2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land Section 3 Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land Section 3 Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 Working the land Section 3 Using Language .单项语法填空1I regret _saying_ (say) those words to her,because I really hurt her feelings.解析:句意:我后悔对她说那些话,因为我真的伤害了她的感情。regret to do sth.意为“很遗憾要做某事(还没有做)”;regret doing sth.意为“后悔做过某事(已经做了)”。2The good result lies _in_ the correct methods,that is to say,correct methods lead _to_ good result.解析:句意:好的结果在于正确的方法,也就是说,正确的方法产生好的结果。第一个空考查lie in“在于”;第二个空考查lead to“导致”。3As some of these actors could not sing well enough,they had to rely _on_ other musicians to help them.解析:句意:由于这些演员唱得不足够好,他们只好依赖别的音乐家来帮助他们。rely on依赖,依靠。4At school,the students usually run everg rnorning to build _up_ their strength.解析:句意:学生在校通常每天早晨跑步来增强体质。build up逐渐增强。5Daily expense _was reduced_ (reduce) to the normal level last May,and by that time the government had already taken measures to bring down the price of food.解析:句意:去年5月,日常开销被减少到了正常水平,到那时,政府已经采取了措施来降低食品价格。be reduced to被减少到,句中有表过去的时间状语last May,故用一般过去时。6Famous experts are often invited to CCTV to ment _on/about_ international situations.解析:句意:中央电视台经常邀请著名专家评论国际局势。ment意为“表达意见;作出评论”,常与on/about搭配,符合句意。7Eating well and good exercise keep you free _from_ cold.解析:句意:吃好锻炼好使你不感冒。keep sb.free of/from sth.意为“使免除/摆脱”。8From his _confused_ (confuse) look,we could see that professor hadnt expected that we could raise such _confusing_ (confuse) questions to him.解析:句意:从这位教授的困惑的表情我们能看出,教授未料到我们能问如此令人困惑的问题。修饰人或人的look,expression等时都要用confused“感到迷惑的”;第二个空用confusing“令人迷惑的”,修饰物。9Creating a goal that focuses _on_ a wellspecified input will likely be more effective than concentrating on the oute.解析:句意:设定一个目标,专注于细节的投入之上,这要比把注意力集中在结果上可能会更有效。focus on集中于。10_To free_ (free) ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness.解析:句意:为了舒缓身体和心理紧张,我们每一个人都需要深思和内心的安静。考查非谓语动词。空格处在句中作目的状语,故用不定式结构。11Now that you didnt agree with him,why didnt you speak it out at the meeting?Well,now I regret not _doing_ (do) that.解析:考查regret的用法。句意:既然你不同意他的话,为什么不在会议上说出来呢?噢,现在我后悔没那样做了。regret not后接动名词作宾语表示“后悔没做某事”。12The wide use of the Internet has already led to all kinds of information _being shared_ (share) all over the world.解析:句意:网络的广泛使用使得各种信息在世界范围内分享。短语lead to中的to为介词,所以all kinds of information的宾语补足语应用动词ing形式;share与information之间是被动关系。13With the pressure _building_ (build) up,she had to leave her work for a while because she couldnt stand it anymore.解析:句意:随着压力的增加,她只好离开工作一段时间,因为她再也忍受不了了。14Look over theretheres a very long,winding path _leading_ (lead) up to the house.解析:句意:瞧那边有一条非常蜿蜒曲折的长路通向房子。考查非谓语动词。lead to此处修饰path,且path与lead之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。15Practicing Chinese kung fu can not only build _up_ ones strength,but also develop ones character.解析:句意:练习中国功夫不仅能增强人的体质而且还能发展人的个性。build up ones strength增强体质。.句型转换1Many people moved to New York,which made it the largest city in the USAMany people moved to New York,_making it_ the largest city in the USA2Its known to all that the earth is round._As is known_ to all,the earth is round.3He wanted to stay at home instead of wandering in the street.He _would rather_ stay at home than wander in the street.4This house seems twice larger than the one they bought last year.This house seems three times _as large_ as the one they bought last year.5He found that it was difficult to drive quickly.He found _it difficult_ to drive quickly.6If I had had time last year,I would have attended the lecture._Had I had_ time last year,I would have attended the lecture.7Tom prefers to walk after supper rather than watch TV at home.Tom prefers walking after supper _to watching_ TV at home.单句改错1I have been waited for you for three hours.(waitedwaiting)2He was walking along the street,to look this way and that.(to looklooking)3The confusing look on her face suggested she was confused about the matter.(confusingconfused)4Her poor English often led to misunderstand when she first went to England.(misunderstandmisunderstanding)5The bad weather has lasted for several days,which has kept him going out for a picnic.(在going out之前加from).阅读理解AA job is more than a job,especially to the old.“ Its not the money that matters,but the sense of selfworth,” 56yearold Cheng Wonlan said.So,every day Ms Cheng carries a bag of parcels,letters and documents and does her rounds in North Point.Shes a courier(快递员).Five years ago,Ms Cheng was a nurse at a private clinic.She had worked there for 30 years but became jobless when the doctor moved away.It was difficult for her to find another job as a nurse.“ People do not trust my ability when they learn how old I am,” she said.After two years of searching,she eventually found another nursing job.But then after two years,she quit.Why?“My colleagues were young and they didnt understand me because of my age.They often asked me, You are so old.What are you working for? I was very unhappy,” she said.When the rest of her family left for work,she was lonely and bored at home.Then her neighbours told her about Employees Retraining Board offering retraining courses for older people.These courses are specifically designed to encourage the older people back to work.“I was interested in courier work.I didnt think my age was a barrier(障碍) because I was fit,” she said.Upon graduating,Ms Cheng was offered a job by a pany.But then Ms Cheng was faced with a conflict: she was caught between honour and employment.“ I felt embarrassed about carrying and delivering letters and parcels,” she said.It took Ms Cheng 24 hours to make up her mind: there was nothing wrong or embarrassing about doing the job.So she went off to work as a courier.Ms Chengs employer,Anthony Chong,is delighted with her responsible attitude and said,“ I hire older people because they are able and reliable.Age is not an important factor but attitude is.Many old people will not run from difficulties but the young ones will.”文章大意:本文是一篇事实类的文章,讲述了老年人因为年龄不能上班的问题,并且介绍了一个教老年人新技能避免无事可做的机构,以及Anthony Chong认为老年人比青年人要吃苦耐劳值得信任。1Why was it difficult for Ms Cheng to find another nursing job?_C_ANursing clinics were hard to find.BShe found it difficult to trust others.CPeople thought she was too old to work.DPeople didnt think she had enough work experience.解析:细节理解题。根据文中,People do not trust my ability when they learn how old I am,可知当人们知道她年龄很大的时候就不会考虑录用她,故选C。2Ms Cheng left her second nursing job because _D_.Ait was too difficult for her Bshe was bored with the jobCher family didnt want her to do the jobDthe other staff made her feel unfortable解析:细节理解题。根据文中,My colleagues were young and they didnt understand me because of my age,可知是因为跟同事的不合拍,所以辞职的,故选D。3Employees Retraining Board is an organization _B_.Afinding jobs for older peopleBteaching new skills to older peopleCtraining older people to make them healthierDproviding older people with chances to earn money解析:细节理解题。根据文中,These courses are specifically designed to encourage the older people back to work,可知这是教老年人学习新技能的,故选B。4According to Anthony Chong,young people _A_.Aare more likely to give up than the older onesBare less experienced than the older onesCare fitter and stronger than the older onesDare able and reliable解析:细节理解题。根据文中,I hire older people because they are able and reliable可知老年人要比青年人更靠谱,故选A。B(2018安徽合肥第168中学高一下学期期末考试)Four days after Dads 67th birthday,he had a heart attack.He was luckyhe survived.But something inside him had died.His enthusiasm for life was gone.My husband and I asked Dad to live with us on our small farm,hoping the fresh air would help him adjust.Within a week after he moved in,I regretted the invitation.He criticized everything I did.I became frustrated.One day I read an article about a nursing home.Several depressed patients attitudes had improved dramatically when they were given dogs.So,I drove to the animal shelter that afternoon.As soon as I got there,a pointers(指示犬)eyes caught my attention.They watched me calmly,A staff member said,“He got here two weeks ago and weve heard nothing.His time is up tomorrow.” I turned to the man in horror.“You mean youre going to kill him?”“Maam,” he said gently.“We dont have room for every unclaimed dog.”The pointers calm brown eyes awaited my decision.“Ill take him,” I said.Glancing at the dog,Dad wrinkled his face and turned back towards the house.Then,suddenly,the pointer pulled free from my grasp.He sat down in front of Dad.Dads anger melted,and soon he was hugging the animal.It was the beginning of a warm friendship.Dad named the pointer Cheyenne.Together they spent long hours walking down dusty lanes and relaxing on the banks of streams.Dads bitterness faded,and he and Cheyenne went on to make many friends.Then,late one night two years later,I felt Cheyennes cold nose searching through my bed covers.He bad never e into our bedroom before at night.I ran into my fathers room and found that he had passed away.Two days later,my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dads bed.As I buried him near their favorite stream,I silently thanked the dog for restoring Dads peace of mind.文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了对生活失去希望的父亲和我带回的一只流浪狗互相陪伴,共度余生的故事。5Why did Dad criticize everything the author did?_B_AHe didnt like his daughters farm.BThe disease took away his interest in life,CThe state of his illness worsened.DHis daughter couldnt do things well.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段But something inside him had died.His enthusiasm for life was gone.和第二段He criticized everything I did.可知病后的父亲对生活失去了热情,对一切事物变得挑剔。故选B。6What was Dads when he first saw the dog?_B_ADisappointed.BUnfriendly.CExcited.DSatisfied.解析:细节推理题。根据Glancing at the dog,Dad wrinkled his face and turned back towards the house.可知父亲第一次看到指示犬时只是瞥了一眼,皱起了脸,转身朝房子走去。由此可知他对这条狗不友好,故选B。7What was the dogs greatest help to Dad?_C_AIt acpanied him on his walk.BIt helped him make many friends.CIt brought peace of mind back to him.DIt improved the relationship between him and his daughter.解析:细节推理题。根据文章最后I silently thanked the dog for restoring Dads peace of mind.可知作者认为指示犬对父亲最大的帮助是它使父亲恢复了平静的心境,故选C。8Whats the best title for the passage?_C_AAn Abandoned Dog.BDads Recovery.CFriends in the End.DDads Last days.解析:推理判断题。文章讲述了对生活失去希望的父亲和我带回的一只流浪狗互相陪伴,共度余生的故事。指示犬在父亲去世后也死在了父亲的床边,他们陪伴到了最后。Friends in the End.既能概括文意,又饱含了两者之间的深情,适合作为本文标题,故选C。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Until recently,almost everyone thought that growth and progress would make the world a 1._better_ (good) place.They believed that something new was always better than something old.So countries have spent billions of dollars 2._on_ science to develop new ways of making things and doing work.3._However_,this new technique is the main cause of the worlds problems.One such problem has e from the 4._appearance_ (appear) of the car.In some 5._crowded_ (crowd) cities,the car has polluted the air 6._so_ badly that people get sick just from breathing it.Waste from factories is another example of how new technology is hurting the earth.When some waste chemicals 7._are put_ (put) into the sea,they can hurt or kill animals and fish.Its time that we 8._did/should do_ (do) something quickly.When the problems get worse,they will not affect just a few 9._countries_ (country).They will be world problems 10._that/which_ affect us all.1解析:此处表示“直到最近,几乎每个人都认为成长和进步会让世界更加美好”。根据语境可知此处用比较级形式。2解析:spend.on.意为“在上花费”,为固定表达。3解析:上文指出,很多国家不惜投入重金来创新,下文指出,这种新科技是世界问题的主要原因,两句之间为转折关系,且空格位于句首,有逗号隔开,故用副词However。4解析:此处表示“其中一个问题来自于汽车的出现。”空格处在句中作宾语,故用名词。appearance“出现”。5解析:空格处作定语,修饰cities,故用形容词。crowded“拥挤的”。6解析:根据that可知此处为so.that.结构。7解析:此处表示“当一些废弃的化学原料被排放到海中时,它们会伤害或杀死动物或者鱼类。”when引导的时间状语从句中应该用一般现在时,waste chemicals与put之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。8解析:Its time that.句型中,从句谓语部分用“shoulddo”或者过去式。9解析:根据a few可知此处用名词复数。10解析:此处表示“它们会成为影响到我们所有人的世界问题。”先行词为problems,定语从句中缺少主语,故填关系代词which或者that。.短文改错Tu Youyou,together with two other scientists,were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine,according to China Daily.Everyone in China deserves to take pride in,for one of the longheld goals we have been dreaming of has been bee a reality.Tu Youyou,born on December 30,1930,is the famous Chinese medical scientist.She has devoted her whole life to Chinese traditional medicine.His discovery of artemisinin (青蒿素)as well as its benefit in treating malaria(痢疾)is regarded as a breakthrough in tropical medicines.It has great improved health for those in developed countries such as those in South Asia and Africa.Because of her outstanding work,in 2011 Tu Youyou received the Lasker Award,what is called “Americas Nobels”.答案:Tu Youyou,together with two other scientists, awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine,according to China Daily.Everyone in China deserves to take pride in ,for one of the longheld goals we have been dreaming of has been bee a reality.Tu Youyou,born on December 30,1930,is the famous Chinese medical scientist.She has devoted her whole life to Chinese traditional medicine. discovery of artemisinin (青蒿素)as well as its benefit in treating malaria(疾)is regarded as a breakthrough in tropical .It has improved health for those in countries such as those in South Asia and Africa.Because of her outstanding work,in 2011 Tu Youyou received the Lasker Award, is called “Americas Nobels”.1解析:together with连接前后两个主语时,谓语动词应和前面的主语保持一致。句子的主语是Tu Youyou,因此这里谓语用单数形式。2解析:take pride in“为感到骄傲或自豪”,后必须接宾语,这里加it指前面提到的诺贝尔医学奖。3解析:bee没有被动语态,这里表示主动含义。4解析:这里介绍屠呦呦,应该用a表示“一位著名的中国药学家”。5解析:devote.to.“把投入到”中,to是介词,接动名词作宾语,故此处应用studying。6解析:语境介绍屠呦呦的事迹,因此用her而不是his。7解析:medicine表示“药物”是不可数名词。8解析:这里应该用副词greatly作状语,修饰谓语动词。9解析:语境提到非洲,因此这里表示“发展中国家”,用developing countries。10解析:这里用which引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词指代前面的宾语。


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