2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 1 Friendship》Reading and writing学案(I).doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 1 FriendshipReading and writing学案(I)课题M1 Unit1 Reading and writing班级高一( )姓名上课日期学习目标:知识目标:1.To enlarge our vocabulary.2.To enable us to master the following important phrases.1)suffer from 2)recover from 3)be/ get tired of 4)pack (sth) up 5)get along with 6) fall in love 7) join in 学习重点:To use the important phrases freely.学习难点:How to use the phrases in your writing.知识回顾:把下列直接引语变成间接引语。 1. The boy said :“I am using a knife.” 2. He said:“I like it very much.” 3.“Weve lived there for 2 years ,”he told me. 4.“I was here a few weeks ago,”she said. 5.“I broke your CD player yesterday,”he told me. 单选 1.He said that his car _ stolen (偷) and he _ have to telephone the police. A. was; would B. has been; will C. had been; would D. had been; will 2.The teacher told the students that there _ a meeting at three oclock. A. were going to have B. are going to be C. will have D. was going to be新知探究:旁注知识梳理:Phrases:1.suffer: 1)可以作为及物动词,意为:受到,遭受,忍受。短语:suffer sth(宾 语通常为pain(疼痛),loss(损失),defeat(挫败),punishment(惩罚) hardship(困难) 2) 可以作不及物动词,常与from连用。表示(因疾病,痛苦,悲伤 等)受苦,受难,受折磨,患.病。 填空:1.敌人遭受了重大的损失。The enemy _ heavy losses. 2.他们很多人都晕机。 Many of them _ airsickness.2.recover:常用作动词,意为:恢复,复原,特别指人从疾病中恢复过来。 1)希望你早日康复。 I hope you will soon _. 2) 他逐渐退烧了。 He is _ _ a fever.3.be/get tired of 意为:_ 1)我厌倦了午餐都吃同样的东西。 I _ _ _ eating the same food for lunch. 2)他对这些讨论厌烦透了。 He _ _ _ all the arguments.4.pack (sth) up : 意为_ 改错:He carefully packed up them.5.get along with: 意为:_ get(过去式)_(过去分词)_ 1) My writing is getting along well. 翻译:_ 2)I am getting along well with a boy in my class.翻译:_ 3)He is easy to get along.(改错)6.fall in love 意为:_ 注:fall in love with sb(表示动作)fall 过去式_过去分词_ be in love with sb (表示状态)be过去式_过去分词_ 改错:The two young people have fallen in love with each other for 5 years.7.join in 参加,加入某活动。 注:参加某以组织用join. Join sb和某人一起,加入某人的行列。 填空:1)Will you _ us in a walk? 2) After leaving school he _ the army. 3) May I _ the game?形成性检测: 1.Sorry I cant go with you. Im _ a serious stomachache. A. suffering B. suffered C. suffering from D. suffered from2.He is not an easy man _. A. to get on B. to get along C. to be got along with D. to get on with3.Betty and Louis _ with each other at first sight and they _ in love for five years ever since. A. fell in love, have been B. fell in love, have fallen C. were in love, have fallen D. have been in love, have fallen4.There was a decline in chicken sales at McDonalds when bird flu hit. The good news is that Business _.A. has recovered B. had been recovered C. recovered D. will be recovered


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