2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业2 Unit 4 Cyberspace 北师大版必修2.doc

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课时分层作业(二)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1Time is up.Do you make arrangements(arrange)with him?2He got in touch with his family after a long separation.3Do you fancy going(go)to the cinema this evening?4How about camping(camp)this weekend,just for a change?OK,whatever you want.5Our teacher suggested holding(hold)a meeting on what to do for the safety education.6Its up to parents to teach their children manners.7What do you think of the film?Its wonderful,especially the exciting scene.8We will deal with these events in historical(history)sequence. 9He still depends on his parents for the money to make a living.10Ive been rejected(reject)by all the universities I applied to.完成句子1他不但在学校里教书,而且还写小说。Not only did he teach at school,but he also wrote novels.2是否去那里由你决定。Its up to you whether to go there.3去年建的那座桥很漂亮。The bridge (which was)built last year is very nice.4你会发现和他相处很难。You will find it difficult to get along with him.5你将如何处理这些食物?What will you do with/How will you deal with the food?高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解The Internet brings us many advantages.With the Internet,people can send and receive emails.On the Internet,people can skim over news.Using the Telnet,the user anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account.It is possible to use the FTP program to copy files from one machine on the Internet to another.But the Internet also brings us troubles.Internet use seems to cause a fall in psychological (心理的) health,according to research at Carnegie Mellon University.Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less often,the twoyear study showed.And it wasnt that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet,but that using the Net actually seemed to cause the bad feelings.Researchers are puzzled over the results,which were pletely opposite to what they had expected.They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television,since the Net allows users to choose their information and to municate with others.The fact that Internet use reduces time used for family and friends may be the reason for the drop in health,researchers said.Faceless,bodiless “virtual (虚拟的)” munication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations,and the relationships formed through it may not be so deep.Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.“But its important to remember this is not about the technology; its about how it is used,” said one of the researchers.“It really points to the need for considering social factors (因素) when you design new inventions.”【语篇解读】网络的确给人们的工作及生活带来了很多便利,但如果使用不当,它也会对人们的身心健康造成极大伤害。1The writer mainly wants to tell us that Athe Internet can bring people many advantagesBthe Internet use may cause psychological problemsCthe Internet users are not satisfied with their livesDwe shouldnt use the InternetB主旨大意题。本文侧重于谈论由于使用网络而产生的一些问题,主题句在第四段。作者其实是想提醒我们使用网络可能有损心理健康。故B项最能概括文章大意。2Why are the researchers puzzling over the results?ABecause the results were pletely different from what they had thought.BBecause the Net proved socially healthier than television.CBecause the Internet users were all healthier.DBecause the Internet users experienced less depression and loneliness.A推理判断题。根据第五段第一句可知,令研究人员疑惑的是研究结果与他们期盼的完全相反。故A项正确。3What may be the reasons why the Internet use causes a fall in psychological health?AInternet use reduces time used for family and friends.BVirtual munication is less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations.CExposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.DAll the above.D推理判断题。根据文章的最后两句话可知A、B、C都为原因。故选D。4What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?AWhat matters is not the technology but how it is used.BThis passage is not about the technology but about how it is used.CWe should remember to learn about the technology.DWe should remember to learn how to use puters.A句意理解题。作者通过画线部分想表明这一切与技术本身无关,而是看我们怎么利用。故A项正确。 .完形填空The concept of solitude(独处)in the digital world is almost nonexistent.In the world of digital technology,email,social networking and online video games,information is meant to be 1 Solitude can be hard to discover 2 it has been given up.In this respect,new technologies have 3 our culture.The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) 4 as weve known it.People have bee so 5 in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted 6 theyd rather not be.Today we can talk,text,email,chat and blog(写博客),not only from our 7 ,but from our mobile phones as well.Most developed nations have bee 8 on digital technology simply because theyve grown accustomed to it,and at this point not 9 it would make them an outsider. 10 ,many jobs and careers require people to be 11 From this point of view,technology has changed the culture of work.Being reachable might feel like a 12 to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who 13 wants it.puters can be shut 14 and mobile phones can be turned off.The ability to be “connected” and “on” has many 15 ,as well as disadvantages.Travelers have ended up 16 on mountains,and mobile phones have saved countless lives.They can also make people feel 17 and forced to answer unwanted calls or 18 to unwanted texts.Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society 19 across generations.Some find todays technology a gift.Others consider it a curse.Regardless of anyones view on the subject,its hard to imagine what life would be like 20 daily advancements in technology.【语篇解读】在信息世界里独处几乎不存在,在这个网络连接的世界里,人们已经变得非常依赖于数码技术,也很容易联系到。很难想象没有科技的发展我们的生活会是什么样子。1A.updatedBreceivedCsharedDcollectedC在数码技术、电子邮件、社交网络和在线视频游戏的世界里,信息就是用来分享的。根据文章第一句话,在数码世界里独处几乎是不存在的,因为很多信息就是用来分享的,可知答案为C项。share分享,符合本题语境。update更新;receive收到;collect搜集。2A.thoughBuntilConceDbeforeC承接前文,在信息世界里独处几乎不存在。因此一旦独处被放弃,它就很难被找到。once一旦,符合本题语境。though尽管;until直到;before在之前。3A.respectedBshapedCignoredDpreservedB新技术塑造了我们的文化。shape塑造,使成型,符合本题语境。respect尊重;ignore忽视;preserve保存。4A.edgeBstageCendDbalanceC渴望被联系终结了独处。bring.to an end终结,为固定短语。 edge边缘;stage舞台;balance平衡。5A.sensitiveBintelligentCconsiderateDreachableD在这个网络连接的世界里,人们已经变得很容易联系到,以至于即使他们宁愿不被联系到,他们也很容易被联系到。reachable够得到,此处意为可以被联系到,后文也多次提及。sensitive敏感的;intelligent聪明的;considerate体贴的,考虑周全的。6A.even ifBonly ifCas ifDif onlyA即使他们宁愿不被联系到,他们还是很容易被联系到。even if即使;only if只有;as if好像;if only要是就好了。7A.mediaBputersCdatabasesDmonitorsB今天我们能够交谈、发信息、发电子邮件、聊天和写博客,不仅仅可以通过我们的电脑,还可以通过我们的手机。puter电脑,符合语境。media媒体;database数据库;monitor显示器。8A.bentBhardCkeenDdependentD大多数发达国家已经变得非常依赖于数码技术,仅仅因为他们已经习惯于此。bee dependent on变得依赖于,符合本题语境。bee bent on变得一心想要;bee hard on变得对要求严厉;bee keen on变得对有兴趣。9A.findingBusingCprotectingDchangingB在这一点上,不用它就会使得他们成为一个局外人。it指代digital technology,不用数码技术会使得他们成为局外人,因此选择using。find发现;protect保护;change改变。10A.AlsoBInsteadCOtherwiseDSomehowA另外,很多工作和职业需要人们相互之间保持联系。also此外,另外,符合本题语境。instead取而代之;otherwise否则;somehow不知为什么。11A.connectedBtrainedCremendedDinterestedA很多工作和职业需要人们相互之间保持联系。connect联系,符合本题语境。train训练,培训;remend推荐;interest使感兴趣。12A.pleasureBbenefitCburdenDdisappointmentC对于那些不想一直被联系到的人来说,能够被联系到好像是一种负担。burden负担,符合本题语境。pleasure乐趣;benefit好处,利益;disappointment失望。13A.slightlyBhardlyCmerelyDreallyD我想积极的方面是,对于那些真正想要独处的人来说独处依然可能。really真正地,符合语境。slightly稍微地;hardly几乎不;merely仅仅。14A.outBdownCupDinB电脑可以被关掉,手机也可以被关掉。shut down关闭,符合题意。shut out把关在外面;shut up闭嘴;shut in把关在里面。15A.aspectsBweaknessesCadvantagesDexceptionsC能被联系到的能力有很多的好处,也有很多的坏处。根据句末的disadvantages可知此处答案为advantages,与disadvantages形成对比。aspect方面;weakness弱点;exception例外。16A.hiddenBlostCrelaxedDdesertedB游客在山上迷路,手机已经挽救了很多人的生命。lost迷路的,符合语境。hidden隐藏的,秘密的;relaxed放松的;deserted被遗弃的。17A.trappedBexcitedCconfusedDamusedA它们也能让人们感觉到被困住,并被迫接听他们不想接听的电话。excited兴奋的;confused迷惑的;amused逗乐的。18A.turnBsubmitCobjectDreplyD或者回复他们不想要的消息。reply to回复,符合语境。turn to转向,求助于;submit to顺从于,递交;object to反对。19A.varyBariseCspreadDexistA各代人对我们作为一个社会被联系在一起的态度是不相同的。vary不同,有别;arise出现,发生;spread传播;exist存在。20A.beyondBwithinCdespiteDwithoutD很难想象没有科技日新月异的发展我们的生活会是什么样子的。此句含有虚拟语气,without没有,符合句意。beyond超出;within在之内;despite尽管。


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