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仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)How many teachers are there in your school?_ them _ over one hundred.A . The number of ; isB . The number of ; areC . A number of ; are2. (2分)Would you like to come to my party tomorrow?_. Ill go hiking with my parents.A . I think soB . Id like toC . Im afraid notD . Im afraid so3. (2分)How is your grandma?Shes fine. She used to TV at home after dinner. But now she is used to out for a walk.A . watch; goB . watch; goingC . watching; goD . watching; going4. (2分)My grandparents for fifty years by the time My sister was 15. A . marriedB . had marriedC . had got marriedD . had been married5. (2分)My bike doesnt work. What will you do _ it then?A . atB . forC . ofD . with6. (2分) I got home, my sister was doing her homework.A . WhenB . BecauseC . IfD . Though7. (2分)There _ an exam tomorrow. A . is going toB . is going to beC . is going to haveD . is going8. (2分)Henry often helps his mother do at home.A . cleanB . cleaningC . cleanedD . cleans9. (2分)Ann likes _, but she cant _. A . draw, drawB . drawing, drawingC . draw, drawingD . drawing, draw10. (2分)Why _ your father like koalas?Because they are _ interesting.A . does, kind ofB . does; all kinds ofC . do, kind ofD . do; a kind of11. (2分)Lets our homework at first . A . doesB . doC . doingD . did12. (2分) Jack took a photo of you just now. Sorry! I in his direction. A . didnt lookB . havent lookedC . wasnt lookingD . am not looking13. (2分)This coat is too expensive. Do you have a _ one?A . largerB . cheaperC . nicerD . longer14. (2分)I dont think it a good idea to leave here right now. You had better _ your mind. A . changingB . changeC . to changeD . changed15. (2分) _ terrible environment! The pollution here is even more serious than I _ .A . What a; thoughtB . How; thinkC . What an; thinkD . How; thought二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Dear Lily,How are you doing these days? I know your holiday is 1week. You can come to Shanghai. Shanghai is very 2and I always need (需要) a map here. Do you like 3food? I can take you to 4some great food. The 5here are very good too. And you can 6some good clothes. Do you know Disneyland (迪斯尼乐园)? I 7it. It is a special world and it is 8Lets go there. We can have great fun (乐趣) there. Oh, you dont need to take 9clothes. You can come to my home to stay with me 10wear my clothes.Yours,Daisy(1)A . first B . middle C . next D . last (2)A . big B . cold C . busy D . new (3)A . Australian B . American C . English D . Chinese (4)A . know B . meet C . eat D . make (5)A . shops B . schools C . families D . libraries (6)A . thank B . drink C . buy D . call (7)A . get B . draw C . say D . like (8)A . tall B . difficult C . interesting D . strong (9)A . my B . your C . his D . her (10)A . but B . or C . so D . and 17. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Chinese students face huge pressure. There is the pressure to be better than 1, or there is the shame of being different. Students must spend a lot of time 2hard in order to not be left behind.3is not the only way to make students succeed. Educational expert Li Zhenxi said: “Its better to encourage kids. We should not separate students 4low grades.”Interest is the best teacher. Letting children do the things theyre 5in is a good way to encourage them.Wei Nan, 31, is one of the best trailer(预告片) directors in China. His childhood was very different 6those of other children. He started learning to 7when he was only 6. After 10 years of playing different roles, he felt 8of being an actor. He 9to do something he really wanted to. He spent five years learning editing(剪辑) and gradually became 10in this area. In 2005, he started his own company and produced trailers for famous movies.Wei never went to a university, but nobody can deny(否认) that he is a successful young man. “Im lucky to be able to do something I like,” he said.(1)A . the other B . other C . others D . the others (2)A . study B . to study C . studying D . studies (3)A . Competition B . Cooperation C . Comparation D . Communication (4)A . on B . in C . to D . with (5)A . worried B . interested C . supposed D . serious (6)A . as B . with C . from D . to (7)A . sing B . dance C . act D . paint (8)A . tired B . scared C . happy D . pleased (9)A . invited B . guided C . decided D . realized (10)A . strong B . famous C . healthy D . glad 三、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共3题;共31分)18. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning and sold the fish in the market in the afternoon. Then he bought some food for his family. When winter came, they were often hungry. One morning the hungry man fell into the river and wasnt found. Dicks mother left her three-year-old son without saying good-bye. His aunt had to look after him.Twenty years passed. Dick became a tall, strong man. He found work on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to get more money. He often went to see his aunt with some nice presents. The woman was very happy but one day she died in a traffic accident. The young man was very sad. After he buried her, he decided to buy a beautiful tombstone (墓碑)for her. He went to town and came in a shop, but all the tombstones were too expensive. He asked, Do you sell an old tombstone, sir? Yes, we do, sir, answered the shopkeeper. Is it as expensive as the new one?No, its much cheaper, said the man. But another name was engraved(刻) on it. It doesnt matter, said Dick. My aunt couldnt read.(1)If , the family members were hungry.A . Dicks father could catch no fish in winterB . Dicks father had a boat in winterC . Dicks father had to 1ook after him in winterD . no food was sold in winter(2)The woman had to look after Dick because .A . she was richB . his father asked herC . she was kindheartedD . the boy loved her(3)Dick wanted to get more money to .A . marry a wifeB . give his aunt nice presentsC . buy a farmD . build a house(4)Dick often went to see his aunt because .A . she felt lonelyB . she was often illC . she had no childrenD . with her help he grew up(5)Dick wanted to buy an old tombstone because .A . he had enough money to buy a new oneB . his aunt couldnt read whose name was engravedC . his aunt wasnt going to mind itD . nobody knew what his aunts name was19. (11分)阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CA ten-year-old girl raised over 30, 000 pounds for a childrens hospice in just eight months. What she did was to play her violin to the people who passed by in the street.Madison Glinski from the U. K. made a New Years resolution to help poor children last year. She planned to try and raise 500 pounds for a local childrens hospice before Christmas. Every day after school, Madison played the violin in front of a coffee shop. She played so well that many people stopped to enjoy her performance. People liked her idea of helping children in need so they were willing to give her money. Since she began playing the violin in the street at Easter, she had raised a surprising 32, 520 pounds by the end of the year. She also raised money by selling her own toys.Madisons mother supported her daughters idea. She said. “Madison has a musical talent. She has played the violin since the age of four. I am glad that she has used it to help others. She has a special interest for it.”It is not the first time for Madison to help others. A few years ago, Madison asked her parents if they could all go to Africa at Christmas to help the children there. She collected toys, shoes, school things and clothes from her friends and neighbors to take to Africa. They had a special Christmas win the children in Africa. As soon as the family returned, Madison started to plan for the next trip.“As long as there are homeless kids. I will never stop helping them,” Madison says.(1)According to the passage, Madison Glinski had raised _ pounds by the end of the year.A . 500B . 30, 000C . 32, 520D . 35. 520(2)To raise money for poor children. Madison _。A . worked in a local childrens hospiceB . played her violin to the people in the streetC . went to Africa at Christmas with her parentsD . collected toys, shoes, school things and clothes(3)What does “supported probably mean in the passage?A . agreed withB . worried aboutC . heard fromD . played against(4)What do you think of Madison Glinski?20. (10分) Once there was a king. He liked to write stories. He thought his stories were good, so he like to show them to people. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were very good. One day, the king showed some of his best stories to a famous writer. He wanted the writer to praise(赞美)these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into the fire. The king got very angry and sent him to prison(监狱). After some time, the king set him free and ordered him to come to his palace(宫殿). Again he showed some of his new Stories and asked what he thought of them. After reading them, the writer at once turned to the soldiers and said, Take me back to the prison.(1)The king thought his stories were good so _.A . People liked themB . he liked to show them to peopleC . he only showed some to the famous write(2)The famous writer was thrown into prison because .A . he was afraid of the kings storiesB . he said the kings stories were very badC . he said he couldnt write good stories for the king(3)People were afraid of the king because .A . the stories were interestingB . they would be sent to prisonC . the king wrote many stories(4)Again the king showed the writer some of his new stories because .A . he wanted to know what the writer thought of themB . he wanted to be angry with the writerC . he wanted to send the writer to prison(5)When we read the writers last words, we can be sure that .A . the writer would write some good stories while in prisonB . the writer liked the new StoriesC . the kings new Stories were no good at all.四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共18分)21. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(1)There is a river in front of my _ (房子).(2)Why dont you like to drink black _ (茶)?(3)Jenny is _ (喝) milk.(4)How about going to the movies _ (明天) evening?(5)Can I _ (使用) the computer?22. (1分)Lets go _(划船) on the river. 23. (10分)请根据下列句子所给汉语注释及上下文语境的联系,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。(1)Do you know the differences_ “beside” and “besides”.(2)Edison devoted all his effort to _new things.(3)Last week, Miss Brown was robbed of her necklace. Now when Miss Brown closes her eyes, one of the_face comes into her mind.(4)He has been _(死)for years, but I still remember what he was like.(5)Ten days later,at the age of 63,Audrey passed away,_(安宁地),in her sleep(6)Its nothing_ (严重的) , shes only too tired.(7)Three years ago, Ann_(更喜欢)apples to bananas.(8)The_(丧失)of living areas makes wolves have nowhere to live(9)The patient kept_(咳嗽) all night.(10)Traditional Beijing opera will be_(增加) to the music courses in 200 schools in China.24. (1分)Mr Zhang managed _ (get) the ticket to the concert. He was very happy. 25. (1分)This restaurant p_people with delicious Japanese foodLets eat there五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。A: Excuse me, can you tell me w_is the way to the police s_?B: Yes. First, walk s_on. Then when you go to the street c_, turn right into Garden Street walk two h_metres and take the first t_on the left, youll see it on your right.A: Sorry. I cant r_it. Could you say it again?B: OK. you can take the bus there. F_me. Ill take you t_the bus stop.A: Thank you very much!B: Youre w_.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)27. (25分)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。 There were two fishermen who were close friends. Since they were busy in their personal work and family, they hardly spend time together. It was a Saturday and they decided to drive to a nearby pond to enjoy their day in fishing. Also, they wanted to have some feast with the fish they caught.After they reached the pond, they sat at a distance and started hunting for fish. The first fisherman got a big and beautiful fish in a few minutes. He decided to cook the fish as a whole fish at noon. He spent some more time and caught a few more fish. He decided to make a grand meal with the fish. Also, he froze a few fish to take them back home.It was almost more than an hour since they fished. He then went to the second fisherman and asked him if he needed any help. The second man said no. In a few minutes, the second fisherman caught a large fish. However, he put that back into the lake.The first man was surprised at his act. He remained silent. The second man caught many big fish, but he just put back all those fish into the lake.Very annoyed by his act, the first fisherman angrily asked him, “Are you mad? Why do you put your fish back into the water? They were beautiful and big!”The second fisherman replied, “I know they were big, but I dont have the big pan to cook the big fish! So Im looking for a smaller fish that fits my cooking pan! God is troubling me today.”By hearing this, the first fisherman was surprised. He advised the second fisherman to cut the big fish into small pieces to suit in the pan and cook them properly.Many people are just like the second fisherman. We are provided with handful of big opportunities, chances and even fortune that we many times overlook. We need to work out just the same like the big fish fit into a small pan!(1)Why did the two fishermen hardly spend time together? (2)Did the two fishermen sit at the same place to hunt for fish? (3)How did the first fisherman deal with the first big and beautiful fish? (4)What made the second fisherman think God was troubling him? (5)Who do you think we should learn from, the first fisherman or the second fisherman? 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)假如你是班长, 老师让你设计一份班规。要点包括:1. 不乱扔垃圾, 不乱涂乱画, 保持教室整洁干净。2. 不在教室内吃喝。3. 不追逐打闹。4. 爱护公物, 损坏赔偿。可适当补充其他规定, 字数在60一80。参考词汇:班规:class rule垃圾:rubbish追逐打闹:horseplay 嬉闹:public property公物:pay for赔偿第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共3题;共31分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共18分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)26-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、

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