七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The First Period Section A (1a-2d).Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:(1) Key words:pencil,book,eraser,box,schoolbag,dictionary,his,mine,hers,excuse,me,thank,teacher, about,yours,for,help,welcome(2) Key phrases:excuse me,thank you for.,pencil box(3) Important sentences: Is that your schoolbag? No,it isnt.Its his. Are these your book? No,they arent.Theyre hers. 2. Ability aims:Learn to identify ownership of the things in the classroom.3. Emotion aims:Make students guess the owners of the things in the classroom.II.Important points:Train students listening skills.III.Difficult points:Grasp some new words about their school things.IV.Teaching processStep 1 Warming up1.Show some pictures or objects about school things like pen,ruler,cup,schoolbag,pencil.Whats this in English?Its.2. Work on 1a.Read the words in 1a.Let students look at the picture in 1a.Ask students to find out the things in the picture,then match the things with words.Teacher checks the answers with students.Let the students read the new words aloud after the teacher.Then remember the new words.Step 2 ListeningWork on 1b,2a and 2b.1. Listen and number the conversations 1-3.2. Listen and check() the things you hear.3. Listen again.Complete the conversation with the words in the box.4. Check the answers in 1b,2a and 2b.Step 3 PairworkWork on 1c and 2c.1. Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates.2. Practice the conversation in 2b.Then make your own conversations using the things in your classroom.e.g.Is this your schoolbag? No,it isnt.Step 4 Role-playWork on 2d.Let students read the conversation.Then let students role-play the conversation and give them 5 minutes to recite it.Language points1. pencil box文具盒pencil box=pencil case注意:box的复数形式是boxes。2. eraser 橡皮;橡皮擦;黑板擦The eraser is white.这块橡皮是白色的。eraser是以元音音素开头的单词,前面的不定冠词用an。如:an eraser一块橡皮3. Is that your schoolbag?那是你的书包吗? No,it isnt.Its his.不,不是。那是他的。(教材第11页)(1) Is this/that.?这/那是吗?这种句型也是含有be动词的一般疑问句,读时读成升调,句尾用问号。注意:由指示代词this,that作主语的一般疑问句,作答时,常用it代替this或that,以避免重复。Is this your pencil?正:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.误:Yes,this is/No,this isnt.(2)his在这里是作名词性物主代词使用,并不是作为形容词性物主代词,意为“他的书包”,相当于his schoolbag。【拓展】形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,后面必须接名词;而名词性物主代词可以单独使用,后面不能接名词。 4. Are these your books?这些是你的书吗? No,they arent.Theyre hers.不,不是。它们是她的。(教材第13页)her pron.她的。该词为名词性物主代词,在句中作表语,此外还可作主语。而her为形容词性物主代词,在句中作定语。Exercise1、 单项选择。1. There are two_on the desk. A.bread B.milk C.dictionary D.watches 2. _these your rulers? No,_. A.Is; it isnt B.Is;it is C.Are;they are D.Are;they arent3. This is not my phone.Its _.Mine is over there. A.our B.hers C.her D.my4. Jane,is this_umbrella? No,its not mine.It is_. A.you;hers B.your;hers C.yours;her D.your;her5. This is_bedroom.The twin sisters like it very much. A.Jenny and Marias B.Jennys and Maria C.Jennys and Marias2、 按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。1. This is my school.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _school? 2. Thanks for helping me.(改为同义句) _you for your_.3. Is this your baseball?(作肯定回答) Yes,_ _.4. It is Tinas watch.(改为否定句) It_Tinas watch.Homework1. Practice 2d with your partner.2. Recite 2d.板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The First Period Section A (1a-2d)Is that your schoolbag? No,it isnt.Its his. Are these your book? No,they arent.Theyre hers.教学反思:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Second Period Section A (Grammar Focus-3c).Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aims: Important sentences: Is this/that your/his/her.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Are these/those your/his/her.? Yes,they are./No,they arent.2.Ability aims:Learn about possessive pronouns mine,yours,hers,his.3.Emotion aims:Make students experience the pleasure of guessing.II.Important points:Learn to ask “yes/no” questions and short answers.III.Difficult points:Grasp the usage of possessive pronouns.IV.Teaching processStep 1 RevisionShow some pictures about school things,such as pencil,pen,book,eraser,ruler and so on.Ask students to write the school things in English.Step 2 Read and sayWork on Grammar Focus.Ask students to read the sentences in the grammar box by themselves.Pay attention to the Demonstrative Pronouns “this” “that” “these” “those” and observe the short forms.Focus on the shortening words.Try to read and recite them.Step 3 Grammar exerciseWork on 3a and 3b.1. Complete the questions and answers about each picture.Look at the picture in 3a carefully,then complete the questions and answers and tell why.2. Read the questions and answers about each picture. Ask some students speak out their answers and reasons.Step 4 Game timeDivide the students into five or six groups.All students in a group put some of their school things into a box.T:I have many things in the box.But I dont know whose these are.Could you help me find out the Owners?Lets see who can find all the owners.You only have two chances.e.g.T:Is this your eraser?S1:Yes,it is.Its mine.T:Is that your pencil box?S2:No,it isnt.Its his.My pencil box is pink.T:Cindy,is this your English book?S3:No, it isnt.Its hers.My English book is newer than this one.T:Tom,are these your rulers?S4:Yes,they are.T:Thank you.语法拓展一、be动词引导的一般疑问句及回答在第一单元我们已经初步学习了含有be动词的一般疑问句,即“be动词+主语(指示代词)+其他?”。当主语是指示代词this/that,作省略回答时,要用it代替;当主语是指示代词these/those,作简略回答时,要用they代替。Is that his pen?那是他的钢笔吗?Yes,it is.是,它是。Are these your pencils?这些是你的铅笔吗?No,they arent.不,它们不是。注意:第一人称改为一般疑问句要进行人称转换。This is my pencil.(改为一般疑问句)正:Is this your pencil? 误:Is this my pencil?二、名词性物主代词在英语中,物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,分为形容词性物主代词(第一单元已学过)和名词性物主代词(本单元所讲)两种。1. 概念:名词性物主代词也是用来表示所有关系的代词,有人称和数的变化。第一人称第二人称第三人称单数mineyourshis/hers/its复数oursyourstheirs2. 用法:(1)名词性物主代词在句中可单独使用,后面不能接名词,其作用相当于一个名词,通常在句中作主语、宾语或表语。有时为了避免重复使用名词,而用名词性物主代词来代替形容词性物主代词加名词形式。(2)名词性物主代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复应随所指物品的单复来定。Those rulers are his.Yours are red.那些直尺是他的,你的直尺是红色的。3. 与形容词性物主代词之间的关系:名词性物主代词=相应的形容词性物主代词+名词This is my bike.That is yours.(yours=your bike)这是我的自行车。那是你的。如:my red pen我的红色钢笔Exercise1、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Is this_(you) ruler? No,its_(she).Its not_(I).2.My father and mother are teachers._(them) are very busy(忙的).3.Are these_(you) pencils? No,they arent.Theyre_(he).4. The eraser is not_(you).Its_(I).5.Who is it? Its_(I) brother.二、句型转换。1.Those are my keys.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ _ _keys? _,_ _.2. Are you Jim?(作肯定回答) Yes,_ _.3. Is she your English teacher?(作否定回答) No,_ _.Homework1.Recite Grammar Focus.2.Find out the English words of school things you know.板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Second Period Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)Is this/that.? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Are these/those.? Yes,they are./No,they arent.教学反思:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Third Period Section B (1a-1e).Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:baseball,watch,computer,game,card,notebook,ring,bag(2)Key phrases:ID card (3)Important sentences: A:Whats this? B:Its a watch. A:How do you spell it? B:W-A-T-C-H.2.Ability aims:Learn about some everyday things and spell them.3.Emotion aims:Make students experience the pleasure of guessing.II.Important points:Train students listening skills.III.Difficult points:Learn to identify who the things belong to.IV.Teaching processStep 1 Warming upAsk some students to recite the Grammar Focus.Step 2 Research cooperationWork on 1a.1. Look at the picture in 1a.2. Student read the words after the teacher.3. Match the words with the things in the picture.Work on 1b.Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above.A:Whats this?B:Its a watch.A:How do you spell it ?B:W-A-T-C-H.Step 3 ListeningWork on 1c and 1d.1.Listen and circle the things you hear in 1a.2.Listen again.Write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.Teacher checks the answers with students.Step 4 PairworkWork on 1e.Student A is Linda and Student B is Mike.Make conversations about the things in 1d.Then change roles.Language points1. baseball棒球baseball是一个合成词,base+ball=baseball。打棒球应说:play baseball,不能说成play a/the baseball。“play+球类名词”意为“打球”,在这一结构中,球类名词前不能加任何冠词。2. watch的用法watch意为“手表”,为可数名词。Your watch is very beautiful.你的手表很漂亮。【拓展】watch还可作动词,意为“观看;注视;看守;守卫”。Children like watching TV.孩子们喜欢看电视。Please watch these trees.请看守这些树。3.How do you spell it?你怎么拼写它?(教材第15页)该句相当于我们在前面学过的Spell it,please.(请拼写它。)还可以说成:Can you spell it,please?(你能拼写它吗?)【拓展】(1)how疑问副词,常用来对方式、方法提问,意为“怎么样”。(2)do为助动词,常用来帮助实义动词spell构成一般疑问形式,无实在意义。Exercisehow,her,what,ring,a一、选词填空。(注意形式)1. _is this in English? Its an ID card.2.Here are two _.Theyre Helens.3._do you spell it?4.Is that_computer game? No, it isnt.Its mine.5. That isnt an eraser.Its_ruler.二、单项选择。1.Alice has a red pen,and the blue one is_,too. A.his B.her C.hers2.Is it_ID card? No,it isnt. A.a B.an C./ D.you3. Is that a key? _,it_. A.Yes;isnt B.No;is C.Yes;is D.No;are 4. There are some_on the floor. A.milk B.child C.boxes5. _you spell “watch”? W-A-T-C-H. A.How are B.How does C.How do D.HowHomeworkMake some dialogues about the things in Section 1a.e.g.:A:Whats this? B:Its a ring. A:How do you spell it? B:R-I-N-G. 板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Third Period Section B (1a-1e) A:Whats this? B:Its a watch. A:How do you spell it? B:W-A-T-C-H. 教学反思:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Fourth Period Section B (2a-2c).Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:in,library,ask,find,some,classroom,e-mail,at,call,lost,must(2)Key phrases:ask.for (3)Important sentences: A computer game is in the school library. Some keys are in Classroom 7E. E-mail me at maryg2gfimail.com. I lost my school ID card.2.Ability aims:Learn about the notice on the board.3.Emotion aims:Make students manage their school things in the classroom.II.Important points:Be able to understand “Lost or Found” correctly.III.Difficult points:Learn to write the notice when they lost their things.IV.Teaching processStep 1 Warming upShow some pictures about school things.Ask some students and their partners to make some dialogues.Whats this/that?Its.How do you spell it?.Step 2 Pre-readingWork on 2a.Write the things you lose easily.Let some students to talk about the things they usually lose.Step 3 Reading 1. Read the notice on the board.2. Circle the lost things.3. Each group can choose a passage to read together.Step 4 Self-studyingRead the notices again and write down the items.Then check() Lost or Found.Language points1.Ask the teacher for it.向老师要它。(教材第17页)这是一个祈使句。ask此处为及物动词,意为“请求;要求”,常用短语ask sb. for sth.意为“向某人索取某物;向某人要某物”,ask for意为“寻求;要求”,ask sb. for help意为“向某人请求帮助”。You can ask her for the book.你可以找她要那本书。We can ask for help.我们可以请求帮助。【拓展】ask还可译为“询问;问”。May I ask you a question?我可以问你个问题吗?2. Some keys are in Classroom 7E.在7E教室有一些钥匙。(教材第17页)(1) some意为“一些;某些”,后接可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词。一般用于肯定句中。I have some friends in my school.在学校里我有一些朋友。How about some bananas?一些香蕉怎么样?(2) Classroom 7E意为“7E教室”,为专有名词,首字母要大写。(3) classroom可数名词,意为“教室”。Jenny is in the classroom now.现在珍妮在教室里。3.Call me.请给我打电话。(教材第17页)call及物动词,意为“给打电话”,其后接表示人的名词或人称代词的宾格形式,意为“给某人打电话”;后接电话号码,意为“拨打”。“call sb.(人) at+电话号码”意为“拨打电话号码找某人”。Please call Linda.请给琳达打电话。Please call 325-6189.请拨打电话325-6189。Please call Jenny at 517-8026.请拨打电话517-80226找珍妮。Exercise1、 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. I lost a_(一套) of keys.2. _(一些) keys are in the school library.3. Linda_(电子邮件) her mother every day.4. A_(电脑) is in Classroom 3E.2、 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 打扰了,海伦。这是你的学生证吗? Excuse me,Helen._this your_ _?2. 你的钢笔在失物招领箱里。 Your pen is_the_and_case.3. 请拨打495-3839找汤姆。 Please_Tom_495-3839.4. 陈洁现在在学校图书馆。 Chen Jie is_ _ _now.HomeworkRecite the notices in 2b.板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Fourth Period Section B (2a-2c) A computer game is in the school library. Some keys are in Classroom 7E. E-mail me at maryg2gfimail.com. I lost my school ID card.教学反思:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Fifth Period Section B (3a-Self Check).Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:set(2)Key phrases:a set of (3)Important sentences: Please call me at 679-8871. Are these yours?2. Ability aims:Learn some school things and be able to write them.3.Emotion aims:Develop students abilities of solving problems.II.Important points:The usage of four kinds of pronouns.III.Difficult points:Learn to write an article about “Lost or Found” notice.IV.Teaching processStep 1 Revision1. Greet the students and check the homework.2. Review the school things we learned on Section B.Let students introduce the school things they have.3. Pick up some school things from the students desk and ask about them.Step 2 Self-studying1.Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.Then check the answers.Let the students read the notices. 2.Self CheckFinish Self Check with your partners and check the answers together.Exercise一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1.This is my English d_.2.E_ me,is this your watch?3.The computer g_is his.4.Mike is not in the c_,he is in the library.5.A_ the teacher for your school ID card.二、句型转换。1.Spell it,please.(改为同义句) _ _you spell it?2. Johns telephone number is 515-3982.Please call him.(改为同义句) Please_John_515-3982.3.His pen is blue.(改为同义句) The blue pen_ _.4. Thanks for your help.(写出答语) _5. find,card,must,ID,She,her,school(.)(连词成句) _HomeworkComplete the following notices.假如你是唐悠悠,你今天丢失了一串钥匙,请捡到的人拨打电话332-1935联系你。Lost:My_My_is Tang Youyou.Please_me at 332-1935.假如你是David,你捡到一部字典,失主可拨打电话585-6453联系你。Found:DictionaryIs this_?_David at_.板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Fifth PeriodSection B (3a-Self Check)Please call me at 679-8871. Are these yours?教学反思:


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