2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 2 Reading课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc

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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 2 Reading课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 2 Reading课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 2 Reading课时巩固提升. 单词拼写1. On rainy days, umbrellas can provide us with _(保护). 2. People should _(减少)the amount of fat they eat. 3. Fresh fruit and vegetables _(包含)plenty of Vitamin C. 4. The time we spent together is now a _(遥远的)memory. 5. The man I talked with just now has been _(雇用)as a gardener by our school. 6. We really _(感激)everything youve done for our daughter. 7. The anti-smoking campaign has only partly _(成功). 8. The modern farming method does great _(伤害)to the countryside. 9. The little girl can be easily _(感动)by others story. 10. More and more people have realized the _(重要性)of doing exercise. 答案:1. protection 2. decrease 3. contain 4. distant 5. employed 6. appreciate 7. succeeded 8. harm 9. affected 10. importance . 从下面的方框中选择合适的短语, 并用其适当形式填空decrease to, in peace, in danger, burst into laughter, pay attention to, do harm to, protect. . . from, in relief, die out, at the mercy of1. Reading in bed for a long time will _your eyes. 2. Every student should _what your teacher said in class. 3. The two countries have been living together _. 4. No one was injured in the accident; we all smiled _. 5. Its high time that we should take measures to protect these old traditions before they _. 6. The poor cat is _the naughty boy. 7. Hearing the funny story, all of the boys _. 8. Childrens lives are _every time they cross the road. 9. The government is doing the best to _those rare animals _being hunted. 10. The number of the rare birds in this area has _about ninety. 答案:1. do harm to 2. pay attention to 3. in peace. 4. in relief. 5. die out. 6. at the mercy of 7. burst into laughter 8. in danger 9. protect;from 10. decreased to . 完成句子1. I _ _ _ _ _(渴望去上大学)to learn more important and useful knowledge. (long)2. On hearing the funny words from her daughter, she _ _ _/ _ _ _(大笑起来). (burst)3. Because the fierce dog had bitten two persons, the policemen shot it _ _(毫不留情地). (mercy)4. When you enter the laboratory, you must do _ _ _ _(按照老师建议的). (as)【规律方法】是“建议”还是“暗示”? (1)建议; 提议The doctor suggested that the injured(should)be sent to the best hospital. 医生建议应当把那些受伤者送往最好的医院。Our English teacher suggests that we should read as much as possible. 我们的英语老师建议我们应尽可能多地读。(2)暗示; 表明Her pale face suggested that she was ill. 她苍白的脸色表明她病了。5. I _ _ _(不胜感激)if you could e to my wedding party next Sunday morning. (appreciate)6. Polluted air and water will _ _ _/ _ _ _(对有害)our health. (harm/harmful)7. She tried to _ _ _(注意)what the teacher was saying. (pay)【补偿训练】A headline on the front page _ _ _(吸引了人们的注意)to the story inside. (attention)答案:1. long to go to university2. burst into laughter/burst out laughing3. without mercy4. as the teacher suggests5. would appreciate it6. be harmful to/do harm to7. pay attention to【补偿训练】draws/attracts peoples attention


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