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2020年三年级英语上册Unit1Happybirthday!教案外研版 一、教学内容: 单词:happy, birthday, here, cake. 句型:Happy birthday! Heres your present. 二、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 能听会说:happy, birthday, here, cake. 2. 会用:Happy birthday! Thank you. 3. 会用:Heres your present! (二)能力目标: 让学生在教师设计的一系列任务中练习所学单词,达到“活学活用”的目标,培养学生在生活中使用英语的交际能力。 (三)素质目标: 培养学生认真倾听,仔细观察,善于模仿和合作学习的精神。 (四)情感目标: 让学生在听听,说说,做做,唱唱等活动中轻松学习英语,激发学生学习的兴趣,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习策略,使学生逐步获得运用英语的能力。 三、教学用具 多媒体,点读笔,蛋糕,蜡烛,一个纸盒,几支钢笔,铅笔,几张动物图片。 四、教学过程 (一) Warm-up 1. Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Ms Zhou! T: How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. And how are you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you. 2. Sing the song “Ten little fingers.” 3. Game: Take out a box with some pencils, pens and pictures in it. Ask three students to touch the objects. Then the teacher asks “Whats this?” They should answer “Its a/an ” (二) Present task 1. Show some pictures which are covered some parts on CAI. Let the students watch and guess “Whats in each picture?” Then practice: T: Whats this? S1: Its a pen. T: Whats this? S2: Its a black cat. . 2. Show a picture of a birthday cake and ask “Whats this?” The students can answer in Chinese “蛋糕” ,Then the teacher repeats “ Its a cake. Its a birthday cake.” Write “birthday and cake” on the blackboard, teach the two words several times. (三) Learn mew knowledge. 1. Tell the students “This birthday cake is for Huang Huilan and Huang Yalan. Today is their birthday.” Then ask “What should we say when somebody has a birthday?” Help the students say “Happy birthday!” Write the sentence on the blackboard and teach “happy” “Happy birthday!” 2. Tell the students when somebody says “Happy birthday to us, we should say thank you!” Write the sentence on the blackboard. 3. Let the students say “Happy birthday!” to the twins. Then the twins should answer “Thank you!” 4. Ask “What should we give when somebody has a birthday?” The students may answer in Chinese “礼物”,“Yes, present” Write “present” on the blackboard and teach it. Then say “We should give him/her a present, and say “Heres your presents.” Write this sentence on the blackboard. Say it again, students repeat several times. 5. Game “Lost and found” Collect some objects from the students, put them on the teachers desk. Ask two or three students to be a keeper, and return the objects to the owners “Heres your pen/pencil/book ” The owners should answer “Thank you!” 6. SB. Activity One. Play the tape, ask the students to look and listen, then answer questions “Who is having a birthday? How old is Sam? Whats Sams present?” 7. Play the tape again. The students repeat. 四、Practice. 1. Ask the students to practice the text in pairs. Then ask some pairs to act it out. 2. Have a birthday party for the twins. 五、Finish the task. 1. AB Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4. 2. Learn the song “Happy birthday to you!” 3. Game: Share the cake. 六、Homework 1. Make a birthday card. Write some prays in English. 2. Review the new words and the drills. 附:板书设计 Module 7 Unit 1 Happy birthday!A: Happy birthday!B: Thank you.A: Heres your presents.B: Thank you.


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