2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题(实验班) (I).doc

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xx-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题(实验班) (I)注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上阅读理解第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ASometimes the best advice doesnt e from a book, a microphone, from behind a desk inWashingtonor even from the people who are the leaders in their fields. Sometimes the best life lessons are found deep in the roots of where we came from. My father passed away years ago, but I always remember the lessons he taught me. Three of them particularly shape my perspective day after day.The first one is that little things make big things happen. To the best of my memory, when I was young, we needed to build a new shed. Those were the days when stores like Home Depot and Lowes didnt exist. Brand-newtimber(木料) was expensive, so folks often reused the materials that others in the munity didnt need. That summer, Dad and I used the boards from an old abandoned barn. We pulled them down one by one, drew the nails out and took off the tin and straightened itin order to reuse it. We got our supplies back to our yard and got to work. I dont know how much of a help I really was, but I chose to stay beside Dad the entire period, working along with him.The sun was hot that day, and sweat formed and ran down our faces. I stood there and handed him the nails one by one, which were hammered into that shed. Dad made me feel proud of my work. Even though I just handed him the nails, he repeatedly emphasized how we built the new shed “together”. He taughtme that when youre willing to do hard work, even in little things, big things e together.The second one is that we should honor our promises. As a young man, my father always carried a pocket-sized Bible in his chest pocket. Shortly before the invasion ofNormandyin 1944, he prayed for Gods protection and promised God that if he made it home, he would make sure his family attended church every Sunday. Well, he made it home and he kept that promise. I cannot remember a Sunday when Dad did not take my mother, my siblings and me to church even when we were away on vacation. I now have my Dads pocket Bible. It is one of my most treasured possessions, and it serves as a constant reminder of my dads service to his country. However, it also serves as a visual representation of my dads firm determination to keep his promises.Today, I place great value on my family and my faith, undoubtedly because of my dads example.This lesson of promise has been introduced into all areas of my life.The third one is that listening is a way to acquire wisdom. My dad and I kept ourselves busy doing a lot of things together. During the nights of late summer, after dinner, the whole family would gather on our small porch to talk as the sun went down. Sometimes an aunt or uncle would drop by, and at other times my grandparents would be there. They would talk about the neighborhood news, the goings-on in modern Western society and politics mostly ordinary things, but it was good to sit there listening and to be together. Moreover, sitting there on the porch as dusk faded into night, I learned the value of listening and observing. Sometimes taking a moment to pause gives us the best perspective and sometimes we find the best answers simply by listening.Life inAmericabees more plex. However, I like to think back to the simple lessons I learned from my father. They were the building blocks of my character and the values that still guide me today. Perhaps someone who has influence on your life taught you life lessons that helped form your character. Im convinced that our nation could gain a lot by applying these lessons today. If we did, I think we would be reminded that the reason why our nation has bee great is not merely that we have had wise leaders or well-spoken elected officials. Our nation has bee great because of those ordinary Americans like my father, who have pride in their work, place great value on honesty, character and mitments, and pass those lessons on to their children and grandchildren. And that is the reason why we are still great today.21While building the new shed with his father, the author.A tried his best to help his fatherB realized how hard his father workedC managed to get in touch with some folksD was curious about everything22Why does the author keep his fathers pocket Bible?A He has great faith in religion.B It reminds him to keep his promises.C He takes it to church every Sunday.D It reminds him of his fathers survival in the match.23What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?A The importance of keeping family values.B Three lessons he learned from his father.C The happy time he spent with his father.D The factors making a country rich and strong.24It can be inferred from the passage that.A wise leaders determine a countrys statusB the author dislikes the well-spoken officialsC ordinary people have an effect on a countrys futureD the authors father was greater than anyone else in his heart BIts rare that the protagonist in a Chinese movie wins the audiences hearts with an emotionally uplifting message, rather than by showing off his or her good looks. But Wolf Warrior II is putting China in the global spotlight. Its also the first film to taste success both in terms of box office earnings and promoting Chinese values.Kung fu artist Wu Jing both starred in and directed the action movie. Since its release on July 27, its earned an unimaginable 4.5 billion yuan, setting a record for domestic movies at the box office. The success of the film has surpassed the anticipations of all, including the production team.The film focuses on a rescue operation in Africa, led by former special forces soldier Leng Feng-played by Wu. Leng helps Chinese workers and local Africans flee a war-torn and plague-ravaged country. Wolf Warrior II links art to reality, and reminds people of the massive evacuation of Chinese people from Libya when civil war broke out there in xx, and from Yemen in xx, as well as the challenges the Ebola virus created in West Africa from xx to xx. The film describes how the Chinese government aims to protect overseas Chinese citizens. Just as the message at the end of the film reads: “Citizens of the Peoples Republic of China. When you encounter danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.”Thanks to Chinas increasing participation in global affairs, now could be considered the right moment to introduce a modern Chinese hero.“Holding up a banner of peace, friendship and responsibility, Wolf Warrior II should be seen as a brave effort to promote Chinese values around the world,” columnist Zhu Ping wrote in China Daily.“Its time Chinese filmmakers produced films that tell good stories and carry the right spirit. Let us assume Wolf Warrior II has started that trend.”25We can learn from passage that .A leading characters in Chinese movies are mostly popular for their appearanceB it is hard for a protagonist in Chinese movies to win the audiences heartsC Wolf Warrior is the first Chinese movie to spread Chinese valuesD the production team is not surprised at the big box-office success26The film is popular with the audience mostly because .A Kung fu artist Wu Jing both starred in and directed itB it attempts to promote Chinese values around the worldC it is backed up and funded by the Chinese governmentD it shows that China is playing an active role in global affairs27The underlined word in para.3 can be replaced by .A worry about B hang outC fall into D e across CRecently, we have already shown that climate change has led to a dramatic increase in storm surge risk in New York City, making devastating events like Hurricane Sandy more likely.What can we say about the role of climate change in the unprecedented disaster that is unfolding in Houston with Hurricane Harvey? There are certain climate change-related factors that we can, with great confidence, say worsened the flooding.Sea Level rise attributable to climate change-some of which is due to coastal subsidence(下沉) caused by human disturbance such as oil drilling-is more than half a foot(15cm) over the past few decades. That means the storm surge was half a foot higher than it would have been just decades ago, meaning far more flooding and destruction.In addition to that, sea surface temperatures in the region have risen about 0.5(close to 1F) over the past few decades from roughly 30(86F) to 30.5(87F), which contributed to the very warm sea surface temperatures(30.5-31, or 87-88F). There is a simple thermodynamic(热力学的) relationship known as the Clausius-Clapeyron equation that tells us there is a roughly 3% increase in average atmospheric moisture content for each 0.5 of warming. Sea surface temperatures in the area where Harvey intensified were 0.5-1 warmer than current-day average temperatures, which translates to 1-1.5 warmer than “average” temperatures a few decades ago. That means 3-5% more moisture(水分) in the atmosphere. That large amount of moisture creates the potential for much greater rainfalls and greater flooding. The bination of coastal flooding and heavy rainfall is responsible for the devastating flooding that Houston is experiencing.Not only are the surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico unusually warm right now, but there is a deep layer of warm water that Harvey was able to feed upon when it intensified at near record pace as it neared the coast. Human-caused warming is penetrating down into the ocean. Its creating deeper layers of warm water in the Gulf and elsewhere. Harvey was almost certainly more intense than it would have been in the absence of human-caused warming, which means stronger winds, more wind damage and a larger storm surge.Finally, the more tenuous but potentially relevant climate factors: part of what has made Harvey such a devastating(毁灭性的) storm is the way it has stalled near the coast. It continues to strike Houston and surrounding regions with a seemingly endless flood, which will likely top out at nearly 4ft(1.22m) of rainfall over a days-long period before it is done. The stalling is due to very weak prevailing winds, which are failing to steer the storm off to sea, allowing it to spin around and wobble back and forth. This pattern, in turn, is associated with a greatly expanded subtropical high pressure system over much of the US at the moment, with the jet stream pushed well to the north. This pattern of subtropical expansion is predicted in model simulations of human-caused climate change. More tenuous(微弱的), but possibly relevant still, is the fact that very persistent, nearly “stationary” summer weather patterns of this sort, where weather anomalies(both high-pressure dry hot regions and low-pressure stormy/rainy regions) stay locked in place for many days at a time, appears to be favoured by human-caused climate change.In conclusion, while we cannot say climate change “caused” Hurricane Harvey, what we can say is that it exacerbated several characteristics of the storm in a way that greatly increased the risk of damage and loss of life. Climate change worsened the impact of Hurricane Harvey.28Whats the main purpose of writing the passage?A To offer tips on climate change.B To advocate paying more attention to current climate change urgently.C To share experiences on avoiding climate change.D To criticize human-caused climate change.29The underlined word “intensified” in Paragraph 4 probably means _.A worsened B causedC favoured D increased30What is the best title for the passage?A Climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadlyB Sea level rise sea and surface temperatures changed Hurricane HarveyC Hurricane Harvey and its characteristicsD The climate change-related factors and human-caused warming31Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage? I: Introduction CP: Central point P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点) C: ConclusionA B C D DTo err is human. To blame the other guy is even more human.mon sense is not all that mon.Why tell the truth when you can e up with a good excuse?These three popular sentences are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature .To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people dont want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do .The original quote about human nature went like this: “ To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的).”.This saying mirrors an ideal people should be forgiving of others mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity.mon sense is what we call clear thought. Having mon sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. mon sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshinemon sense does not seem to be mon for large organizations, because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything. People say that in a large pany, “the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.”And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art? One of the mon problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people, get the idea that its okay not to be totally honest all the time. There is a corollary(直接推论)to that: if good excuse is “good” even if it isnt honest, then where is the place of the truth?32According to the passage, which of following seems the most human?A To search for truthB To achieve ones idealC To criticize others for ones own error.D To make fun of others mistakes33Which of the following is NOT based on mon sense?A A man tries to take charge of everything in a large pany.B A student goes out with an umbrella in stormy weather.C A panys next move follows a good planD A lawyer acts on fine judgments34What is the authors opinion about a good excuse?A Bitter truth is better than a good excuse.B Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas.C A good excuse is as rewarding as honesty.D Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy.35What would be the best title for his passage?A To Blame or to Forgive B A Mirror of Human NatureC A Mark of Maturity D Truth or Excuse第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。While your teen may get OK by waiting until the last possible second to plete his high school science experiment or his math project, procrastination (拖延症) can be a big problem later in life. Your teens future boss or college professors arent likely to accept late work- or the excuses that acpany delayed projects.36That means managing his time wisely without requiring constant reminders of assistance from you to get his work done. Here are some steps you can take to teach your teen essential time management skills:37If youre always running late or you miss a lot of deadlines, your teen will follow suit. Practice managing your own time wisely and show your teen that you can acplish the most important tasks in any given day.Encourage your teen to write down his schedule. Your teens time may easily get taken up with video games or social media if hes not careful. Teach him to schedule his day so he can set aside time for chores, homework, and other responsibilities.38Then, time doesnt idly pass without feeling like he hasnt done anything fun.Help your teen prioritize( 划分优先顺序) activities.39A basketball game and birthday party may coincide. Talk to your teen about how to prioritize activities, based on his values and mitments.Avoid nagging (唠叨). It can be annoying to nag your teen or offer repeat reminders,40Set rules about your expectations and follow through with consequences when necessary. Then, your teen will learn to manage his time better in the future.A Model good time management habits.B Encourage him to schedule free time as well.C Encourage your teen to establish healthy habit.D its mon for teens to have conflicts in their schedulesE. Its important to teach your teen how to behave responsibly.F. As a result, many of them have to learn how to manage their time repeatedly.G. and telling your teen to do his work over and over again reduces his responsibility.第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect interest in romance among the artists._41_, you would see plenty of animals with people running after them. Life for ancient peoples seemed to center on hunting and gathering wild foods for meals.In modern times, when food is available in grocery stores, finding love is more _42_ to peoples lives. The _43_ is all around us. It is easy to prepare a list of modern stories having to do with love. An endless number of books and movies _44_as love stories in popular culture.Researchers are studying whether love, a highly valued emotional state, can be 45_. They ask, what is love? Toothpaste panies want us to think _46_is all about clean teeth, but clean teeth go only so far. Scientists wonder how much the brain gets involved. You have probably heard that opposites attract but that _47_attract, too. One thing is certain: The truth about love is not yet set in stone.First ImpressionTo help determine the _48_ of attraction, researchers paired 164 college classmates and had them talk for 3, 6 or 10 minutes so they could get a sense of each others individuality. Then students were asked to _49_ what kind of relationship they were likely to build with their partners. After nine weeks, they reported what happened.As it turned out, their _50_ judgments often held true. Students seemed to _51_at an early stage who would best fit into their lives.The _52_ KnowsScientists have also turned to nonhumans to increase understanding of attraction. Many animals give off pheromones natural chemicals that can be detected by, and then can produce a response in, other animals of the same species. Pheromones can 53_ that an animal is either ready to fight or is feeling _54_to partnerships. In contrast, humans do not seem to be as _55_ as other animals at _56_ such chemicals. Smell, however, does seem to play a part in human attraction. Although we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones consciously, we give and receive loads of information through smell in every interaction with other people.Face ValueBeing fond of someone seems to have a number of factors, including seeing something we find attractive. Researchers had people judge faces for _57_. The participants had 0.013 seconds to view each face, yet somehow they generally considered the images the same as people who had more time to study the same faces. The way we _58_ attractiveness seem to be somewhat _59_.When shown an attractive face and then words with good or bad associations, people responded to _60_ words faster after viewing an attractive face. Seeing something attractive seems to cause happy thinking.41A Moreover B


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