B考查名词。根据下文中的“a new kind of baseball”可知,此处指棒球。15A考查动词。根据语境可知,此处指他一直在敦促“我”。urge“强烈要求,敦促”。16B考查名词。他所说的话(words)印在“我”的脑海中,故选B。17C考查形容词。这给了“我”一个如何实现”我”认为不可能(impossible)的目标的想法。A项意为“有价值的”;B项意为“合情理的”;C项意为“不可能的”;D项意为“无法容忍的”。18D考查动词。在盲人学校“我”发明(invented)了一种新的被称之为“地滚球”的棒球。A项意为“发现”;B项意为“配备”;C项意为“形成”;D项意为“发明”。19A考查名词。“我”不得不了解自己的不足之处。limitation“(某人或某物的) 局限性,不足之处”。20B考查名词。“我”有时会失败,但一般说来“我”取得了进步。make progress“取得进展”。四、七选五。By 2025,water shortage will be a big problem for about 1.8 billion people.In a world where water resource is increasingly short,nations cannot afford to waste it._1_After we use water in our homes and businesses,it is washed away,and takes many valuable resources with it.Waste water is rich in carbon and nutrients._2_ A number of nations and major cities have already built waste water treatment plants.They can effectively recover nutrients and bioenergy,and produce “new water” that can be reused.But more than 80% of all waste water still currently flows into natural ecosystems,polluting the environment and taking valuable nutrients and other recoverable materials with it._3_ This is still better than the situation in smaller cities.In Latin American countries,those living in small and mediumsized cities at most treat it in the form of septic tanks (化粪池)that lack regular and proper maintenance.Imagine that outside one of these small cities lies a lovely piece of land:on the surface it is pleasingly built and provides habitats for local wildlife.Beneath the surface is a wetland that treats waste water and produces energy.The energy produced saves families from having to use firewood collected in the wild.This is not a dream project._4_ A team of scientists have been looking into the potential of constructed wetland environments.Having analyzed 800 examples of biomass in more than 20 countries,they found that,depending on climate and the type of plant used in the construction of this type of wetland,up to 45 hectares of land could be irrigated with waste water._5_ABut that is exactly what we do.BThis can provide easy access to clean water.CThere is no longer any good reason to waste any type of water.DA constructed wetland environment is already in practice on a small scale.EThis would reduce the need for fresh water for irrigation and energy for pumping.FIf collected and treated properly,it could provide “new water”,fertilizer,and energy.GAlthough waste water systems in large cities are effective,the whole procedure usually costs much.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了当前世界水资源的现状以及有效利用水资源的方法。1A上文说在水资源短缺的大环境下,很多国家不能承担浪费(的后果),下文说我们用完水后,就直接把水冲走。根据上下文可知,A项“但是那正是我们所做的”与此处匹配,起承上启下作用,故选A。2F上文说废水富含碳元素和养分,而F项说如果收集和处理得当,它就能提供“新的水”、肥料和能量,前后形成语义上的衔接,故选F。3G下文讲述的是拉丁美洲的中小城市的废水处理系统缺乏常规和合适的维护,而G项提到大城市的废水处理系统有效但成本高,与本段内容吻合,故选G。4D上文提到在这些小城市建造湿地环境的设想,下文提到已经有科学家在研究建造的湿地环境的潜力了,由此可知,D项“建造的湿地环境已经在小范围的实践中了”符合语境。5E上文讲述的是这种解决方案的另一种好处是人们可以用废水灌溉农田,而E说这可以减少用淡水灌溉的需求及抽水所需的能量,前后语义衔接,故选E。


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