2019年三年级英语下册 lesson16 Breakfast Lunch and Supper教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 lesson16 Breakfast Lunch and Supper教案 冀教版一、教学目标 1、知识目标(1) 能正确的说、认识和口头运用下列单词:breakfast lunch supper(2) 能够向他人介绍自己最喜欢的食物,并在生活中灵活运用: My favourite food is _.2、能力目标 能把所学单词、句子运用到日常生活之中,做到学以致用。如在向他人介绍自己最喜爱的食物,和父母一起讨论彼此喜爱的食物。二、教学重难点(1)My favourite food is _.(2)breakfast、 lunch 、supper 学会向别人介绍自己的喜好,同时学会去了解别人的喜好,并做到实际生活中的灵活运用。三、教具准备 多媒体课件、录音机、学生自带的食物、食物的卡片四、教学过程(一)Class Opening and Review Part1:Greetings!T:Hello, boys and girls ? How are you ? What food do you like ?师生问候,使课堂气氛温馨,拉近师生距离。Part2:Play a game “Colour Point ”Point to red , point to blue用已学过的知识,让更多的孩子有展示自己的机会。Practice:T: Whats your favourite colour? S1:Blue.Whats your favourite colour? S2:Red.Whats your favourite colour? Part3:Review 利用食物图片或学生自己带的食物,复习上节课所学知识,让学生介绍自己喜欢吃什么不喜欢吃什么,并通过动作表情来让别人对自己的喜好一目了然。很好的做到温故知新!T; What food do you like ?S:I like_. (微笑,点头) I dont like_.(皱眉,摇头)My favourite food is _.(二):New ConceptsStep1 : Demonstrate: Whats your favourite food?T:I like dumplings . I like noodles . My favourite food is rice . T: Whats your favourite food ? S: My favourite food is _.(举起自己的食物或指大挂图) T:Good! My Favourite Food. Say it ,please.Step2 : Practice in groupsS1: My favourite food is _. Whats your favourite food? S2: My favourite food is _. Whats your favourite food? Step3 Look at the book and listen to the tape 让我们去看一看,Whats LiMings favourite food?播放多媒体课件,看卡通片,并跟读课文。翻译delicious, good并说明delicious比good更进一步. Talk about What food does LiMing like or doesnt like ?Whats his favourite food ?Step4 :Group work S1: Do you like_? S2: Yes, I like_/No, I dont like _(微笑或皱眉) S3:Whats your favourite food? S4: My favourite food is _.(做兴高采烈状)Step5:利用简笔画,学习breakfast,lunch, supper 画简笔画并配早6:30的表,旁边贴卡片noodles I eat breakfast . I eat breakfast in the morning .并让学生观察图片,理解breakfast的含义,并跟读几遍。Lunch ,supper 的教学同breakfast .拓展练习(1)I like _for _.(2)I dont like _for _.(三):Class-Closing Sing an English song.整堂课在轻松愉快的歌曲中结束.五、板书Lesson16Breakfast Lunch and Supperbreakfast、 lunch 、supperMy favourite food is _六、课后反思:附送:2019年三年级英语下册 lesson17 Whats for Breakfast?教案 冀教版教学目标:知识与技能:a.正确的听、说、口头运用食物单词juice eggs bread toast and jam porridge cereal .b.能够运用句子I like _ for breakfast.进行问答。过程与方法:a.创设情景,使学生在语言情境中体会并使用语句。b.开展小组合作,给学生更多的交流机会。c.运用实物或图片,学生更直观的理解认知词汇。情感态度与价值观:a.培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。b.提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。教学重难点:理解认知本课词汇及句子。了解西方的饮食文化,介绍早餐。教具学具:与本课教学相关的实物及图片,幻灯片,单词卡片。教学过程:一、Class opening and review.1. Greeting.Teacher:“Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?”(Encourage the class to reply)Class:“”2.ReviewReview the food word use these sentences: Do you like.? Yes , I like./ No , I dont like.Whats your favourite food?二、New concepts1.porridgeT: I get up in the morning . In the morning ,Whats for your breakfast?Ss: (rice 、soup.)T: I eat porridge for breakfast.(show a picture of porridge and then practice several more time to read the word .)2. juice eggs bread toast and jam cerealT: (show a slide of rice 、soup、porridge and so on.) In China, we eat these food for breakfast. Do you want to know what does westerner eat for their breakfast? (introduce juice eggs bread toast and jam cereal) Encourage the class to read these words a few time.)3.dialogues板书I like _ . I like _ for breakfast.帮助学生理解本课中涉及到的食物及相关的文化背景。In Canada , they eat cereal for breakfast.It es in a box.they put milk and suger on it . Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.4.Drill(1). Play “Whats missing?”(2). Ask and answer in pairs.What would you like for breakfast ? I like _ for breakfast.(3). Make up a dialogue in groups use these sentences: I like _ for breakfast. Would you like some _ ?Yes, please.No, thanks.I put _ on it. Its delicious!三、Class closing让学生列一个招待客人吃西餐所要准备的食物名称表。板书设计:Lesson 17 Whats for Breakfast?juice eggs bread toast and jamWhats for breakfast?I like _ .I like _ for breakfast.课后反思:


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