2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit20NewFrontiers课件北师大版选修7 .ppt

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2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit20NewFrontiers课件北师大版选修7 .ppt_第1页
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2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit20NewFrontiers课件北师大版选修7 .ppt_第2页
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2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit20NewFrontiers课件北师大版选修7 .ppt_第3页
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软件 全体机组人员 衣服 福利 争执 冲突 数字式的 官员 同事 同僚 消遣 娱乐 专利 界线 边界 现象 大标题 打喷嚏 自主的 自治的 handy download update rescue disconnect original procedure correspond meanwhile oute cure wrestle fade press dilemma assist assistance assistant technical technique latter late lately starvation starve equality equal equally assess assessment donate donation donator permanent permanently permit permission poisonous poison declare declaration exploration explore explorer settler settle settlement instructor instruct instruction assistant assistance assist lately late latter starve starvation donated donation donated explorers exploring exploration inadvance takeover giveaway shortlyafter curesb ofsth eintoconflict clickinto dropoff ratherthan inconclusion nottomention figureout getacross bededicatedto makeupfor inadvance takeover Shortlyafter curethepany eintoconflict of willhavefinishedlearning wasseeing when Thereisnodoubtthat with carrying assistance wasassistedbyhisteacher Assistedbyhisteacher Withtheassistanceofhisteacher toberescued to rescue etohischildren srescue donate donation todonate donatessomemoneytothedisabled makesadonationtothedisabled Meanwhile Ihad topreparethenextquestion of for canbeespeciallydifficulttocure allow forbid advise encourage permitted todrive parking Timepermitting Iftimepermits haveabetter relationship on wasdeclared in advanced advanced in andvanceour knowledgeof takeup tookover takeson tookoff takingin totake beingcaught whilelaziness laziness whilefailureresults leadstofailure resultsinfailure fromlaziness have had have前加will Without Butforyourhelp 复合句 非限制性 限制性 宾语从句 他发现了实际上像我们自己的星系的雾的小区域 距离我们有数百万光年 证明了宇宙比我们先前认为的要大得多


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