2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4 Using Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc

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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4 Using Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4 Using Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4 Using Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4 Using Language课时巩固提升. 单词拼写1. This store often_ (要价)only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs. 2. We all know that regular exercise and_ (身体的)activities are the path to health. 3. It says“Admission starts from 7: 00 a. m. ”on the_ (海报). 4. Your pany produces a new product, which is worth_ (登广告). 5. Whoever breaks the rule will get_ (罚款). 6. He took part in the petition for the_ (荣誉)of the school. 7. Our position is_ (无希望的); well never get out alive. 8. Tom made such a_ (愚蠢的)mistake that his boss was very angry. 9. These shoes are_ (便宜货)so that lots of people buy them. 10. Were not going to give each of them a medal; not all of them_ (值得)one. 答案:1. charges 2. physical 3. poster 4. advertising 5. fined 6. glory 7. hopeless 8. foolish 9. bargains 10. deserve . 选短语并用其适当形式填空pick up, in charge of, make a bargain with, one after another, get married to, so. . . that. . . 1. Julie is_ Kevin this weekend. 2. Mary_ the book from the floor. 3. The boss left Jack_ the pany when he was in hospital. 4. The house is_ beautiful_ we decide to buy it. 5. The lecture wasnt interesting, so the students rose_ and walked out. 6. She_ the trader for a lower price. 答案:1. getting married to 2. picked up 3. in charge of 4. so; that 5. one after another 6. made a bargain with . 完成句子1. He_ _ _ the farm after his fathers death. 父亲去世后他掌管了农场。2. We_ _ staff in a local newspaper. 我们在一家地方报纸上刊登了招聘广告。3. She_ _ _ _ the bookseller over the price. 她与售书员就价格达成一致。4. He_ _ _ , which made me very angry. 他改变了主意, 这使我很生气。5. He stopped the car to_ _ the boy. 他停下车来接那个男孩。6. The houses caught fire_ _ _ . 这些房子相继着火了。7. His deeds_ _ _ _ . 他的事迹值得表扬。答案:1. took charge of2. advertised for3. made a bargain with4. changed his mind5. pick up6. one after another7. deserve to be praised. 课文语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Atalanta, a Greek princess, was very beautiful. She could run 1. _ (fast)than any man in Greece. Her father didnt understand her wish 2. _(pete)in the Olympics. Atalanta was so angry 3. _she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. She made 4. _bargain with her father. She would run against any man who wanted to marry her. If he could not run as fast as her, he would be killed. Many 5. _(king)and princes wanted to marry Atalanta, but when they 6. _(hear)of her rules, they knew it was 7. _(hope). There was a man 8. _(call)Hippomenes who was amazed at Atalantas rules. He thought he would marry Atalanta or die. 9. _(final), he won the race and married the princess 10. _the help of the Greek Goddess of love. 1. 【解析】faster。由than可知要用比较级。2. 【解析】to pete。不定式作定语修饰wish。3. 【解析】that。so. . . that. . . 是固定句式, 表示“如此以至于”。4. 【解析】a。make a bargain with sb. 固定短语, 表示“与某人达成协议”。5. 【解析】kings。由形容词many可知应用名词的复数形式。6. 【解析】heard。根据上下文可知叙述的是过去发生的事, 故用动词的过去式。7. 【解析】hopeless。当他们听到阿塔兰忒的规则之后他们感觉到没有希望了。8. 【解析】called。过去分词作后置定语。9. 【解析】Finally。修饰整个句子用副词。10. 【解析】with。with the help of. . . , 固定短语, 表示“在的帮助下”。


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