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出自 http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel和http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wheel车轮.一个车轮是一个圆形装置,能够在其轴旋转,移动或交通便利,同时支持负载( 大众 ) ,或从事劳动的机器。常见的例子是在运输应用。一个车轮连同车轴克服摩擦 ,促进运动滚动 。为了使车轮旋转,一个时刻需要应用到它的轴轮,无论是经由重力,或由另一应用外力。更普遍的任期也可用于其他圆形物体旋转或打开,如船舶的车轮 , 方向盘和飞轮 。 目录 1 词源 2 历史 3 力学与功能 3.1 稳定性 4 替代 5个 符号 6 讨论 7 参考 词源 英文车轮来自原始印欧语 * k 瓦特绽出瓦特乐 , 1 这是一个扩展形式的根源* k 瓦特法 ,意思是“转动,走动。 ”.这也是根希腊 kuklos的梵 轮 ,和波斯 charkh ,所有的意思是“循环”或“车轮” , 2 ,并在立陶宛 , sukti手段“旋转” 。拉丁词罗塔是从原始印欧语* 旋转 ,扩大邻级形式的根源* 沤,意思是“推出,围绕” 。 3 历史 阿描绘onager拉车的苏美尔 “战斗标准乌尔 ” (大约3200年) 阿轮辐车轮陈列在国家博物馆的伊朗 ,在德黑兰 。车轮的日期是公元前3000年2月底和出土Choqa Zanbil 。 最当局关于车轮作为一个最古老和最重要的发明 ,它起源于古代的美索不达米亚在公元前3000年第5次 ( Ubaid期 ) ,最初的功能, 哈利波特的车轮 。近北面的高加索几个坟墓被发现,其中自3700年人被掩埋货车或手推车(两种类型) 。最早的描述可能是轮式车辆(这里车皮四个车轮,两个轴) ,是对3500年陶壶出土波兰南部。 4 车轮达到欧洲和西亚在公元前4000年,与印度河谷的公元前第三个千年。在中国 ,当然是在车轮目前通过了战车钙。1200年, 5 虽然巴比低( 2000年)主张早期中国轮式车辆,大约公元前2000年。是否有一个独立的“发明轮子”在东亚,还是提出了这个概念后跳的方式有喜马拉雅障碍仍然是一个未决问题。 虽然他们没有发展适当的车轮的奥尔梅克和某些其他西半球 文化似乎已经接近它,因为车轮般工作石块被发现的对象确定为儿童的玩具可追溯到公元前约1500年。 9 早期古代努比亚人使用车轮旋转陶器和水车轮。 6 7 有人认为,努比亚水车轮可能已被氧化驱动 8 这也是众所周知,努比亚人用马驱动战车进口埃及 。 9 发明了车轮因此属于晚期新石器时代 ,并可能被视为与其他技术进步,产生了早期青铜时代 。请注意,这意味着通过了若干轮较少甚至几千年后的发明农业 。回首甚至进一步,这是有兴趣,尽管现在最新的出现解剖学上的现代人类ca.150000年前,十四点三 万这些年来“轮少” 。能力的人,完全平等走我们自己的地球如此之久的前四轮构想最初可能是令人惊讶,但人口是非常小的,通过这一时期的大部分和车轮,这就需要有一个车轴和插座实际上是有益的,不是简单的设备,因为它看起来可能。决策和平衡的轮子需要一个熟练的 轮匠 。 广泛使用的车轮很可能推迟,因为平稳的道路 ,需要车轮是有效的。 10 运载货物的回本来的首选方法运输超过表面载有许多障碍。缺乏发展道路无法广泛采用的轮运输,直到进入20世纪欠发达地区。 早期的车轮是简单的木制磁盘带孔的轴。由于结构的木材切片的横向干线是不适合的,因为它没有足够的结构强度,以支持重而不崩溃;四舍五入件纵向板是必需的。 在轮辐车轮最近发明,并允许建造更轻,更快的车辆。已知最早的例子是在Andronovo文化 ,可以追溯到约公元前2000年。不久后,马文化的高加索地区用马车轮辐轮战争战车的较大部分的三个世纪。他们将深入到希腊半岛,他们加入现有的地中海各国人民产生,最终古典希腊后打破迈诺安支配地位和合并为首的前古典斯巴达和雅典 。 凯尔特战车介绍了铁轮子周围环在公元前3000年的第一。 11 在轮辐车轮已经在继续使用没有重大修改,直到19世纪70年代行政长官时,钢丝轮毂和气动轮胎的发明。 11 发明了车轮也很重要的技术 ,一般情况下,重要的应用,包括水车的齿轮 (又见安梯机制 )中, 纺车和阿斯特罗莱布或torquetum 。更现代后裔车轮包括螺旋桨 ,在喷气发动机的飞轮 ( 陀螺 )和涡轮机 。 力学与功能 车轮是一种装置,能够有效的运动物体之间的表面存在着一个迫切的力量的对象表面。常见的例子是一个车绘制的马,和罗拉的飞机上皮瓣机制。 车轮配合车轴 ,无论是方向盘开启桥,或轴轮流对象机构。机械师是相同的在这两种情况下。 低抵抗运动(相比拖动)是解释如下(请参阅摩擦 ) : 正常力在滑动界面是相同的。 滑动距离,减少对某一旅行距离。 摩擦系数的界面上通常较低。 轴承的使用,以减少摩擦界面上。 例如: 如果拖动100 公斤对象为10 米沿表面 = 0.5 ,在正常的武力是981 和工作完成(需要能量 )是(工作=力x距离) 981 0.5 10 = 4905 焦耳 。 现在对象4个车轮。正常的部队之间的4个车轮和车轴是相同的(总) 981氮,承担 = 0.1 ,并说,车轮直径为1000毫米,轴直径为50毫米。.因此,虽然行动的目的仍然十米的滑动摩擦表面只有幻灯片互相距离0.5米所做的工作是981 x 0.1 x 0.5 = 49焦耳。 额外的能源丢失驾驶道路接口。这是被称为滚动阻力这主要是一个变形的损失。 车轮单独不是一台机器,但是当连接到一个轴 ,它构成了轮轴 ,一个简单的机器 。.驱动车轮的一个例子轮轴。请注意,驱动车轮车轮早了约6000年。 稳定 静态稳定轮式车辆 为unarticulated车轮,攀登障碍,会导致车身旋转。如果旋转角度太高,车辆将成为静态不稳定和翻倒。在高速行驶,车辆可以成为动态不稳定,能够侧翻的一个障碍小于其静态稳定极限。没有衔接,这可能是不可能的立场,以便恢复。 为前端至后端的稳定,最大的障碍高度一个unarticulated轮式车辆可以爬上职能之一,是轴距和横向和纵向位置的质心(厘米) 。 临界角的角度是在该中心的大规模的车辆开始通过外部的联络点的车轮。过去的临界角,反应部队在车轮再也不能抵消时刻所造成的车辆的重量,以及车辆翻倒。 At the critical angle, the vehicle is marginally stable.在关键的角度看,车辆轻微稳定。 The critical angle c r i t can be found by solving the equation:临界角 r我吨 ,可通过求解方程: where哪里 r is the radius of the wheels; R为半径的车轮; x c m is the horizontal distance of the center of mass from the rear axle; and x 米的水平距离中心大规模从后轴;和 y c m is the vertical distance of the center of mass from the axles. 米的垂直距离中心大规模从车轴。 For small wheels, this formula can be simplified to:小车轮,这个公式可以简化为: The maximum height h of an obstacle can be found by the equation:最大高度h的一个障碍可以找到的方程: where w is the wheelbase. 其中 w是轴距。 Alternatives 替代品 While wheels are used for ground transport very widely, there are alternatives, some of which are suitable for terrain where wheels are ineffective.虽然车轮用于地面运输十分广泛,有替代品,其中一些适合地形在车轮无效。 Alternative methods for ground transport without wheels (wheel-less transport) include:替代方法的地面运输没有车轮(轮不到运输)包括: Being raised by electromagnetic energy ( maglev train and other vehicles)目前提出的电磁能量( 磁悬浮列车和其他车辆) Dragging with runners ( sled ) or without ( travois )拖动与亚军( 雪橇 )或无( travois ) Being raised by air pressure ( hovercraft )目前提出的空气压力( 气垫船 ) Riding an animal such as a horse 骑马的动物 ,如马 Human powered:人类供电: o Walking on ones own legs 散步对自己的腿 o Being carried ( litter/sedan chair or stretcher )正在开展( 垃圾/轿子或担架 ) A walking machine阿步行机 Caterpillar tracks (although it is still operated by wheels) 卡特彼勒轨道 (虽然它仍然是由轮毂) Spheres , as used by Dyson vacuum cleaners 领域 ,所用的戴森真空吸尘器 In symbology 在符号 The Romani flag罗姆国旗 In the Unicode computer standard, the Dharmacakra is called the Wheel of Dharma and found in the eight-spoked form.在统一的计算机标准, Dharmacakra被称为“轮大法 ” ,并发现了8轮辐形式。 It is represented as U+2638 ()这是派 2638 ( ) The wheel has also become a strong cultural and spiritual metaphor for a cycle or regular repetition (see chakra , reincarnation , Yin and Yang among others).车轮也已成为一种强大的文化和精神比喻为一个周期或经常重复(见轮 , 轮回 , 阴阳等) 。 As such and because of the difficult terrain, wheeled vehicles were forbidden in old Tibet .因此,由于地形复杂,轮式车辆被禁止在旧西藏 。 The winged wheel is a symbol of progress, seen in many contexts including the coat of arms of Panama and the logo of the Ohio State Highway Patrol .该翼轮是进步的象征,看到在许多情况下,包括国徽 , 巴拿马和标识的俄亥俄州州高速公路巡逻队 。 The introduction of spoked ( chariot ) wheels in the Middle Bronze Age appear to have carried somewhat of a prestige.采用轮辐( 战车 )车轮在中东青铜时代似乎已进行一定的威望。 The solar wheel appears to have a significance in Bronze Age religion , replacing the earlier concept of a Solar barge with the more modern and technologically advanced solar chariot .在太阳轮似乎有一个重要的青铜器时代的宗教 ,取代先前的概念太阳能驳船与更多的“现代”和技术先进的太阳能战车 。 The wheel is also the prominent figure on the flag of India .车轮也是著名人物的旗帜印度 。 The wheel in this case represents law ( dharma ).车轮在这种情况下,代表法( 弘法 ) 。 It also appears in the flag of the Romani people , hinting to their nomadic history and their Indian origins.它也出现在国旗的罗姆人 ,暗示他们的游牧历史和他们的印度血统。 In recent times, the custom aftermarket car/automobile roadwheel has become a status symbol .最近, 自定义 售后 汽车/汽车已成为一种身份的象征 。 These wheels are often incorrectly referred to as rims .这些车轮往往误称为“ 边缘 ” 。 The term rim is incorrect because the rim is only the outer portion of a wheel (where the tire is mounted), just as with a coffee cup or meteor crater.所谓“环”是不正确的,因为只有环外部分的车轮(其中轮胎装) ,正如一个咖啡杯或流星陨石坑。 These rims have a great deal of variation, and are often highly polished and very shiny.这些“边缘”有很大的变化,而且往往是高度抛光和非常有光泽。 Some custom rims include a bearing-mounted, free-spinning disc which continues to rotate by inertia after the automobile is stopped.一些自定义“边缘”包括轴承安装,自由旋转盘继续旋转的惯性后,汽车停了下来。 In slang, these are referred to as Spinners .在俚语,这些被称为“ 纱厂 ” 。 讨论Talk:Wheel对话:车轮 Contents目录 1 What this article should be about 1 什么本条应该约 2 Notice of intention to overhaul 2 意向通知整顿 3 Authentication for The Iranian wheel picture 3 认证伊朗轮图片 4 Some linguistic evidence 4 有些语言上的证据 o 4.1 Cart vs wagon 4.1 车与旅行车 5 Archaeology 5 考古学 6 Axles 6 轴 7 Symbol 7 符号 8 reason for not using wheels 8不使用车轮理由 9 The Bronocice pot - Waza z Bronocic 9 Bronocice锅-瓦萨 Bronocic 10 Bronocice锅 11 Merging Wheel and axle and Wheel, discuss. 11 合并“轮轴”和“车轮” ,讨论。 12 Inconsistency 12 不一致性 13 Africa 13 非洲 14 Diagram out of place? 14 图的地方? 15 Origin of wheels 15日 车轮的由来 edit What this article should be about 编辑 什么本条应该约 I think this article should be only about those things that we put on vehicles (and some other objects) to allow them to roll along.我认为这应该是条只有这些事情,我们把车(和其他一些物体) ,使他们能够推出沿。 This is what people think of when the wheel is talked about as the quintessential invention.这是人认为当车轮谈到作为典型的发明。 It is this improvement in the transport of goods and people that aided the spread of civilization and trade.正是这种改善运输货物和人员,帮助传播文明和贸易。 Other things that happen to be called wheels should not be on this page if they operate on different princinples and serve other purposes.其他的事情发生在被称为车轮不应在此网页上,如果他们工作在不同的和服务其他用途。 My intention is to move the article in the above direction.我的用意是将文章中的上述方向发展。 What do you think? Jimbowley 12:31, 15 October 2007 (UTC)你觉得呢? Jimbowley 12时31分, 2007年10月15 ( UTC )表示 No comments?没有评论? OK to summarise what I am trying to do: I aim to modify the pages wheel wheel and axle simple machine to make it clear that a wheel on an axle on a cart is not a wheel and axle in the simple machine sense.行总结我所努力做的事情:我的目标是修改网页轮 轮轴 简单的机器 ,使之清楚,一个车轮车轴上的车不是一个轮轴的简单机械常识。 This task is made more difficult because wheel and axle is not well defined and there are many wrong or poor examples in teaching materials on the web.这项任务变得更加困难,因为轮轴没有明确界定,并有许多错误的或贫穷的例子教材在网上。 But I will try. Jimbowley 14:00, 31 October 2007 (UTC)但我会尝试。 Jimbowley 14:00 , 2007年10月31 ( UTC )表示 hi what up您好什么行动 hi您好 edit Notice of intention to overhaul 编辑 意向通知整顿 I find this description of the wheel to be very lacking.我认为这说明方向盘是非常缺乏。 The writer seems to think that dry equations actually impart a real knowledge of what is happening mechanically.作者似乎认为干方程实际上真正的知识传授的机械所发生的事情。 Far from it.远非如此。 Also, the history section was much better about a year ago.另外,历史科好得多大约一年前。 Im planning a total rewrite.我计划总重写。 If anyone has much to say for this version, please speak up in the next few days. JDG 05:02, 6 May 2005 (UTC)如果任何人有很多说的这个版本,请说出在未来几天内。 JDG 05:02 , 2005年5月6日( UTC )表示 JDG, I agree with you that the article could use a good overhaul. JDG ,我同意你的,这一条可以利用良好的大修。 One thing which comes to mind for inclusion, is a counter to the view commonly expressed or implied that societies which lacked significant use of technology associated with the wheel are thereby deficient in some regard, and that the possession of wheel-based technologies necessarily confers some crucial advantage over those without it.特别值得一想到的包容性,是一个反的观点普遍明示或暗示的社会缺乏大量使用的技术与车轮因而在某些方面有缺陷,而且拥有四轮为基础的技术不一定赋予一些关键优势是它。 Many (primarily non-academic) references overplay this distinction.许多人(主要是非学术)凡表演过火这种区别。 As an efficient transport technology, the wheel requires not only the axle and vehicle chassis, but a suitable domesticated draught animal for propulsion, not to mention suitable terrain.作为一个高效率的运输技术,车轮不仅需要车轴及汽车底盘,但是一个合适的驯化役畜的推进,更不用提合适的地形。 Such animals were completely lacking in the pre-Columbian Americas, pre-colonised Australia, etc., and failure to explore this technology further should hardly be surprising.这些动物被完全缺乏前哥伦布美洲,前殖民澳洲等,并没有进一步探讨这个技术应该很难令人吃惊。 Even so, many impressive civilisations and edifaces were constructed without its substantive aid, such as the Egyptian pyramids, Mayan, Aztec, Zapotec and Inca cities, Great Zimbabwe, the Easter Island statues, etc etc.即使如此,许多令人印象深刻的文明和建造了没有实质性的援助,如埃及金字塔,玛雅,阿兹台克,萨波特克和印加城市,大津巴布韦,复活节岛雕像,等等等等 A case could be made that applications of the technology, such as for chariots in warfare, provided an advantage to the possessors (eg, Hittites v. Egyptians).一个例子可以提出申请的技术,如在战争中的战车,提供了一个有利的拥有者(如赫梯诉埃及人) 。 However, whilst undeniably a substantial and largely beneficial technology, the extent to which it has aided the development of those who employed it will need to be mapped out with some care.然而,尽管不可否认大量有益的和主要的技术,在何种程度上助长了它的发展是谁雇用,就必须制定出一些照顾。 - cjllw | TALK 02:22, 2005 May 26 (UTC) - cjllw | 浅谈 02:22 , 2005年5月26日( UTC )表示 edit Authentication for The Iranian wheel picture 编辑 认证伊朗轮图片 In reply to Dabs objection that the spoked Iranian wheel dated in the 2nd Millenium BCE may not be authentic, to his request, I visited National Museum of Iran , and took the 3 pictures below.在回答民建联的反对伊朗的轮辐车轮月在公元前2千年不得效力,他的请求,我访问了伊朗国家博物馆 ,并采取了3图片如下。 The wheel in display at the Museum车轮在博物馆展出 Zooming in on the Label缩放在标签上的 The Label of the wheel.标签车轮。 The curator of the museum verified that the spoked wheels date had been determined by Carbon dating among other techniques, and that it had been excavated in Susa.该博物馆馆长证实,该轮辐车轮的日期已经确定由碳等技术,并指出已出土苏萨。 The wooden parts of course were added for display.木制部分课程增加了展示。 But the rest is made of an alloy of Copper and Tin.- Zereshk 14:41, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)但其他制成的合金铜和锡.- Zereshk 14:41 , 2005年6月25日( UTC )表示 Zereshk, I asked because you had labelled the wheel 2000 BC.我问,因为你已经标记的车轮“公元前2000年。 ” Now of course you realize that late 2nd millennium means just before 1000 BC, ie almost 1000 years younger.现在你当然明白, “迟交第二千年”是指“公元前1000年之前” ,即近千年年轻。 That date is completely unproblematic and I accept it without batting an eyelid.这个日期是完全不成问题,我接受它没有击球的眼睑。 It isnt even particularly early, chariots were around in Mesopotamia since 1600 BC or so.它甚至不是特别早,战车大约在公元前1600年以来美索不达米亚左右。 But thanks for checking + taking the picture! dab ( ) 14:58, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)但由于检查+考虑的图片! 民建联 ( ) 14点58分, 2005年6月25日( UTC )表示 Always happy to verify.总是高兴地核实。 Can you please see to it that Wheel Iran.jpg is updated?您能看到它的车轮更新? Its still displying the old picture I put up.- Zereshk 15:04, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)它仍然旧图片我提出了.- Zereshk 15时04分, 2005年6月25日( UTC )表示 its a cache issue.这是一个缓存的问题。 It will appear.它会出现。 But why did you overwrite the old image?但是,你为什么覆盖旧的形象? This one will have to be cropped.这一次将要出现。 Where did you get the one without background?你从哪里得到一个没有背景? Incidentially, I am surprised that were wheels with metal rim in 1000 BC.,令我感到惊讶的是车轮与金属环在公元前1000年。 But surely, parts of the wood must be preserved (otherwise, how would they have Carbon dated it?) Maybe just the central spokes are replacement, and the rim is the original wood? dab ( ) 15:08, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)但毫无疑问,部分木材必须保留(否则的话,如何将它们碳月吗? )也许只是中央辐条的更换,以及环是原始木材? 民建联 ( ) 15时08分, 2005年6月25日( UTC )表示 hey, and if they let you walk around with your camera in the museum like that, I am sure you can do a whole lot of other GFDLd images of notable artefacts for Wikipedia, hint hint,;o) dab ( ) 15:13, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)嘿,如果他们让你走走你的相机在博物馆这样的,我相信你可以做很多其他的整体形象显着文物的维基百科,暗示暗示, ; O )的数字音频广播 ( ) 15 : 13 , 2005年6月25日( UTC )表示 Indeed.确实。 Is it too late to visit there again and snap some more photos?是太晚了访问,并提前一些照片吗? I hope not.;-) - Natalinasmpf 21:17, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)我希望不会。 ;-) - Natalinasmpf 21时17分, 2005年6月25日( UTC )表示 Pictures are allowed at close range, provided no flashes are used.图片可以在近距离,没有提供闪光灯的使用。 Ill visit the museum again on my next trip to Iran.我会再次访问该博物馆在我下次访问伊朗。 Ill see if I can get special permission to visit their non-exhibit collection (as I have done before).- Zereshk 10:15, 19 February 2006 (UTC)我去看看我能得到特别许可,访问它们的非展览收集(如我之前完成) .- Zereshk 10时15分, 06年2月19日( UTC )表示 edit Some linguistic evidence 编辑 一些语言证据 JP Mallory writes: 太平绅士马洛瑞写道: Tomas Gamkrelidze and Vyachislav Ivanov, interestingly enough, have noted that one of our words associated with wheeled vehicles, Proto-Indo-European *k w ek w lo bears striking similarity to the words for vehicles in Sumerian gigir , Semitic *galgal , and Kartvelian * grgar .托马斯和伊万诺夫,有趣的是,已经注意到,我们的一个词与轮式车辆,原始印欧语* k 瓦特绽出瓦特罗熊惊人的相似之处的话中的车辆苏梅利亚, 闪,并Kartvelian。 With the putative origin of wheeled vehicles set variously in the Pontic-Caspian, Transcaucasia or to Sumer , we may be witnessing the original word for a wheeled vehicle in four different language families.与假定的起源轮式车辆设置不同的黑海,里海, 高加索或苏美尔 ,我们可以看到原始的Word的轮式车辆在四个不同的语言的家庭。 Furthermore, as the Proto-Indo-European form is built on an Indo-European verbal root * k w el to turn, to twist, it is unlikely that the Indo-Europeans borrowed their word from one of the other languages.此外,作为原印欧语形式是建立在一个印欧语口头根* k 瓦特埃尔 - 打开,扭曲 ,这是不可能的印度支那欧洲人借他们的话从其他语言。 This need not, of course, indicate that Indo-Europeans invented wheeled vehicles, but it might suggest that they were in some for of contact relation with those Near Eastern languages in the fourth millennium BC James P. Mallory , In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology and Myth , Thames and Hudson, 1989, p.这没有必要,当然,表明印支欧洲人发明的轮式车辆,但它可能表明,他们在一些有关的联络与近东语言在公元前4千年- 詹姆斯P马洛瑞 ,寻求印度-欧洲人:语言,考古和神话 ,泰晤士和Hudson , 1989年,第 163. 163 。 We are not so much speaking of the invention of the wheel as we are of wheeled vehicles .我们没有这么多发言的发明轮子,因为我们的轮式车辆 。 Toys supporting very little weight are one thing; a practical vehicle that can support its own weight as well as cargo is something entirely different.玩具支持很少重量是一回事,实际的车辆,使之能够支持自己的体重,以及货物是完全不同的。 - FourthAve 21:26, 10 August 2005 (UTC) - FourthAve 21点26分, 2005年8月10 ( UTC )表示 edit Cart vs wagon 编辑 车与旅行车 Any discussion of wheeled vehicles has to carefully distinguish between carts (one axle, two wheels) and wagons (two axles, four wheels).任何讨论的轮式车辆必须仔细区分车(一轴,两个轮子)和水车(两个车轴,四个车轮) 。 The distinction is recorded in the Proto-Indo-European language , and descends into all branches of the language family.这种区别是记录在原始印欧语 ,并降纳入所有部门的语系。 American English has mucked things up by terming automobiles and railway carriages (either passenger or freight) as cars; car originally referred to a cart-like vehicle, and in artistic contexts (painting, sculpture), often a chariot.美国英语已mucked东西了terming汽车和火车车厢(无论是客运或货运)的车 , 车最初提到车样车,并在艺术背景(绘画,雕塑) ,往往是一个战车上。 - FourthAve 10:56, 11 August 2005 (UTC) - FourthAve 10点56 , 2005年8月11日( UTC )表示 This is one large wheel made from wood. Preceding unsigned comment added by ( talk ) 20:08, 20 February 2009 (UTC)这是一个大的车轮从木材。 -之前签署意见增加92.232.33.135 ( 对话 ) 20:08 , 09年2月20号( UTC )表示 edit Archaeology 编辑 考古 There does seem to be evidence that wheeled vehicles were invented in Europe first, and just maybe, in Northern Europe:人们似乎确实的证据表明,轮式车辆的发明在欧洲第一,仅仅是也许,在北欧: The GrN dates and the Flintbek age seem to suggest that wheeled vehicles were invented in Europe together with the ard, ox-team and yoke, not in the Near East.该日期和年龄似乎表明,轮式车辆的发明在欧洲同卡,牛队和枷锁,而不是在近东。 But the data are still scarce and the BR III DIC-dates raise interesting questions.但数据仍然很少和巴三字典日期提出有趣的问题。 (For complete article see: The earliest evidence of wheeled vehicles in Europe and the Near East. Antiquity 73, 1999:778-790) 1 (如需完整的文章见:最早的证据轮式车辆在欧洲和近东地区。古代73 , 1999:778-790 ) 1 See also the picture of the spectacular pot excavated at Bronocice , Poland, which shows apparently the very first depiction of a wheeled vehicle (here, a wagon) anywhere .又见图片的壮观壶出土Bronocice ,波兰,这表明显然是第一次描绘轮式车辆(在这里,旅行车) 的任何地方 。 I find this as shocking as I imagine you are.我觉得这是令人震惊,我想像你。 - FourthAve 21:58, 10 August 2005 (UTC) - FourthAve 21:58 , 2005年8月10 ( UTC )表示 edit Axles 编辑 车轴 DQ Adams and JP Mallory do the article Axle in EIEC .德泉Adams和太平绅士马洛瑞文章做“桥”的EIEC 。 They note there were two types of axles.他们注意到有两种类型的车轴。 The more common was a fixed axle where the wheel rotated on it; this is found in Mesopotamia, the Pontic-Caspian steppe, NE Europe.更常见的是一个固定轴旋转的车轮上,这是在美索不达米亚的黑海,里海草原,东北欧洲。 The second type had the axle rotate with the wheel; this attested in Switzerland and southern Germany, and seems to have once been more widespread, to have been replaced by the first type.第二类有轴旋转的车轮,这证明了在瑞士和德国南部,并似乎已被更广泛的一次,已经取代了第一种类型。 The most abundant evidence for early wheeled vehicles is from the steppe at the foot of the Caucasus; see Kura-Araxes culture and the Maykop culture , both of which most likely had Indo-European speaking components.- FourthAve 15:42, 14 August 2005 (UTC)最“大量证据表明”早期轮式车辆是从草原脚下高加索;见库拉- Araxes文化和Maykop文化 ,这两个最有可能在印欧语发言组件.- FourthAve 15点42 , 2005年8月14号( UTC )表示 I have read in academic works that the earliest spoked wheel was found in the Netherlands.我已阅读的学术著作,最早的轮辐车轮被发现在荷兰。 The most likely origin for the wheel was developed from rollers fitted on sleighs to cross the tundra and steppe in Ukraine and under the now flooded Black Sea.最有可能的原产地的车轮是由辊装有雪橇穿越冻土地带和草原乌克兰和根据现在淹没黑海。 What really supports the invention of the wheel is the expansion of people from the Ukraine to Ireland (Celts) and the northern borders of China (Tocharians et al).真正支持发明的车轮是扩大人民从乌克兰爱尔兰(凯尔特人)和北部边界的中国(吐火罗等人) 。 A similar expansion moved south (Arians vis. White skinned) and the only realistic explanation is that these people had both the wheel and possibly wheat or other grain cultivation.一个类似的扩张南移(阿里乌派相。白皮肤)和唯一现实的解释是,这些人有两个车轮,并可能小麦或其他谷物的种植。 It created a need to expand to prevent over population.它创造了一个需要扩大,以防止多人口。 This is a theme that Middle Eastern writers have alluded to from ancient times up to the last moveme

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