八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party巩固与提升练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party巩固与提升练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party巩固与提升练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party巩固与提升练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 Can you come to my party?知识回顾1、 单词回顾。1. _ prperv.预备; 准备 -n._准备,准备工作 2. _ n.印刷; 打印 3. _zm 考试 4. _悲伤的; 难过的5. _ n.流感6. _再见7. _ 可得到的; 有空的; 8. _ adj.高兴; 愿意9. _ntl 直到为止 10. _ n.胶水11. _h 悬挂; (使)低垂12. _ prep.没有; 不 13. _kt 赶上; 抓住; 捕捉14. _ adj.惊奇的; 感到意外的 -n._15. _ nvat 邀请 16. _ n.乔迁聚会17. _ksept 接受; 18. _opn开幕式,落成典礼 19. _ rfjuz 拒绝 20. _ knsrt 音乐会 21. _ n.工作日22. _hedmstr 校长 23. _n.邀请; 请柬24. _vent 大事,公开活动 25. _ rpla 回答,回复 26. _est 客人 27. _frwrd 转交; 向前的28. _klndr 日历,日程表29. _ dlit 删除 30. _n.白天; 日间2、 短语回顾。1. 为做准备_ 1. 会见我的朋友 _ 2. 去看医生_3. 拜访祖父母_4. 患感冒_5. 为考试学习 _ 6. 来参加聚会 _7. 太多作业 _ 8. 去聚会_9. 去看电影_ 10. 准备考试_11. 在周末 _ 12. 有空的_13. 表示感谢和道别的最好方式_14. 其他时间_15. 为某人举办一个惊喜派对 _16. 不得不_17. 盼望; 期待_18. 出去闲逛_ 19. 直到才_20. 后天_ 21. 闲逛_22. 前天_ 23. 练习小提琴_24. 照看; 照顾 _ 25. 骑自行车兜风_26. 邀请某人去做某事 _27. 愿意去做某事_28. 接受邀请_29. 至今为止_30. 拒绝邀请_ 31. 回去_32. 去旅行_ 33. 本周五之前_34. 这个月末_35. 对答复_36. 的开幕式/落成典礼 _ 37. 去听音乐会 _单元同步训练单项选择。1.What can happen if you bring Mr. Steen to the party without telling him?He can be . A.surpriseB.surprisedC.surprisingD.surprises2.The boy is thirsty and he drinks water. A.too;toB.much;muchC.too much;much tooD.much too;too much3.Can you go to the concert with me? .I have to study for the English test. A.No problemB.Sure, Id love toC.Excuse meD.Sorry, Im not available4.Rose cooks meals at home on Sundays. She never eats her mother comes back and shed like to enjoy it together.A.until B.when C.afterD.because5.He with his friends last Sunday. A.hang outB.hung out C.hangs out D.hung off6.I cant go to your party, because I have homework to do today. A.too muchB.much too C.too many D.many too7.Why did she your invitation?Because she had an important meeting to attend that day. A.turn downB.put awayC.look upD.hand in8.Who your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday?My neighbor, a warm-hearted woman. A.put onB.looked afterC.gave upD.turned off9.Almost every child getting a “Hongbao” in the Spring Festival.A.wants toB.hopes toC.looks forward toD.expects to10.Its impolite for a guest to leave saying goodbye.A.with B.withoutC.after D.for11.We pay to get into the concert.Its free. A.cantB.mustntC.might notD.dont have to12.Thank you for helping me with my geography! . I hope you can do better in it. A.Thats rightB.See youC.Sounds goodD.Youre welcome13.Mum, must I stay there the whole day?No, you . You come back after lunch,if you like. A.mustnt;can B.neednt;mustC.neednt;mayD.mustnt;might14.I cant go to the movies this time. All right. A. Can you go?B.How do you like it? C.What are you going to do? D.How about another time?15. ?Its Thursday the twentieth. A. Whats todayB.When is today C.Whats the date today D.What day is it today完型填空。One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his _1_and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I _2_ him.” The grandfather said, “ _3_ me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I sometimes hated others,too.But hate will make you feel 4 .It doesnt hurt your eemy but only hurt 5 ” As the boy _6_ carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is _7_ and kind. He gets on well _8_ everything around him. But _9_ is bad and unfriendly. He is full of anger. 10 the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the 11 , and for no reason. He cant think carefully _12_ he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They 13 try to control(控制) me. ” The boy looked into his grandfathers _14_ and asked, “ _15_ tiger always controls you, Grandfather?” The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now. ” 1AmotherBfatherCteacherDgrandfather2AloveBhateCknowDenjoy3AMakeBHelpCLetDAsk4A. tiredB. happyC. comfatableD. interested5. A. myselfB. herselfC. himselfD. themselves6AsawBfeltCtalkedDlistened7AgoodBbadClazyDquiet8AatBonCwithDabout9AotherBothersCanotherDthe other10 A. EvenB. YetC. ButD. Because11 A. timeB. dayC. wayD. place12 A. SoB. YetC. ButD. Because13 A. bothB. neitherC. allD. either14AeyesBearsCnoseDmouth15AWhoBWhichCWhereDWhen1.I dont think fast food isgood for our health, so I go to McDonalds. A. seldomB. alwaysC. usuallyD. often2. Every time we perform well, our teacher will say ,“Youve done a good job! A. clearlyB. cheerfullyC. calmly D. carefully3. Liu Mei is getting on well (用适当的单词填空) her classmates.4. They were all very tired,but of them took a rest. A. none B. allC. both D. either5.I find (用适当的单词填空) hard for me to finish the task in such a short time.6.分析并翻译红字字体部分。词汇运用。A)根据汉语意思填空1.Im sorry I cant (接受)your gift.2. The general manager always thinks twice before (回复)to the customers.3.Kate needs to take some medicine because she has the f .4.He went to Chongqing for a trip (没有)telling me.5.I gave him some money, but he (拒绝).11Are there any_(大事)in todays newspaper?12Look at the_(日历)Its Christmas Day tomorrow.13Would you like to go to Jay Chous c_tonight?14Tom goes to school on w_,from Monday to Friday.15I need some_(胶水)and paper.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1How about your_(prepare) for the sports meeting?Everything is OK.2Thanks for your_(invite)I will go with you if Im not busy.3Going to this kind of party is a good way_(make) friends.4We watched the_(open) of the 12th National Games.It was great.5She asked him to leave,but he_(refuse)6.I received an (invite) from Linda last night.7.Tom will get better grades if he (study) hard.8.I am happy to know that you will come to Zunyi and looking forward to (meet) you at the airport.9.People can know places and events without (go)to see them.10.The best way (pass)an exam is to work hard every day in a year.11. Im thirsty. I want _ (drink) something.12. Would you like _ (have) a cup of tea?13. Here is a letter of (invite) for you.14. My friend invited me _ (go) to the movies.15. Thanks for _ (help) me with my English.16.All of them were _(surprise) at the news.17.Tuesday is Marys birthday. I get an _(invite) to her party.18.He left the room without _(say) a word.19.The old man is looking forward to _(visit) Beijing one day.20.Please reply in _(call) to this invitation by Friday.21._(keep) healthy, you should eat more vegetables.22.Thank you for _(ask) me to your party. 23.Ted _(hang) out with us just now.24.We invited Mr. Hu _(give) us an English lesson.25. Vince got up early and _(catch) the early bus yesterday.C) 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. She loves music but shes never gone to any c_.2. There are five w_ in a week.3. Can you come to the o_ of the new library?4. Betty is always ready to help with all the party p_.5. The fans were s_ to learn the death of their favorite singing star.6.How will people celebrate the o_ of the new school?7.I cant go with you because I have to p_ for an exam.8.Can you come to the c_ to enjoy the music?9.He lost his dog so he felt very s_.10.He is really kind and he never r_ to help others.11.Tom wont go to bed u_ he finishes homework.用所给词的适当形式填空。ADear Tony, Thanks a lot for your1 (invite). Im2 (real)sorry I cant go to your house on Saturday afternoon. Im3 (take)a vacation on the beach on Saturday and Sunday with my friends. On Monday, Im studying for my science test. I feel4 (worry)about it. On Tuesday, Im going to my5 (uncle)house to visit him. He phoned me last week and6 (tell)me that he missed me very much. On Wednesday, I have to7 (look)after my grandfatherhe is very old. On Thursday, Im helping my parents with some8 (housework). And I have a guitar lesson on Friday afternoon. My mom thinks I can do much9 (well)in the guitar in this way. On Friday evening, I would like10 (go)for a walk with my brother in the park. Can you come and join us? Write soon. JessicaB Its four oclock in the afternoon. Some students _(talk) about the future. Here is one of their predictions.I believe we will be able to live in the space. There _(be) many big clean hotels in the space. We can fly rockets to the space hotel. And also we _(play) sports and _(enjoy) all kinds of interesting food in the sky.(2) Last year my English class _(be) difficult. First of all, it wasnt easy for me _ (understand) the teacher when she talked. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I _ (not understand) every word. I was also afraid _(speak) in class. Then I started to study hard. Now I _ (enjoy) learning English this term. My teacher _(be) very happy. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺意思完整每空限填一词,每词限用一次.方框中有两个词是多余的,because make enough to old in young usual beauty party shop mostA birthday is an important day in ones life, especially for children. For 365 days thechild waits for that 1 day because he will become 2 on that day.The birthday is also the best time to have a 3 with your friends and family members. To have a different birthday party, you need to prepare lots of things.You should have 4 time to get everything ready. You may want 5 of your friends to come to the party, 6 you spend much time preparing it. The best way is to send some beautiful birthday party invitations 7 them. The birthday party invitations can tell them your birthday party plans.You can buy some birthday invitations in the 8 . And you can choose birthday invitations on the Internet and send them to all your friends. If you have time, you can 9 birthday invitations by yourself.You can draw some pictures to make your birthday invitations more 10 . And you can write your birthday plans on them.


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