2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Unit 1School and Friends单元基础回眸一.单词卡片.根据课文内容,完成下面表格名词学生_同班同学_教室_办公室_计划_有趣的事_实验室_橡皮擦_墙_商店_东西;事情_列表;名单;目录_加拿大_动词指示;带路_计划_猜测_可以;可能_借_需要_原谅_形容词正确的_数词0-10_第一_介词/副词到处_在那边;在另一处_后来;以后_.短语归纳1我的名字_2她的尺子 _3他的铅笔 _4我们的学校 _5我的朋友 _6五班 _7备课 _8为买 _9在清单上 _10玩得愉快 _11怎么样 _12来自 _13在那里 _14上课 _15你的老师 _16进行体育运动 _17带领参观 _18一张购物单 _19get books _20a visiting student _21stand up _22sit down _23a guessing game _24a homeroom teacher _25welcome to _.句型在线1她叫什么名字? _ _ name?2他来自加拿大。He _ _ Canada.3再次见到我的同班同学我很高兴。Im very _ _ _ my classmates again.4欢迎来到我们学校!_ _ our school!5她在八班。She is_ _ _6我们在这间教室里上课。We_ _ in this classroom.7现在轮到我了。Now _ _ _8他们在操场玩得(很)愉快。They_ _ on the playground.9我们可以用这些蜡笔画画。We can paint _ these crayons.10我在新学校里交一些新朋友。I have _ _ _ in the new school.11让我带你参观我的房子吧。Let me_ _ _ my house.12我们从图书馆借书。We_ _ from the _ 13.打扰一下,我可以借用你的尺子吗?_ _. May I_ your ruler?14墙上有一个时钟。There is a clock_ _ _15李明没有兄弟。Li Ming doesnt _ _ brothers.16我需要借一支钢笔。I _ _ _ a pen.17看!所有的东西都在这儿了。Look! _ _ _ are here.18你能给我买一些苹果来吗?Can you _ some apples _ me?19我认识和我的老师在一起的那个女孩。I know _ _ _ my teacher.20给你。_ _ _21再见。_ _ _22下周日出去玩怎么样?_ _ _ outside next Sunday?教师详解详析.名词: student; classmate; classroom; office; plan; fun; lab; eraser; wall; store; thinglistCanada动词: show; plan; guess; may; borrow; need; excuse形容词: right数词: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten; first介词/副词: around; over; later.1.my name2.her ruler3.his pencil4our school5.my friend6.Class Five7plan ones lesson(s)8.buyfor9on the list10.have fun11what/how about12.be/come from13over there14.have lessons15your teacher16.play sports17showaround18.a shopping list19借书20.一名访问生21.起立22坐下23.一个猜谜游戏24一名指导教师25.欢迎来到. 1.Whats her2.is/comes from3happy/glad to see4.Welcome to5in Class Eight6.have lessons7its my turn8.have fun9.with10some new friends11.show you around12get/borrow books; library13Excuse me; borrow/have14on the wall15have any16.need to borrow17All the things18.buy/get; for19the girl with20Here you are21.See you later22What/How about playing


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