广西九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life基础知识过关八练习 (新版)外研版.doc

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广西九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life基础知识过关八练习 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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广西九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life基础知识过关八练习 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Module 8 Sports life根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1记忆;回忆(n.)_ _ (复数)2比分(n.)_ 3决定(n.)_ _ (v.)4(辩解的)理由;借口(n.)_ 5中午;正午(n.)_ 6座椅;座位(n.)_ _ (adj.)7公平的;合理的(adj.)_ _ (反义词)8踢(v.)_ 9生气的;恼火的(adj.)_ _ (比较级) _ (最高级)10能力(n.)_ _ (复数) _ (adj.)11赛跑;比赛(n.)_ _ (n.比赛者)12记录;最佳纪录(v.& n)_ _ (n.录音机;记录员)13方法;办法(n.)_ _ (同义词)14日本(n.)_ _ (n.日本人;日语)15打破(纪录);打碎(v.)_ _ (adj.) _ (过去式)16亚洲的;亚洲人的(adj.)_ _ (n.)17勇气;胆量(n.)_ 18自豪感;骄傲(n.)_ _ (adj.)根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1是的缩写;代表 _ 2创办;设立 _ 3放弃 _ 4占用 _ 5和比赛 _ 6同意 _ 7返回 _ 8为做准备 _ 9把与相比较 _ 10受(某种病痛)折磨;因而受苦 _ 11为欢呼;为加油 _ 12参加 _ 13为感到自豪 _ 14同时 _ 15在中午 _ 16起初 _ 17决不;不可能 _ 18跳高 _ 19事实上 _ 20许多 _ 21生某人的气 _ 22鼓励某人做某事 _ 23继续做某事 _ 24阻止某人做某事 _ 25建议某人做某事 _ I. 根据汉语意思完成句子1你最好马上向李老师道歉。You _ _ apologise to Mr Li right now.2托尼看起来不高兴,因为他没入选校篮球队。Tony looks unhappy because he _ _ _ the school basketball team. 3玲玲对大明错打开她的信件很恼火。Lingling _ _ _ Daming for opening her letter by mistake. 4当我经过操场时,迈克正在为明天的比赛训练。When I passed by the playground, Mike _ _ _ the match tomorrow.5那个鞋厂建于二战前。 The shoe factory _ _ _ before the World War .连词成句根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子,每个句子首字母需大写,句末需加标点符号。1Harry, gold medal, we, has, so, a, him, all, won, take pride in(哈利得了一枚金牌,因此我们都为他感到自豪。)_2Juliet, stop, why, you, from, did, going upstairs, him(朱丽叶,你为什么阻止他上楼?)_3thinks, too, Betty, thin, practise, shes, to, taekwondo(贝蒂觉得自己太瘦,不能练习跆拳道。)_.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词1My grandpa is 70 years old, but he has a good m_.2Rice is the main food in East A_ countries.3Who made the d_ to go fishing?4Liu Xiang is the p_ of our country.5Ladies and gentlemen, please take your _(座位)6She has kept the worlds _(纪录)for years for the high jump.7The boys were _(踢) a ball around in the yard.8He has the _ (勇气) to speak out what he thinks right.9Who won the running_ (比赛)?10Almost everyone has a musical _(能力).用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空1My mother was _ at me because I made some mistakes.2The new _ is perfect. Thank you very much, Linda!3His _ for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.4I enjoy watching _ movies a lot.5Its not _ on the students to keep changing the timetable.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空stand for; be mad at; comparewith; no way; be proud of; at first; suffer from; go for; set up;first of all1.She_ me for being late.2My uncle is rich now and he is planning to_ a new company.3None of us know what the sign_4May I copy your homework?_!5My mother often _ toothaches.6_, I didnt know what had happened.7If you really want that job, _ it!8_, I get dressed, next I brush my teeth and wash my face, then I have breakfast.9He _ himself for not giving up.10Please_ your photos_his carefully.根据汉语意思完成句子1UK代表什么?What does UK _ _?2妈妈真的很生吉姆的气,因为他打破了窗户。Mum was really _ _ Jim because he broke the window.3那个俱乐部是去年建立的。That club _ _ _ last year.4他总是被拿来与学校最好的学生作比较。He _ always _ _ the best students in the school.5在办事方面,她有非凡的能力。She has got a remarkable _ _ get things done. .按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1John found the lost dog yesterday.(改为被动语态)The lost dog_ _ by John yesterday.2Will you invite Lucy to have a picnic next Sunday? (改为被动语态)Will Lucy_ _to have a picnic next Sunday?3The little boy would like another two oranges. (改为同义句)The little boy would like_ _oranges.4To take off our shoes is necessary when we enter the lab.(改为同义句)_ necessary_ take off our shoes when we enter the lab.5The girl didnt know how she should do it. (改为简单句)The girl didnt know how_ _ it.详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1. memory; memories2. point3. decision; decide4. excuse5. noon6. seat; seated7. fair; unfair8. kick9. mad; madder; maddest10. ability; abilities; able11. race; racer12. record; recorder13. method; way/idea14. Japan; Japanese15. break; broken; broke16. Asian; Asia 17courage18. pride; proud 重点短语1. stand for2. set up3. give up4. take up5. play against6. agree with7. return to8. prepare for9. comparewith10. suffer from11. cheer for12. take part in13. take pride in14. at the same time15. at noon16. at first17. no way18. high jump19. in fact20. a number of 21. be mad at/with sb.22. encourage sb. to do sth. 23. continue to do sth. 24. stop sb.(from) doing sth. 25. advise sb. to do sth.重点句型.1. had better2. wasnt chosen for3. is mad at/with4. was training for5. was set up.1. Harry has won a gold medal, so we all take pride in him.2. Juliet, why did you stop him from going upstairs?3. Betty thinks shes too thin to practise taekwondo.【基础知识迁移】单词回顾.1.memory2.Asian3.decision4pride5.seats6.record7.kicking8courage9.race10.ability.1.mad2.method3.excuse4Asian5.fair短语运用1is/was mad at2.set up3.stands for4No way5.suffers from6.At first7go for8.First of all9is/was proud of10compare; with句型突破.1. stand for2. mad at/with3. was set up4. is; compared with5. ability to .1.was found2.be invited3.two more4Its; to5.to do


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