2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期中试题 (IV).doc

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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期中试题 (IV)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Coolest InventionsAn Oceans Vacuum(吸尘器)Theres a collection of plastic trash in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Its bigger than Texas and growing. The way to clean it up now is to catch it with nets. That is both costly and slow. Instead, the Ocean Cleanup Project proposes a 62-mile-long floating barrier that would use natural currents to trap trash. If next years trials succeed, a full cleanup operation would aim to start in xx. It could reduce the trash by 42% over 10 years.Easy-On ShoesIn xx, Matthew Walzer, a high school student with a disability, sent a note to Nike. “My dream is to go to college,” he wrote, “without having to worry about someone ing to tie my shoes every day.” Nike assigned a design team to the challenge. This year, they came out with their solution: the FlyEase. The basketball shoe can be fastened with one hand. A pair of Nike FlyEase shoes sells for $130.An Airport for Drones (无人机)As Amazon, Google, and others get ready for drone delivery service, there is one big question: What kinds of home bases will their drones have? Rwanda, in Africa, may have the answer. There, workers will soon start work on three “drone ports”. The goals is to make it easier to transport food, medical supplies, electronics, and other goods through the hilly countryside. Construction is set to be pleted in xx.21. Whats the advantage of the Oceans Vacuum?A. It can be put into wide use soonB. It can grow year by yearC. It can tear plastic into piecesD. It can be a money-saver22. What do we know about Nike?A. It provides customer-friendly servicesB. It is designing new shoes frequentlyC. It offers free shoes to the disabledD. It responded to Matthews request passively23. Why is Rwanda setting up “drone ports”?A. Because they are receptive to new technologyB. Because there are too many dronesC. Because theyre easier to construct than roadsD. Because road travel there is roughBWith five breakout(破纪录的) games, Jeremy Lin has bee the NBAs newest star.In the New York Knicks 92-85 won over the Los Angles Lakers last Saturday, Lin had a career-high 38 points. A day later, he led the Knicks to their fifth victory, 100-98 to Minnesota Timberwolves. In his previous games, Lin, 23, had 23 points against the Washington, 25 points against New Jersey and 28 against Utah in his first start.Lin is smart. Before graduating from high school in California, he had sent his application to all the Ivy League Schools(常青藤联盟). He only got into Harvard and Brown, and he chose Harvard. In xx, Lin graduated with a degree in economics.Lin is the first Chinese-American player in the NBA. He was born in the US and his family is Asian. Although not born in China, Lin has attracted nearly all Yao Mings old fans, who see him as a powerful role model.He started off on the Golden State Warriors. Lin first signed with the Warriors in July, xx, but seldom played in games before the start of the fourth quarter. His first time on the court for the Warriors earned him seven points, three rebounds(篮板球) and two assists in just 11 minutes.He is really perfect for the Knicks. The New York Knicks has been in need of a reliable point guard and to Mike DAntoni, the Knicks coach whos going through a difficult season, Lin is a most unexpected figure. Lin just does everything easy and the rest of the guys around him are playing the way we want to, DAntoni said. I think its for real, and it can only get better.24.In which team did Lin start his career in NBA?A. the New York KnicksB. Minnesota TimberwolvesC. The Golden State WarriorsD. The Los Angles Lakers25.From the passage, we learn that .A. most of Yao Mings fans take Lin as a great role modelB. Lin is an American-Chinese basketball playerC. the New York Knicks has never been defeatedD. after graduation from Harvard, Lin signed with the Knicks26.From the passage, it can be inferred that .A. Lin is the team leader of the KnicksB. the Knicks coach puts strong hopes on LinC. the Knicks success only depends on LinD. the Knicks is sure to win the season this year27.The authors purpose of writing the report is .A. to introduce a newest rising NBA starB. to express his love for Jeremy LinC. to report the progress of the KnicksD. to show his support for the KnicksCNobody is sure where and when the expression “apple-pie order” began. Some say that Scottish and English writers used the expression a long time ago. Others say it was first used in the northeastern American states known as New England. The housewives of New England cut their apples in even slices. Then they filled pie pans with them in an organized way, row upon row. As one writer said, the women of New England loved to have everything in its place. This perhaps explains why it generally is believed that the expression “apple-pie order” began in New England.Another old expression, “apple of discord”, es from ancient mythology(神话), however. The myth says that all the gods and goddesses were sitting around the table to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus. One of the goddesses-Discord was a troublemaker. She threw away a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess.At one time, the tomato was called a love apple. That was a mistake. This is how the mistake happened: In the sixteenth century, Spain brought the tomato from South America after Spanish explorers had landed there. Spain then sold the tomato to Morocco. Italian traders carried it on to Italy. The Italian name for the tomato was “pomo di Moro” meant “damour” -the French word for love. And so “pomo di Moro” became the apple of love.People believe many things about the apple. One belief is that it has great powers of keeping people healthy. A very mon expression is an apple a day keeps the doctor away.Another belief is based on fact. The expression is one rotten apple spoils the barrel. When an apple begins to go bad, it ruins all the other apples around it in the container. The expression has e to mean that one bad person in a group can cause everyone to act bad.28.Which of the following can we know about the phrase “apple-pie order”?A. No one knows for sure where and when it beganB. It has been put into use recentlyC. Everyone is sure of where it beganD. It began in New England29.Whats the meaning of “apple of discord”?A. Everything in good orderB. Situation of dangerC. Everything in agreementD. Cause of disagreement30.Whats the purpose of the third paragraph?A. To show us a mistaken ideaB. To explain how the tomato was called the apple of loveC. To tell us a love story about appleD. To show how the tomato was brought in from south America31.Which of the following expressions is about health?A. Apple of discordB. Apple-pie orderC. An apple a day keeps the doctor awayD. One rotten apple spoils the barrelDWhy Do People Blink Their Eyes?People blink(眨眼) their eyes tens of thousands of times every day. Scientists have long believed blinking was an involuntary movement and served mainly to keep the eyeballs wet. But a new study suggests it has a more important purpose.An international team of scientists from the University of California at Berkeley studied the blinking of human eyelids. The journal Current Biology published their findings. The team said they found that blinking “repositions our eyeballs so we can stay focused” on what we are seeing. They said that when we blink our eyelids, the eyes roll back into their sockets-the bony area that surrounds and protects the eyes. However, the researchers found the eyes dont always return to the same position. They said this causes the brain to tell the eye muscles to reorganize our eyesight.Gerrit Maus is the lead writer of the report. He serves as an assistant professor of psychology at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Maus says: “Our eye muscles are quite sluggish(迟缓的) and imprecise, so the brain needs to constantly adapt its motor signals to make sure our eyes are pointing where theyre supposed to. Our findings suggested that the brain measures the difference in what we see before and after a blink, and mands the eye muscles to make the needed corrections.” The researchers said that without such corrections our surroundings would appear unclear and even jumpy. They said the movement acts “like a Steadicam(摄影稳定器) of the mind.”The researchers said they asked volunteers to sit in a dark room while staring at a small dot on a flat surface. They used special cameras to follow the volunteers blinks and eye movements. After each blink, the dot was moved one centimeter to the right. The volunteers did not notice this, but the brain did. It followed the movement and directed the eye muscles to refocus on the dot. After the dot was moved in this way 30 times, the volunteers eyes changed their focus to the place where they predicted it would be.Professor Maus says “Even though participants did not consciously register that the dot had moved, their brains did, and adjusted with the corrective eye movement. These findings add to our understanding of how the brain constantly adapts to changes, manding our eye muscles to correct for errors in our bodies own hardware.”32.According to the new study, blinking eyes can .A. serve to keep the eyeballs wetB. consciously correct eye movementsC. reposition eyeballs to stay focusedD. make our eyes adapt to motor signals33.From the experiment, we can learn that .A. the brain manded the eye muscles to refocus on the dotB. the eyeballs could stay in the place as they were predictedC. participants were aware of the dots movements to the rightD. volunteers could see the moving dot with special cameras34.The underlined word “register” in Paragraph 5 possibly means .A. reasonB. refocusC. reserveD. realize35.This passage shows that .A. eye muscles are quite inactive and impreciseB. the research is of great value in the eye movementC. volunteers control their blinks to follow the changes of the dotsD. the brain plays an important role in seeing things clearly第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Have a Successful Teenage LifeEveryone wants to succeed in their life, dont they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life, it really isnt that hard. 36 Do well in school. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society. Try your best for excellence in school: listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better university, which will enable you to have a bright future. 37 Do good in your munity(社区). Volunteering can not only improve your munitys status, but could make you happier. Studies show that people who volunteer are less likely to develop depression(抑郁) than people who dont. 38 For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter. If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter. When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. 39 Remember, theyre there to help you be the best that you can be. Respect them and value their opinions, even if they annoy you sometimes. 40 You dont get to choose your teachers or your family, but you still have to put up with them. Learn how to deal with people now, because when youre an adult, you dont get to choose your boss or your co-workers, so learn how to respect them now.A. Here are some important points that you may find helpfulB. Be nice to your parents and teachersC. School sets you up on the right trackD. Find chances to do volunteer work that interests youE. Keep in mind that they do the things they do because they care about youF. Live life to the fullestG. It will help you pass time and develop your personality第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选取可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Broken LanternOn a wild July night, the storm was getting worse and worse. Kate Shelley, who lived between Honey Creek(小溪) and Des Moines River, was 41 looking out of the window, wondering 42 it would wash away the bridges over them, when suddenly came the loud 43 of breaking wood, then followed by a great splash(飞溅的水花). She realized the bridge over the creek was 44 . At that time, the midnight train was almost due. If no one told the engineer to 45 the train, it would fall into the creek with a hundred or more 46 . The situation was so urgent that Kate 47 to go to Moingon Railway Station to get help. Immediately she 48 out into the storm with her fathers railway lantern.Moingon lay on the far side of Des Moines River. The only way to get there was to cross a long wooden railroad bridge. Even in the daytime, it was 49 to walk on it because there was no foot walk or railing(栏杆) except only rails and ties. The ties were 50 enough apart for the girl to fall through.Kate stopped when she came to the 51 . She had never seen the river rising so high that she was 52 . Her father had been killed in a train accident by that river and her brother had drowned there. But she soon managed to 53 thinking more of the past happenings for she knew that train had to be stopped 54 it was too late. She started to step on that dangerous bridge, knowing she might fall into the rush water at any moment. Whats worse, she broke her lantern while making her way, exposing herself to the 55 . She had to climb on her hands and kneesIt seemed like a long time. At last she 56 the other side. She stopped just long enough to catch her breath. Then she ran 57 to the railway station. When she finally got there, she was out of 58 , wet all over, her hat blown away, her hands and knees still bleeding and her eyes looking 59 . She told the station man what had happened to the Honey Creek Bridge before her fainting. Finally, the passengers were saved. The girls heroic deed was rewarded. For her 60 act, Kate enjoyed a right of getting on or off the train at her door when she wanted.41. A. angrilyB. eagerlyC. anxiouslyD. hopefully42. A. thatB. whetherC. whenD. how43. A. blowB. cryC. crashD. voice44. A. removedB. blockedC. pletedD. broken45. A. stopB. changeC. catchD. leave46. A. conductorsB. passengersC. customersD. engineers47.A. expectedB. triedC. decidedD. agreed48.A. fellB. rodeC. climbedD. rushed49. A. harmfulB. dangerousC. foolishD. strange50. A. farB. wideC. thickD. long51. A. trainB. stationC. bridgeD. rail52. A. movingB. runningC. escapingD. shaking53. A. forgetB. avoidC. admitD. risk54. A. thoughB. becauseC. beforeD. unless55. A. darknessB. calmnessC. emptinessD. coldness56. A. selectedB. foundC. reachedD. passed57. A. desperatelyB. slowlyC. disappointedlyD. cautiously58. A. breathB. mindC. sightD. favor59. A sharpB. wildC. watchfulD. bitter60. A. honestB. modestC. courageousD. generous第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Nowadays, there are a lot of reminding days in the world. World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday of March. It 61 (start) by the LitWorld.org website in xx and has now reached 65 countries. 62 aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. The website asks everyone 63 (celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience and reading out aloud. It is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write 64 (belong) to all people. The website asks visitors to join in the movement to reduce the number of illiterate(不识字的) people in the world. It is 65 (absolute) necessary to help those 66 cannot read. The website says, “Its time to start by reading aloud to 67 might like it. Share a book with a child who might need it, share a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently 68 someone elses story as they share with you.” The United Nations says, ”Literacy involves a 69 (vary) of learning in 70 (enable) individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and to participate fully in society.” In that way, World Read Aloud Day does help make a difference.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My parents have decided to take me to pay a visit on Britain. I am excited, hope to make a good use of this opportunity. Firstly, I will talk to native speaker as much as I can improve my English. Secondly, there are many attractions that interested me a lot, among which is Big Ben. Beside, football, that is popular in England, is my favorite sport. I have been dreaming of watching a live football match there but now the dream will e true. My friend Alice lives in London. I will probable meet her. Whatever I do, I am sure I will have a good time.第二节 书面表达(25分)假如你叫李华,你的美国网友Jack在上周给你的电子邮件中,希望你能为他介绍一下中国传统节日端午节(The Dragon Boat Festival)。请你根据下面的提示给他回一封邮件。1.庆祝时间;2.庆祝方式:包粽子,吃粽子;观看龙舟赛(在南方流行);3.目的和重要性。注意:1.词数100词左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:粽子rice dumplings/Zongzi自尽mit suicide竹叶bamboo leafDear Jack,Glad to hear from you and I would like to tell you something about the Dragon Boat Festival in China. Best wishes to you!Yours sincerely,Li Hua四川省双流中学xx高二(上)期中考试英语试题参考答案第二部分 阅读理解21-23 DAD24-27 CABA28-31 ADBC32-35 CADD36-40 ACDBE第三部分 英语知识运用41-45 ABCDA46-50 BCDBA51-55 CDBCA56-60 CAABC61.was started62.The/Its63.to celebrate64.belongs65.abosolutely66.who67.whoever68.to69.variety70.enabling第四部分 写作第一节 短文改错My parents have decided to take me to pay a visit on Britain. I am excited, hope to make a good use of this tohopingopportunity. Firstly, I will talk to native speaker as much as I can improve my English. Secondly, there are speakers tomany attractions that interested me a lot, among which is Big Ben. Beside, football, that is popular in England, is interest Besideswhichmy favorite sport. I have been dreaming of watching a live football match there but now the dream will e true. andMy friend Alice lives in London. I will probable meet her. Whatever I do, I am sure I will have a good time.probably第二节 书面表达One Possible VersionDear Jack,Glad to hear from you and I would like to tell you something about the Dragon Boat Festival in China.The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most important traditional festivals in China, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. On that day Chinese people usually eat rice dumplings, which are made of rice, meat and so on, wrapped in bamboo leaves. And there are different kinds of delicious rice dumplings. The festival is also known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes, and people watch dragon-boat races to celebrate it. Chinese people celebrate


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