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江苏省宿迁市xx年中考英语真题试题一、单项选择1. There will be_talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon.A. the B. an C. a D. /【答案】C【解析】句意:今天下午学校礼堂里会有礼貌的谈话。考查冠词辨析题。a是不定冠词,泛指,一个,用于辅音因素开头的单数可数名词前;an不定冠词,泛指,一个,用于元音因素开头的单数可数名词前;the定冠词,特指,用在独一无二名词前,像地球,月亮,太阳。talk交谈,此处表示泛指含义,以辅音因素开头,故用不定冠词a;根据句意语境,可知选C。2. The Dragon Boat Festival falls_ May or June every year.A. in B. on . C. at D. between【答案】A【解析】句意:端午节每年五月或六月举行。考查介词辨析题。表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等用 at;泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等较长的时间,一般用 in;若表示星期几或某一特定的日期,则用 on;between用于两者之间。May or June五月或六月,月份前需用介词in。根据句意语境,可知选A。3. -Excuse me, I want some books, but I cant find a bookshop here.-I know_on my way home. Come with me, please.A. this B. one C. . It D. that【答案】B【解析】句意:对不起,我想要一些书,但是我在这里找不到书店。我知道在我回家的路上有一个。请跟我来。考查代词辨析题。this/that表近指或远指;it代替上文提到的(同一)事物;one指的是与前面提到的为同一类事物,相当于“a+名词”。本句所指与上一句属于同类而不同物,需用one。根据句意语境,可知选B。4. Wu Wei, a young artist, has received high_ from the art community for this sculpturesA. pride B. praise C. promise D. progress【答案】B【解析】句意:吴伟,一位年轻的艺术家,受到了艺术界的高度赞扬。考查名词辨析题。A. pride自豪;B. praise称赞;C. promise允诺;D. progress进步。根据句意语境,可知praise符合句意,故选B。5. -_do you visit your grandparents, Timmy?-Once a week.A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often【答案】D【解析】句意:蒂米,你多久去看望你的祖父母一次?一周一次。考查特殊疑问词辨析题。根据答语Once a week,可知问的是频率,需用how often提问,故选D。6. -I saw John in the park this morning. -It _be him. He has gone to HongKong.A. cant B. can C. mustnt D. must【答案】A【解析】句意:今天早上我看见约翰在公园里。不可能是他。他去香港了。考查情态动词辨析题。cant不可能,表否定推测;can可以,表允许;C. mustnt一定不要,表禁止;D. must一定是,表肯定推测。根据对句He has gone to HongKong.,结合句意语境,可知本句是否定推测,故选A。7. The local guide spoke _she could to make the visitors understand her.A. as clear as B. as clearly as C. so clear as D. so clearly as【答案】B【解析】句意:当地导游尽可能清楚地说话,以使访问者能理解她。考查副词短语辨析题。as+形容词或副词+as,用于同级比较,表示“和一样”。speak说话,动词需用副词修饰,可排除AC选项。否定结构用so+形容词或副词+as。根据句意结构和语境,可知选B。8. Liu Changjian, the command pilot of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633, successfully down the plane last month.A. has brought B. ill bring C. brought D. bring【答案】C【解析】句意:四川航空公司3U8633航班的领航员刘昌箭上个月成功地降落了飞机。考查动词时态辨析题。bring down使(某物或某人)掉下,降落。last month上个月,用于一般过去时,bring的过去式是brought,根据句意语境,可知选C。9. The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate _ the guests arrived.A. while B. when C. unless D. after【答案】B【解析】句意:客人到达时,饭店经理正在门口等候。考查连词辨析题。A. while当时候,用于主句和从句是两个同时进行的持续性动作时;B. when当时候,用于从句动作是一个短暂性动作时;C. unless除非,表条件;D. after在以后。根据句意语境,可知CD不合句意,可排除。arrive到达,是一个短暂性动作,故选B。10. -Its reported that self-driving cars are expected to change the way we move around.-That sounds_.A. bad B. badly C. great D. greatly【答案】C【解析】句意:据报道,自动驾驶汽车预计会改变我们的移动方式。听起来不错。考查形容词辨析题。sound听起来,连系动词,后面需接形容词,badly和greatly是副词,都可排除。根据句意语境,可知bad(坏的)不合句意,故选C。11. -_ fine weather it is! Shall we go hiking in the hills?-Why not?A. What B. What a C. How D. How a【答案】A12. -How is our government going to deal with the office building?- It will be _ a library.A. turned off B. turned on C. turned out D. turned into【答案】D【解析】句意:我们的政府如何处理办公大楼?它将变成一个图书馆。考查动词短语辨析题。A. turned off关掉(开关等);B. turned on打开(开关等);C. turned out打扮;D. turned into变成。根据句意语境,可知前三个选项都与句意不合,故选D。13. This kind of pen _, and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some.A. writes well B. writes good C. is written well D. is written good【答案】A【解析】句意:这种笔写得很好,也很便宜。我想你可以买一些。考查动词语态和副词辨析题。write写,动词,需用副词修饰,good是形容词,可排除BD两项。write这个动作是由pen发出的,不可用被动语态,可排除C项。根据句意结构和语境,可知选A。14. -Could you tell me_?-In five minutes, at 10: 25.A. when did the next underground arrive B. when the next underground arrivedC. when will the next underground arrive D. when the next underground will arrive【答案】D【解析】句意:你能告诉我下一个地铁什么时候到吗?五分钟后,10点25分。考查宾语从句。宾语从句需用陈述句语序, AC两项都是疑问句语序,可排除。根据答语In five minutes,结合句意语境,可知还没有到站,需用一般将来时态,故选D。15. -May I have a look at the magazine China Today?-Certainly. _.A. Thank you B. Its a pity C. Here you are D. Id like to【答案】C【解析】句意:我可以看看今日中国吗?当然可以。给你。考查日常交际用语。A. Thank you谢谢。B. Its a pity真遗憾。C. Here you are给你。D. Id like to我想,表示愿意。问句提出了请求,根据回答Certainly.,可知Here you are符合语境,故选C。二、完形填空Once there was a girl, named Kate. She was very polite and ready to help everybody. One day she found a pink paper bag on the way to school. She opened it and saw there was a lot of _16_in it. She thought she should hand it in to the teacher, so she _17_it in her schoolbag.When she went to the teachers office, her teacher wasnt _18_. As it was time for class, she hurried to the classroom.After class, she told her friend, Mary, about the money that she_19_. Then, her greedy (贪婪的) friend took away the bag.After school, Kate wanted to go to the_20_office again, but she found the money was missing.The next day when the children were playing a game, Mary fell down and was hurt very badly. The other children stood around her and didnt know_21_to do. Kate kept calm and did something to stop bleeding. She told the others to go to teachers for_22_Soon a teacher took Mary to the _23_and the doctor examined her carefully. Within a week she was all right again. Kate became very popular in the school.Two weeks later Mary came to Kate house. Her eyes were red. She was crying. She gave Kate the _24_paper bag with the money in it and said. “Kate, I have taken the money away. That day when you helped me, I felt very sad and now I decide to tell you the_25_, you are such a nice friend! _26_Please dont tell the school about this please!” then Kate said, “you are now_27_, but you have done a bad thing. Though I will not tell anyone, I want you not to be greedy and_28_ to do anything wrong.” The girl thanked Kate and_29_.At the end of the term Kate was given a _30_for being a very helpful girl in the school. Mary became an honest girl and was never greedy again. Once wrong, never be wrong forever.16. A. bread B. money C. paper D. fruit17. A. got B. caught C. kept D. sent18. A. out B. away C. off D. in19. A. found B. lost C. saved D. made20. A. workers B. doctors C. teachers D. headmasters21. A. how B. what C. when D. where22. A. help B. treatment C. action D. leave23. A. school B. classroom C. office D. hospital24. A. red B. pink C. white D. black25. A. lie B. story C. truth D. result26. A. And B. But C. Or D. So27. A. friendly B. polite C. generous D. honest28. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. usually29. A. got up B. woke up C. gave up D. cheered up30. A. prize B. laugh C. joke D. reply【答案】16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. A【解析】试题分析:短文讲述了两个小女孩的故事。乐于助人的凯特在路上捡到一个钱包,想交给老师,可是被自己的同学贪婪的玛丽拿走了。第二天,玛丽在玩耍时摔伤了,凯特帮她止血并让其他同学通知老师送玛丽去了医院。玛丽很受感动,给凯特讲明了真相。凯特告诉她,诚实很重要,不要再做错事。16. 句意:她打开它,发现里面有很多钱。考查名词辨析题。根据下文After class, she told her friend, Mary, about the money that she found. Then, her greedy friend took away the bag.,可知袋子里面是钱,故选B。17. 句意:她认为她应该把它交给老师,所以她把它放在书包里。考查动词辨析题。A. got得到;B. caught接住;C. kept保持/保留;D. sent送/派遣。根据句意语境,可知keep符合句意,故选C。18. 句意:当她去老师办公室时,她的老师不在。考查介词辨析题。be out出去了;be away离开了;be off取消了;be in在里面。根据句意语境,可知老师不在办公室,故选D。19. 句意:下课后,她把找到的钱告诉了她的朋友玛丽。考查动词辨析题。that shefound作the money的后置定语;根据前文One day she found a pink paper bag on the way to school. She opened it and saw there was a lot of money in it.,可知选A。20. 句意:放学后,凯特又想去老师的办公室,但她发现钱不见了。考查名词所有格辨析题。again又,再;根据前文When she went to the teachers office, her teacher wasnt in.,结合句意语境,可知选C。21. 句意:其他的孩子都站在她身边,不知道该做什么。考查宾语从句引导词。A. how怎样,问状况/方式,do后要有宾语;B. what什么,问事/物,做do的宾语;C. when什么时候,问时间;D. where在哪里,问地点。由连接代、副词引导的宾语从句可以和“疑问词+不定式”结构转化。本句是宾语从句的简略形式,what做do的宾语;根据句意结构和语境,可知选B。22. 句意:她告诉其他人去找老师帮忙。考查名词辨析题。A. help帮助,帮忙;B. treatment治疗,对待;C. action行动,作用;D. leave辞别,许可。根据下文Soon a teacher took Mary to the hospital and the doctor examined her carefully.,结合句意语境,可知有老师帮助了她,故选A。23. 句意:很快,一位老师带玛丽去医院,医生仔细检查了她。考查名词辨析题。根据前文Mary fell down and was hurt very badly.,可知是带玛丽去了医院,故选D。24. 句意:她把装着钱的粉红色纸袋给了凯特。考查形容词辨析题。根据前文One day she found a pink paper bag on the way to school.,可知纸袋是粉色的,故选B。25. 句意:现在我决定告诉你真相。考查名词辨析题。A. lie谎言;B. story故事;C. truth真相;D. result结果。根据句意语境,可知truth符合语境,故选C。26. 句意:所以请不要把这件事告诉学校!考查连词辨析题。A. And和,表并列;B. But但是,表转折;C. Or或者,表选择;D. So所以,表因果。本句前后是因果关系,需用so连接;根据句意语境,可知选D。27. 句意:你现在很诚实,但你做了错事。考查形容词辨析题。根据句意语境,玛丽讲出了真相,可知是诚实的,故选D。28. 句意:虽然我不会告诉任何人,但我希望你不要贪婪,不要做任何错事。考查副词辨析题。A. never从不,表完全否定;B. seldom很少,表(不完全)否定;C. sometimes有时;D. usually通常。and连接并列结构,根据句意语境,可知never符合句意,故选A。29. 句意:这个女孩(玛丽)感谢凯特并欢呼起来。考查动词短语辨析题。A. got up起床;B. woke up醒来;C. gave up放弃;D. cheered up欢呼。根据句意语境,可知前面三个选项都与句意不合,故选D。30. 句意:学期结束时,凯特因为在学校里是一个非常乐于助人的女孩而获奖。考查名词辨析题。A. prize奖励(品);B. laugh嘲笑;C. joke玩笑;D. reply答复。根据句意语境,可知prize符合文意,故选A。点睛:完型填空是难度最大的题。它集阅读理解、语法、词法、句法于一体。是考查语言综合运用的能力的一道题。解题的方法第一要带着空,通读文章,搞清事件发生的背景。紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索,语法知识,以及句子之间的关系,词的搭配,结合上下文背景语境,结合句意选择适合语境的选项。三、阅读理解AWhen you travel in England you cant miss the visit to Windsor Castle, the family home to british kings and queens for over 1,000 year.Opening Times at Windsor Castle:The castle opening hours1 Mar xx-31 Oct xx(Monday-Sunday 09: 30-17: 15)1 Nov xx-28 Feb 2019(Monday-Sunday 09: 45-16: 15)PricesAdult ticket:21.20Family ticket(2 adults &3 children between 5 and 17 years old ): 54.70Senior/ College student ticket: 19.30Under 17 years old /Disabled ticket: 12. 30Castle Closing DatesThe castle will be closed on the following dates17&l8Jun20l812Octxx Top tips:Buy your ticket on the Internet before you arrive to save some time.If you want to see the Changing of the Guard ceremony, get to the Castle grounds at 11: 00. During the summer it happens every day, if the weather is good.31. When does the castle close on October 1, xx?A. A:09:30 B. A:17:15 C. A:09:45 D. A:l6:1532. They should pay at least_if Mr and Mrs Green bring their three children(all between 5 and 17 years old)to visit the castle.A. 79.30 B. t67 C. 57.40 D. 54.7033. The Changing of the Guard Ceremony might not take place in summer if _.A. the weather is bad B. the castle is being repairedC. there are no visitors D. the queen doesnt live there【答案】31. B 32. D 33. A【解析】试题分析:这份广告公示了温莎城堡的开放时间、门票价格和关闭日期,还有一些温馨提示。31. 题意:xx年10月1日城堡什么时间关门?考查细节理解题。根据The castle opening hours 1 Mar xx-31 Oct xx(Monday-Sunday 09: 30-17: 15),可知09: 30开放,17: 15关闭;故选B。32. 题意:如果格林夫妇带着他们的三个孩子(都在5到17岁之间)去参观城堡,他们至少应该 钱。考查细节理解和数字理解题。根据公示的价格PricesAdult ticket:21.20. Family ticket(2 adults &3 children between 5 and 17 years old ): 54.70,可知他们一家可以购买“Family ticket”,故选D。33. 题意:如果天气不好,换岗仪式可能不会在夏天举行。考查细节理解题。根据During the summer it happens every day, if the weather is good.,可知天气不好的话就不会换岗,故选A。点睛:对于阅读理解题,首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主题或概括文章的中心思想、就文中的具体事实和情节进行提问、根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断等,在细读时,要根据设问的方式,进行有侧重地阅读。1、概括文章中心思想。1)文首呈现主题句。2)文尾出现主题句。3)首尾呼应展现主题。4)文中表述主题。前面提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出,而后再做进一步的解释。5)文章没有主题句。在这种情况下,考生要把所有的细节综合起来。进行逻辑推理,概括归纳出文章的主题句。2.掌握文章的具体事实和重要情节。在考题中,经常会见到就文章中某一具体事实和重要情节进行测试的题目。这就要求考生在阅读时要注意辨认和记忆具体事实,重要情节,事物的起因、过程、结果及发生的地点、时间等,这些都有可能作为测试点。还有一些测试题,要求考生在理解的基础上,通过自己的思维将理解的内容系统化,比如计算、排序等题型。BIn xx, when the high speed train. Furing, left Beijing for shanghai at a speed of 350 km/h, it amazed the world. It is Chinas newest high-speed train and also the fastest train in the world.Therewere2, 959 high-speed trains running across China by xx. They make up60 percent ofthe worlds total high- speed trains. Chinese companies have also built more than 10 high-speedrailways in Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. And the high speed trains has become anew name card for China.Besides the high-speed trains, many other innovations(创新)have also changed peoples lives in China.For example, though bike sharing is not new itself China has made it much more convenient.And popular. When the Chinese bike sharing companies reached Singapore and Britain months ago, users there excited and couldnt wait to post photos of themselves riding the bikes on social media(媒体).Cashless payment has become a lifestyle choice in China it is common that people in China go shopping with no cash(现金)in pockets. Many people just pay with their bile phones by scanning a quick respond code(QR, 二维码)from the seller. Even a person selling vegetables has a QR code.Many foreigners have experienced lives without carrying any cash in China. They say they cant do it when they are back home in Europe.China is now in a great time. It has made great achievements in innovation They are true pictures of national strength. It seems that China is really leading in some ways. And Chinese people have every reason to believe in an even brighter future.34. How many examples are mentioned to show Chinas achievement in innovation according to the passage?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four35. The underlined word “it” means _.A. living in China B. buying things without carrying any cashC. having QR codes D. making enough money by working hard36. The best title for the passage might be _.A. China leads in innovation B. Science develops very quicklyC. China faces many chances D. Science catches the worlds attention【答案】34. C 35. B 36. A【解析】试题分析:短文通过高速列车、共享单车和无现金支付三个例子,说明了中国的创新成就。34. 题意:文章列举了多少个例子来说明中国的创新成就?考查文意理解题。根据短文内容,可知列举了高速列车、共享单车和无现金支付三个例子,故选C。35. 题意:下划线的词“it”意思是“ ”。考查词义理解题。根据下文that people in China go shopping with no cash in pockets.,可知是无现金支付cashless payment,故选B。36. 题意:这篇文章最好的题目可能是 。考查细节理解题。A. China loads in innovation中国引领创新;B. Science develops very quickly科学发展得很快;C. China faces many chances中国面临许多机会;D. Science catches the worlds attention科学引起全世界的注意。根据It seems that China is really leading in some ways.,可知选A。CWhere can you learn about the cultural relies(文物)of our country? You may visit mu seums or read books, but now a CCTV show may give you a more fun way to learn about them.The show is called National Treasure, it has 10 episodes (集) it shows 27treasures from 9 museums across China. In order to make ancient culture relics come alive, the show uses different ways to explain the story history and culture behind them.Although its a show about old relics, it looks modern and technical(技术的),An IMAX-sized LED sired screen on the stage shows the treasures in detail.The treasures are presented(呈现) by National treasure keepers(守护者), both famous people and common people. Instead of just telling the stories and history behind the treasures, the show invites famous actors to be national treasures keepers, And they act out, this stories on the stage. The actors even use the funny words to make their performances interesting and alive. For example, on the show, actor wang Kai played Emperor Qianlong TV viewers loved his performances.While telling the stories behind the treasures, National treasure keepers also tell their own stories. For example, an old man named Qiu Qingnian is good at making natural paints for repairing ancient paintings. For many years he has been looking for mines(矿) deep inside mountains. On the TV program, he shows TV viewers how to make natural paints.The show has become widely popular with its interesting plots(情节), good performances and funny words. It has promoted (推广)ancient cultural relics and has encouraged more people to visit museums.37. The show National Treasure was produced to_.A. look for national treasure keepersB. make ancient cultural relics come aliveC. show the modern technologyD. invite some famous actors to act out38. From the passage, we can learn something about the show National Treasure Except _.A. actors good performances B. the stories with interesting plotsC. Qiu Qingnians memes D. the history and culture behind39. What column(专栏)in a magazine might the passage come from?A. Health B. History and culture C. Sports D. Science and technology40. The writers main purpose of writing the passage is_A. to tell us what national treasure keepers doB. to explain why National Treasure is popularC. to teach us the ways of making natural paintsD. to introduce the TV show National Treasure【答案】37. B 38. C 39. B 40. D【解析】试题分析:本文介绍了中央电视台制作的纪录片国宝,该剧以其有趣的情节、精彩的表演和滑稽的文字而广受欢迎,同时促进了古代文物的发展,鼓励更多的人参观博物馆。37. 题意:纪录片国宝是为 而制作的。考查细节理解题。根据In order to make ancient culture relics come alive, the show uses different ways to explain the story history and culture behind them.,可知选B。38. 题意:通过这篇文章,我们可以了解到除了 之外的一些关于国宝的东西。考查细节理解题。根据Instead of just telling the stories and history behind the treasures, the show invites famous actors to be national treasures keepers, And they act out, this stories on the stage.,可知ABD三项都是和国宝本身有关的;而While telling the stories behind the treasures, National treasure keepers also tell their own stories. For example, an old man named Qiu Qingnian is good at making natural paints for repairing ancient paintings. For many years he has been looking for mines deep inside mountains.则以邱庆年为例说明的是那些“国宝”的保护者,故选C。39. 题意:这篇文章可能来自杂志的哪一专栏?考查综合理解题。A. Health健康保健;B. History and culture历史文化;C. Sports体育运动;D. Science and technology科学技术。根据In order to make ancient culture relics come alive, the show uses different ways to explain the story history and culture behind them.,结合短文内容,可知选B。40. 题意:作者写这篇文章的主要目的是 。考查文意理解题。A. to tell us what national treasure keepers do告诉我们国宝看守人做什么;B. to explain why National Treasure is popular解释为什么国宝受欢迎;C. to teach us the ways of making natural paints教我们制作天然涂料的方法;D. to introduce the TV show National Treasure介绍电视节目国宝。根据短文内容,结合最后一段的总结he show has become widely popular with its interesting plots, good performances and funny words. It has promoted ancient cultural relics and has encouraged more people to visit museums.,可知选D。DMy father was German, but he Worked in England. He married my mother, who was English. Her family name was Robinson, so when I was born in632, in England, they called me Robinson, after her.My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job, and live a quiet, pleasant life. But I wanted adventure and an exciting life.“I want to be a sailor and go to sea, I told my mother and father. They were very unhappy about this.“Please dont go. my father said, You wont be happy you know. Sailors have a difficult and dangerous life. and because I love him, and he was unhappy, I tried to forget about the sea.But I couldnt forget, and about a year later, I saw a friend in town. His father had a Ship and my friend said to me,” we are sailing to London tomorrow. Why dont you come with us.”On September 1, 1651, I went to Hull and the next day we sailed for London.But, a few days later, there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous, and the ship went up and down up and down. I was very ill, and was very afraid.“Oh, I dont want to die!” I cried,“ I want to live! If I live, I will go home and never go to sea again!”The next day the wind stopped, and the sea was quiet and beautiful again.Well, Robinson, my friend laughed, How do you feel now? The wind wasnt to bad.”“What! I cried. It was a terrible storm.”“Oh, that wasnt a storm, my friend answered, just a little wind. Forget it, come and have a drink.”After a few drinks with my friend, I felt better. I forgot about the danger, and decided not to go home. I didnt want my friend and family to laugh at me!I stayed in London for some time, but I still, wanted to go to the sea. So, when th


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