Unit8 When is your birthday Section Bppt课件

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Unit8 Whenisyourbirthday 1 SectionB 2 Studentsreviewthenumbersfromoneandfirsttothirty oneandthirty first Isay one yousay first T One B B First Two C C Second Three D D Game 3 1 多大岁数 2 生日聚会 3 祝生日快乐 4 在一月份 5 在二月三日 6 在今天下午三点钟 birthdayparty Happybirthday inJanuary howold 按要求写出正确的词组 onFebruarythird atthreethisafternoon 4 7 三月二日 8 四月五日 9 五月八日 10 六月一日 11 九月十二日 12 十一月二十日 13 十二月二十六日 Marchthird Mayeighth Junefirst Aprilfifth Septembertwelfth Novembertwentieth Decembertwenty sixth 5 A Howoldareyou Grace B I mtwelve A Andwhenisyourbirthday B MybirthdayisonMarch12th HowaboutyouandTom A Well mybirthdayisonJuly5th andTom sbirthdayisinDecember Role playtheconversationsin3b 6 basketballgame schooltrip Englishtest party soccergame volleyballgame Leadin 7 SportsDay booksale EnglishDay SchoolDay artfestival 8 1 Englishtest3 schooltrip2 party4 basketballgame d c b a 1a Matchthepictureswiththeevents Listenandcircletheeventsyouhearin1a 1b 9 Listenagain FillinJohn scalendar 1c thebasket ballgame Sally sbirthdayparty theschooltrip theEnglishtest theschooltrip 10 1d Pairwork WhenisJohn sschooltrip It sonSeptember26thand27th Whenisthebasketballgame It sonOctober2nd AskandanswerquestionsaboutJohn scalendar WhenisSally sbirthdayparty It sonOctober5th 11 1 Completethechartwiththecorrectformsofthenumbers SelfCheck third two fifth four seven eighth ninth ten twelfth thirteen twentieth twenty one thirtieth sixth 12 2 WritethedatesfortheseholidaysinChina 1 WhenisChildren sDay It son 2 WhenisNationalDay It son 3 WhenisWomen sday It son 4 WhenisNewYear sDay It son SelfCheck June1st October1st Match8th January1st 13 二 根据句意及汉语提示写单词1 TodayisLinda sbirthday Shewantstohaveabirthday 聚会 athome 2 Theyhavetwo 节日 thismonth 3 Let sgoona 旅行 tothepark Thatsoundsgreat 4 Aliceisvery 忙碌 now soshecan tgowithus 5 WhendowehaveanEnglish 测试 Bob Thisafternoon party festivals trip busy test 14 三 根据汉语提示完成句子1 这些是简和琳达的T恤衫 Theseare and T shirts 2 艺术节在九月九日举行 The isonSeptember9th 3 你们学校举行足球比赛吗 Doyouhavea atyourschool 4 祝你们愉快 agood 5 今天是我的第十二个生日 Todayismy Jane sLinda s artfestival soccergame Havetime twelfthbirthday 15 四 连词成句1 is when English the party 2 old is aunt how your 3 Jenny s trip September is on school 27th 4 activity in have you what school do your 5 really is term that a busy WhenistheEnglishparty Howoldisyouraunt Jenny sschooltripisonSeptember27th Whatactivitydoyouhaveinyourschool Thatisareallybusyterm 16 Goodbye Thankyou 17 a SchoolDayb booksalec SportsDayd artfestivale EnglishDayf basketballgameg volleyballgameh schooltripi soccergamej Englishtestk Englishparty 18 MatchtheactivitieswiththeirChinesenames 2a soccergameschooltripSchoolDaybooksaleEnglishDayartfestivalSportsDayparty 运动会艺术节英语活动日学校旅行足球赛晚会图书售卖学校开放日 Checktheactivitieswehaveatourschool Makeyourowncalendars Talkaboutyourcalendarsinpairs 19 SoccergameschooltripSchoolDaybooksaleEnglishDayartfestivalSportsDayparty 2a Check theactivitiesyouhaveatyourschool 20 阅读指导 该文是按时间顺序 列举了学校一学期的大事活动安排 首先 浏览表格 确定阅读任务 由Dates和Ac tivities两词可知 可知是找出活动及举行日期 然后 带着任务快速阅读短文 画出关键信息 最后 按时间的先后顺序 将日期与活动一一列出 如 由句子 Nextmonth wehaveanartfestival It sonNovember3rd 可知 在November3rd这天 举行的活动是artfestival Readtheschoolnoticeagainandlisttheactivitiesandthedate 21 Notesonthetext 3 havesomeinterestingandfunthingsfor haveaschooltrip havetwoballgames haveanartfestival haveanEnglishparty haveabooksale Haveagoodtime have可以和很多名词连用以代替某个具体的动词 描述某一动作或事件 2b 组织一次学校旅行 举行两次球赛 举办一次艺术节 开办一次英语晚会 进行一次图书特价售卖活动 祝你玩得愉快 Havefun 22 归纳 have的其他用法 1 have有 有 拥有 之意 如 Ihavethreesoccerballs butmybrotherdoesn t 我有三个足球 而我弟弟没有 2 have有 吃 喝 之意 如 Iusuallyhaveanappleandahamburgerforbreakfast 早饭我通常吃一个苹果和一个汉堡 3 have用于某些短语中 如 havealook看一看 23 September21st October12th October15th October22nd November3rd November30th December3rd schooltrip soccergame volleyballgame schoolday Artfestival Englishparty booksale 24 2c Discussthequestionswithyourpartner 1 Whatactivitiesfrom2bdoyoulike 2 Whatotheractivitiesdoyoulike schooltrip soccergame volleyballgame SchoolDay artfestival Englishparty booksale Ilike Ilike basketballgame SportsDay EnglishDay Discussing 25 1 Sally sbirthdayparty意为 萨莉的生日聚会 名词 s 是名词的所有格形式 表示人与物的所有或所属关系 意为 的 如 Linda sroom琳达的房间thegirl sbirthday那个女孩的生日 归纳 名词所有格的构成规则 1 单数名词和不以 s结尾的复数名词 在词尾加 s 如 Alice seraser爱丽丝的橡皮Children sDay儿童节Men sroom男士洗手间 26 2 以s或es结尾的复数名词 在词尾加 如 theteachers readingroom教室阅览室 3 表示几者共同拥有时 只须在最后一个名词后加 s 若表示各自所有 则必须在各个名词后加 s 如 ThisisTomandLucy sroom 这是汤姆和露西共有的房间 TheseareTom sandLucy srooms 这些是汤姆和露西各自的房间 27 4 表示无生命事物的名词所有格需要借助介词of来表示 如 aphotoofmyfamily我家的全家福thewindowsofthehouse房子的窗户 28 someinterestingandfunthings intheschoollibrary Wehaveaschooltriptomorrow 明天 Haveagoodtime 29


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