2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life period 2 教案.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life period 2 教案授课题目Period 4 Grammar(The use of “it”)第 2课时明确目标1、知识与技能:Enable the students to master the usage of “it”. 2、过程与方法: Task-based teaching approaches3、情感态度与价值观:Develop students sense of cooperative learning and autonomous learning.重点难点重点:The usage of “it”难点:How to use these structures correctly课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计教师自备内容Step1: Greetings.Step2: RevisionAsk Ss to translate the phrases from Chinese into English(1)吸烟 (2)喝酒 (3)吸毒 (4)由于 (5)尽管(6)冒险 (7)习惯于 (8)沉迷于 (9)设法做成(10)想要做Step 3: Grammar1Ask Ss to go over the reading passagenote the use of “it” and discuss the use of “it”2Discuss the use of “it” together with Ss according to the sentences in the Reading part(1)Used as a pronounUsed to refer to the one previously mentionedI am sending you some advice I found on the InternetIt might help you(2)Used to replace the word this or thatA:Whose umbrella is that? B:Its MarysA:Whats this? B:Its tulip(3)Used as the subject of an impersonal verbIt can be used to talk about time,date,place,weather,temperature,distance or surroundings,etcIts a beautiful day hereIts time for the meeting(4)Used as an anticipatory subject or object to stand for an infinitive,一ing form or a clause Its no use crying over spilt milk(doing) Its difficult to give up smoking(infinitive) Is it certain that they will win?(clause) It is strange that it hasnt been noticed before(clause) (5)Used as an anticipatory subject to emphasize a term that is not itself a subject:the structure is like this: It is(was) +that(whowhom)+ It is human activity that has caused this global warming It is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that results in the increase in carbon dioxide It was Jim Brown whowhomthat you should ask3Individual work Ask Ss to finish Ex l(P21)Make sure Ss understand what function “it” has in each sentence It is amazing that at my age I am still fit (Clause) It is easier to fall than to rise (Infinitive) It is difficult to stop smoking (Infinitive) It is no good crying over spilt milk (Doing) It is a beautiful day (Time) It never rains but it pours (Weather) It was time to quit smoking (Time) It takes all sorts (Abstract things) It is 10 kilometers to the castle (Distance)Step 4Consolidation1Ask Ss to choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences (1)Its no good_ (eat,eating)too much chocolates (2)Its not dangerous_(to help,helping)AIDS patients in a proper way (3)Its unbelievable_ (that,since)he spends all his money on alcohol (4)It11 give me great stress_(to finish,finishing)this experiment in two days (5)Take a busIts too dark and far away for pregnant woman like you_ (to walk,walking) home (6)Its very common_ (that,as)adolescents like to try new things (7)Its believed_ (because,that)smoking does terrible damage to heart and lungs (8) It is not yet decided_ (whether,that)he will be sent to the drug rehabilitation center or not (9)It is said_ (that,which)there has been an earthquake in Japan (10)It was nearly midnight_ (when,how)she came backSuggested Answers:(1)eating (2)to help (3)that (4)to finish (5)to walk (6)that (7) that (8)whether (9)that (10)whenStep 5HomeworkReview the usage of “it”教学后记:


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