2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第一课时)教案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第一课时)教案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第一课时)教案 牛津译林版教 材小学三年级英语(下册)单元Unit 5 How old are you?教学内容Story time,ticking time(部分)and checkout time.课时第1课时学习目标 Knowledge aims:a. Students are able to count from one to ten b. Students are able to ask and answer questions about age.c. Ss can understand and read the dialogue. Encourage them act it out without books.Ability aims:Students should be able to use the sentence structures “How old are you? Im”“Here you are. ”“ How lovely!” properly.Emotional aims:Ss are able to express their favorite toys according to ages.学习重点Ss can understand and read the dialogue. Try to recite it and act it out without books.学习难点Ss can use the words and sentences to municate with others and know how to praise.教学准备PPT, Cards, toys 学生预习内容 Listen to the tape and Read Unit5 three times.教 学 流 程Step 1 Warming up GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Fan.T: Wele to my English class. (带读wele to)Step 2 Presentation1. Free talkT: Hello, XXX. Look at my coat/jacket/. S: How nice!T: Thank you. What colour is it ? S: Its T: Hello, XXX. Whats this ? S: Its a T: Is this your pencil/pencil case/? S: Yes, it is. T: How lovely!Teach: lovely -How lovely! (询问2-3名学生,教学How lovely! 并解释中文意思)2. Song timeT: Next, lets sing a lovely song , OK? Ss: OK.3. Number timeT: How many Indian boys are there in the song ? Ss: Ten. T: Yes. There are ten boys in the song. (教学ten)T: Now can you count from one to ten ? Ss: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.(边做手势边带读这些单词,关注学生three, five, six, seven, nine的读音) (准备一些小贴纸或玩具,用上Here you are./ This is for you.奖给回答问题的学生)4. Talking timeT: You are so great. Now look at the Indian boy again. Do you want to know something about him? You can ask him some questions. Ss自由发挥(PPT呈现Name和Age,让学生对着屏幕的图片问) S1:Whats your name? (播放录音Im Bob.) S2: How old are you? (播放录音Im Ten.) Ss read “Im ten.”T: Bob is ten. What about you? How old are you? S: Im ten. T: Oh, I see. Teach: How old are you? Ss 开火车齐读 T: Hello, XX. S: Hello, Miss Fan. T: How old are you? S: Im nine/ ten. How old are you? T: Shh. Its a secret. You can ask your partner” How old are you?” (渗透文化常识) S1: How old are you? (请一个学生问另一个学生) S2: Im nine/ ten. T: OK, please work in pairs like this. (Ss work in pairs.)Step 3 Story time1.Watch and answerT: Boys and girls, you know some of your classmates ages. Do you know how old they are? Look at the picture, who are they?Ss: Mike, Helen, Tim. (黑板贴人物) T: You did a good job, please watch the cartoon and find the answer “How old is Mike/ Helen/ Tim?” OK? T: Mike is . S: Nine.Helen is . EightTim is . Two ( 将相应的数字贴到黑板上) T: where are they? Lets watch the cartoon again, and then answer these questions, OK?Ss watch and answer. Q1. Where are they? 由Q1 引出 toy museum 玩具博物馆 (Ss read)Teach: Wele to toy museum. 欢迎来到玩具博物馆。 T: Lets read together: Wele to toy museum.Q2. What does the worker say?由Q2 引出 Here you are. 给你。 Here you are. =This is for you.2. Read and match T: Boys and girls, there are many toys in the toy museum. Do you know which toy is for Mike, which is for Helen, which is for Tim? Now lets read and match, OK? (学生打开书本自己读) Ss: OK.(PPT连线配对) 建议此处可以让学生重点练习句子This is for you.3. Read the story T: Lets read the story together, OK? (出第一幅图) Picture1. Lets read it together. S1&S2: T: (出示小提示:注意读出故事中人物的情绪) Lets try again. How lovely! (出中文意思,读lovely和How lovely!)T: And Picture 2, How old are you, Mike? (让学生扮成Mike 回答)S: Im nine.T: Great!Now who can read this? (PPT中出现对话)S1: How old are you?S2: Im nine. (继续每一幅图逐图教学跟读)T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 32, and read the story by yourselves. (请打开书,同桌合作读一读全文)4. Look and thinkT: Boys and girls, after reading the story, do you have any questions about this story? Oh, I have a question. Why is the robot for Mike, not for Tim? Why is the panda for Tim, not for Helen? Now lets read the dialogue together, and then help me to solve the problem, OK? Why is the robot for Mike, not for Tim? Why is the panda for Tim, not for Helen?Ss read together.T: OK, now, can you tell me the reason? You can look at the picture carefully.S讨论回答。(PPT呈现,圈出Ages: 2-5, Ages: 6-10 顺带介绍相关Toy museum基本知识,也可让学生课后网上搜索相关toy museum的资料)Step 4 Ticking time& Checkout time1.Self assessment T: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. Lets check it out. Look! (PPT显示2个目标及中文) S: I can count from one to ten.S: I can ask and answer questions about age.T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now its your ticking time. Please open your books and turn to Page 37 and tick it.T: Finished? Who gets three stars? (部分学生举手) (用卡片或者手势检验几个学生.)T: And the second one, who gets three stars? Well, can you ask and answer questions about age? (检验几个学生)2. Look and sayNow its checkout time. 让我们通过练习来检查自己是否真的达到了目标。PPT呈现P37的图片,让学生先角色扮演。(最后利用课件进行听,教学What about you?并进行反馈)Homework 1. Listen to the tape and repeat 3 times.3.Copy the words and try to keep them in mind.拓 展 延 伸Wele to toy museum基本常识(板 书 设 计Unit5 How old are you? Mike nine robottoy museum Helen eight dog Tim two panda How old are you? Im What about you? Im课后 反 思


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