八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party复习题(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party复习题(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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Unit9 重点复习+测试一、知识点 Section A1. 邀请 Can you come to my party? Can you + _(do)?(2) Would you like _(do)? Would you like to come to my party?接受邀请 _ 拒绝邀请Sorry. I cant. 原因 Id like/love to. But原因 Im afraid not. 原因表达原因:I have the flu. I have too much homework. I have to do sth I must do 2. _.为做准备 为一个考试做准备_ an exam 为一次考试学习 _ an exam 3. go to the/ a doctor go to the/a dentist4. _ 得流感 have a fever 发热5. too, either 也 He likes apples. I like apples, _. He doesnt like apples. I dont like apples, _.6. What a small party! 感叹句(1) What + 名词(短语)(2)How+形容词+其他 _ a small party!= _ small the party is! 7. need _8. A: I have the flu. B: Thats too bad./ Im sorry to hear that.9. available 有空的 Im not available. 我没空. 10. go to the _ 去看电影11. I have too much homework _(do). 12. thanks for _(do). thanks for _(invite) me.13. _ 邀请 invite sb _ 地点. invite sb _(do) sth14. _ 拒绝 refuse sb. refuse _(do). 15. hang- hung _ _闲逛16. go bike _ 去骑车 go _.去游泳 17. last fall 去年秋天 fall 秋季 autumn 18. not _ 直到才 He went to sleep at 11 last night. He _ go to sleep _ 11 last night. He finished his work at 10 last night.(not.until) _19. catch catch you on Monday=see you on Monday catch 抓住 catch the ball catch the theif. 抓住小偷赶上 catch the early bus 赶早班车 catch the trainSection B1. the day _ yesterday 前天 ; the day _ tomorrow 后天 _ weekdays on the weekend 2. Whats today? Its Friday the 29th. What day is it today? 星期几? Whats the date? 几号? 3. look _ 照顾 = take _ _ . 4. _ (接受)/ make/ turn down(拒绝) an _ (邀请) 5. What a great idea! What +名词(短语) How great the idea is! How +形容词7. be sad _(do) be glad _ (do). 8. the best way (方式) _(do) 9. _带来 _带走 bring/take sb. to 地点 bring/take sb. _ (do) sth. 10. an idea about how _(do) that an idea about what _(do)11. Thanks for _ (plan) 12. take a trip _地点, 去某地旅行13. _ the _ of 在的结尾 _ the _ of 在开端14. take a trip to Wuhan _ (visit)(目的) 15. help out with 分担工作. 16. party _ 聚会的准备工作 _ 动词,准备 17. like _ (do)像、例如18. by now by+时间 截止到 19. She is leaving soon _ (go) back to go back to 回到 20. _(show) how much (多么) we are going to miss her. 21. miss想念 错过 miss _ (do) 22. think of games _(play) 23. without (无、没有)+ _ (do). I went to school without _ (eat)breakfast.I cant finish it on time without your help. 24. _ _因此,以便于; _ 形容词 _ 句子 如此以至于25.she can be surprised be surprised _ +名词 be surprised _(do).26. look forward to _ (do) 期待、盼望做 27._ _收到来信; _ _ sb. 写信给 28.the opening of our new library 开幕式 29. _ the morning of Monday 30. _ 音乐会 31. _ 每一个(做主语表单数) 32. bring a book _ a gift(作为) 33. reply in _ (write) 以方式回复 reply _ sb. 回复某人34. _ event 大事 35. _ the daytime 在白天期间 二、单词. 1. We are studying for an _(考试).2. She isnt a_ this weekend because she has too much homework to do.3. She lives far from school, so she often c_ the early bus to school.4. Thanks for your _(邀请). 5. Thanks for _(邀请) me.6. Id like to but I have to p_ for the math test. 7. She didnt go to school u_ 7:30 this morning.8. Would you like to h_ out with us tomorrow? 9. I asked him for help, but he r_.10. They invited me to the party and I _(接受). 11. We can know the dates from a _(日历).12. Can you come to the c_ to enjoy the beautiful music. 13. We should go to school on _(工作日).14. I am very _(惊奇的) to meet Jim here. 15. I can help to do some things for the party _(准备).16. I went to school _(没有) eating breakfast. 17. She has to work on the farm during the _(白天). 三、适当形式. 1. Would you like _(go) to the movies tonight?2. I have too much homework _(finish) this evening. 3. Thanks so much for _(invite) me.4. I like to go bike _(ride) on the weekend. 5. Listen! They _(plan) _(have) a party for the teacher.6. The party is the best way _(say) “Thank you”. 7. I want to take my brother _(play) soccer.8. Im taking a trip to Shanghai _(visit) my friends. 9. They are glad _(help) out with the party preparations.10. _(show) how much were going to miss her, well have a party. 11. Im surprised _(meet) you here.12. She can help to think of games _(play). 13. I went to school without _(eat) breakfast this morning.14. They are looking forward to _(have) the party. 15. Next Sunday is the best time _(go) to the movies together.16. You must look after your sister _. = You must take _ care of your sister.(good/well)17. They invited me _(go) to the movies. 18. There _(be) a party next Sunday.19. I missed _(watch) the soccer game. 20. The party is _(on/in/at) the morning of next Sunday.21. Lets _(play) soccer together. 22. I have to _(study) for a test.23. They need_(stay) at home. 24. She cant _(go) to the party.25. We _(leave) for Shanghai tomorrow. 26. Its the best way _(learn) English.27. They helped me _(improve) my English. 28. I want to know how_(do) it.29. Please reply in _(write) to this invitation.四、句型 1. Can you come to the party on Saturday? (同义句) _ you _ _ come to the party on Saturday?2. How beautiful the flower is ! (同义句) _ _ beautiful flower!3. He went to bed at 11 last night. (notuntil改写). He _ _ to bed _ 11 last night.4. Its Wednesday the 31st. (提问) _ _?5. Thank you for inviting me. (同义句) Thanks for _ _.五、选词填空happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run , tire, have, miss ,catch, think A man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his 1 . _ . “I like football, Doctor.” He said, “ Please help me. My life has 2. _ been a good one since I became 3. _ in football and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even 4._ from it in my sleep. When I close my 5._, Im out there in the football field and 6. _ after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more 7. _than I was before I went to bed. What am I going to do? ” The doctor sat back and said, “ First of all, you 8. _ to do your best not to dream(做梦) about football. Before you fall asleep, try to 9. _about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “ Are you crazy (疯了) ?” the man shouted, “ Ill 10. _ the ball !”六、阅读理解Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry(生气的)and said, “Dont play in the water on your way home from school!”On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty(脏的)clothes. His mother became even angrier. “Ill tell your father if you come back wet again,” said his mother. “Hell punish(惩罚)You, you know.” The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.“Youre a good boy today”, his mother said happily. “You didnt play in the water.”“No,” the boy said unhappily. “There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasnt any room(空地方)for me at all!”( )1.Bruno went to school every day.A. by bikeB. by busC. by carD. on foot( )2.The playground was between(在之间) 。A. two classrooms B. the cinema and shopC. Brunos house and school D. the shop and Brunos school( )3. The little boy liked to play on the playground .A. when it snowed B. when there was some water there C. when the children played football there D. when his father was busy with his work( )4.Bruno was afraid of the most.A. his father B. his motherC. his teacher D. the older boys( )5. That afternoon, the boys clothes were dry because .A. nobody made room(地方)for him in the water B. there was no water on the playgroundC. he took off his clothes before he played there D. he played in the water carefully七、阅读表达In America, people often invite friends for a meal, a party or just coffee. People often say like these, “Would you like to come over for dinner?” “Were having a party on Friday, can you come?” To answer an invitation, the say “Thank you” and accept, or say “Sorry” and give a reason. Sometimes, what people say is like invitations but which are not real invitations. For example, “Please come over for a drink sometime.” “Lets get together for lunch soon.” They are not real invitations because they dont talk about the dateor time. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly. People usually answer “Sure, that would be great.” or “OK, thank you.” So next time you hear what is like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly? 1. In what country do people often invite friends for a meal, a party or just coffee? _(no more than 2 words)2. If someone says to you “Were having a party on Friday, can you come?”, how do you answer? _(no more than 13 words)3. Is it a real invitation if people say “Lets get together for lunch soon”? _4. Why is the invitation “Please come over for a drink sometime.” not a real invitation?_. 5. Why do people say please come over for a drink sometime they dont want to invite their friends to come? _ 八、书面表达. 假如你是Jenny, 你的朋友Mary 邀请你去她家农场,写信礼貌地拒绝邀请。 Dear Mary, Thank you for asking me to your farm. Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. Im not available this weekend. On Friday night, Im going to visit my grandparents. I have to help my father in the garden on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon, Ill go shopping with my mother. Then on Sunday, I must study for the coming Chinese exam during the daytime, and Ill go to a concert with my friends in the evening . Its really a busy week. But I will be free next week, can I go to your farm next week? Yours, Jenny


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