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2019年六年级下册期中检测题含答案解析一、填空题(25分)。1、一个圆柱体的直径和高都是2分米,这个圆柱体的底面积是( )平方分米;侧面积是( )平方分米;体积是( )立方分米。2、在一个比例中,两个外项互为倒数,其中一个内项是,另一个内项是( )3、在比例尺是1300000的地图上,量得甲、乙两地的距离是12厘米,它们之间的实际距离是( )千米;如果改用1500000的比例尺,甲、乙两地的距离应画( )厘米。4、如果5a=6b,那么a:b=( ):( );b : a =( ):( )5、比值是0.5的比有( )或( ),把它们组成一个比例是( )。6、等底等高的圆柱和圆锥,圆柱的体积是12立方分米,则圆锥的体积是( )。如果圆锥的体积是12立方分米,则圆柱的体积是( )。0 20 40 60 80千米7、 上图是( )比例尺,它表示地图上( )的距离相当于地面上( )的实际距离,用数值比例尺表示是( )。8、把改写成比例( )。9、24的约数有( ),选其中的四个数组成一个比例是( )。10、等底等高的圆柱和圆锥的体积相差16立方米,这个圆柱的体积是( )立方米,圆锥的体积是( )立方米11、在一张精密图纸上,用1厘米表示0.5毫米,这张精密图纸上的比例尺是( )二、判断题(6分)。1、一个圆锥的底面半径扩大3倍,它的体积也扩大3倍。 ( )2、圆锥体的体积一定,它的底面积与高成反比例。 ( )3、订中国少年报的份数和所用的钱数成正比例。 ( )4、底面积和高分别相等的长方体、正方体、圆柱的体积一定相等。 ( )5、圆锥的体积等于圆柱体积的三分之一。 ( ) 6、如果圆柱和圆锥的体积和高都相等,那么圆锥底面积与圆柱底面积的比3:1。( ) 三、选择(5分)。 1、圆的半径和面积( )。 A、成正比例 B、成反比例 C、不成比例2. 等底等高的圆柱、立方体、长方体的体积相比较( )A正方体体积大B长方体体积大 C圆柱体体积大 D一样大3. 把一个圆柱形钢材锯成4段,它的表面积实际上是增加了( )个底面的面积。 A、8 B、6 C、44、将一个棱长是4分米的正方体木块削成一个最大的圆柱,则圆柱的体积是( )立方分米。 A、200.96 B、12.56 C、50.245、一个圆柱的底面半径扩大3倍,高扩大2倍,它的体积就扩大( )倍。 A、 3 B、 6 C、 36 D、 18四、求未知数X(12分)。= X0.5= 2 830 = 24X XX= 4厘米五、3cm6cm求下面图形的表面积和体积:(注:圆锥只求体积。)(9分)5厘米6厘米8厘米六、判读下面各题中的两种量是否成比例?成什么比例?为什么?(10分)1、 甲、乙两地的路程一定,骑自行车从甲地到乙地的时间和速度。2、 圆柱的底面积一定,这个圆柱的高和体积。3、 圆的半径和它的周长。4、 订阅新少年的份数和钱数。5、 8a=7b七、应用题(30分)1、一个直角三角形的三条边分别是6厘米、8厘米和10厘米,沿着它的一条直角边为轴旋转一周,可得到( )体?体积最小是多少?体积最大是多少?2、 做一个无盖的圆柱形铁皮桶,底面直径是40厘米,高5分米,做这个水桶大约用铁皮多少平方厘米?(得数保留整百平方厘米)3、 一个圆柱的高是20厘米。如果把它的高截短3厘米,它的表面积就减少94.2平方厘米,这个圆柱的表面积原来是多少?4、 在一个底面半径是30厘米的圆柱形储水桶里,浸没着一个高为24厘米的圆锥形实物,当把这个实物从储水桶中取出时,桶里的水面下降了2厘米,求圆锥形实物的底面积是多少?5、 在同一张地图上,量得甲乙两地之间的图上距离是40厘米,乙丙两地之间的图上距离是50厘米,已知甲乙两地之间的实际距离是8千米,则乙丙两地之间的实际距离是多少千米?6、在比例尺是的长方形操场平面图上,量得操场的长度是15 cm,宽是12 cm,如果这个操场按54划出篮球区和排球区,你知道排球区的面积是多少吗?附送:2019年六年级下册期中测试卷一、选出下列每组单词中拼写有误的一项。( ) 1. A. unity B. maths C. habit( ) 2. A. hardworking B. pretty C. yuong( ) 3. A. wear B. small C. actice( ) 4. A. around B. mapel C. picture( ) 5. A. station B. fomaus C. stadium二、将下列短语与相应的汉语意思配对。(1) get lost A. 下个月(2) have enough time B. 第一个交叉路口(3) take photos C. 迷路了(4) next month D. 有足够的时间(5) the first crossroads E. 照相三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He draws pictures for _ (children) book.2. I live in one of the _ (building).3. We learn many _ (interest) things there.4. We should always _ (are) happy.5. How many _ (class) do you have today?四、选择填空。( ) 1. Tom often _ the room.A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning( ) 2. Dad made a kite _ the paper.A. use B. uses C. using( ) 3. He wants _ apple.A. other B. a C. another( ) 4. You shouldnt watch TV for _ long.A. too B. to C. /( ) 5. _ healthy, we should keep clean.A. Be B. To be C. To( ) 6. Lets talk _ healthy habits.A. of B. to C. about( ) 7. _ wrong with Bill? He is ill.A. What B. How C. Whats( ) 8. They all have a _ cold.A. bad B. badly C. hardly( ) 9. She often watches TV _ Sunday morning.A. in B. at C. on( ) 10. Mary is very kind _ me.A. for B. to C. with五、判断下列句子或对话与所给图片是()否()相符。( ) 1. There is a post office. ( ) 2. When I grow up, I want to be a driver. ( ) 3. He was born in November. ( ) 4. The hospital is behind the bank. ( ) 5. What did you do yesterday? I saw a film.六、连词成句。1. do, on, Sunday, I, homework, never (.)_2. go, club, They, to, music, always, the (.)_3. do, there, What, Bob, on, does, weekends (?)_4. should, before, We, eating, hands, wash, our (.)_5. for, They, me, party, hold, birthday, a (.)_七、给下列句子排序,组成一段通顺的话。( ) Then fry an egg and put it on the meat.( ) Last, put another piece of bread on top. The sandwich is ready.( ) First, put a piece of bread on a plate.( ) You also can put some vegetables on the egg and meat.( ) Next, cut some meat and put it on the bread.八、选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. Do you like banana? _A B C( ) 2. What does Jenny looks like? _ABC( ) 3. She plays the football very well. _ A BC( ) 4. The bookshop is near to my school. _A B C( ) 5. He was born in August 11. _ A BC九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 One night, the tiger is very hungry, “Go and bring me some food.” asks the tiger.“I cant do that, Mr. Tiger.” says the monkey, “There is another tiger in the forest. He tells me not to bring you food. He is younger and stronger than you. “ “What?” shouts the tiger, Show me the other tiger. I will eat him.”The monkey takes the tiger to a big river. “Look into the water.” says the monkey,” There he is!” The tiger looks into the water. There is a big tiger looking at him angrily, too. “Er.You tell the monkey not to bring me food. Ill kill you!”(1) An old tiger asks _ to bring him some food.A. a little monkey B. a little hare C. a big tiger(2) The monkey _ bring food for the tiger now.A. can B. cant C. does(3) The monkey takes the tiger to _.A. a big house B. a hole C. a big river(4) Is there another tiger in the forest?A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. We dont know.(5) The monkey is very _.A. clever B. poor C. foolish参考答案一、1-5 ACCBB二、(1)-(5) CDEAB三、1. childrens 2. buildings 3. interesting 4. be 5. classes 四、1-10 BCCAB CCACB五、1-5 六、1. I never do homework on Sunday.2. They always go to music clubs.3. What does Bob do on weekends?4. We should wash our hands before eating.5. They hold a birthday party for me.七、3 5 1 4 2八、1. C bananas 2. C look 3. B 去掉 the 4. C 去掉 to 5. C on九、(1)-(5) ABCBA


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