九年级英语下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China Section B学案仁爱版.doc

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Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of ChinaSection B【学习目标】1、 我能听、说、读、写、四会单词:lead, coast, birth, trade; 我能认读理解下列单词及词组:captain, compass, sailing, sail, unfortunately, succeed in doing sth., die of 。2、进一步掌握who, whom和whose引导的定语从句(attributive clauses)。3、通过对Section B学习,能够运用英语表达兴奋之情。【重点难点】1、 进一步掌握who, whom和whose引导的定语从句(attributive clauses)。2、 重点句型:1) He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of. 2) His last ocean journey was more than half a century earlier than Columbus first journey to America. 3) Its hard to believe!4) What a great explorer!【知识回顾】 Confucius is a great thinker(_ had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior). 主句 关系代词 定语从句定语从句中,先行词是人时,我们可选用关系who/whom/that,当关系代词在从句中作主语,选用关系代词_,并且不能省略。当关系代词在从句中作宾语时,选用关系代词_,此时关系代词可省略。【快乐预习】1、结合课后注释,预习对话1a, 在文章中找出下列短语并大声朗读: talk about become interest in be proud of 的骄傲 死于 thank you for doing 2、在对话1a中我能找到以下感叹句: _ _ _ 表达了Susanna对郑和事迹的 _ 3、根据你对郑和的了解,运用所学定语从句进行描述:Zheng He is a great man who _ 4、我在预习中的疑惑: 【自主学习】 专心、细心、留心,成功将会属于我! 任务一:听1a录音内容,完成1b选择题练习。 任务二:仔细阅读1a对话内容,根据对话内容完成1c表格填空。 任务三:根据2部分示例,完成定语从句练习。【合作学习】1、小组对学:分组大声朗读1a对话,然后分角色朗读并相互检查1b答案。 核对1c练习答案,然后分角色进行大声朗读,注意语音语调哦。2、小组互学:相互检查1c问题答案,并大声朗读短文,为复述对话做准备。3、分组讨论:讨论过郑和下西洋的历史事件后,我们重新瞻仰了古人的风采,相信也一定激发了大家的民族自豪感。根据咱们今天所学,运用定语从句介绍郑和的生平事迹。【展示交流】挑战一:复述对话 根据1c部分的表格内容,复述1a对话内容。Its a piece of cake.挑战二:名人介绍 根据刚才讨论结果,结合查找到的网络资源,运用定语从句知识,向小伙伴们更详尽的介绍郑和事迹。【你探我究】观察模仿:Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer.We Chinese people are proud of him.Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of.两个简单句的意思分别为:_,_。合并后的复合句意思为:_。复合句中的从句属于定语从句,其先行词为_,其在定语从句中作are proud of的_语。此句中关系代词还可用_、_,关系代词_省略。The ship is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.Its size was biggest.以上两个简单句合并为复合句:The ship _ size was biggest is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.先行词The ship在从句中作size的_语,所以此处只能用关系代词_。此句译为: 。【达标检测】根据今天所学内容,完成下列单项选择。( )1、Liu Wei met his old friends on _home yesterday. A.his way B.his way to C.their way to D.their way( )2、Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the _ of our nation. A.proud B.pride C.prizeD.price( )3、The man died _lung cancer. A.in B. on C.of D. to( )4、-What are you looking for? - Im looking for the watch _I bought yesterday. A .which B .who C. whom D. whose( )5、I still remember the college and the teachers _I visited in London years ago. A.what B. who C. that D. which( )6、Jane is _of herself for not giving up.A.proud B. pride C. the proud D. prides【学后反思】本课我学会的新词有: ;短语有: 。我对郑和下西洋的事件有了更深刻的理解。As for Zheng He, I know he is a great man that/who/whose.


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