2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第三课时)教案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第三课时)教案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第三课时)教案 牛津译林版教 材小学三年级英语(下册)单元Unit 5 How old are you?教学内容Sound time, Rhyme time and Ticking time课时第3课时学习目标Knowledge aims:1. To understand and say the rhyme: Dont be late again2. To finish the ticking time.3. Ss are able to know the phonetic symbol s/s/: six, seven, sister, sorry, thisEmotional aims:Students are able to be helpful.学习重点1. To understand and say the rhyme: Dont be late again2. To finish the ticking time.3. Understand “Dont fall” and “ground”.学习难点The phonetic symbol: s/s/教学准备PPT 学生预习内容教 学 流 程Step1. Warming-upFree talkT&S.S&Ss:Good morning . How are you? How old are you?Step2. Sound Time1. Read the sentencesT: Its time for a game. What are the boys doing? Look, the boys are turning round and round. 新授round ,turn, turn round and round.T: What do you want to say? Dont fall to the ground. 新授 fall,ground, fall to the groundT: Good! And can you read this? Read in pairs.Ss: 2. Read the wordsT: How many Ss can you find? 在这句话中你能找到几个含有字母S的单词?S: Six. T: Can you read them all again?S: T: Now can you tell us the sound of the letter “s”? S: /s/.T: Good! Now read them like this: /s/, /s/, seven, /s/, /s/, sister (学生读单词)T: Can you find more words like them? Discuss in your groups now.S: (学生列举,教师板书)3. Ticking timeT: I think you know the sound of the letter s.完成Ticking time 第三项 Step3 Rhyme time1. Watch and sayT:What should the boy say? 男孩应该说什么 (PPT呈现图片) S: Sorry, Im late. Teach: Time for class, but youre late.T: What do you want to say to the boy? S: Dont be late again. Dont be late for class again.2. Watch the flash, say the rhythm together.Step4. Exercises.Do some exercises on paper.Step5. Homework1.Say the rhyme in pairs.2.Pick out the phrases.拓 展 延 伸板 书 设 计 Unit 5 How old are you? s / s / seven sister six sorry this 课后 反 思附送:2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 5 How old are you(第二课时)教案 牛津译林版教 材小学三年级英语(下册)单元Unit 5 How old are you?教学内容Cartoon time& Fun time课时第2课时学习目标Knowledge aims:1. By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to read and recognize the word: wish. And these sentences: What a Make a wish. Its time for2. Ss are able to read the Cartoon time. And try to recite it then act it out.Ability aims:1. By the end of the lesson, Ss can understand and use the sentence pattern: What a Make a wish. Its time for2. Ss are able to talk about birthday wishes. Emotional aims:1. To help Ss cultivate and foster their abilities of working in group.2. To foster Ss creativeness and imagination.学习重点1. The words and phrases: wish, make a wish .2. Recite and act the Cartoon time out.学习难点1. Use the sentence pattern: What a Its time for. Especially the usage of preposition “for”.教学准备PPT, Cards学生预习内容Try to read Cartoon time before class.教 学 流 程Step1. Free talk and motivation 1. Free talk T: Good morning / afternoon boys and girls.How are you today?S: Im fine. / Im not so good. T: How old are you?S: Im2.Review the numbersPPT shows some special numbers, ask the Ss to read(PPT: 110, 119, 电话号码,车牌号等)3Brain stormPut some number cards on the blackboard, and then ask some students e to the front.(将数字卡片贴在黑板上,请两名同学上台比赛,老师报数字,学生找到拿下来) 在游戏中相机教授 You are right /out此处建议:也可以让全班同学都参加,改成“听数字,做手势”的游戏,让几个眼睛尖的学生做小老师,学习使用You are right /out . .4. Fun time (课前布置孩子完成数字卡片)T: Lets play a game. Ill give you a number, and then you tell me the number after it and before it. Dont forget to lift up your number cards.T: Nine.Ss: eight and ten(一边说一边举牌)小组合作:小组内完成游戏Step 2 Presentation 1. T:Are you happy? Im happy because the game is funny. Sam is happy, too. Why? Show the picture.Hes having a birthday party.T:lets count together and say “ Happy birthday!” to Sam, ok?S: Ok!T: Lets count together: 10, 9,1 “ Happy birthday, Sam!T: Look, its Sams birthday cake, and I think it is nice, right? S: Yes.T: So we can say like this: What a nice cake!d( Teaching “ What a” and practice)2. Watch and answer: Look, this is Sam. How old is he? 学生观看动画:Hes two. 3. T:Its Sams birthday, he makes a wish. 新授 Make a wish. T: What is Sams wish? Please read and try to find out. 学生开展小组内阅读,理解情节并领会幽默之处。出示图4 和图5; I want a _ . I want a _. 继续出示 I want T: Sam wants so many things. BobbyBut look at the candles! is very hungry. So lets see what did Bobby say?S: Its time for出示Bobby 的表情,指导朗读:Its time for the cake.4. Read after the tape. 在学生理解课文情节并已学会新句子的基础上,跟读,注意不同角色的语句。 领会幽默之处:Bobby is hungry. But Sam makes a lot of wishes.5. Act in roles.Step 3 Consolidation T: Sam had a good time at his birthday party. How old are you? What do you want? Please make a new dialogue with your friends.Key sentences: Happy birthday!How old are you? Make a wish! I want a Its time for the cake.Step4. Homework1. Read after the tape and try to imitate.2. Try to act with your friends.拓 展 延 伸 double triple 板 书 设 计 Unit 5 How old are you?What a.Make a wish.Its time for 课后 反 思


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