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题型加练五类型一根据首字母填空(一)(xx山东东营中考)Donna Reid had just finished her training as a childrens doctor. A famous research hospital in New York had offered her a job with 1.g pay. And her boyfriend, Tony, had a clinic(小诊所) in their hometown and hoped she could work with him. At the same time, a small hospital, Backwoods Hospital, in a very poor area had also offered Donna a job. Now it was time for her to decide 2.w to work.Dad: Donna, that research hospital in New York has a good reputation(声誉) for childrens medicine. Some of the best childrens doctors in the country work there and you can 3.l a lot from them.Mom: Yes, I agree its a good hospital and the pay is good, too. But, thats not the point(要点)Dad: 4.T whats the point?Mom: Its in New York, too far away! Let me tell you, dear Donna. Tonys clinic is just several miles away. You dont need to travel 5.f if you work there. Tony is a nice young man and I guess youll get married soon.Dad: Ha! Its hard enough to live with a husband or wife. Working with them, 6.t ? Thats a choice for trouble. Well, Donna, what do you think?Donna: Im thinking about 7.a the offer from Backwoods Hospital.Dad: But Donna, look at their offer! Youll be on call(随时待命) six days a week. Thats really a 8.h job.Mom: Oh, Donna, the pay is another problem.Donna: Mom and Dad, I didnt become a doctor for enjoying a comfortable life 9.o Dad: No? Then 10.w did you become a doctor?Donna: I want to help people. You know that. And Backwoods serves the poor. Backwoods, here I come!(二)(xx江苏盐城中考)Over 2,000 years ago, in China, there lived a boy called Confucius. When he was 1.o three, his father died. His mother was very poor. In those days people had to pay to go to school and his mother did not have enough 2.m to send him.As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things. So he 3.d to teach himself. Unfortunately he was a strangelooking boy. The other children pointed and made fun of him. They called him names and laughed at him. Confucius got very upset, but he was a kind gentle boy and did not fight 4.b .Confucius did not play with other children. He went off to talk to holy men in the temple and learned from them. He 5.t to artists and musicians and learned from them. If he tried to do something difficult, he kept trying over and over again 6.u he learned how to do it. In this way the boy taught himself to read and 7.w and learned lots of interesting things. Confucius grew up to be a very 8.c man.When he was a man, Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu. People were very 9.h when he was their leader. He used his abilities and skills in a 10.w way.People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived. We still remember many of his sayings today.(三)(xx江苏扬州翠岗中学二模)Many expressions that we use in American English come from novels.Today we will look at some of them from “Alice in Wonderland” in detail.The story is about a young girl falling down a rabbit hole. When she finally 1.l , she finds herself in a strange world and meets some strange characters.The 2.f character Alice meets is the White Rabbit, who runs past her and says some strange words.Alice chases(追赶)him,and that is where her adventures 3.b In English,chasing a white rabbit means chasing an 4.i clue and finding yourself in a misleading situation.Then,as she runs after the rabbit,she falls down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.To fall down the rabbit hole can mean to enter a confusing(令人困惑的)situation. 5.H , usually we use this expression to mean we get 6.i in something to the point of distraction(分神)It often happens by accident and is about something not that meaningful.Later in the story, Alice meets the March Hare and the Hatter at a crazy tea party. Hares(野兔) have long been thought to behave excitedly in 7.M , which is their mating(交配)season. Scientifically, this may not be true. But to be mad as a March Hare means that 8.s is completely mad,or crazy.The expression mad as a Hatter also means to be completely crazy.Of the two,mad as a Hatter is more 9.c . But dont tell the March Hare. Who knows how he will react(反应)!Near the end of the story, Alice meets the Queen of Hearts. A woman who is called a Queen of Hearts likes 10.c others and always tries to control everything and everyone around her.(四)(2019预测)Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have 1.t learning a new language. How can you help 2.y learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English easier and more 3.i The first 4.s is to feel confident about learning English. If you believe that you can learn well, you will learn well. Be patient. You dont have to understand everything all at once. It is 5.n to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not 6.w about taking risks.The second step is to practice your English. For example, keep a diary or make notes every day. You will be used to writing in English, and you will feel 7.c expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can 8.p with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English.The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your diary. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you 9.t to understand it. Write these achievements in your diary.You must have 10.c about learning English and believe that you can do it. Its important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will have more confidence in yourself.(五)(xx山东莱芜中考)Every year in Bath, English, there is a special 1.f . People 2.d up in old clothes and have concerts and dancing parties. It is 3.c the Jane Austen Festival.Jane Austen is an English writer. This year, the subject is about her book Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见), which has a 4.h of 200 years.Born in Steventon, English, 1775, Austen was 5.f for her humorous words and clever ideas. Most of her novels are about women in 18th century England. At that time, if a 6.w wanted to have a happy life, she had to marry a rich man. But Austen said that a woman should 7.m for herself, not for money. So her characters were often strong enough. Pride and Prejudice is the 8.m famous novel by Austen. It tells a romantic story 9.b a young woman Elizabeth and a tall, rich and handsome man, Mr. Darcy. There are many 10.d art forms of it: films,televisions and musicals. All of Austen snovels are about a small part of English country life. But they tell us that small things can still be beautiful, too.(六)(xx黑龙江大庆杜尔伯特九下期中改编)1.H of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines.Today life has brought new problems. One of the 2.b problems is pollution. Water pollution has 3.m our rivers and lakes dirty. It killed a lot of fish and 4.p our drinking water. Noise pollution has made us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most 5.s kind of pollution. Its bad for all livings in the world.Many countries are making rules to 6.f pollution. Now, factories must clean their water 7.b it is thrown away, and they mustnt let dirty smoke go into the air. We need to do many 8.o things. We can put the waste things into the dustbin. We can go to work by bus. If there are 9.f people driving, there will be less pollution.Rules are not 10.e . Every person must help to fight pollution. (七)(2019原创)Did you know that tea was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk 1.n 5,000 years ago. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to 2.d tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong was 3.b drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant fell 4.i the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice smell so he tasted 5.t brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th 6.c . In England, tea didnt appear 7.u around 1660, but in 8.l than 100 years, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to spread the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea 9.c , the Chinese are without doubt the ones 10.w best understand the nature of tea.(八)(2019原创)April Fools Day is a celebration that takes place in different 1.c (country) around the world. It 2.h on April 1st every year and is a day when many people play all kinds of tricks and jokes 3.o each other. There were many famous tricks and jokes. A TV show in England 4.r the discovery of special water. They said this water would help people lose 5.w . By the end of the day, more than 10,000 people had 6.p the TV station to find out how to get this water. Many April Fools jokes may end up 7.b not very funny. A famous TV star once asked his girlfriend to 8.m him on April Fools Day when he had a big show. 9.F , the lady realized her boyfriends proposal was just a joke. The poor man lost his girlfriend and his show was 10.c (九)(xx江苏扬州梅岭二模)In the evening, Dorothy decided to go into the little cottage in the trees. She was very tired and she 1.l down on the leaves with Toto and they fell asleep. The Scarecrow stood near the door. He was never tired because he had no brain.The next morning they left the cottage and looked for a stream of fresh water. 2.S they heard someone groaning. It was the Tin Woodman, a man made of tin, holding an axe in his hands. He wasnt 3.m at all but groaning.Dorothy ran back to the little house and found the oilcan the Tin Woodman told her. Then she put some 4.o on his neck, arms and legs. He turned his head and bent his arms and legs. “When it 5.r , I get wet and then I cant move.” The Tin Woodman said, “Who are you?” “Im Dorothy and this is the Scarecrow.” Dorothy explained, “We are going to see the Great Oz in the Emerald City. I want to ask him to 6.s me back to Kansas. The Scarecrow wants to ask him for a 7.b .” “Can Oz give me a heart?” the Tin Woodman asked. “I dont know,” Dorothy 8.r , “ Come with us and ask him.” They all started walking back to the yellow brick road. It took them into a 9.d forest. There wasnt much light because the sunshine couldnt get 10.t the branches of the trees. The only noises were strange!(十)(xx江苏盐城盐都一模改编)A young painter completed a nice picture. To get peoples thoughts about his skills, he put it at a 1.c on a busy street. And below it a board read, “Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. 2.S Im new, I might make some mistakes in it. Please put a cross (叉号) wherever you see a mistake.”When he came back in the evening to 3.c his picture, he was shocked to see that the whole picture was filled with crosses. And some people 4.e wrote something on his picture. Sadly, he ran to his master and said, “I failed. And if this is what I have learned, Im not 5.w teaching. ”The master smiled and 6.s , “Ill let you know that youre a great artist. Now go to paint the same picture again and give it to me. ”Then they went to the same street the next morning and put the new picture exactly at the same place. Now the master took out another board which said, “Gentlemen, I painted this piece. There might be some mistakes in it. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please give me a 7.h . If you see a mistake, pick up the brush and correct it.”Two days later, they came back to the place. The young painter was 8.s to see that actually there was not a single correction done!Its easy to say but difficult to do. If you want to help people 9.i their behavior, youd better learn how to help people change their attitudes(态度) or skills. Also, always remember not to judge(评判) 10.y by someone elses words and feel bad two homes.类型二选词填空(一)(2019原创)Afall asleepBsameCused to helpDdress properlyEwhatFworryGsadHtry my best toIthe end ofJfirstMy son, if some day you find that Im getting older and weaker,please dont lose patience but try to understand me.If I repeat the 1. story, please dont interrupt(打断) me. When you was young, I had to tell the same story again and again till you 2. quietly.If you find I am so ignorant(无知的) about new technology, give me more time. Dont laugh at me. How many things have I ever taught you? Ive taught you how to eat, how to 3. and how to face your life.If I lose my memory all of a sudden in our conversation and dont know 4. to say, please give me some time to think. If I can do nothing about that, dont 5. .What matters to me is to be with you.If I cant walk,give me a hand,just like I used to hold you when you made the 6. step of your life. If one day I tell you that my life is ending, dont be 7. You will realize that I always 8. give you the best,although I have made many mistakes. Please dont be sad or upset when I lean(倚) on you. Stay close to me. Please understand me just like I 9. you fulfill your life. Help me and hold me so that I could walk to 10. my life in your love and understanding. I will pay you back with my smile and my constant(永恒的) love.I love you, my child!(二)(xx山东德州中考改编)Aeven thoughBfromCOnce upon a timeDcalm downEhappened toFbestGsoHagainIcome backJalmost1 , a father and his son were walking from one town to another. While they were travelling, they 2. pass by a river. They were tired and stopped there to rest. Then the father asked his son to get him some water 3. the river.Then the son walked to the riverside and he saw some women washing clothes there. Right at that moment, a bullock cart(牛车) started crossing the river. As a result, the water became very dirty. “I mustnt take the dirty water to my father,” he thought. So he 4. and said. “Look, Father. A bullock cart is crossing the river now, 5. the water is dirty and it cant be drunk.” Father said nothing.After a while, the son was asked to get some water 6. by his father. The water was still dirty, but he didnt go back. He thought, “My father is so thirsty. I must take back clean water this time, 7. it will take me a long time.” Then he sat there, waiting until the water was clean. He collected some in a bowl and took it back.“Oh, you are back at last, I have waited for you for 8. half an hour.” Father said. After drinking the water, he looked up at his son and said, “Now, think about what made the water clean. You let it be and the water became clean on its own. It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed(打扰), just let it be, and it will 9. on its own.”The son thought for a while and said,“Thank you, Father. I will remember this forever.”We can make 10. decisions when we stay calm.(三)(2019预测)Alose weightBat the same timeCIfDadviceEstay away fromFat leastGimportantHfeel likeIsurelyJmoreA lot of people wish to be slim(苗条), but 1. they are worried about their health. In fact, it is important for everyone to 2. healthily. But how can you do it? Heres some good 3. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet. If you 4. eating snacks, drink a glass of water first. 5. you are still hungry after 15 minutes, then its time for a light snack.Try to 6. food with high calories(卡路里), such as sweets and fast food. Don not eat 7. than you can consume(消耗). People get fat because they cannot consume all the calories that they get. So knowing how many calories you really need is very 8. .Take enough exercise. The “333” is good for youexercise 3 times a week. For 9. 30 minutes at a time, and pulse rate(脉搏率) should be more than 130 times a minute after exercising.Keep the three pieces of advice in mind and follow the advice. Then youll 10. have a slim and strong body. (四)(xx湖北十堰模拟改编)Akeep your nails cleanBwithCbadDstartEup toFbecause ofGhowHexplainItry to relaxJfocus onSometimes, we see some people reading books while biting their nails(咬指甲). According to the BBC(英国广播公司), 1. 45 percent of teenagers bit their nails. There is not an exact answer to 2. why people bite their nails. But most commonly, nail biting is said to be a nervous habit. It is done 3. stress(压力), boredom or excitement.Whats more, a report says that people with higher levels of intelligence(智力) 4. biting their nails at an early age. It believes that compared 5. common person, those with higher levels of intelligence may feel higher levels of stress more easily.This habit is 6. for the biters. It can give them red or sore fingertips. And longterm nail biting can affect(影响) 7. nails grow.But dont worry! There are many ways to stop biting your nails. First, 8. . The more you 9. taking care of your nails, the less likely you may bite them again. Also, when you feel stressed, 10. . Doing exercise or having a warm bath both help. (五)(xx湖南郴州中考改编)Afar from homeBanythingCSoDcarefulElots ofFexperienceGrun away fromHshareIdeal withJan example ofTeenagers often have 1. problems and worries. Sometimes they have problems with the schoolwork and sometimes with their friends. How to 2. them?I remember 3. a middle school girl, Nancy. She once lost her wallet and was afraid to tell her parents about it. 4. she walked to school every day. A week later, she couldnt stand it any more because it was too 5. . She had to talk to her parents. They were really understanding and told her to be 6. next time.In fact, the worst thing is not to do 7. . You cant feel better unless you talk to someone. Problems are normal in life. You should not 8. your problems. Instead, youd better 9. them with your parents or ask an expert for help, because they have more 10. 参考答案类型一(一)1good2.where3.learn4.Then5.far6too7.accepting8.hard9.only10.why(二)1only2.money3.decided4.back5.talked6until7.write8.clever9.happy10.wise(三)1lands2.first3.begin4.impossible5However6.interested7.March8someone/somebody9.common10.controlling (四)1trouble2.yourself3.interesting4.step5natural6.worry7.comfortable8.practice9tried10.confidence(五)1festival2.dress3.celebrating4.history5famous6.woman7.marry8most9.between10.different(六)1Hundreds2.biggest3.made4.polluted5serious6.fight7.before8.other9.fewer10.enough(七


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