福建省莆田市涵江区中考英语第二轮总复习 练习(六).doc

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练习(六)基础知识与运用(每小题1分,共30分)V. 选择填空:从A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。21. Last night, I took a _ after doing sports in the gym. Its really relaxing and comfortable.A. walk B. showerC. photo22. The opening ceremony of the 29th Olympics will be _ 8:00 p.m. _ August 8th, xx.A. at; at B. on; in C. at; on23. That French text book must belong to _.He is learning French by _. A. he; himself B. his; him C. him; himself24. I saw some volunteers _ads in the street to call on people to help protect our environment.A. hanging out B. handing out C. getting out25. My uncle _be a teacher in a mountain village school in Sichuan when he was young. Now he _eating hot spicy Sichuan food. A. is used to; used toB. used to; gets used to C. used to; is used for26. The thief _ to get off the bus and run away this morning. A. was seenB. saw C. seemed27. _ to have some orange juice? No, thanks. Ive just drunk some soup. A. Would you mindB. Would you like C. Could you please28. I am not sure who will _ the gold medal of 110- meter hurdles race. I hope Liu Xiang can _ all the other runners. He wont lose to his competitors. A. win; beatB. beat; win C. get; catch29. A barber is a person _ cuts hair or makes hairstyles for others while a barber shop is a place _ people have their hair cut or washed. A. who; where B. that; which C. whom; that30. If it _ tomorrow, I will go camping with my cousins in the mountain nearby. A. wont rain B. doesnt rainC. isnt raining31. I have got only one ticket, so Im afraid _ you _I can go to the movie tonight.A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and32. I have been working for ten hours, now I feel tired and sleepy. Youd better stop _, or youll be down with an illness.A. to work B. having a restC. to have a rest33. She feels really _ after getting the awful report card. Lets come over to her house and cheer her up.A. calm B. hungryC. upset34. How long does it _from your home to the city library? Its over twenty minutes by bus.A. take B. spend C. cost35. Scientists predict sadly that there will be _ clean water and _ trees on the earth in the future. .A. less; fewerB. more; moreC. fewer; less36. By the time I found my seat, the movie _ for half an hour.A. has already begunB. had started C. had been on37. -My little son Jack prefers shooting birds and fighting with others. What should I do?-Dont worry, madam. I suppose he might be a good_ when he grows up.A. pilot B. soldier C. dentist38. We all have problems. And _ we deal with our problem, we can easily become unhappy.A. unless B. untilC. except39. We can use Blogs to write diaries on the Internet. Its pretty popular these days. Really? Could you please teach me _ my own blog?A. how to set up B. what to set up C. how can I set up40. Ive just come back from a long journey. Believe it or not I went to Hawaii. _. A. Im sorry to hear that B. You can go by air C. You must be very tiredVI. 完形填空:从A、B、C中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。 Bill Evans was a professional baseball player. He had played in many important matches. He was also superstitious(迷信). Before 41 game, he went to a fortune-teller to 42 what was going to happen. One day, 43 the eve of an important game, he visited his favorite fortune-teller, as 44 . She 45 his fortune many times in the past and had often been correct(正确的).The fortune-teller studied his hand for a few moments. Then she said, I see a man 46 a white coat.Do you see anything else? Bill asked. Yes. I see you 47 on a stretcher(担架).This really worried Bill. There were often injuries during a game, but they were hardly ever serious 48 for theplayer to be carried off on a stretcher.Then I wont play tomorrow, he told the fortune-teller. I cant risk(担风险) a serious injury.The captain of Bills team was not pleased when Bill told him that he was not going to play. Bill was one of the 49 players on the team. However, there was nothing he could say to make Bill change his mind.Bill did not watch the game, but decided to go to the hospital and visit his friend 50 had been badly injured afew weeks before. As he was walking into the hospital, a doctor wearing a white coat ran out of the door and, not seeing Bill, knocked him down. Bill hit his head on the ground. Within a few seconds, he was being carried into the hospital on a stretcher.41. A. allB. bothC. every42. A. look forB. find outC. find43.A. in B. on C. at44.A. usual B. usuallyC. often45. A. told B. had toldC. was told46. A. wearingB. was wearingC. wore47.A. lay B. liedC. lying48. A. so B. tooC. enough49. A. best B. worst C. stronger50.A. which B. who C. where情景交际运用(共20分)VIII. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分)W: Hi, Eric. Thanks for calling Teen Talk 99.9 FM. Whats the (86.) _with you?M: Well, I have a good friend. We get on well with each other. But he often borrows money from me but never (87.) _ it. I dont want to argue with him. After all, he is my best friend. Can you give me some advice?W: Hmm, (88.) _dont you talk with him face to face?M: I wanted to. But each time I saw his face, I couldnt say anything.W: Well, maybe you should (89.) _ him up.M: No, I dont want to talk about it on the phone.W: How about (90.) _ a letter to him about it?M: Good(91.) _! Any maybe I could help him find a part-time job to make some money. Thanks so much!W: Youre welcome. Goodbye and good luck.M: Bye.IX. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空2分,共8分)l 假如你是国家博物馆的一名工作人员,当发现有外国参观者想给国宝拍照留念时,你急忙上前用英语规劝道:Im sorry to tell you, youre(92.)_here.l 天黑了,你想让坐在教室电源开关附近的女同学帮忙开一下灯,你可以这样对她说:Its getting dark, (93.) _?l 你想让好友盼盼回忆一下:当中国申奥成功的时刻他在干什么,你应该这样问他:Excuse me, Pan Pan,(94.) _when Beijing was made host for the xx Olympics?l 青藏铁路开通以来,中外游客络绎不绝,一位已到过西藏(Tibet)两次的加拿大友人自豪地对你说:Im proud to tell you I(95.) _.X. 根据语篇情景,用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空2分,共6分)In Switzerland, its very important to (96.) _. Its the land of watches after all! If someone invites you to meet them at 3:00,you have to be there at 3:00.If youre even fifteen minutes late, your friend may(97.)_. Also, people there never visit a friends house without(98.) _. They usually make plans to see friends and tell them about it on the phone before leaving. They usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere relaxing together with their family members or friends.练习(六):21-25.BCCBB 26-30.ABAAB 31-35.ACCAA 36-40.CBAAC41-45.CBBAB 46-50.ACCAB86.matter 87.returns 88.why 89.call 90.writing 91.idea92.not allowed to take photos/not supposed to take photos93.Would you mind turning on the lights/Could you please turn on the lights 94.what were you doing 95.have been to Tibet twice/have visited Tibet twice96.be on time/do everything on time97.get angry/be angry/ be annoyed/ be mad at you/feel uncomfortable/leave you alone98.calling first/making a telephone call first/calling him/her up first


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