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Unit7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld?第一课时SectionA(1a-2d)基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.It is very dangerous to swim in the river,because it is very deep(深的).2.In ancient(古老的) times,people lived a hard life.3.To protect(保护) the environment,we should plant more trees.4.Su Bingtian is one of those who run fastest in Asia(亚洲).5.They lost their way in the desert(沙漠),but they didnt give up looking for a way out.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.He moved the chair two meters(meter) to the left.2.Miss Liu is one of the most beautiful(beautiful) teachers in our school.3.There are more than 200 countries(country) in the world.4.Your main job is to look/looking(look) after my little sister.5.My hometown is known for its tourism.Lots of tourists come here every day.(tour) .按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Mount Tai is the highest mountain in Shandong Province.(改为同义句)Mount Tai is higher than anyothermountain in Shandong Province.2.The Caspian Sea is 1,025 meters deep.(对画线部分提问)Howdeep is the Caspian Sea?3.The Amazon River is longer than the Yellow River.(改为同义句)The Yellow River is notso/aslongas the Amazon River.4.There are about 30,000 people in the small town.(改为同义句)The populationof the small town is about 30,000.5.Grace stayed at home in order to watch the game show.(对画线部分提问)Whydid Grace stay at home?.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.中国的天气比俄罗斯的温暖得多。The weather in China is muchwarmerthanthat in Russia.2.请随便问我关于今天比赛的任何事情。Please feelfree to ask me anything about todays game.3.据我所知,丽萨是她们家最小的孩子。AsfarasIknow,Lisa is the youngest child in her family.4.她跑得比她弟弟快得多。She runs muchfaster than her younger brother.5.修建花园的主要原因是想种一些花草。The mainreason for building the garden was toplant some flowers and grass.综合能力提升.单项填空(B)1.If more people give up driving cars,the air will get much in a few years.A.cleanB.cleanerC.the cleanerD.the cleanest(C)2.This park is about 50 square kilometers .A.in heightB.in weightC.in sizeD.in sight(A)3.The house is too small for us .I think we need a big one.A.to live inB.livingC.live inD.to live(D)4.Its one of the things in the world to stay with friends.I agree.It always makes us relaxed.A.worstB.hardestC.busiestD.happiest(B)5.Do you know Yao Ming is?Maybe 2.26 meters,but Im not sure.A.how oldB.how tallC.how farD.how many(C)6.Whats your hobby?My hobby is soccer after school.A.playB.playsC.playingD.played(B)7.Which city has population,Beijing,Hangzhou or Shaoxing?Shaoxing,of course.A.the smallerB.the smallestC.the mostD.the least(A)8.Tom is good at English I know.A.as far asB.as well asC.as soon asD.as much as(C)9.The show is ,isnt it?A.amazeB.amazedC.amazingD.amazes(A)10.How long is the new bridge?Do you know?Yes.Its about .A.nine hundred metersB.nine hundreds metersC.nine hundred meterD.nine hundred of meter.补全对话A:Hi,friends!Welcome to my town.Im your guide,Miss Lin.You can ask me anything.B:OK.1.F A:Its over 45,000.B:2.A A:Its over 1,000 years old.3.C B:Wow,its so old.Which is the longest river here?A:Qin River.Its more than 800 meters.B:4.D A:Its in the southwest of our town.B:5.G A:Its about 3 kilometers.Ill take you there later.B:I see.Thank you.A.How old is it?B.Whats the matter?C.Its an old town.D.Where is it?E.Its really new.F.Whats the population of your town?G.How far is it from here?.完形填空Do you want to go traveling? 1 you go to America,dont forget to visit Philadelphia Zoo.When you go there,you will be 2 to know that it holds a special show called “Creatures of Habitat”.It shows endangered(濒临灭绝的) animals from the works of the famous artist Sean Kenney.It 3 him more than a year to finish 34 animals.He made these 4 with Lego pieces(乐高积木).It is said that he used 95,000 Lego pieces.5 does he do such a thing?Its just because he wants to tell more people that these animals are in danger now.He also calls on 6 to help these endangered animals.More and more people are interested 7 the special show.Some children say that they understand the importance of 8 these animals by watching the show.“I love to explain 9 problems in ways that children can understand,” says Sean Kenney.Sean Kenney also asks visitors to use green things.For example,using bicycles 10 cars when they travel.(B)1.A.ThoughB.IfC.BeforeD.Because(A)2.A.surprisedB.crazyC.angryD.sorry(D)3.A.paidB.spentC.madeD.took(A)4.A.animalsB.dishesC.desksD.clothes(C)5.A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.Where(B)6.A.nobodyB.everybodyC.anybodyD.somebody(A)7.A.inB.atC.onD.of(B)8.A.killingB.protectingC.searchingD.sharing(C)9.A.happyB.excitingC.seriousD.easy(D)10.A.as well asB.because ofC.along withD.instead of


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