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定语从句 TheAttributiveClause 1 Ilikequietmusic Ilikemusicthatisquiet 定语从句 1 什么是定语从句 2 什么是先行词 3 什么是关系代词和关系副词 如何确定 4 如何把两个句子合并为一个定语从句 Thinkaboutit 2 agirlwholikesred Iknow Learntodiscover 定语从句 在复合句中 修饰名词或代词的句子叫定语从句 两个句子 两个词 主句 从句 3 1 Iknowagirl 2 wholikesred Jimreadsbooks whicharefun 主句 从句 完整的句子是主句 不完整的句子是从句 4 3 Doyouknowthethingsandpersons thattheyaretalkingabout 两个词 先行词 关系代词 被定语从句修饰的词 who which that 5 在复合句中修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句 定语从句 先行词 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词 定语从句一般放在先行词后面 而汉语中的定语则放在被修饰词之前 关系词 引导定语从句的词称为关系词 关系词分为关系代词 that which who whom whose 和关系副词 when where why 关系代词在从句中充当主语 宾语 定语等成分 关系副词在句中作状语 6 Maryisabeautifulgirl Maryisagirlwhoisbeautiful 形容词作定语 句子作定语 修饰girl 叫做定语从句 7 Ilikemusicthat whichIcandanceto 先行词 关系代词 定语从句 Ilikethesingerwhoisbeautiful Ilikethemoviethatisfunny 找一找 IstillrememberthefirsttimewhenImether 8 Learntothink 关系代词 先行词 决定 先行词 关系代词 人 物 人和物 who which that that that whom宾语 9 Maryisagirl Maryhaslonghair 合并为一个句子 Maryisagirlwhohaslonghair 10 Ihaveanapple Anappleisred Ihaveanapple thatisred 修饰先行词anapple 11 Ihavesomefriends Somefriendslikesports Ihavesomefriends wholikesports 修饰先行词friends 12 Ilikethemovie Themovieisexciting Ilikethemoviethatisexciting that修饰先行词movie 13 Thewomanwholivesnextdoorisateacher Thewomanisateacher Thewomanlivesnextdoor who修饰先行词woman 14 Matchthetwosentences1 I mreadingabook ThebookisaboutBillGates 2 Heisateacher TheteacherteachesusChinese 3 Idon tliketheman Heissmoking 4 Whereisthepicture Youboughtitlastweek I mreadingabookthat whichisaboutBillGates Heisateacherwho thatteachesusChinese Idon tlikethemanwhoissmoking Whereisthepicturethatyouboughtlastweek 15 1 关系代词that which引导的定语从句 如果先行词是表示物的名词或代词 关系代词应用that which 作主语或宾语 16 Thisisadream Thedreamwillnevercometrue Thisisadreamwhich thatwillnevercometrue Thedoghasbeenfound Thedogwaslost Thedogthat whichwaslosthasbeenfound Practise 1 Thisisthehouse ThehouseisforsaleThisisthehousethat whichisforsale which that作主语 不能省 作主语 17 which that作宾语 可省略 Thisisthecard I vejustreceivedthecard Thisisthecardwhich thatI vejustreceived Practise 1 Thisisthemistake Ialwaysmakemistake Thisisthemistakewhich thatIalwaysmake2 Istillkeeptheletters Shewrotetheletterstome Istillkeeptheletterswhichshewrotetome 作宾语 18 2 关系代词who that whom引导的定语从句 如果先行词是表示人的名词或代词 关系代词应用who that 作主语或宾语 whom 作宾语 19 who that作主语 不能省 Thisisthefilmstar ThefilmstarisverypopularinChina ThisisthefilmstarwhoisverypopularinChina 作主语 TheboycalledRoy Theboybrokethewindow Theboywho thatbrokethewindowiscalledRoy that Practise 20 who whom that作宾语 可省略 Themanisafamouswriter Hedescribedthemanjustnow Theman who whom that hedescribedjustnowisafamouswriter 作宾语 Thethiefhasbeensenttoprison Thepolicecaughtthethieflastnight Thethief who that whom thepolicecaughtlastnighthasbeensenttoprison Practise 21 小结 1 that 既可指人 也可指物 作主语 不能省略 作宾语 可以省略 2 which 指物 作主语 不能省略 作宾语 可以省略 3 who 指人 作主语 不能省略 作宾语 可以省略 常用whom 注 当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时 定语从句的谓语动词形式由先行词定 22 定语从句的用法 当先行词是物时 用which或that引导 Thesearethetreeswhichwereplantedlastyear 当先行词是人时 用who whom whose that引导 23 who whom whose that用法区别 who作定语从句的主语或宾语 Themanwhoisspeakingatthemeetingisaworker Themanisaworker Themanisspeakingatthemeeting 分解 作主语 24 Whom作定语从句的宾语 Thewomanwhomtheywantedtovisitisateacher Thewomanisateacher Theywantedtovisitthewoman 分解 作宾语 25 whose作定语从句的定语 Iknowthegirlwhosemotherisateacher 分解 Iknowthegirl Thegirl smotherisateacher 作定语 26 that可以作定语从句的主语和宾语 注意 关系代词作动词宾语时可省略 Thewoman whom that theywantedtovisitisateacher 27 有时只能用that 不用which 常见的情况有六种 当先行词是all any few little none anything everything nothing everybody nobody everyone noone或被它们修饰时 1 That sallthatIknow 2 IsthereanythingthatIcandoforyou 3 Heansweredfewquestionsthattheteacherasked 28 2 ThefirstthingthatIshoulddoistoreviewmylessons 3 当先行词有thevery theonly thesame等修饰时 1 That stheonlythingthatIcandonow 2 Thesearetheverywordsthatheused 2 当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时1 ThatisthemostinterestingbookthatIhaveeverread 29 5 先行词同时包括人或物时 关系词用that ThemanandhisdogthatIalwaysmeetarestandingbythegate Whoisthegirlthatspoketoyoujustnow Whichisthepenthatyoulost 4 当主句以who或which开头时 定语从句的关系词用that 而不用which或who 30 关系代词只用which不用that情况 1 关系代词前有介词 2 先行词本身是that 31 whose作定语 表示所属关系 Theboyismyclassmate Theboy sfatherisapoliceman Theboywhosefatherisapolicemanismyclassmate 32 巧学妙记 定语从句的用法主句型 从句型 两种句子要完整 从句紧跟先行词 关系词引导要弄清 定人要用who或whom 定物which当先用 关系代词用that 定人定物有本领 when用来定时间 where用来定地点 关系代词作成分 唯作宾语可省略 33 Exercise1 用关系代词填空 Theboy isplayingping pongismyclassmate Thee mail Ireceivedyesterdaywasfrommysister Ihatepeople talkmuchbutdolittle Thecar myfatherboughtlastmonthisverybeautiful who that which that who that which that 34 5 Theman hairiswhiteishisgrandfather 6 Isthereastudent fatherisabusinessman 7 Thisisthehousein wehavelivedfor10years 8 I veneverheardofthepeopleandthings youtalkedaboutjustnow whose whose which that 当先行词同时指人和物时 关系代词只能用that 35 Exercise2 Myfatherandhisteachertalkedalotaboutthepersonsandthings theycouldn tremember Sayall youknow Isthereanything Icandoforyou that that that 当先行词是something anything nothing all等词时 关系代词只能用that 36 4 Thisisthefirstplay IhaveseensinceIcamehere 5 Thisisthebestnovel Ihaveread that that 当先行词被序数词 最高级等词修饰时 关系代词只能用that 6 Whoisthegirl isstandingunderthetree 7 Whichisthemachine weusedlastSunday 当主句是who或which引导的特殊疑问句 而中心词指人或物时 关系代词只能用that that that 37 先行词 1 Iknowagirlwho like red 先行词 2 Jimreadsbookswhich be fun 先行词 3 Doyouknowthethingsandpersonsthatthey be talkingabout 先行词 决定 关系代词 从句中的谓语动词形式 likes are are 38 定语从句中的主谓一致 Themp4that beengiventomeishome made have I who yourclassmate willsharetheworkwithyou be 关系代词做从句的主语时 从句的谓语动词的人称和数要与先行词保持一致 先行词是句子时 从句的谓语动词使用单数形式 has am 39 Learntopractice 1 Tomisoneoftheboysthat be fromtheUSA 2 Tomistheonlyboythat be fromtheUSA are is 40 注意 Heisoneofthestudentswho madegreatprogress MrWangistheonlyoneofmyfriendswho beeninvitedtohavedinnerwithus have oneof 复数名词作先行词时 从句的谓语动词用复数形式 但若one前有the only the just the very 修饰时 从句的谓语动词用单数形式 have has 41 Exercise 1 Ihaveafriend likeslisteningtoclassicalmusic who that 3 Theman legbrokeinamatchusedtobeafootballplayer 2 YesterdayEmilywaswearingthenewdress Igaveher which that whose 42 4 Myparentsliveinahouse ismorethan100yearsold 5 Theboywith Johnspokeismybrother which that whom 6 Kevinisreadingabook istoodifficultforhim which that 43 7 Isthereanything youwanttobuyinthetown 8 All wecandoistostudyhard 9 Thefirstone standsupisalittleboy that that that 44 Exercise 1 Ihaveafriend likeslisteningtoclassicalmusic who that which that whose 3 Theman legbrokeinamatchusedtobeafootballplayer 2 YesterdayEmilywaswearingthenewdress Igaveher 45 4 Myparentsliveinahouse ismorethan100yearsold 5 Theboywith Johnspokeismybrother which that whom 6 Kevinisreadingabook istoodifficultforhim which that 46 7 Isthereanything youwanttobuyinthetown 8 All wecandoistostudyhard 9 Thefirstone standsupisalittleboy that that that 47 10 Theperson youshouldwritetoisMrBall 11 Theteacherfrom IlearntmostwasMrsZhu 12 Therunner youareaskingaboutisoverthere 13 Thegirl youarelookingforisintheclassroom 14 Themeeting weshalltakepartinwillbeheldinahotel 15 Thefactory Iworkedinforovertwoyearshasbeenclosed 16 Theairport is30kilometresawayistheonlyoneinthecity17 Theperson wontheracewasawomanfromSichuan who whom who whom who whom that which that who 48 Matchthetwosentences1 I mreadingabook ThebookisaboutBillGates 2 Heisateacher TheteacherteachesusChinese 3 Idon tliketheman Heissmoking 4 Whereisthepicture Youboughtitlastweek I mreadingabookthat whichisaboutBillGates Heisateacherwho thatteachesusChinese Idon tlikethemanwhoissmoking Whereisthepicturethatyouboughtlastweek 49 句子翻译 1 这就是救了那个孩子命的医生 Thisisthedoctorwhosavedtheboy slife 2 正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔 Themanwhoisrunningismyuncle 50 3 我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐 IlikethemusicthatIcansingalongwith 4 住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师 Thewomanwholivesnextdoorisateacher 51 Learntomakeasummary 定语从句 1 两个句子 3 先行作出两决定 4 两类只用莫相忘 关系代词 从句谓语动词形式 1 只用that不用which 5 2 只用which不用that 2 主句 从句 2 两个词 先行词 关系代词 52 Thankyouforlistening 53


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