2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 2《What is happiness to you》word重点词汇讲解.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 2《What is happiness to you》word重点词汇讲解.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 2What is happiness to youword重点词汇讲解1. injure 比较wound, injure 和 hurt wound和injure均可指对身体的伤害。 但wound侧重利器或子弹对肉体的伤害,是故意的行为,常与战争有关; 而injure强调人在意外事故中受伤,如机器造成的或运动中受伤。 hurt既可以是重伤,也可以是轻伤。同时也可以是伤害感情。1) She was _ because she was not invited to the party. (hurt)2) He couldnt e to work because he was knocked down by a bike and _ his feet. (injured)3) In that battle two of our soldiers were killed and five were _. (wounded)2. apart adj/ adv. (1) 相距 The two buildings are 100 meters apart.(2) 成碎片 The cup fell apart in my hand.(3) 分开,分离 You never see them apart these days.apart from 远离;除外;1) Apart from a house in Nanjing, they also have one in Beijing. (=besides)2) Apart from a few words, I dont know any French at all. (=Except for) 3. junior (年少的,初级的) junior middle school 初中1) He is junior to me. 他的职位比我低。2) He is three years my junior. 他比我小3岁4. in difficult times times 时代;时势 in ancient times _ in the times of Henry III _the actors of the times _Times _ (have) changed.5. dedicate (1) dedicate sth. to (doing) sth. 1) Andy wants to dedicate more time to his hobbies. 安迪想把更多的时间花在自己的爱好上。2) This woman has dedicated her whole life to helping others. 这个女士一生致力于帮助别人。(2) dedicate oneself to sth. 把自己献身于 3) He dedicated himself to academic work. 他献身于学术工作。(3) dedicate sth. to sb. 题词把献给某人 4) Lynne has dedicated the novel to her friend Norma. 琳恩把小说献给了她的朋友诺玛6. cost 1) 花费某人(钱/时间/精力/劳动)The book cost me 5 yuan. 这本书花了我5块钱。2) 使某人付出代价His carelessness cost him his life. 他的粗心让他失去了生命。常用搭配: 1)cost sth. to do sth.How much does it cost to hire a bike?租一辆车多少钱?2)cost sb. dearly: cause a serious lossWe made two mistakes that cost us dearly.我们犯了两个错误,付出了巨大的代价。3)at the cost of 以为代价He saved the boy from the fire at the cost of his life.他以生命为代价,从大火中救出了那个男孩。7. be rushed to somewhere. rush sb. to/ into/ off : to take or send someone or something somewhere in a hurry. 急忙送到 eg. Frank was rushed to hospital with violent stomach pains. 弗兰克因为剧烈的胃痛被送到了医院。rush sb. into (doing) sth.: 催促(某人); 使赶紧eg. You cant rush someone into marrying you. 你不能催别人和你结婚。rush into sth.: 仓促做;急忙做eg. Try not to rush into a decision you may later regret.最好别仓促作出决定,否则你以后会后悔的。8. in good spirits lift/ raise sb.s spirits 振作精神1) The bad weather did nothing to lift her spirits. 恶劣的天气不能使她打起精神。in high/good spirits 心情好2) Dads in high spirits today, isnt he? 爸爸今天的心情很好,不是吗?in low spirits 不高兴的keep up ones spirits 提起精神the spirit of the law 法律的真谛thats the spirit 那样才对,那才算好样的9. overe v. overcame overe 1) 克服Jimmy overcame his difficulties to graduate with a first-class degree.吉米克服了困难,以优异的成绩毕业了。2) 使垮掉,使昏迷Two men died when they were overe by smokes from the fire.两个男人在火灾中因为浓烟去世了。3) vi./vt. 战胜,制服 (to defeat someone or something) Government troops have finally overe rebel forces in the north. 政府军终于战胜了北方叛军10. acplish v. e.g. He didnt acplish much at work this week. 他这星期没有完成很多工作。acplishment n. : achievemente.g. Arranging the peace talks was a remarkable acplishment. 安排和谈是一个了不起的成就。acplished adj. 熟练的,有才艺的e.g. one of Scotlands most acplished pianists11. adapt to 1) vi. 适应,适合Most students have little difficulty adapting to college life.大多数学生在适应大学生活时觉得困难。 2) vt. 使适应,使适合Course can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual.课程可以根据个人需求改变。 3) vt. 改编,改写 adapt sth. from sth.The film is adapted from a Michael Crichtons novel.这部电影改编自迈克尔克莱顿的小说。12. advocate vt. 1.提倡, 主张2.拥护;鼓吹;为辩护 They are advocates of free trade. 他们是自由贸易的倡导者。 He advocates reforming the education system. 他主张改良教育制度。 n. 1.提倡者, 拥护者2.辩护律师, 辩护人 an advocate of 13. He thinks that I need to arrange to spend even more time working on my basket skills.arrange vt.1) arrange sth.arrange a ceasefire 安排一次停火2) arrange for sth.arrange for a private meeting 安排一次私人会面3) arrange for sb. to do sth. Peter arranged for a friend to drive him there.彼得安排朋友开车送他去那儿。4) arrangement n.make arrangements for 为作安排14. It feels like allocating time for each is just not practical.看上去为每件事安排时间是不实际的。1)allocate vt. 分配,配给The results will depend on how each department allocates its resources.结果将取决于每个部门如何分配其资源。2)allocate sth. for sth. One million dollars has been allocated for disaster relief.已拨款100万美元用于救灾。3)allocate sth to sb. 把分配给4)allocation n. 分配,配给量 15. because humans will have learned to fix many of the problems that fix vt.1)使固定,放在固定位置 He fixed the picture on the wall. 他把画固定在墙上。The chair was fixed next to the door.椅子被固定在门的旁边。 2)确定,决定 Weve fixed the date for wedding. 我们以确定了结婚日期。 3)安排,解决 If you want to meet them, I can fix it. 如果你想见他们,我可以安排。 Everything had been fixed in advance. 每件事都已经提前安排好了。 16. Technology will guarantee good health and guarantee vt. 保证 1) 跟名词Buying a train ticket doesnt guarantee you a seat.买火车票不能确保你有座位。2) 跟从句I can guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result. 我能保证你会对结果满意的。 3) 跟不定式 We guarantee to be here on time tomorrow. 我保证明天准时来这里。n. 保证;保修单(可数)I give my guarantee that he will be here tomorrow.我向你保证他明天会来这里。With my new watch was a guarantee that it will keep good time.我的新手表保证会准时。17. enjoying each others pany pany cn. 公司 un. 陪伴,交往 eg:to form a new panyWe will be glad with your pany.常用搭配: in pany (with) (和) 一道1) He came in pany with a group of boys.他和一群男孩子一起来的。keep pany (with) 和要好, 伴随2) Never keep pany with dishonest persons. 永远不要和不诚实的人为伴。3) Ill keep pany with you as far as London Bridge. 我会和你一起去伦敦桥。acpany vt.On the first day of the new term, his father acpanied him to school.在新学期的第一天,他爸爸陪他去学校。n. panion同伴,伴侣 a close panion同步练习:一、单词拼写1. Doctors and medical supplies were _ (紧急送往) to the scene of the accident.2. She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with a_.3. What I have achieved in the past few months i_ me with confidence.4. We should never play tricks on the people who are d_.5. To my d_, my father didnt buy me any present on my birthday for he had pletely forgot it. 6. Her local doctor couldnt tell what was wrong, so he sent her to see a s_.7. The driver of the car received serious I_ to the legs and arms in the accident.8. After ten years of hard work, he has a_ a great deal in his work.9. We should learn to stay o_ no matter what difficulty we may have in our lives.10. The earthquake happened last night destroyed everything in the village and left all the villagers h_.11. He is j_ to me in the pany, though he is older than me.12. He is always e_ and it seems that he will never feel tired.13. The agency offers practical g_ to people starting their own business.14. You shall not take in such a lovely and i_ child.15. Try your best to give a v_ description of what you have seen in the picture.16. Hes _ (无法忍受的) when he is in a bad temper.17. When we moved to France, the children a_ to the change very well.18. The bad harvests led to s_ food shortages.19. If youre going out for a walk, Ill e along and keep you c_.20. I was i_ to work harder by her example.21. He suffered several serious i in the traffic accident and died soon. 22. On seeing her h tears, I decided to help her as best I could. 23. In that school i thinking is especially encouraged among the students. 24. Many people died during the war because of cold and h . 25. We have had both p and negative lessons in history. 26. They are very (乐观的) about the future of their pany. 27. You are not alone in your fight for freedom. Our (同情)are always with you.28. The famous temple has been _ (重建) twice in the last few years. 29. What you explained made me feel more _ (混淆的) about the principle. 30. I dont like driving. I do it _ (简单地) to get some exercise. 二、选用所给词或短语的正确形式填空 apart from cheer up in good spirits devote to across the worldadapt to focus on in case struggle against/with meanahead of instead of be tired of adapt (sb.) to devote oneself todue tocost sb. sth encourage sb. to do as long as be amazed by 1. Im afraid he cant _ the idea of having a woman as his boss.2. He is so kind a person that he _ his life _ helping blind people.3. Their letters of support made me _ all day long.4. The traditional culture & beautiful views of China have attracted people _.5. Sometimes failing to catch a valuable chance _ losing it forever.6. You should make a note of what the teacher said in class carefully _ that you may forget them after class.7. Its very important to have such a friend who will _ you_ when you are in a bad mood.8. We should show sympathy and donate something to those who _ poverty in those poor places.9. Today we are going to _ the question of homeless people.10. We should be concerned with those students who live _ their parents.11. I dont think we should _ any more time _ this question.12. The time in London is five hours _ the time in New York.13. You can go out, _ you promise to be back before 11 oclock.14. I _ his calmness when he heard the terrible news.15. You should _ her in her attempts _ bee a doctor, instead of being so negative about it.16. When you go to a new country, you must _ yourself _ new manners and customs.17. His success is entirely _ his hard work.18. I _ watching television; lets go for a walk.19. The big mistake he made yesterday nearly _him his job.20. You should be working _ lying there in bed.三、单项选择1. She has been practising _ the same tune on the piano for nearly an hour.A. play B. playing C. to play D. be playing 2. With the development of economy, China can pete _ other countries_ trade.A. against; in B. with; for C. against; for D. in; for 3. The illness kept her _ work for six weeks.A. away from B. be away from C. to be away from D. being away from 4. The whole world _ at the accident of 911 happened in America.A. was astonished B. were astonished C. was astonishing D. were astonishing5. In ancient _, women stayed at home while men went out to labour for the family.A. time B. times C. day D. days6. The boys bad behaviour _ his mother many sleepless nights.A. cost B. made C. cause D. bring7. The news that he has won the first prize makes his parents _ him.A. proud of B. proud in C. be proud of D. be proud in8. One of my close friends made great progress in her studies so her teachers _ her, and I _ her.A. were happy with; was happy with B. were happy for; was happy forC. were happy with; was happy for D. were happy for; was happy with9. Why is Tom silent? Why doesnt he _ us _ the conversation?A. join in; for B. join; for C. join; in D. attend; in10. The terrible accident _ his careless driving.A. due to B. result in C. was due to D. result from11. Reading extensively can satisfy _ desire for _ knowledge.A. the; 不填B. 不填; 不填C. a; the D. 不填; the 12. You cant imagine the effect_puter games_on the children. A. which, make B. that, have C. /, get D. where, give13. When the old man _ to walk back to his house, the sun _ itself behind the mountain.A.started; had already hiddenB.had started; had already hiddenC.had started; was hiding D.was starting; hid14. Whom would you like to _ the lights as soon as possible on the wall? A. have fixed B. have fix C. get fixed D. get fix15. Is this the bank _ offered you a job _ you stayed the first time you arrived? Yes, it is. A. the one; in which B. the one that; during which C. where; that D. which; where16. I think we have met the word before Yes. It is in the reading material _ we _ reading yesterdayA. that; didB. that; were C. when; were D. when; did17. Speak less of your role in the game, and more of _ your teammates have done.I will.A. whatB. whichC. whyD. that18. Many attempts _ to stop pollution _ happily.A. have made; from living B. have been made; to liveC. have tried; living D. have been tried; from living19. _, I think, and the problem can be solved.A. If you double your effortsB. So long as you keep up your spiritsC. A bit more effortsD. Making great efforts20. When you go to a foreign country, you must _ yourself to new manners and customs. A. adoptB. add C. make D. adapt 21. Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _ a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.A. have reachedB. reaching C. to reachD. to be reaching22. It is known to all that _ you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health. A. unless B. whenever C. although D. if (状语)23. Blamed for breaking my promise, I felt my face _ red, and _ my head in shame.A. to grow; hangedB. to be growing; hanged C. grow; hung D grown; hung24. Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere.Well . He have gone farhis coats still here.A.shouldnt B.mustnt C.cant D.wouldnt25. If you feel tired all the time, that is _ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination.A. why B. whenC. howD. what26. European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in theworld.A. making B. makes C. made D. to make27. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music. A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard28. Are you still thinking about yesterdays game? Oh, thats _. A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited29. In some parts of London, missing a bus means_ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting30. The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running, _ meant spending tens of thousands of pounds. A. who B. that C. as D. which31. If you think that treating a woman well means always_ her permission for things, think again. A. getsB. gotC. to getD. getting32. Mum is ing. What present _ for your birthday? A.you expect she has got B.you expect has she gotC.do you expect she has gotD.do you expect has she got33. According to the art dealer, the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars. A. is expected B. expectsC. expected D. is expecting34. Ive worked with children before, so I know what_ in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects35. I always take something to read when I go to the doctors _ I have to wait. A.in caseB.so that C.in orderD.as if 36. How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen? A. in case B. even if C. unless D. when37. We always keep _ spare paper, in case we ran out. A. too much B. a number of C. plenty of D. a good many38. I wish youd do _ talking and some more work. Thus things will bee better. A. a bit lessB. any lessC. much moreD. a little more39. Is Jack on duty today? It_ be him. Its his turn tomorrow. A. mustnt B. wont C. cant D. neednt40. This cake is very sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it.A.should putB.could have putC.might putD.must have put四、情景填空 (用本单元所学过的单词或词组的适当形式填空,使文章通顺) Since the beginning of the term, teachers in my school _ to the new teaching surroundings to _ their teaching task. They _ most of the time to their teaching and to the students as well. Mr Zhang is one of them.One day a student got seriously _ when playing football. The student _ hospital by Mr Zhang as quickly as possible. It _ Mr zhang the whole night to _ the student in the ward. He sat beside him the whole night _ _ he was needed. How lucky we are to stay with so many _ teachers.Key: 一、单词填空1. rushed 2. admiration 3. inspires 4. disable 5. disappointment6. specialist 7. injuries 8. acplished 9. optimistic 10. hopeless11. junior 12. energetic 13. guidance 14. innocent 15. vivid16. unbearable 17. adapted 18. severe 19. pany 20. inspired21. injuries 22. hopeless 23.indepen-dent 24. hunger 25. positive 26. optimistic 27. sympathies 28. rebuilt 29. confused 30. simply二、选用所给词或短语的正确形式填空1. adapt to 2. devotes to 3. in good spirits 4. across the world5. means 6. in case 7. cheer up 8. are struggling against/with9. focus on 10. apart from11. devote to 12. ahead of 13. as long as14. was amazed by 15. encourage to 16. adapt to 17. due to 18. am tired of 19. cost20. instead of 三、单项选择1-5 BAAAB 6-10 AACCC1115ABABD 1620 BABCD 21-25 BACCB26-30ADAAD31-35DCABA36-40DCACD四、情景填空1. have adapted to 2. acplish 3. devote 4. injured 5. was rushed to 6. cost 7. acpany 8. in case 9. devoted


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