2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业2 Unit 7 The Sea 北师大版必修3.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业2 Unit 7 The Sea 北师大版必修3.doc_第3页
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课时分层作业(二)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1The room is 15 feet in length(long) and 10 feet in breadth.2With many things to deal(deal) with,I have to work day and night.3He was banned from driving(drive) for six months.4Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence(intelligent)5The more he worked,the more energetic(energy) he became.6It took me an hour to find the solution to the problem.7His niece is attractive(attract) and mature for her age.8You can always make a living with a skill.9I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk.10The information you gathered is of great help to me.完成句子1我们必须采取措施制止污染。We must take measures to stop pollution here.2由男孩领路,我们很容易找到回家的路。With the boy leading the way,we found the way back home easily.3你工作越努力,你就会取得更大的进步。The harder you work,the greater progress you will make.4当心一个带着黑帽子的高个男人。Watch out for a tall man with a black hat.5奥运会每四年举行一次。The Olympics are held every four years/every fourth year高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解Far from the land of Antarctica(南极洲),a huge shelf of ice meets the ocean.At the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish,the Antarctic cod.For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish.How does it live where most fish would freeze to death?It must have some secret.The Antarctic is not a fortable place to work and research has been slow.Now it seems we have an answer.Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish.Scientists studied the fishs blood and measured its freezing point.The fish were taken from sea water that had a temperature of 1.88 and many tiny pieces of ice floating in it.The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to2.05.That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the icesalt mixture.The scientists next research job was clear:Find out what in the fishs blood kept it from freezing.Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein(蛋白质) never before seen in the blood of a fish.When it was removed,the blood froze at sea water temperature.When it was put back,the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein.It has many small sugar molecules(分子) held in special positions within each big protein molecule.Because of its sugar content,it is called a glycoprotein.So it has e to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein,or AFGP.【语篇解读】你了解 the Antarctic cod(南极鳕鱼)吗?它们为什么在那么低的温度下仍能生存?其秘密在哪里呢?科学家会告诉你。1What is the text mainly about?AThe terrible conditions in Antarctica.BA special fish living in freezing waters.CThe ice shelf around Antarctica.DProtection of the Antarctic cod.B主旨大意题。从第一段第二句话 At the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish,the Antarctic cod.和第二段第二句话 How does it live where most fish would freeze to death?可推知B项最佳。2Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature?AThe sea water has a temperature of 1.88.BIt loves to live in the icesalt mixture.CA special protein keeps it from freezing.DIts blood has a temperature lower than2.05.C推理判断题。从第五段最后两句When it was removed,the blood froze at sea water temperature.When it was put back,the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.可知答案为C。3What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?AA type of icesalt mixture.BA newly found protein.CFish blood.DSugar molecule.B词义猜测题。从本段的Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein(蛋白质) never before seen in the blood of a fish.可推知答案为B。4How do the scientists carry out their research?AThey stayed under sea water for observing the Antarctic cod.BBy cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish.CBy measuring their weight one by one.DBy keeping the fish in a special lab.B细节理解题。从第三段首句Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish.可知B项正确,其他选项与文章不符,故选B。.完形填空I am a girl,but I was born to be a rebel(叛逆者)I like games that can be 1 Some of the sports I like,even boys wont play!Wrestling(摔跤)is 2 seen as a sport for men,but I 3 to see if I could do it.Every Saturday morning,I got out of bed early to go and watch my brother 4 From morning to night,I would sit watching the 5 have all the fun.Since then,wrestling has been part of my 6 For three years,I 7 all the boys and became the best player in the team.My 8 memory of wrestling is when a boy walked off 9 because hed lost to a girl.My last 10 was at this years Girls State Wrestling Championships.I was so 11 I was sure I would win.My heart was beating hard when the match started.I could see 12 but my petitor.When the final whistle blew,I had 13 by four points.The cameras and 14 all turned to me: I was the new wrestling champion.I felt so 15 But after a few minutes of enjoying being a champion, 16 began to run through my knee.Because I hurt my knee,my 17 of being a national champion ended.Even so,I still 18 to wrestle next year when I go to college.I have 19 that you can do anything you want if you put your 20 into it.【语篇解读】文章主要介绍了自己从事摔跤运动的经历,启示只要用心去做自己喜欢做的事情就一定能做好。1A.interestingBsurprisingCdangerous DfamousC考查形容词。根据前句作者生来是个叛逆者,在根据后文男孩都不敢玩的游戏,可见十分危险。interesting 有趣的;surprising 令人吃惊的;dangerous 危险的;famous 著名的。2A.usually BeverCrarely DneverA考查副词。根据语境可知此处表示摔跤通常被认为是男人的运动。usually通常地;ever 曾经;rarely 几乎不;never从不。3A.agreed BpretendedCdecided DhappenedC考查动词。根据语境可知我决定看看我是否能够玩摔跤游戏。agree 同意;pretend 假装;decide 决定;happen 发生。4A.roll BrunCfight DpracticeD考查动词。根据语境可知此处表示看着哥哥练习摔跤。roll 滚动;run 跑;fight 战斗;practice 练习。5A.boys BgirlsCteammates DfriendsA考查名词。此处表示我看着男孩们玩得开心。boy男孩;girl女孩;teammate队友;friend朋友。6A.way BlifeCwork DstudyB考查名词。此处表示摔跤成了我生活的一部分。way方法;life生活;work 工作;study 研究,学习。7A.beat BhitCknocked DinjuredA考查动词。此处表示我打败了所有的男孩成为最好的队员。beat打败;hit 击打;knock 碰撞;injure 受伤。8A.longest BshortestCbest DworstC考查形容词最高级。此处表示自己记忆最深刻的是跟一个男孩的比赛。longest 最长的;shortest 最短的;best 最好的;worst 最糟糕的。9A.shouting BsmilingClaughing DcryingD考查现在分词。此处表示男孩跟作者比赛输了,所以是哭着离开了。shout 大喊大叫;smile 笑;laugh 大笑;cry 哭。10A.chance BmatchCtry DsportB考查名词。此处表示我的上一次比赛时今年的女子国家摔跤锦标赛。chance机会;match比赛;try 尝试;sport运动。11A.upset BgreatCpleased DexcitedD考查形容词。我很激动,我相信自己能赢。upset难过,不安;great伟大的,棒极了;pleased令人满意的;excited令人激动的。12A.anything BnothingCeverything DsomethingB考查代词。此处表示自己很紧张,除了对手什么也看不到。anything 任何;nothing没有;everything一切;something某些事情。13A.won BlostCled DgainedA考查动词。此处表示自己赢了四分。win赢;lose失败;lead领导;gain获得。14A.hands BplayersClights DphotosC考查名词。此处表示所有的相机和镁光灯都朝向我。hand手;player球员;light灯;photo照片。15A.shy BhopefulChappy DnervousC考查形容词。根据语境自己是摔跤冠军,所以自己很高兴。shy害羞;hopeful 充满希望的;happy 高兴的;nervous 紧张的。16A.air BbloodCsteam DpainD考查名词。此处表示高兴过后,自己感觉到膝盖疼痛。air 空气;blood 血液;steam 小溪;pain 疼痛。17A.dream BplanCgoal DstoryA考查名词。此处表示因为自己伤到了膝盖,所以成为国家冠军的梦想结束了。dream 梦想;plan计划;goal 目标;story 故事。18A.remember BcycleCwant DwalkC考查动词。此处表示即使这样,我仍然想要去摔跤。remember记得;cycle循环;want 想要;walk 行走。19A.said BheardClearned DnoticedC考查动词。此处表示我已经得知你可以做任何事情,只要你用心去做。say说;hear听说;learn得知;notice注意。20A.time BheartCfoot DjoyB考查名词。此处表示只要用心去做。time 时间;heart 心;foot 脚;joy 开心,快乐。


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