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第3部分第十五节一、完形填空(xx重庆A卷改编)Everyone has dreams. Lily dreamed of being a dancer. She took _1_ lessons and all her teachers thought she was an excellent student.One day she saw a notice. It said that a famous dancing group would be performing in her town. _2_ thought, “I must show the leader my dancing skills.” She waited for the group leader in the dressing room. _3_ the leader appeared, she came up and handed him the flowers she prepared. The thorns (刺) hurt her fingers and blood came out. But she was too _4_ to care about the pain. She expressed her strong wish to be a dancer and begged (乞求) to show her dance.“All right. You dance,” the leader agreed. But halfway through the dance, he stopped her, “Im sorry. In my mind youre not good enough!” On hearing this, Lily _5_ out as fast as her legs could carry her. It was so hard for her to accept this. She lost heart and _6_ her dream.Several years later, the dancing group came to her town again. She decided to _7_ why the leader had told her she was not good enough.This was his reply, “I tell this _8_ every student.”“Youve ruined (毁掉) my life!” she shouted angrily.The leader went on, “I remember your present of _9_ and how the thorns had hurt your fingers but you carried on bravely. It was a pity that you didnt take dancing like that and stopped trying so _10_. So you are still not good enough for dancing!”()1.AsingingBreadingCdancing Ddressing()2.AHeBSheCThey DWe()3.AWhenBSinceCBefore DUnless()4.AweakBboredCexcited Dtired()5.AworkedBranCfound Dlooked()6.Agot onBwent onCpicked up Dgave up()7.Alook throughBget throughCfind outDpoint out ()8.AonBatCin Dto()9.AbooksBdancesCflowers Ddresses()10.AhappilyBeasilyCluckily Dsafely二、阅读理解AAttention! Little Musicians and Their Parents.City Music Center is now OPEN for fall registration!MUSIC TOGETHEROur Music Together program is for mixed ages, including children from birth up to kindergarten (幼儿园)This nationally recognized program is for early childhood music development.Parents are expected to stay and take part as well, setting up a musical connection with their children in a very fun way.Music Together classes are helpful for us to provide a rich musical experience for our children in class and at home, opening up a lifetime of music making.Fall Session Information:Tuition (学费): $165/Second Child Rate: $115(second child under 6 months attend for free)Section 1: Tuesdays at 10:00 am. Sep. 13Nov.15Section 2: Saturdays at 10:00 am. Sep. 1Oct. 31Section 3: Fridays at 7:00 pm. Sep. 20Nov. 22Jessica Allen teaches all of our Music Together lessons.Families will receive a CD, a download code (密码) to get the music online, a song book, a booklet of information about the research behind the program, and more!MUSICAL DISCOVERYMusic Discovery is an introduction to the principles (原则) of music, for ages from three through five. We will dance, sing, play music games and have a lot of fun as we learn. Our pieces of music will include childrens songs from around the world as well as old favorites.Fall Session Information:Tuition: $120Teacher: Sarah TrouslardDaytime: Mondays 3:154:00Dates: Sep. 15Nov. 17Visit us online at cmcvt. org to sign up (报名) for lessons and classes today. ()1. _ can take part in Music Together program.AMiddle school students and their parentsBLittle children and their parentsCMiddle school students and their teachersDLittle children and their teachers ()2. Three-year-old Sandy and her five-month-old baby brother have to pay_ for Music Together.A$50 B$115C$165D$280()3. Mr.Johnson works on weekdays in November and he can take part in _ of Music Together with his little son.ASection 1 BSection 1 or 2CSection 2DSection 2 or 3()4. In Musical Discovery program, kids _.Acan only sing childrens songsBcan learn music in a fun wayCcan play any game they likeDcan not hear foreign songs()5. Readers of this poster may be _.Aparents of babies and kidsBmusic fans of different agesCchildren from birth to 5 years oldDteachers like Jessica Allen and Sarah TrouslardB(xx惠州市惠城区一模)Some young people havent got easy lives. They havent got a normal family life, or they live on the streets. But in London they can go to a special place Kids Company. About 500 kids and teenagers go there every month!Kids Company is the idea of Camila Batmang. She comes from a happy family in Iran. She wants all kids to have a safe life and a good future. Camila gives her “family” help and love. She is their “mum” and she always listens. She works 12 hours a day, seven days a week and doesnt go on holiday. A lot of famous people help Kids Company such as Lewis Hamilton and Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean). At Kids Company there is a sports hall, an arts studio, a canteen, a library and a youth club! Young people can have meals, do sports, go to dance classes, or just have a chat. Camila and her team of 300 staff buy them clothes, find them a place to live in, or take them to the doctor. In the summer they go on adventure holidays. But Chrismas is crazy! 2,000 kids and teenagers go to Kids Company for a big Christmas dinner. And Camila gives them all expensive presents.Young people from Kids Company tell some incredible success stories. Many of them pass their exams, go to university or get good jobs.()6. Camila did these things in order to _.Abuy expensive presentsBgo on adventure holidaysCgo to university and get good jobsDhelp all kids have a safe life and a good future()7. _ young people eat Christmas dinner at Kids Company.A12B300C500D2,000()8. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ACamila is a happy and helpful lady from London.BCamila is very busy and she works 7 hours a day.CCamila set up Kids Company to help young people in London.DCamila gives all the young people help and love all by herself.()9. The underlined word “incredible” in the last paragraph means _ in Chinese.A可信的B非同一般的C难以置信的D令人震惊的()10. Whats the best title for the passage? ACamila and Her TeamBCamilas Happy FamilyCActivities at Kids CompanyDA Dangerous Place Kids CompanyC(xx珠海香洲区一模)配对阅读 左栏是五个人喜欢的电视节目类型,右栏是七种节目的介绍。请根据每个人的喜欢类型,为他们选择合适的节目。()11. Ivan and Anna like to get the latest information about whats happening in the world and enjoy watching interviews. They prefer to watch programs which last about 30 minutes.()12. Pat likes watching comedy programs which last about half an hour. She enjoys watching a series (连续剧) where she follows what the characters are doing from one episode (集) to another.()13. Rosa enjoys pop music and films and wants to watch interviews with popular stars. She likes programs which are a mixture of interviews and live music.()14. Grace is interested in traveling and she likes watching documentaries about different parts of the world. She especially enjoys programs which show animals and birds.()15. William is interested in general knowledge and likes watching quizzes to see how many questions he can answer. He prefers programs which have questions on lots of different subjects.AEvery Saturday evening between 8:30 and 9:30 pm, Kevin presents an hour of fun. There is music and chat with well-known film stars and singers from around the world. Each guest is interviewed and then one of them sings their latest song.BThis is a short comedy film which lasts about half an hour. It was made 30 years ago. The actors were unknown at that time but they have become famous since then.CRobert Burroughs has traveled all around the world. His documentaries show us amazing scenery, animals and different ways of living.DThis is the weekly chance to try to get a better score than the stars in the studio (演播室). As usual, Billie spends half an hour asking the two teams questions. They need to be experts (专家) in many topics from music to animals to international news.E. Find out about the latest news with Aarin Williams every day between 6:00 and 6:30 pm. His interviews with those in the news always get to the point of a story.F. Joel and Charlie return with another comedy series. This series should be as funny as the last, with some unexpected things in each 30-minute program.G. Basketball Show will present excellent basketball games from the NBAYou can not only enjoy famous stars matches, but also learn more about basketball skills.三、短文填空Alexander was a funny student. He loved 1._comedies best and hoped to become a comedy actor one day. When he heard about a talent show at this school, Alexander decided to take part in it. He had 2._acted in public before, and he was very excited about his first performance in public. But some students laughed at him. Alexander couldnt understand why they 3._ at him. For a moment, he thought about 4._ up the show. But he remembered how much his friends liked his jokes, and also his teachers said he was very funny. So he decided to prepare for the show. Alexander did a great 5._. Everyone loved his performance, and he won 6._ first prize! His teachers and friends were proud of him. Even so, Ken, one of his classmates, told Alexander that he was not funny, and that he would never be successful. Alexander didnt understand why Ken said so, but he realized that it had 7._ to do with him. He confidently continued to work towards his goal.As the years went by, Alexander met more people 8._ Ken. “Youll do a terrible job,” they said to him. Luckily, most people encouraged him and some helped him to become even 9._. His fans thanked him 10._ his comedies made them feel good when they were unhappy. Now Alexander is a big comedy star! He is doing what he loves best. He never feels stressed because of those unkind people, and he laughs all day long!四、读写综合(xx汕头市澄海区模拟)A信息归纳请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息, 完成信息卡。Have you ever listened to the sound in your heart? Have you ever met an article which has the same idea as yours?The TV program, The Reader, has been popular since it came out on CCTV-1 on February 18th, xx. It is produced by Dong Qing, a famous hostess. The Reader invites many guests to read something that influences them most. Not only famous people but also common people can be the guests. Liu Chuanzhi, the Founder of Lenovo (联想集团创始人), came to The Reader as a common father. He said, “As long as you are an honest man, you are my good son whatever your job is!” Xu Yuanchong, a 96-year-old translator, shared some of his personal experiences of translating Chinese poems into English and French. His words were simple but moving. He read a love poem with tears in his eyes.This program has turned reading into a new fashion. It shows the beauty of Chinese language and the power of reading. Now Reading Booths (朗读亭) are set up in many cities. Though it rained, people in Hangzhou even waited in long lines to read in the booths. All kinds of reading activities are going on in schools. Lots of students take an active part in them.Reading is helpful to us because it will make us wise, happy and knowledgeable. It can be done anytime and anywhere. What are you waiting for? Why not start reading now?Information CardThe time when The Reader came out1._The thing many guests do in The Reader2._The new fashion that The Reader brought 3._The places that are set up in many cities 4._The advantages of reading5._B书面表达 根据要求完成短文写作。 目前,很多学校正开展“书香校园”系列读书活动,你作为其中一员,相信已读过不少好书并感受到阅读的乐趣。请根据要求用英语写一篇作文。内容包括:1. 简单介绍你喜欢的一本书以及得到的启示;2. 谈谈读书的好处(至少两点);3. 倡议大家一起读书,一起学习和成长。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。【审题指导】文体:记叙文 人称:第一人称和第三人称 时态:一般现在时【思维导图】【加分亮点】1. 使用一些固定短语:如call on, learn from, open ones mind, had better, take action等。2. 使用一些固定结构:如the book called., be written by等。3. 使用一些高级句式:如if引导的条件状语从句,since引导的原因状语从句,let引导的祈使句等。Nowadays many schools are calling on students to do more reading. _参考答案一、15 CBACB610 DCDCB二、15 BCCBA610 DDCCB1115 EFACD三、1. watching2. never3. laughed4. giving5. job6. the7. nothing8. like9. funnier10. because/as/since四、A. 信息归纳1. (on) February 18th, xx2. reading something (that influences them most)3. reading4. Reading Booths5. making us wise, happy and knowledgeableB. 书面表达Nowadays many schools are calling on students to do more reading. By reading, we can learn from many people about their ideas on science, life and society. I love the book called The Story of My Life that was written by Helen Keller. In the book, Helen describes her hard struggle to become a famous writer and educationist of the world. The book shows me a truth, “Nothing will be difficult if you put your heart into it.”Since reading can open our minds, make us wise and enrich our knowledge, wed better take action right now. Lets read together, learn together and grow together!


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