2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 2 This is what I want(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 2 This is what I want(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 2 This is what I want(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第3页
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2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 2 This is what I want(period3)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching contents : Look and sayTeaching Aims :1 .知识目标: 学习句型”What have you got ?” 以及词组”have a picnic”. 2. 能力目标: 能用What have you got ?提问及回答, 并引伸其他人称.Difficult and key points : Different answering.Teaching aids : recorder ,pictures, tape, slide.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing a songRevisionT: Whats the weather like ?Are you hungry ?What do you want ?Can you go out now ?Presentation1. Show a pencil.T: Ive got a pencil. Have you got a pencil ?S1: Yes, Ive got a pencil.T: S2, what have you got ?S2: Learn: What have you got ? Ive got 2. Work in pairs.3. Show a big picture.T: (Point the grapes). There are some grapes. Theyre for you. What have you got , S1 and S2 ?S1 and S2 : Weve got some grapes.Learn: Weve got 4. Work in pairs. (with sandwiches, orange juice, some Cokes)5. T: Look, there are many desks and chairs in our classroom. They are for us. Weve got many desks and chairs. And what have we got in the classroom ?Ss: Weve got some lights and windows.6. Ask some questions of the things in the classroom. 6. Look at the slide.T: What are they doing ? They are having a picnic.Learn: have a picnic.Consolidation1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 2. Introduce the picture.a. Answer these questions.b. Introduce this picture.3. Read the text and act out the text. 课后随笔成功与经验板书设计Look and sayWhat have we got ?WeveWhat have you got ?Ive gotHave a picnic思考与对策附送:2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 3 This is what I need(period2)教案 沪教牛津版Contents: A: Words: bake, salt, LetsB: Structures: What do we need? We need some That smells good. Can I have a bowl, please? Bake the cake.C: Functions: Asking about and expressing needsLearning tagets: A: Basic aims: 1. Listening: I dentify key words in an utterance by recognizing thestress. Locate specificinformation in response to simple questions.2. Speaking: Use modeled phrases and sentences to municate with teachers and other learners.3. Reading: Predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context or picture cues.4. Writing: Gather and share information by using strategies such as brainstorming and listing.B: Further aims: Add some other information as many as possible.Language focus: 1. Asking Wh- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an event.2. Using indefinite determiners to refer to an unspecified amount number of things.3. Using the simple present tense to express opinions.4. Using modals to make requests.5. Using imperatives to give instructions.Materials and aids: Students Book 5A page 11 Cassette 5A and a cassette player Workbook 5A page 6 Word and Picture Cards 5A Food packets Pictures of cakes cut out from magazinesUnit position: Students have learned the sentences: What doyou need for chool in the first period. In thisperiod, they will continue to ask Wh- questionsto find out various kinds of specificinformation about an event. They can useindefinite determiners to refer to anunspecified amount number of things. They canuse the simple present tense to expressopinions, use modals to make requests, and useimperatives to give instructions.StepContentsMethodsPre-task preparationWhile-task procedurePost-task activitySongReviewWords Sentences:1. Sing a song2. Look at the pictures. Review food vocabulary. T: What do you like to eat? S: I like to eat 1. Put the pictures of cakes on the board. T: Does your mum make cakes? What do we need to make a cake?Introduce: flour, sugarand salt using realia. Putthe Word and PictureCards on the board.Bring food packets.2. Play the recording: Read and say. Ask the students to read: Readand say.T: What do Erics motherand Ben need to maketheir cake?3. In pairs, the studentspactise the dialogue.Invite pairs of studentsto act the dialogue in front of the class.4. Read: Ask and answer. Give pairs of students a few minutes to practise the dialogue. Have a few pairs read the dialogue.5. Divide the students into pairs. Ask the students to put the food packets on their own desks first. Ask the more able groups to find out the food items they need to make fruitjelly. Ask the less ablegroups to find out thethings they need to makeiced lemon tea. Remind thestudents to include cups,bowls, etc. 6. The group leaders collect the things they needfrom their groupmembers by asking: S: Can I have some, please? Allow the group members to get things from other groups using the dialogue in Ask and answer.7. Groups take turns to tellthe class what they need to make fruit jelly/iced lemon tea. Workbook page 61. Review the vocabulary items in the box by inviting students to draw pictures on the board.2. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Read, look and write and find out what the characters need.3. Students write the missing words individually.4. Invite groups of studentsthe e to the board and do the role-play.2. The rest of the classcheck answers.


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