2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业5 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业5 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业5 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业5 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ 北师大版必修4.doc_第3页
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课时分层作业(五)Section 、语言知识练习固基础.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1I do not blame(责备)them for trying to make some money.2If you pretend(假装)to know what you dont know,youll be laughed at.3If we cant solve the problem right now,more serious ones will arise(出现)soon.4The factory employs a thousand workers.5Its necessary for us to meet.When is suitable,this weekend or next Monday?B)填写空白处所需要的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式6Im sorry to bother you,but would you do me a favour? 7Shelly had worked hard for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first attempt.8Fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food contribute to sound health.9The football team,consisting(consist) of 22 players and three coaches,was set up about 3 years ago.10The traditional approach to dealing(deal) with plex problems is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems.单句改错1The accused employed a lawyer in defence for him.forof2They were willing to risk lose their jobs.loselosing3I like her approach for the problem.forto4Water is said to be consist of oxygen and hydrogen.去掉be5Frankly speaking,I am not in favour to your plan.toof高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解Violence on television is bad for people.In fact,when I watch shooting,killing and fighting on TV,it breaks my heart.Sometimes I cant open my eyes to watch it.I think its not such a big problem with adults.They distinguish TV programs from real life clearly,but its not good to watch too much.We watch many acts of violence on TV,and then we dont feel violence is violence.We need to have more time doing other things than watching TV.Its important to municate with the family,go outside and do exercise,enjoy a hobby,think about something,and so on.TV is one part of our life enjoyment,and we must choose TV programs wisely and watch actively.Televised violence has many effects on kids.They want to imitate things they see.They dont know the difference between good things and bad things well.Moreover,in some programs a robot es up again after it has been killed.Little children dont know its not the same as real life.They may behave aggressively(侵略地)against their friends.Parents must control the TV programs their children watch.But many parents go out for work,so they make TV take care of their children after school.People must think about the way to get along with TV.Maybe I think it is bad to televise violent programs while children are still awake.Violent shows are bad not only for children but also for society because people who watch violent TV shows want to imitate the TV shows. I think parents who have children should restrict their childrens viewing of violent TV shows.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。电视暴力对青少年有很大的影响,因此政府应限定暴力节目的播出时间,家长应限制孩子观看暴力节目。1This passage mainly tells us Awhat the author thinks about televised violenceBhow to choose proper TV programs to watchCwhy the author gets so addicted to violent programsDhow to break away from violent TV programsA主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述作者对电视暴力节目的看法,因此选A。2People dont feel violence is violence if Athey spend more time doing other thingsBthey treat TV programs as a kind of enjoymentCthey watch too much of it every dayDthey often go out and do exerciseC细节理解题。根据第2段的第1句“我们在电视上看到许多暴力动作,于是我们就不感觉暴力是暴力了”可知,应选C。3Violent programs are bad for little kids because Athey might do what they see in the programsBthey might fight against their friendsCthey dont know what a robot is made ofDa robot can e back to lifeA细节理解题。根据第3段内容可知,儿童不能辨别好坏,可能会模仿电视上的暴力动作,因此A项“孩子们会做他们在节目里看到的”为正确答案。B项太片面。4According to the 4th paragraph,why do parents let their children watch TV after school?AThey cant control the TV programs.BThey dont have time to take care of them.CKids can benefit from the programs.DViolent programs are very interesting.B细节理解题。根据第4段第2句可知,许多家长让电视照顾自己的孩子主要是因为他们要外出工作,所以选B。.完形填空A newspaper reporters job can be very interesting.He meets all kinds of people and lives quite a(n) 1 life.He is on the rush for newspaper all the time,then after several years he 2 get a desk job,and life bees a bit more settled.In a day he may have to 3 the prime minister (首相) of a foreign country,and the next day he may be 4 about a football match.Sometimes he may be so busy that he hardly has any time to 5 And at other times he may go out for days looking 6 news,and yet return 7 In the beginning a reporter has to 8 a very wide field.After the early years he bees more 9 in his work.For example,he may finally be 10 to write only on politics or sports.Some newspapers have book reviewers (评论家)Their job is 11 They read the latest books and then write reviews on the 12 they like.Then there are those who write on 13 So they get to see them even 14 they are shown in the cinema.How lucky,you 15 say!A newspaper reporters job can also be very 16 A number of them have died from rushing from one place to another and if there is a flood or a riot they may get 17 or even be killed.Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was 18 By a group of men, 19 they were angry with him for taking their pictures.Dangerous or not,one thing is certain,and that is,their job is never 20 【语篇解读】记者的工作在外人看来可能很有趣、很风光,可谁又明白做记者的艰辛呢?1A.happyBpainfulCbusyDsimpleC通过下文“He is on the rush for newspaper all the time.”得知,记者的工作非常繁忙。2A.mustBneedCshouldDmayD通过第二段对记者日常工作的描述来看,记者首先会做一些基层的采访工作,几年后才有可能从事文案工作(a desk job),这样工作才相对稳定些。3A.interviewBannounceCreceiveDassistA根据语境应为采访外国的首相。4A.writingBwatchingCaskingDpublishingA根据语境可知,记者会写有关足球赛的报道。5A.workBstudyCsleepDreadC根据句意,没有时间睡觉才能说明记者有时会非常忙。6A.intoBforCoverDthroughB根据语境知此处是“四处搜寻新闻”的意思。7A.emptyhandedBsinglehandedCcareloadedDoverloadedA句中yet表明前后意思转折,所以应是空手而归。8A.focusBworkCcoverDdevelopC由下文知,记者先要广泛涉猎,以后才专注于某一方面的报道。9A.cleverBhardworkingCspecialDspecializedD根据语境,此处是说记者变得更为专业。10A.orderedBaskedCinvitedDwarnedB由常识和上下文可知,记者被要求做某一方面的编写工作。11A.pleasingBmovingCboringDterrifyingA通过下文的描述说明,写书评能最早读到新书,这应该是令人高兴的事。12A.moviesBpeopleCothersDonesDones代指books,以避免重复。13A.booksBconcertsCfilmsDsportsC根据下文“.they are shown in the cinema.”可判断出是写影评。14A.afterBuntilCunlessDbeforeD由上下文知,应是在电影公开放映之前看到电影。15A.canBwouldCcouldDshallBwould表示一种猜想。16A.dangerousBdifficultCexcitingDsurprisingA通过下文的描述可知,记者的工作可能是很危险的。17A.damagedBlostCwoundedDhurtD根据上下文可知,记者有时会面临受伤甚至死亡的危险。18A.lentBboughtCbrokenDhiddenC根据语境知照相机应是被摔坏了。19A.althoughBsinceCbutDbecauseD后面内容是前面内容的原因。20A.unusualBunableCuninterestingDunsuccessfulC通读全文之后,可判断出无论是否危险,有一点是肯定的,那就是记者的工作从来不是索然无味的。

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