2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 4 Earthquakes-3检测试题 新人教版必修1.doc

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Unit 4Using Language用所给词的适当形式填空1There was a pleased _expression_ (express)on her face.2She got very _frightened_ (frighten) when a plane flew over her head.3I _sincerely_ (sincere) hope I can get your reply soon.4Lets get together to _congratulate_ (congratulation) you on your passing the driving test.5_Judging_ (judge) from his appearance, he is not from a rich family.6He was run down by a _cyclist_ (cycle) and was injured badly.7Smoking can do _damage_ (damage) to your health.8You shouldnt spend so much time on many _useless_ (use) things.完成句子1从他说的话来看,他是一个明智的人。(judge)_Judging from_ what he said,he is a wise man.2图书馆里的许多书不见了。(number)_A great number of_ books are missing from the library.3我对她的美满婚姻送上了最热烈的祝贺。(congratulations)I _offered her_ my warmest _congratulations_ on her happy marriage.4在我的演讲中,我真诚地向观众表达了我的感激之情。(express)I _sincerely expressed_ my appreciation to my audience in my speech.5我非常害怕我会被解雇。(frighten)I _was frightened to_ death that I would be dismissed.单句语法填空1_Judging_ (judge) from the plan, America will bee the worlds biggest oil producer by round 2020.解析:考查固定搭配。句意:根据该计划判断,到2020年前后,美国将成为世界上最大的石油生产国。judging from根据判断,固定搭配。2Wenchuan Earthquake Museum was built _to honour_ (honour) those who died in the disaster.解析:句意:汶川地震纪念馆的建成是为了纪念那些在地震中死去的人们。3I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel _when_ I heard the steps.解析:考查连词辨析。had just done.when.刚刚做完这时,be doing.when.正在这时。句意:我刚刚走出浴室正忙着用毛巾擦干,这时我听到了脚步声。4The news of the mayors ing to our school for a visit was given _out_ on the radio yesterday.解析:句意:市长来我们学校参观的消息昨天在广播电台中播放了。give out表示“公布,宣布,播放”。5What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given _out_ ?解析:句意:当地球上所有的石油用完后,我们将使用什么样的能源?give out 表示“用光,耗尽”。6The boy showed me his new toyI can see that he was very proud _of_ it.解析:考查短语意义。句意:这个男孩向我展示他的新玩具。我能看出他以这个玩具为荣。(be)proud of“以为荣”。7I _sincerely_ (sincere)hope that I can have the opportunity to meet the famous scientist on biochemistry again in Shanghai.解析:句意:我真诚地希望在上海再次见到那位著名的生化科学家。sincerely“真诚地,真挚地”。8I feel highly _honoured_ (honour) to have a chance to speak at the meeting.解析:句意:有机会在大会上发言,我感到十分荣幸。feel honoured to do sth.“对感到荣幸”。9(2018北京高考,5改编)She and her family bicycle to work, _which_ helps them keep fit.解析:考查非限制性定语从句。句意:她和家人都骑自行车上班,这帮助他们身体健康。which在此引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面句子内容,常常翻译成“这”。10_Judging_ (judge) from his accent, he must be _from_ America.解析:句意:从他的口音判断,他一定来自美国。“从判断”用judging from/by,“来自”用be from。阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Mandara seemed to know something big was about to happenSo she let out a yell, caught hold of her 2yearold daughter Kibibi and climbed up into a treeShe lives at the National Zoo in Washington, DCAnd on Tuesday, August 23rd, witnesses say she seemed to sense the big earthquake that shook much of the East Coast before any humans knew what was going onAnd shes not the only oneIn the moments before the quake, an orangutan(猩猩) let out a loud call and then climbed to the top of her shelter.“Its vey different from their normal call,” said Brandie Smith, the zookeeper“The lemurs (monkeylike animals of Madagascar) will sound an alarm call if they see or hear something highly unusual.”But you cant see or hear an earthquake 15 minutes before it happens, can you? Maybe you canif youre an animal“Animals can hear above and below our range of hearing,” said Brandie Smith“Thats part of their special abilitiesTheyre more sensitive to the environment, which is how they survive.”Primates werent the only animals that seemed to sense the quake before it happenedOne of the elephants made a warning soundAnd a huge lizard(晰蜴) ran quickly for coverThe flamingoes (a kind of bird) gathered before the quake and stayed together until the shaking stopped.Not all the animals behaved unusually before the quakeFor example, Smith says the zoos giant pandas didnt jump up until the shaking actually beganBut many of the other animals seemed to know something was ing before it happened“Im not surprised at all,” Smith said.文章大意:这篇文章主要讲了在地震前动物们的表现,有些动物对地震敏感,而有些动物对地震没有察觉。1Why did Mandara act strangely one day? _A_ ABecause it sensed something unusual would happen.BBecause its daughter Kibibi was injured.CBecause it heard an orangutan let out a loud call.DBecause an earthquake had happened.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段Mandara seemed to know something big was about to happen.可知选A。2According to Brandie Smith, _A_ .Amany animals hearing is sharpBearthquakes produce two types of wavesCprimates usually gather together before a quakeDhumans can also develop the ability to sense a quake解析:推理判断题。根据第四段Animals can hear above and below our range of hearing.可知答案应为A。3Which animal seems unable to sense a quake? _D_ AA lizard BA flamingo.CA lemurDA giant panda.解析:细节理解题。根据For example, Smith says the zoos giant pandas didnt jump up until the shaking actually began.可知。4What is the best title for the passage? _C_ AHow animals survive a quakeBHow animals differ from humansCHow animals behave before a quakeDHow animals protect their young in a quake解析:主旨大意题。通读全文尤其是最后一段中Not all the animals behaved unusually before the quake.可知,本文主要介绍了地震前动物的表现。完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2016北京卷)A Race Against DeathIt was a cold January in 1925 in North AlaskaThe town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.On the 20th of that month, DrWelch _1.A_ a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious (传染的) disease mainly affecting childrenThe children of Nome would be _2.B_ if it struck the townDrWelch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick _3.D_ , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.How could the medicine get to Nome? The towns _4.C_ was already full of ice, so it couldnt e by shipCars and horses couldnt travel on the _5.B_ roadsJet airplanes and big trucks didnt exist yet._6.C_ January 26, Billy and three other children had diedTwenty more were _7.D_ Nomes town officials came up with a(n) _8.A_ They would have the medicine sent by _9.B_ from Anchorage to NenanaFrom there, dogsled(狗拉雪橇)driversknown as “mushers”would _10.A_ it to Nome in a relay(接力)The race began on January 27The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night _11.C_ he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannons face was black from the extreme coldOn January 31,a musher named Seppala had to _12.D_ a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most _13.C_ part of the journeyNorton Sound was covered with ice, which could sometimes break up without warningIf that happened, Seppala might fall into the icy water belowHe would _14.D_ , and so would the sick children of NomeBut Seppala made it across.A huge snowstorm hit on February 1A musher named Kaasen had to brave this stormAt one point, huge piles of snow blocked his _15.C_ He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around themConditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to _16.A_ the trail againThe only hope was Balto, Kaasen lead dogBalto put his nose to the ground, _17.B_ to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trailIf Balto failed, it would mean disaster for NomeThe minutes passed bySuddenly, Balto began to _18.A_ He had found the trail.At 5:30 amon February 2, Kaasen and his dog _19.D_ in NomeWithin minutes, DrWelch had the medicineHe quickly gave it to the sick childrenAll of them recovered Nome had been _20.B_ .文章大意:文章讲述了一个人们接力运送药物来救患病儿童的感人故事。1925年1月份的阿拉斯加北部极其寒冷,由于大雪,诺姆小镇与外界隔绝了。雪上加霜的是,那里的孩子患上了一种致命的传染病白喉。为了拯救孩子们,人们接力运送药品到诺姆。最终,人们通过狗拉的雪橇把药物送到了诺姆。1Aexamined Bwarned Cinterviewed Dcured解析:医生“检查”了一个生病的孩子,知道他患上了白喉。examine“检查”;warn“警告”;interview“面试,采访”;cure“治愈”。2Aharmless Bhelpless Cfearless Dcareless解析:如果白喉肆虐诺姆,那里的孩子们都将面临死亡。helpless“无望的”;harmless“无害的”;fearless“不怕的”;careless“粗心的”。3AMoreover BTherefore COtherwise DHowever解析:“然而”,最近的药品供应站距离诺姆一千多里,前后是转折关系。故选however。4Aairport Bstation Charbor Dborder解析:airport“机场”; station“车站”; harbor “港口”;border“边境”。根据“so it couldnt e by ship”可知,这里指港口结冰,故选C。5Anarrow Bsnowy Cbusy Ddirty解析:narrow“狭窄的”; snowy“被雪覆盖的”;busy“繁忙的”;dirty“脏的”。根据第一段可知,大雪覆盖了道路,汽车和马都不能通行,故选B。6AFrom BOn CBy DAfter解析:From“从,自”;On“在上面”;By“通过,在之前”;After“在之后”。By时间,与完成时连用,后跟过去的时间,用过去完成时;跟将来的时间,用将来完成时,故选C。7Atired Bupset Cpale Dsick解析:tired“劳累的”;upset“难过的”; pale“苍白的”;sick“生病的”。四个孩子相继去世,还有20几个患病,故选D。8Aplan Bexcuse Cmessage Dtopic解析:plan“计划”;excuse“借口”;message“信息”;topic“话题”。当地的官员想到了一个“计划”,故选A。9Aair Brail Csea Droad解析:air“空气”;rail“栏杆,铁轨”; sea“海洋”;road“道路”。根据下一段“from the train at Nenana”可知,药物被用“火车”运到Nenana,故选B。10Acarry Breturn Cmail Dgive解析:carry“运送,携带”;return“返回,归还”; mail“邮寄”;give“给”。然后再由乘坐狗拉的雪橇的人把药物接力“送到”诺姆,故选A。11AThough BSince CWhen DIf解析:Though“虽然”;Since“因为,自从”;When“当时”;If“如果”。当他把药物交给下一个人时,他的脸已经被冻得乌青,故选C。12Aenter Bmove Cvisit Dcross解析:enter“进入”;move“移动”;visit“拜访”;cross“穿过”。根据“Norton Sound was covered with ice”可知,Norton Sound是一片冰冻的水域,Seppala必须“穿过”这片水域,故选D。13Ashameful Bboring Cdangerous Dfoolish解析:shameful“惭愧的”;boring“令人厌烦的”;dangerous“危险的”;foolish“愚蠢的”。根据“which could sometimes break up without warning”可知,这是旅途最危险的一部分,故选C。14Aescape Bbleed Cswim Ddie解析:escape“逃跑,逃避”;bleed“流血”;swim“游泳”;die“死亡”。如果掉进寒冷的水中,Seppala会被冻死,诺姆的病童们也会“死去”,故选D。15Amemory Bexit Cway Ddestination解析:memory“记忆”;exit“出口”;way“道路”;destination“目的地”。根据下一句可知,有的地方被大雪挡住了去路,Kaasen不得不绕道行驶,故选C。16Afind Bfix Cpass Dchange解析:find“找到”;fix“固定;安装”;pass“通过”;change“改变”。当时的天气状况极差,Kaasen“找到”雪橇轨道是不可能的,只能靠他的狗,故选A。17Apretending Btrying Casking Dlearning解析:pretending“假装”;trying“努力”;asking“问,要求”;learning“学会”。Kaasen的雪橇狗“努力”嗅着其它狗的味道,故选B。18Arun Bleave Cbite Dplay解析:run“跑”; leave“离开”;bite“咬”;play“玩耍”。Kaasen的雪橇狗找到了轨道,开始“奔跑”起来,故选A。19Agathered Bstayed Ccamped Darrived解析:gathered“聚集”;stayed“保持”;camped“露营,借住”;arrived“到达”。arrive in到达某地,这里指终于“到达”诺姆,故选D。20AcontrolledBsaved Cfounded Ddeveloped解析:controlled“控制”;saved“拯救”;founded“建立”;developed“发展”。所有的孩子得到了救治,诺姆活了下来,故选B。


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