2019版高考英语 Unit 11 The Media夯练(含解析)北师大版必修4.doc

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The Media一、阅读理解。Flaubert had it that “one way of tolerating existence is to lose oneself in literature as in an unending party”It turns out that reading doesnt only help us to tolerate existence,but actually lengthens it.A recent study by Yale University researchers,published online in the journal Social Science & Medicine,concluded that “book readers experienced a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death over the 12 years of followup pared to nonreaders”The data was obtained from the study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.The study looked at 3,635 subjects,all older than 50,whom the researchers divided into three groups:those who didnt read books,those who read up to 3.5 hours a week and those who read more than 3.5 hours a week.The findings were remarkable:on average,book readers survived almost two years longer than those who didnt crack open a book.The more the subjects read,the longer they lived,but as little as 30 minutes a day was still beneficial in terms of survival.Accounting for factors such as education level,ine and health status,the study found that those who read more than 3.5 hours weekly were 23 percent less likely to die during that 12year period.Those who read up to 3.5 hoursan average of a half hour a daywere 17 percent less likely.“In other words,just like a healthy diet and exercise,books appear to promote a significant survival advantage,” the authors concluded.Why or how thats_the_case remains unclear;the research showed only an association between book reading and longevity,not a causal relationship.But the findings are not so surprising.Other recent research showed that reading novels appears to increase both brain connectivity and sympathy.1Why does the author mention Flauberts words in the first paragraph?ATo stress the value of reading.BTo pare reading with a party.CTo introduce the study on reading.DTo support the findings of the study.2From the text,what can we learn about the study?ANo similar study on reading has been carried out.BThe process of the study lasted more than ten years.CIt shows readers live two years longer than nonreaders.DIt shows time spent on reading increases ones love for it.3What do the underlined words“thats the case”probably mean?AReading books enables people to live longer.BReading is similar to a healthy diet and exercise.CReading books is closely associated with longevity.DReading increases brain connectivity and sympathy.4Where can we most probably read this text?As:/.theguardian./lifeandstyle/family.Bs:/.barnesandnoble./b/books/ingsoon.Cs:/.washingtonpost./news/toyourhealth.D:/.thebookbag.co.uk/Book_Remendations.【解题导语】研究发现,阅读和长寿有一定的联系,阅读者的平均寿命比不读书的人长将近两岁。【难句分析】The study looked at 3 , 635 subjects,all older than 50,whom the researchers divided into three groups:those who didnt read books,those who read up to 3.5 hours a week and those who read more than 3.5 hours a week.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中whom the researchers divided into three groups为whom引导的非限制性定语从句;who didnt read books以及who read up to 3.5 hours a week和who read more than 3.5 hours a week都为who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词those。译文:这项研究调查了3 635名年龄超过50岁的实验对象,研究人员将他们分为三组:从来不读书的人,每周阅读3.5小时的人,每周阅读超过3.5小时的人。1C考查推理判断。文章第一段引用福楼拜的名言说明读书的作用,接着第二段介绍了耶鲁大学关于读书与死亡风险之间关系的研究。据此可以判断,引用福楼拜的名言旨在介绍对阅读的作用的研究,故C项正确。2B考查细节理解。根据第二段最后一句中的“book readers experienced a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death over the 12 years of followup pared to nonreaders”可知,在12年的跟踪调查中发现,与不读书的人相比,阅读者的死亡风险降低了20%。据此可知,该项调查持续了十多年,故B项正确。A项文中没有提及;C项错在two years longer than nonreaders,与第四段的第一句“The findings were remarkable:on average,book readers survived almost two years longer than those who didnt crack open a book”中的almost表述不符;D项文中没有提及。3A考查词义猜测。根据上文中的“books appear to promote a significant survival advantage”及上文所述的研究结论“读书可以延长寿命”和该句“Why or how thats_the_case remains unclear;the research showed only an association between book reading and longevity,not a causal relationship”可知,阅读为什么以及以什么方式延长读者寿命,人们仍然不清楚。据此可知,画线词指代研究表明的“读书可以延长寿命”,故A项正确。4C考查文章出处。通读全文可知,本文主要说明了阅读和长寿有一定的联系,阅读者的平均寿命比不读书的人长将近两岁,阅读能增强大脑的功能。据此可以判断,本文属于健康话题,因此最可能摘自健康网站,故C项正确。根据A项s:/.theguardian./lifeandstyle/family可知,该网站介绍家庭生活方式;根据B项s:/.barnesandnoble. /b/books/ingsoon可知,该网站介绍即将出版的新书;根据D项:/.thebookbag.co.uk/Book_Remendations可知,该网站主要推荐书籍。二、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2017广州综合检测)Each week New Yorkbased hairstylist Mark Bustos tries to make a small difference in peoples lives 61._ giving haircuts to homeless people.During the week, Mark works in his highclass salon, but each Sunday, he walks around the city asking people 62._ theyd like a haircut.He then gives them a stylish haircut63._ same kind he would give to any paying customer, except these are done for free for those who are homeless or cannot afford a haircut 64._ (them)Marks work began in 2012 when visiting family in the Philippines.Instead of just 65._ (take) a typical, relaxing vacation, he decided to give poor local children haircuts.“I felt so happy doing it that Ive continued since returning,” Mark explains.Changing someones appearance can have a huge impact on their life.Remember the homeless retired soldier who received a makeover? He found a job, 66._ (rent) a house and quit drinking alcohol afterwards.67._ (simple) changing how a person looks can give them a huge increase in 68._ (confident)Mark Bustos proves that there are many ways 69._ (give),and that you can easily use your 70._(person) abilities to make a difference in somebodys life.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了发型师Mark Bustos通过给无家可归的人理发来改变他们的外貌,从而使他们增加自信心、努力改变生活的故事。61by解析:考查介词。根据语境可知,发型师通过给无家可归的人理发,试图给他们的生活来个小小的变化。byv.ing意为“通过”,作方式状语。故填by。62whether/if解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,Mark周一至周五在高级美发厅上班,每个周日就在市区到处走走,问人们是否需要理发。whether/if引导宾语从句,意为“是否”。故填whether/if。63the解析:考查冠词。the same意为“同样的”,为固定用法。故填定冠词the。64themselves解析:考查代词。根据语境可知,此处指自己负担不起理发费用的人,因此应用所给词的反身代词。故填themselves。65taking解析:考查非谓语动词。instead of意为“而不是”,其后接动名词形式,作“of”的宾语。故填taking。66rented解析:考查动词的时态。根据“and”连接并列成分可知,此处应与其他两个谓语动词“found”和“quit”时态一致,应用一般过去时。故填rented。67Simply解析:考查词性转换。空格处修饰分词短语“changing how a person looks”,应用副词。故填Simply。注意首字母大写。68confidence解析:考查词性转换。此处指改变发型能让他们信心大增,介词“in”后应接名词形式。故填confidence。69to give解析:考查非谓语动词。此处应用动词不定式作“many ways”的后置定语。故填to give。70personal解析:考查词性转换。此处修饰名词“abilities”,应用所给词的形容词形式作定语。故填personal。三、短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(2017潍坊3月模拟)Life is an mystery and we will never know that what is waiting for us.But one thing is for sure: problems are unavoidable.For us, its the process of solving problems that help us grow.Make a speech used to be a big problem for me.With a strong accent and terribly pronunciation, I failed in speech petition many times, but I didnt hold back.In the contrary, I considered it a good chance for me to improve myself.I recorded my speech, listening to it and corrected my pronunciation.Now Im confident enough to give my best speech to you all.My dear friends, dont afraid of problems, but take advantage of it to be the best of ourselves!答案:Life is mystery and we will never know what is waiting for us.But one thing is for sure: problems are unavoidable.For us, its the process of solving problems that us grow. a speech used to be a big problem for me.With a strong accent and pronunciation, I failed in speech many times, but I didnt hold back. the contrary, I considered it a good chance for me to improve myself.I recorded my speech, to it and corrected my pronunciation.Now Im confident enough to give my best speech to you all.My dear friends, dont afraid of problems, but take advantage of to be the best of ourselves!四、七选五。Ways to Stop Doubting YourselfWhat if I dont pass this test? Are my friends just hanging out with me because they feel bad for me? 1._ Stop! The selfdoubt stops right here. Here are some ways to beat negative selftalk and start believing in yourself.Be Aware.The first step towards overing anything is to bee aware of it. By being aware that we are doubting ourselves, we can sooner confirm it and put a stop to it. As we realize our selfdoubt, we will get quicker at confirming and stopping it. See? 2._ Take a Break.Sometimes it is our mind that goes against us. Whenever you find yourself having doubts, take a break. 3._ Ask yourself what made you get into this goal. It will get you to realize why you started it in the first place.4._ Too often we determine how we feel about ourselves according to what other people feel about us. Our selfworth is just dependent upon what we think of ourselves. So we must break free of the chains that tell us our selfworth is recognized by other people.Find Support.5_ Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites. Sometimes we all need to hear something that will get us moving again. We just need to reach out to others who understand us.ATake It Slow.BFree Yourself.CGive yourself time to think.DIts not always easy doing things alone.EThis is already a step in the right direction.FWhat if I never figure out my lifes purpose?GBecause once you give up, no one can help you.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了停止怀疑自己的几种方法。1F解析:空前面是两个问句,后面是“Stop!”,所以本空也需要填一个问句,故选F项。2E解析:由空前的“当我们意识到自我怀疑时,我们可以及时确认并且及时制止。”可知,此处表示这已经是朝着正确方向前进的一步了,所以选E项。3C解析:根据前一句“Whenever you find yourself having doubts,take a break.”即“无论你什么时候发现自己有疑问,休息一下”,可知空处应是“给自己思考的时间”,故选C项。4B解析:本段的最后一句说明应该“解脱自己”,所以选B项。5D解析:根据“Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites.”可知,空处应是“独自做一些事情是不容易的”,所以选D项。五、书面表达 (2017河北衡水中学期末)假如你是李华,今年寒假你将参加“英国名校两周游”冬令营,你计划2月份在伦敦逗留三天(2月1315日),住在Wellington Hotel。你想与去年你们家接待过的来自英国的学生Charlie见面,请你给他写一封邮件,简单介绍伦敦的行程;希望见面并商量见面时间和地点。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Charlie,How time flies!It has been almost a year since your last visit._Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Charlie,How_time_flies!It_has_been_almost_a_year_since_your_last_visit.How is everything going with you and your family? My parents and I miss you very much.This winter vacation, I will join a twoweek camp to visit some of the famous universities in the UK.It is scheduled that we will stay in London from February 13th to 15th.We are planning to have a tour of London on the first two days, when we will visit some popular tourist attractions such as the Tower of London, Westminster Abby and Buckingham Palace and so on.I want to see you very much.I am wondering if we could make it on the afternoon of February 14th at Wellington Hotel,where we will be staying.We wont have any planned activities then.Please let me know if it is convenient for you.Looking_forward_to_your_reply.Yours,Li_Hua


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