2020版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 11 The Media讲义 北师大版必修4.doc

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Unit 11 The Media(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1scene n场面,场景2load n. 满满一车;很多;工作量3agenda n. 议程4publish vt. 出版,发行5selfemployed adj. 自己经营的6host n. 主人;主办(国/城市/机构)vt. 主办7corporation n. 公司8brand n. 商标,牌子9budget n. 预算10spokesman n纵联1 发言人.重点单词写其形1legal adj. 合法的,与法律有关的2distinction n. 特质;殊荣;区别3consideration n. (作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事4._pretend vt. 假装5harmful_ adj. 有害的6blame vt. 责怪,归咎于7approach n. 方法,方式8attempt n. &vt. 试图,尝试9demand_ vt. 要求,请求10current adj. 当前的,现在的11affair n. 事情,事件12widespread adj. 广泛的13protection n. 保护,防卫14arise vi.纵联2 发生,出现15process n. 过程,进程16profit n. 利润,收益 17attitude n. 态度,看法18sightseeing n. 游览,观光19argument n. 纵联3 争论;理由.拓展单词通其变1respect vt.& n尊敬,尊重respected adj.受人敬重的respectable adj.值得敬重的respectful adj.恭敬的,表示尊敬的2delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的delight vt.使愉快 n快乐,高兴delightful adj.令人高兴的3application n申请(书);应用applicant n申请人apply vi.申请4employ vt.雇用employment n雇用unemployment n失业employer n雇主employee n雇员5analysis n分析analyse vt.分析6encouragement n鼓励encourage vt.鼓励7defend vt.保卫,防御;为辩解defence n保卫;防卫8advertiser n广告人advertise vt.为做广告,登广告advertisement n广告9contribution n贡献,捐助contribute vt.贡献contributor n贡献者,捐献者10innocent adj.天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的innocence n清白,无罪11conclude vt.结束;做出结论conclusion n结论,终结纵联1.以“man”结尾的职业名词postman邮递员 policeman警察workman劳动者 dustman清洁工spaceman宇航员 fisherman渔夫businessman商人 spokesman发言人sportsman运动员 salesman销售员statesman政治家纵联2.“发生”词汇集汇arise发生;出现 occur出现;发生happen(偶然)发生 e about产生,发生take place产生,发生 break out突然发生e up发生 crop up突然发生befall发生,降临纵联3.以后缀“ment”结尾的名词encouragement鼓励 disagreement分歧development发展 announcement公告adjustment调整 punishment惩罚settlement解决 achievement完成employment雇用 argument争论;理由单元话题新闻媒体子话题1报刊名称trade paper商界报纸 Newspaper Week新闻周刊daily日报 morning edition晨报government organ官报 Sunday features周日特刊popular paper 大众报纸子话题2报刊栏目the front page头版 bulldog edition晨版headline标题 banner headline头号大标题big news头条新闻 scoop特讯hot news最新新闻 city news社会新闻criticism评论 review ment时评book review书评 feature特写,花絮 子话题3新闻工作人员publisher发行人 bureau/copy chief总编辑 editorinchief总主编 editor编辑,主笔 columnist专栏作家 correspondent通讯员contributor投稿家 journalist新闻记者 学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2017全国卷阅读B)These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick (start) calling as well.I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.写出加黑词在本单元的表示人的同根名词:advertiser用所给词的适当形式填空:to_start写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:host2(2016全国卷阅读七选五)But it doesnt happen accident.It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.处应填介词:by,构成短语by_accident,意为偶然写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:尊敬,尊重写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:过程,进程3(201610月浙江高考阅读C)More broadly the Wakefield survey suggests that employers may be missing a lowcost way to give workers something of value. Sixtyfour percent of those survey participants who havent worked remotely would rather give up some bonus in order to get even one day a week working from home.写出加黑词在本单元的同根动词:employ写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:approach写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:profit高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2018江苏高考书面表达)有一个普遍关心的问题:排名的优缺点是密切相关的。因此,服务和质量是两个主要考虑的问题。 (widespread, consideration)There_is_a_widespread_concern_over_the_issue_that_the_advantages_and_disadvantages_of_ratings_are_often_closely_related._Therefore,_service_and_quality_are_the_two_chief_considerations.2(2017北京高考书面表达)更甚的是,沿河风景非常美,有许多著名的观光景点。这就是为什么我认为长江之旅是一个比较好的尝试。(sightseeing, attempt)Moreover,_the_scenery_along_the_river_is_amazing,_with_many_wellknown_sightseeing_spots._Thats_why_I_think_the_trip_along_the_Yangtze_River_is_a_better_attempt.3(2016全国卷书面表达)这是我第一次作为一位申请人写申请书,所以我给你写信是希望你能给予我一些帮助。如果那样的话我将非常高兴。(application, delighted)This_is_the_first_time_that_I_have_written_an_application_as_an_applicant,_so_Im_writing_you_the_letter,_hoping_you_can_give_me_some_help._If_so,_I_will_be_delighted. (二)课堂重点释疑1demand vt.要求,请求;需要 n要求;需求(量),需要记牢(1)demand to do sth.要求做某事demand sth.of/from sb. 向某人要某物demand that . (should) do sth. 要求做某事(2)meet/satisfy ones demands 满足某人的要求in demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的(3)demanding adj. 要求高的,要求严格的练通单句语法填空The workers in this factory demanded to_raise (raise) their salary.The UN has demanded that all troops (should)_be_withdrawn (withdraw)Yesterday evening, the couple came to my house and demanded help of/from me.A lot of goods are_in_demand before Christmas.Italy is the latest Western European country trying to control a growing immigrant (移民) population by demanding (demand) language skills in exchange for work permits.完成句子The key to solving the problem is to_meet/satisfy_the_demands made by the customers.解决问题的关键是满足顾客提出的要求。一句多译经理要求工人加班,以提前完成任务。The_manager_demanded_that_the_workers_(should)_work_extra_hours_to_plete_the_task_ahead_of_time.(demand that)The_workers_were_demanded_to_work_extra_hours_to_plete_the_task_ahead_of_time_by_the_manager. (demand to do sth.)用准demand后不接不定式作宾语补足语,即不能说demand sb.to do sth.。写美(2018全国卷书面表达)看完短片后,要求每个班讨论并且所有的学生评论和谈谈观后感。After_the_short_film,_it_is_demanded_that_each_class_should_have_a_discussion_and_all_the_students_be_expected_to_make_ments_and_express_their_views_about_the_film.2blame vt.责怪,归咎于n.过失;责备记牢(1)blame sb.for (doing) sth.因(做了)某事而责备某人blame sth.on . 把某事归咎于be to blame (for .) 应(为)承担责任; 该(为)受责备(2)take the blame for sth. 对某事负责任put/lay the blame for sth.on sb. 把某事的责任推到某人身上练通单句语法填空I dont blame you_for_making bad ments to your teacher.You should take the blame for what you have done.Dont always blame your own failure on others.To be honest, it was Sus fault, but Li was also to_blame (blame)一句多译他把考试失败归咎于老师。He_blamed_the_failure_of_his_exam_on_the_teacher.(blame sth.on)He_blamed_the_teacher_for_the_failure_of_his_exam.(blame sb.for)He_put/laid_the_blame_for_the_failure_of_his_exam_on_the_teacher.(blame n)用准在be to blame (for)短语中,不定式用主动语态表示被动含义。写美(2015江苏高考书面表达)一些司机、骑自行车的人和行人应受到责备,因为他们认为遵守交通规则不重要。Some_drivers,_cyclists_and_pedestrians_are_to_blame,_because_they_do_not_think_it_vital_to_obey_traffic_rules.3employ vt.雇用;聘请;使忙于;使从事于记牢(1)employ sb.employ sth.to do sth. 利用某物做某事(2) 从事于/忙于(做)某事be employed to do sth. 受雇做某事(3)employer n雇主employee n. 雇员employment n. 雇用;职业;使用练通单句语法填空I have been employed in raising money by a charity organization for less than a year now.For the past ten years I have been employed as an English teacher in this middle school.Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find an employment (employ)句型转换/完成句子She has been employed in making preparations for the ing final exam all morning.She has employed herself in making preparations for the ing final exam all morning.They employed her to_look_after_the_baby.他们雇用她照料那个小孩。写美(2017天津高考书面表达)事实上,我一直忙于我的学习。当然,除了学业外,我总是设法找时间发展我的兴趣。Actually,_Ive_been_employing_myself_in_my_studies._Of_course,_apart_from_my_academic_studies,_I_always_manage_to_find_time_for_what_Im_interested_in.4attempt vt.& n尝试,试图记牢(1)attempt to do sth.try to do sth.seek to do sth.试图做某事,努力做某事(2)in an attempt to do sth. 为了做某事make an attempt to do/at doing sth.企图做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试(3)attempted adj. 企图的,未遂的练通单句语法填空They made an attempt to_escape (escape) but was caught by the police.Not many people can answer this question at the first attempt.完成句子She has been charged with the_attempted_murder_of_her_husband.她曾被指控意图谋杀她丈夫。They are_attempting_to_climb the steepest part of Mount Tai.他们正试图攀登泰山最陡的部分。一句多译我试图说服他,但是是徒劳的。I_have_attempted_to_convince_him,_but_in_vain.(attempt vt.)I_have_made_an_attempt_to_convince_him/at_convincing_him,_but_in_vain.(attempt n)用准 attempt to do sth.相当于try to do sth.,意为“试图做某事”,但不一定成功;而succeed in doing sth./manage to do sth.意为“成功地做某事”。写美(2017全国卷书面表达)我认为你尽力抓住这个机会来更进一步学习中国的传统文化。 I_think_that_you_attempt_to_grasp_this_opportunity_to_learn_traditional_Chinese_culture_further.5pretend vt.假装;装作记牢pretend that . 假装pretend练通单句语法填空She pretended not_to_know (not know) me when we met in the street.He pretended to_be_reading (read) an important paper when the boss entered.The applicant pretended to_have_worked (work) for a newspaper before.完成句子If you pretend_to_know what you dont know, youll only make a fool of yourself. 不懂装懂就会闹笑话。The children pretend_to_be_different_animals dancing to the music. 孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。写美句型转换She pretended that she was not at home when we rang the bell.She pretended not to be at home when we rang the bell.6respect vt.尊敬,尊重;敬意n.细节;方面;敬意;问候记牢(1)respect sb. for sth.因某事而尊重某人(2)have/show respect for sb. 尊重某人give/send ones respects to sb. 向某人表达问候out of respect for . 出于对的尊敬;顾及with respect 受到尊重地(3)in all/many respects 在各个方面/在许多方面in respect ofwith respect to 关于;就而言练通单句语法填空Showing respect for parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral values.With_respect to your other suggestions, I am not yet able to tell you our decision.He said out of respect for Kate he was not going to make a joke of it.完成句子She has always been honest with me, and I_respect_her_for_that.她一直对我很诚实,我一直敬重她这一点。Everyone has the right to be treated_with_respect.每个人都有权利受到尊重地对待。写美句型转换(2014江西高考书面表达)此外,你应该尊敬无私帮助你获得许多知识的所有老师。In_addition,_you_should_show_respect_for_all_the_teachers_who_unselfishly_help_you_to_gain_much_knowledge.7approach n接近,逼近,走近;方法,方式;途径,通道 vt.& vi.接近;靠近;接洽;要求;着手处理辨清写出下列句中approach的含义A tourist approached us and asked us the way to the post office. 接近,走近We have been approached by a number of panies that are interested in our product.接洽He came up with a new approach to working out the puzzling maths problem. 方法,方式All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police. 通道记牢(1)the approach of .的来临;的临近the approach to (doing) sth. (做)某事的方法;去某处的通道make an approach to sth./sb. 对某事进行探讨/和某人打交道(2)approach sb.about/for sth.向某人要求某事approach sb.about doing sth. 要求某人做某事be approaching 快到了练通单句语法填空The job market has changed and our approach to finding (find) work must change as well.We have made approaches to them in the hope of establishing a business relationship.Did Mary approach you about lending her some money?完成句子As_Teachers_Day_was_approaching,_our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year.随着教师节的临近,今年我们班决定换一种方式举行一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。用准 表示“的方法”的表达还有:the way to do/of (doing) sth.; the means of (doing) sth.; the method of (doing) sth.等。写美(2017天津高考书面表达)首先,期末考试即将来临,所以我忙于备考。To_begin_with,_the_final_exam_of_this_term_is_approaching_so_I_am_busy_preparing_for_it.8conclude vt.& vi.做出结论;结束,完成;断定,推断记牢(1)conclude . from .从中得出/推断出conclude . with . 以结束conclude that . 断定to conclude 总而言之,最后(2)conclusion n. 结论draw/e to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论in conclusion 最后,总之练通单句语法填空Let me conclude my speech with a saying: Where there is a will, there is a way.He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.句型转换I can conclude that hard work will pay off sooner or later.We can draw a conclusion that hard work will pay off sooner or later.完成句子Researchers conclude_that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. 研究者断定法国人感觉饱了以后往往不会再吃了。To_conclude/In_conclusion,_Id like to say that Im happy to stay with you today.总之,我想说今天和你们在一起我很快乐。写美(2017天津高考书面表达)总之,我真诚地希望你再来天津,自从你离开天津已经发生了很大的变化。In_conclusion,_its_my_sincere_hope_that_you_can_spare_some_time_for_a_visit_to_Tianjin_again,_which_has_changed_greatly_since_you_left.词汇过关综合训练.单词拼写1Students are placed into classes according to their_current (当前的) language skills.2They steal from peoples bank accounts, download sensitive information and attack legal (合法的) websites.3From the evidence I must conclude (断定) that you are wrong.4What surprised us most was that he didnt show any respect (尊重) to his parents.5At the meeting they discussed three different approaches (方法) to the study of mathematics.6The girl attempted (试图) to figure out the boys attitude towards her but without success.7Poor students behavior seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think modern lifestyles are to blame (责备)8The high level of unemployment has produced harmful (有害的) social consequences.9I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration (考虑) and make a final decision. 10Dont believe in those ads that you can master a language in one month. Instead, it is a gradual process (过程), which may last for years.单句语法填空1We concluded the meeting at eight oclock with a prayer.2Our pany is going on very well, employing(employ)hundreds of local women.3The children pretended to_be_reading (read) aloud when the teacher came in.4Science graduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China.5I have the greatest respect for my teachers.6Approaching (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.7Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy, saying that he was not the one to_blame (blame)8After careful consideration, the government announced that they would attempt to_solve (solve) the problem.单句改错1He has made great contribution to the city development. contributioncontributions2To conclusion, Id like to thank you for all you have done for me.ToIn3Please send them my respect when you write. respectrespects4We object to employ a new graduate who has no practical experience. employemploying5So what can we conclude on this debate?onfrom.完成句子1What made me angry was that she pretended_not_to_see_me (假装没看到我) when I said hello to her.2It is you rather than he that are_to_blame_for_the_terrible_accident (对这次严重的事故负责任)3In_respect_of/With_respect_to_this_problem (关于这个问题), we dont have to draw a conclusion here.4I drew_a_conclusion_from_my_own_experiences (从我自己的经历中得出结论) that no pains, no gains.5The couple has set aside other feelings in_an_attempt_to_hold_the_family_together (设法维持住这个家庭)(一)课前自主学习1stand_for代表;支持;容忍2in_favour_of串记1 赞同,支持3consist_of 由组成4stand_out 突出,显眼5as_long_as 串记2 只要6be_made_up_of 由组成7be_used_to 串记3 习惯于8be_linked_with/to 与相关联9ment_on 发表意见10owe_._to_. 把归功于11go_ahead_with 着手做;开始做12participate_in 参与,参加13help_out 帮忙做事;摆脱困境14in_detail 详细地15e_down_to 结果是16look_forward_to 串记4 盼望,希望同根短语串记串记1.“in名词of”短语全接触in search of寻找 in view of鉴于;由于in charge of掌管,负责 in favour of赞同,支持in honour of 为了向表示尊敬in memory of 为了纪念 串记2.“只要”短语一览as/so long as on condition thatprovided/providing (that)串记3.“习惯于”短语归纳be/get used to be/get accustomed toaccustom oneself to串记4.“to为介词”短语聚会get down to着手做 pay attention to注意lead to导致 see to负责;注意contribute to有助于 look forward to盼望,希望1be remembered as a historical meeting作为一次历史性会议被记住2in direct petition with each other互相进行直接竞争3the classic advertisement_ 传统广告4hold the attention_of the public 保持公众的注意力5increase public knowledge 增加公众知识6the concept of_freedom 自由的理念7because of the advertising boom 由于广告业的繁荣8health care administration 保健管理1AIDS is another problem of_great_concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.艾滋病是另一个深受关注的问题,所以性教育和保健管理非常重要。2It_is_likely_to_be just the name of a pany, part of which may be a general location.它很可能仅仅是一家公司的名称,其中可能含有公司的大概位置。3However, not_all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广告都是为谋求利润而推销产品和提供服务的。4According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday, people dont mind bad language on television as_long_as it is not used in programmes watched by children.据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究称,电视中的不良语言,只要不用在儿童节目中,人们并不介意。学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词块与句式1(2017天津高考阅读A)But it can quickly rise to something worse, when everyone starts hitting “reply all” to join in a long and unpleasant conversation. In this instance, step away from your keyboard to allow everyone to calm down.(用本单元短语升级加黑词汇) _participate_in2(2016江苏高考阅读C)According to a paper in 2011 by Mr Hsiang and coauthors, civil conflict is related to El Nins harmful effects and the poorer the country, the stronger the link. (用本单元短语替换加黑词汇)is_linked_with/to高考采撷(二)写作中的词块与句式(根据汉语及提示翻译句子)1(2018天津高考书面表达)除了规律的训练之外,训练日程包括各种活动,例如,参加一些国内比赛,这对学生是很有帮助的。(ofn.)The_training_schedule,_apart_from_regular_training,_includes_joining_in_a_variety_of_activities,_such_as_participating_in_some_national_petitions,_which_is_of_great_help_to_students.2(2017全国卷书面表达)你知道,并非我们所有人都擅长打乒乓球。(部分否定)As_you_know,_not_all_of_us_do_well_in_playing_pingpong.(二)课堂重点释疑 短语集释1in favour of支持,赞同记牢in favour with受支持/喜爱in ones favour 有利于某人do sb.a favourdo a favour for sb. 帮某人忙ask a favour of sb. 请某人帮个忙owe sb.a favour 欠某人一份情练通单句语法填空Ill raise both hands in favour_of_banning smoking inside the schoolyard.She was not in favour with the media just now.It looks as if the international situation is in our_(we) favour.完成句子Mary asked_a_favour_of_me,_but I was too busy to help her.玛丽请我帮个忙,但是我太忙以至于不能帮她。Do_me_a_favour/Do_a_favour_for_me and turn the radio down while Im on the phone, will you?帮我一个忙,我在打电话,把收音机的声音调小一点好吗?写美(2016全国卷书面表达)我想告诉你一些关于暑假的计划并想请你帮我个忙。I_want_to_tell_you_something_about_my_plan_for_the_summer_vacation_and_Id_like_you_to_do_me_a_favour.2consist of由组成;由构成记牢(1)be posed ofbe made up of由组成(2)consist inlie in 在于consist with 一致;符合(3)consistent adj. 一致的;持续的be consistent with 与一致练通完成句子The beauty of the city consists_in its magnificent buildings.这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。The pany that consists_of/is_made_up_of/is_posed_of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.这家由15家小工厂组成的公司正面临着严重的财政危机。一句多译这个政治家的所作所为与他在演讲中的承诺并不一致。The politicians actions do not consist_with the promises he made in his speeches.The politicians actions arent_consistent_with the promises he made in his speeches.用准consist of与consist in既不用于进行时态,也不用于被动语态。写美(2017全国卷书面表达)训练包括各种活动,例如你很感兴趣的乒乓球。The_training_consists_of_a_variety_of_activities,_such_as_pingpong,_which_you_are_very_interested_in.3stand out突出,显眼记牢stand out from/among . 在中突出/杰出stand for 代表stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷;支持stand up for sb./sth. 支持,拥护stand on ones own feet 自立练通单句语法填空How can you stand by and do nothing when she needs help?As is known to us, the letters PLA stand for the Peoples Liberation Army. 完成句子We must stand_up_for our rights.我们必须维护我们的权利。The letters_stand_out_well against the dark background.这些映着黑色背景的字母很显眼。Children should learn to stand_on_their_own_feet rather than just depend on their parents.孩子们应该学会独立而不是只依靠他们的父母。写美(2017江苏高考书面表达)新技术的应用和电影明星受到追捧的问题突显出来。The_application_of_new_technologies_and_the_wide_appeal_of_movie_stars_stood_out.句式集释1部分否定教材原句However, not_all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.

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