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2019届高三英语上学期第一次阶段测试试题考试时间:120分钟 分值:120分 第一部分:听力(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1.How will the man go to Chicago? A. By plane B. By train. C. By bus. 2. Why does the man want to leave his job? A. He doesnt get on with his workmates.B. He thinks the job is too boring. C. The working place is too far. 3. What is wrong with the man ? 4. What will the man do next? A. Leave. B. Phone Linda. C. Keep on waiting. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. James daily life. B. James business. C. James family. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Call Ms Hall. B. Phone the guy back. C. Give the guys number to Ms Hall. 7. What do we know about Ms Hall? A. She will call the guy after lunch. B. She doesnt bring her cell phone.C. She will e in this afternoon . 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the woman plain? A. She cant concentrate on study. B. She doesnt have time to relax C. She cant hear the TV clearly. 9. What will the man do next? A. Do his homework. B. Turn off the TV. C. Close the door. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where does this conversation take place? A. At a hotel. B. In the City Hall. C. On the street. 11. Where is the Bank of Switzerland? A. On the right of the City Hall. B. On the left of a park. C. Behind a post office.12. How will the man get to the park? A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By subway.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why cant the man meet the woman for lunch? A. He has to work at the office. B. He has to meet a customer. C. He has to look after the kids .14. How does the woman feel about the man? A. Worried. B. Satisfied. C. Annoyed.15. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man will be busy next week. B. The woman will go to the theatre alone. C. The seats in the theatre have been booked up.16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Workmates. C. Salesman and customer.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where are the speakers?A. In a film workshop. B. In a radio studio. C. In a theatre.18. What was the woman when she got the lead in Starshine?A. A film star. B. A student. C. A stage actress.19. Why didnt the woman make any more films after finishing Starshine?A. She didnt receive offers. B. She didnt like acting in films. C. She didnt want to work far from home.20. What is the woman doing now?A. Performing in a play. B. Studying at school. C. Staying at home.第二部分 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)21. It _ whether the plan which has been approved can be _. It depends on your determination.A. remains to see; e into use B. remains to be seen; put into practiceC. is remained to be seen; in use D. is remaining to be seen; e into use22. The book has helped me greatly in my daily munication, especially at work_ a good impression is a must.A. which B. when C. as D. where23. My teachers advice_in planning for the future set me _.A. involved; thinking B. involve; think C. involving; to think D. to involve; thinking24. _the saying goes, it is Teach a man to fish, rather than Give a man fish,_ help people solve the problems on their own. A. As; which B. It; which C. As; that D. What; that 25. People living near the airport are _ new rules about night flight.A. putting pressure on B. pushing for C. wresting with D. making the adjustments26. _ no modern telemunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.A. If there areB. Were thereC. Had there been D. If there have been27. Some developing countries will never be able to repay their debt. As a result, these countries are always struggling to _ their repayments. A. catch on B. catch up on C. catch up with D. catch on to 28. _ the high expense, private cars also cause much pollution to the environment.A. On top of B. In terms of C. On behalf of D. Except for 29. Many experts hold the view _ teacher development is _ the key to better education lies.A. which; in whichB. that; in whichC. which; where D. that; where30. - I dont like bungee jumping. - How can you say you dont like it _ youve never even tried it?A. unlessB. whenC. while D. until31. -Havent you acplished the mission yet? -Yes. We _ on it for nearly two weeks nonstop.A. worked B. working C. had worked D. have been working32. There is thick snow on my car and now the engine simply _ start.A. cant B. mustnt C. wont D. shant 33._, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may beC. Be a quiet student as he may D. Quiet as he may be a student34.Generallyspeaking,_accordingtothedirections,thedrughasnosideeffect.A.whentaking B.whentaken C.whentotake D.whentobetaken35. If he does you a favor, you should do him a favor. Sure._ATwo heads are better than one BShort accounts make long friendsCMany hands make light work DOne good turn deserves another三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)At age 16, my father studied by the light of the street light until he was exhausted. Sometimes, the high school guard was 36 enough to let him in to escape the cold. The 37 of electricity at home was one of the obstacles to overe on his way to being a doctor. 38 poor conditions, supporting his family after his fathers death, and a high illiteracy(文盲) rate in his country, Pakistan, my father overcame the adversity(逆境) and established his own 39 practice in Peshawar. 40 , he decided to leave this fortable lifestyle and move to America to ensure limitless opportunities for his family.Because of his sacrifice, I tried to take advantage of every opportunity. I 41 from my familiar middle school near my home to a challenging international baccalaureate Diploma Programme(国际文凭大学预科课程) and didnt 42 it. At my current high school, I have unlimited 43 to excel and interact with students from many backgrounds. 44 my fortable living conditions was a small price to pay to achieve my life goal. Changing schools gave me the 45 to pursue rigorous courses. My educational future will 46 and push me.For the rest of high school, I hope I will be 47 in standardized tests. I understand grades do not define a person, but I am motivated to study hard 48 I succeed. The summer after graduation, I plan to take calculus(微积分) at the state university to 49 my math skills.I firmly believe that to develop our society we must first 50 the less fortunate. I will choose a career for this. My 51 for being a doctor results from my desire to ease others pain. I realize education is the groundwork of my future. I must lay a solid 52 for my goal.Unlike my fathers sisters, who married young without finishing high school, I realize my life in America 53 infinite possibilities, and I must work hard to 54 from all of them. My father worked his entire life to secure my future. I 55 it to him and myself, to make something out of my education.36. A. cautiousB. responsibleC. kindD. qualified37. A. lackB. lineC. useD. invention38. A. ExceptB. ThroughC. WithoutD. Despite39. A. legalB. medicalC. standardD. scientific40. A. HoweverB. StillC. BesidesD. Therefore41. A. sufferedB. heardC. receivedD. transferred42. A. attendB. possessC. regretD. refuse43. A. wishesB. reasonsC. approachesD. opportunities44. A. CreatingB. TreasuringC. LeavingD. Expecting45. A. honorB. driveC. privacyD. ability46. A. judgeB. upsetC. defendD. challenge47. A. excellentB. flexibleC. normalD. honest48. A. onceB. becauseC. untilD. unless49. A. shareB. testC. displayD. improve50. A. considerB. assistC. discoverD. measure51. A. motivationB. behaviorC. excuseD. realization52. A. decisionB. scheduleC. achievementD. foundation53. A. followsB. demandsC. offersD. connects54. A. recoverB. benefitC. tellD. escape55. A. oweB. explainC. devoteD. remend四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AQuestion:I hate my boss. I hate my office. I hate my co-workers. Help, please!- AmyAnswer: That does sound unpleasant. It might be time for a career switch, and I have some suggestions, though a few require time travel.Perhaps you should apply to be a tosher, an occupation that involved wandering through sewers (下水道) to look for small decorative objects in the 19th century. It would certainly get you out of that office. Or you could work as a night soil man, who carried excrement from toilets to the edge of town.What Im saying is: Mary jobs today are terrible. But relatively speaking, they are much less terrible and smelly than jobs in the past.Ive got plenty more to make you feel better. According to the book The worst Jobs in History by Tony Robison, the dullest job ever could have belonged to treadmill (踏车) walkers, the folks who walked with slow heavy steps all day without access to entertainment when treadmills were used to press grain into flour. The saddest? Definitely the pleasures of the 18th-century French theater, who were paid to weep during dramas.And Im not even counting all the hundreds of modern jobs that are probably worse than yours. So whats my professional advice? Unless your performance involves packs of fans booing (发出嘘声) and laughing at you while you work, keep your day job.- Jacobs56. By referring to “time travel”, Jacobs _.A. suggests that Amy go on a long journey B. suggests that Amy recall her past careersC. wants to mention some jobs in olden days D. wants to pare jobs of different times57. Whats Jacobs advice to Amy?A. Enough is as good as feast.B. Every bird likes it own nest.C. Each day brings its own bread.D. Empty bottles make the most noise.BWhat are the practical results of the crazy pursuit of beauty? The exercises, the health motors or the skin foods to what have they led? Are women more beautiful than they were? These are questions which it is difficult to answer. The campaign for more physical beauty seems to be both a success and a failure. It depends how you look at the results.It is a success to some degree as more women keep their youthful appearance to a greater age than in the past. “Old ladies” are already being rare. In a few years, we may well believe, they will be extinct. The Portrait of the Artists Mother will e to be almost indistinguishable, at future picture shows, from the Portrait of the Artists Daughter. This desirable beauty will be due in part to skin foods and facial surgery, and in part to improved health. Ugliness is one of the symptoms of disease; beauty, of health. As the campaign for more beauty is also a campaign for more health, it is admirable. Still, it has problems. Indeed, with the development of technology, people have bee healthier and more beautiful, but will every woman be beautiful as beautiful, at any rate, as the natural shape of her features, with or without surgical and chemical aid, permits?The answer is no. Real beauty is as much an affair of the inner self as on the outer self. The beauty of a china jar is a matter of shape and of color. The jar may be empty or occupied by spiders, full of honey or smelly slime (黏液) - it makes no difference to its beauty or ugliness. But a woman is alive, and her beauty is therefore not skin deep. The surface of the human vessel is affected by the nature of its spiritual contents.I have seen lovely women. Their shape and their color were perfect. And yet they were not beautiful. For the lovely vase was either empty or filled with some ugly things. Spiritual emptiness or ugliness shows through. In contrast, there is an inner light that can change imperfect or ugly forms into things that are beautiful and attractive.58. In what way can we say the campaign for more beauty is a success?A. People are beginning to pay attention to their appearance.B. It has bee much easier for painters to draw old ladies.C. Women look younger than previous generations.D. Knowledge about health has increased hugely.59. What does the author think about the view that beauty represents health?A. Its wrong.B. Its popular. C. It benefits people.C. It needs evidence.60. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?A. B. C. D. CWhy are some people more persuasive than others? We bring together some researches into the science of persuasion.An American researcher, Edward Burkley, studied the influence of mental exhaustion on the resistance levels of 78 students. The plan was to try to persuade them to accept one months summer holiday instead of three. Half the students came to the study fresh. But the other half first had to plete a self-control task in which they wrote down all the thoughts that came into their heads while trying not to think about a white bear. He found that the students who had performed the white bear task were less resistant to the idea of giving up two months of holiday.Two other researchers, Rosanna Guadagno and Robert Cialdini, pared the persuasive power of online munication with face-to-face meetings. They had a group of students discuss the introduction of new exams. The group was divided into pairs of the same sex, each pair including an experimenter whose role was to argue in favor of the idea. Half the discussions took place in an online chatroom, the other half face-to-face. While overall men performed similarly whether they participated in the electronic or face-to-face discussions, women in face-to-face discussions were more easily persuaded than those who only took part online.In another experiment, John Sparks and Charles Areni asked 118 undergraduates to read testimonials(推荐书) about a scanner. In one version, the testimonials included hesitation like “I mean” and “ummm”; in the other, there were none. The researchers found that when hesitant language was used, people were less easily convinced that this was a scanner worth buying even when it was a better scanner at a lower price. Style was especially important, the researchers found, when time was limited. “If you cant pay attention to what the speaker is saying,” Sparks says, “you pay attention to how they say it.”Much study has gone into how emotions aid persuasion. The best known and most studied is fear. It serves well in campaigns that try to stop you from doing something, like smoking. But fear doesnt always work, says Professor Monique Mitchell Turner, and over time, people bee more resistant to scare methods. The same applies to guilt. “We dont want people to tell us were bad people,” says Turner. Anger, however, can be constructively used.61. Whats the aim of the white bear task?A. To make participants feel tired mentally.B. To see what participants know about white bears.C. To find out how well participants can control themselves.D. To help persuade participants to accept a one-month holiday.62. We learn from Paragraph 3 that if a woman wants to persuade another woman, she can _.A. ask a man to support her B. behave in an aggressive wayC. talk to the woman face to face D. municate with the woman online63. According to John Sparks and Charles Arenis research, what is important for a testimonial?A. The product price.B. The writing style.C. The quality of the product.D. The length of the testimonial.64. What will the author most probably talk about next?A. How to use anger to persuade.B. Turners other research findings.C. Why emotions can help to persuade.D. Peoples resistance to anger methods.DA college degree has never been more necessary: graduate earn, on average, 80% more than high-school graduates. Yet ever more Americans are taking on serious debt in exchange for that diploma. Between xx and xx, student-loan balances more than tripled to nearly $1.2 trillion. The average debtor leaves college owing around $27,000.Some of this mounting debt is good news. More Americans are going to collegeundergraduate enrolment rose by nearly 40% between xx and xx, according to the National Centre for Education Statistics. Many are also staying around for a second degree. Average tuition fees have surged, rising by 40% in the decade to xx-16 for full-time students at public four-year colleges, and 26% at private ones. Those who take longer to graduateas many increasingly dosimply rack up more loans.Unpaid student loans are now second only to mortgages(抵押贷款) when it es to household debt in America. Though the housing market has been steadily recovering, the share of first-time buyers continues to decline, and is now at its lowest point in nearly three decades, according to the National Association of Realtors. The home-ownership rate among 30-year-olds has been falling, but the fall has been especially fast among those paying off student loans, according to the New York Fed.So are the soaring costs of college keeping millennials from starting households of their own? Using longitudinal(纵向的) data on college-going Americans who were aged between 12 and 17 in 1997, the authors found that student-loan debtors were in fact more likely than non-debtors to own a house by the age of 30. But this was mostly because debtors tended to be older, employed, married and with children, and the debt was largely irrelevant.Others have found that student debt may delay home-ownership, but does not prevent it entirely. Young debtors were less likely to own a home than their debt-free peers. Yet when the authors confined their analysis to college graduates, they found that debtors in their late-20s were more likely to own a home than non-debtors. So the reason for the delay in home-buying among those with student loans seems to have been that many had dropped out before earning their degrees.The decline in young home-owners seems to be part of a larger trend of deferring(推迟) the conventional signs of adulthood. The share of 18-to 34-year-olds who are married with children has fallen from 27% in xx to 20% in xx. Several studies have asked whether student debt is nudging youngsters to put off marriage vows and stick to birth control, but the link seems tenuous. As for home-ownership, perhaps the biggest challenge facing young home-buyers is the fact that prices have outpaced ine growth for 15 years.The amount of debt a student has is often less important than the college or the degree. Students with the most debt often have the greatest earning power, as degrees in business, law and medicine tend to be especially costly. The young adults who tend to be most interrupted by their student debt are those who either dropped out or went somewhere non-selective.There are even signs that taking on more student debt reduces the odds of bouncing back home to live with ones parents, as long as it results in a degree. In an analysis of longitudinal data on college-going Americans born between 1980 and 1984, Mr Houle and Cody Warner of Montana State University found that the young adults who returned home tended to be younger, underemployed, modestly indebted and from privil


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