2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 16 Revision教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 16 Revision教案 广州版Content:Words of places:hotel, post office, hospital, train station, police station, TV station, bookshop, bank, cinema, market, restaurant.Key sentences:1. Excuse me.2. Could you tell me the way to?3. Turn left / right. 4. Take the first / second / left. Take the first/ second / right.5. Go straight ahead / Straight on.6. Its on the left / right.Objectives:1. The students can read and spell the words of places and talk about the places briefly.2. The students can read, summarize and act out the text.3. The students can improve their listening ability.4. The students can use the key sentences to ask and tell the way.5. The students can study English in a happy way and experience the happiness of cooperation.Materials:PowerPoint, worksheetsTeaching procedure:StepsTeaching activities Learning activities PurposeRevision1. Sing a song and do the actions.2. Games: Ask studentsto guess and spell thewords and do theexercise.3. Ask students to read the chant and show them a map4. Ask students to read the text and act it out by using the given hint.1. Students sing with theteacher and do theactions.2. Students say and spell the words quickly and do the exercise: Where can Billy go?3. Students read the chant and review the key sentences according to the given instructions on the map.4. Students read the text in roles and act out the dialogue with their partners.1. To warm up, arouse students interest and review the sentences: Turn left / right.2. To review the words of places and the related knowledge, such as: jobs and the phrase “be going to”etc.3. To consolidate the understanding of how to ask and tell the way.4. To get the key point of the text and summarize it. To learn to work in teams. Task1. Ask students to listen to the dialogues and do the listening exercises.2. Offer students a map and ask them to make a dialogue about asking and telling the way.1. Students listen to the dialogues and find the way to the given places.2. Students look at the map and make a dialogue with their partners.1. To improve the listeningability and consolidate the understanding of asking and telling the way.2. To improve the municative skill and experience the happiness of cooperation.HomeworkWrite down your dialogue, and act it out with your partners:Where can we go to see the peach flowers(桃花)?How can I get there?附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 16( The First Class )教案 广州版一、 教学对象分析教学对象是五年级的学生,他们大部分是11、12岁的孩子,而我校处于城乡结合部,在我区较偏远的地方,学生们接触外界相对没有其他学校的孩子多,知识面不够广,但学生们思想较单纯,好动,对英语学习有较强的好奇心,故学习英语的兴趣较浓。他们从三年级开始学英语,经过2年多的学习,对单词的拼读、句子的理解已有一些基础,一些学习习惯已初步养成,但他们知识的回生率高,口头表达能力及知识的运用能力较差,需要教师在每一节课中有意识的强化和培养。二、 教学内容分析本课是小学五年级第五册Module 6 Unit 16的第一课时。Unit 16是有关问路及其回答的。在此之前,学生未接触过这样的内容。但学生在3、4年级已学习了left, right;turn和take是旧词新义。另外,在Module 4中学了song ,所以学生对单词station已接触过;而straight这一单词,学生在课堂常规中已朗朗上口,只是没有认读过。本学期开始,我校以“小学英语单词拼读及记忆能力培养”为研究课题,所以学生对辅音字母及一些字母组合的发音有一定的了解。由于Unit 16的单词量多,而且集中,句子较长而且难上口。因此我对这一单元的知识进行了调整,针对单词量大的特点,在第一课时,我主要解决以下四会单词和词组:excuse , way , turn , take , hotel , station , bank , market , bookshop , excuse me ,train station , police station , TV station ; 两会单词straight , ahead , straight ahead .句子Excuse me . Could you tell me the way to? Yes , turn left / right out of the _.Go straight ahead and take the _left / right . _ is on the left / right .通过这一节课的学习,学生拼读单词的能力能进一步提高,同时增强其学习的信心。对问路及其描述路线有初步的认识,是学习U16余下内容及U17的基础,在此基础上,优生可对此内容进行自学。三、 教学目标根据新课程标准提出的五个目标-即语言知识目标、语言技能目标、情感态度目标、学习策略目标和文化意识目标。本课的主要任务是问路及回答,通过学习,学生能够用Excuse me .Could you tell me the way to _?进行去某地的询问,初步懂得用Turn left / right out of the _.Go straight ahead and take the _ left / right. _ is on the left / right .进行指路。初步了解英语指路与我国指路的异同,懂得致谢、道谦、请求与告别等一些日常口头交际用语及其使用。四、教学策略本节课通过结合Phonic教学,采用故事教学、小诗教学、TPR教学及歌曲教学等方法。使学生通过视、听、说、读、写、玩、演等途径学习,从而达成新课程标准中二级要求提出的目标。因本课单词量较多,但有共通之处,如station ,TV station , police station , train station 共同点都有station . bookshop是由单词book , shop组合成的;TV ,train学生已懂;而police可从policeman中学习,bank , market , hotel是符合发音规律的。故以上单词,在学生小组互学后,我编了一首小诗,通过小诗,既可以学习和巩固有关字母及字母组合的发音,又使学生轻而易举地掌握该词的读音和拼写。Excuse和ahead我是采用以旧引新的方法。use-cuse -excuse. head-ahead 。针对本节课的教学只是单一的问路及其回答,所以我编了一个故事,创设相应的情景,结合学生喜爱的米奇老鼠和加菲猫两个卡通“人”物。先从听和说入手,以TPR教学法,使学生感受left , right ,turn left/ right . Go straight ahead 及take theleft/right。接着通过听指令让学生放相应的建筑卡及一个与同位互相合作的问路练习,达成本课的教学任务。最后以歌曲,进行调节,让学生在愉快的气氛下听老师布置有关的作业。所以本节课需要录音机,课件,实物投影仪、卡通人物图及其头饰为教学媒体;另外,为了创设情景,让学生模拟体验,故把全班学生分成8大组,以6人为一组,竖排4组为一排,分为两排,形成街道的样子。五、 教学过程及分析:Warm up1. Song ( Song可以很快地集中学生的精神,通过动作,调动学生的各种感观,从而激起其学习兴趣。歌词中的station正是为下一步单词学习打下基础。)2. Chant Left, left, the first turn left.Right, right, the second turn rightStraight, straight, sit up straight.Out, out, out of the gate.(chant中复习了与本课有关的方位词,介词及一些名词,为下一教学环节作了铺垫。)PresentationT: Children , look at the blackboard .There are many words on the blackboard . But I forgot how to read them .Can you help me ?C: Yes.T: Thank you . Now please read these words in groups.C:OK.(交任务给学生,学生根据教师不同颜色的板书,以旧引新及结合有关字母和字母组合的发间音,以小组活动为途径,拼读单词。)T: Who can read this word ? (bookshop)P: BookshopT: Good . Book and shop , we can say bookshop .(课件同时呈现,同法教以下单词)C: Book and shop .We can say bookshopChantBook and shop .We can say bookshop.An , ank , bankO , ho , hotelAr , mar , marketTion ,tion ,stationTV station , train stationPolice station . Wow !They all have station. (体现我校以“小学英语单词拼读及记忆能力培养”的课题研究。学生通过打节奏朗读小诗,从中学习了tion的发音,巩固字母a ,o及字母组合ar的发音。)T: Wow ! Children . Youre so smart today . Miss Chen can read these words now .Thanks very much . This time let me show you some pictures . Look (课件呈现有关的图片,使学生把单词的读音与其义结合起来,学生理解后继续学习有关单词,主要通过以旧带新的方法。)T: Children , I have an American friend . His name is Mickey . He likes travel .Now, hes in China now .But he hasnt got enough money . So he wants to go to the bank .But how does he get to the bank , he doesnt know .So he ask.(听课件录音几次后请生复述该问句,上口后板书句子Excuse me .Could you tell me the way to?并说明本课的学习目标。)T:Children .Can you guess .Can Mickey get to the bank?C: Yes.T: Good . Mickey is in the bank now . But this time . Mickey is tired .He wants to go to the hotel. But he forgets the way .So he ask.(手势请全体学生来询问)C: Excuse me . Could you tell me the way to the hotel?(欣赏完图片,学完单词后,这一环节是以故事形式出现,先介绍老师的一位外国朋友的喜好和所发生的事情,通过视、听、仿说呈现询问路的句子,从而引出课题。让学生猜他能否到达银行,及他累了,想回宾馆休息,但又忘记怎样回去,检查学生对问句是否掌握,还为下一教学环节埋下伏笔)课件呈现:Yes .Turn right out of the hotel . Go straight ahead and take the first left .The hotel is on the right.(课件把3句话分成4次呈现给学生,老师主要以课件让学生先视、听,再仿说,结合板书和手势,让学生理解句子的意思,手势和板书主要为下一环节-指令排放有关建筑物的卡片作铺垫;其次强化本课的教学难点-转了方向后,所处的方向怎样,从而解决本课的重点和难点。把热身环节的有关词语都用上)ActivitiesC: Turn right out of the bank. Go straight ahead and take the first left.The hotel is on the right.T: Repeat and walk . then put the card on the right place .Oh. Its here.Thank you very much.(分别出示hotel ,bookshop , train station的建筑物卡片,先由全体学生按所摆路线复述句子,师根据有关指令,就课室的摆放行走,把hotel的建筑物卡片放在相应的桌面上, 接着角色互换。师指路,请一生听着指令走,把有关建筑物卡片放在相应的桌面上。再由全班复述该生行走的路线。最后过渡到学生间进行。这是一个操练句型环节,学生可按自己的喜好发出指令,既发散了学生的思维,也为下一步尝试任务作铺垫。在这里教师适时的贯穿了对学生的情感教育,人与人间应以礼相待.)Activities.T:I have a map . There are five places on the top of the map .But in the map .You just have three places .The other two you must ask the pupils. And then write down .Now go around and ask your classmates with your partner.C:OK.P1.P2: Excuse me .Could you tell me the way to -?P3.P4: Yes .Turnout of the hotel .Go straight ahead and take theleft / right .Theis on the left/right/.P1.P2: Oh .I see .Thank you . Bye!P3.P4: Bye!从中引导学生,如果地图没标出同学要问的地方,应怎样说Sorry!(这一环节运用任务型教学法设置任务,让学生通过合作,标出该要去的地方。一方面完成了任务,达到运用的目的,另一方面将教学内容深化,同时引入sorry等日常交际用语。因不是单独完成,又带有悬念,学生们面对长的句子,也愿意去尝试,开口进行会话练习。老师从中巡视,适时帮助有需要的同学,同时引导学生拓展有关知识。)T: Now. Children. Can you write down the places .I want some pupils who want to show for us.T: Ask two groups of students to act out the dialogue. After that do the self-assessment .Who all are “A”. Show me your hands.(展示任务,即时评价(进行自评)。学生在学习中的过程始终是评价的主体。从而体现了以学生为主的课改精神,同时使学生的学习积极性得到延续。)Sum up and sing a song Lets all go to the zoo tomorrow.(可让学生回顾整节课的内容,通过歌曲让学生在紧张的活动中得到放松,同时也得到艺术的熏陶。)Homework1. Copy the new words and phases .2. Try to learn the dialogue of Unit 16 .3.Make a dialogue with your friends and try to write down your dialogue. (choose )( 选做题能照顾不同层次的学生,使中下生能完成好,优生能“吃饱”。同时课堂的知识得到进一步深化,也体现了因材施教这一教学原则)六、 课后反思本节课的教学设计,能够结合教材和学生已有的知识水平,对本单元的教学内容进行了调整。依据新课程标准的精神,注重激发学生兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及团结协作的能力。教学过程中,能关注每一学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,突出以学生为主体的教育思想,尊重个体差异,注重评价活动。教学亮点在单词的教学法上,能结合区“小学英语单词拼读及记忆能力培养”的课题研究进行教学。通过小组互助学习单词,教师所编排的单词由易到难。使学生树立能学好的信心,开展小组活动是这节课由始到终都能体现的。学生通过在小组活动中互帮互助学习知识。把枯燥的单词教学渗入到chant的教学里,学生爱说,乐说,收到良好效果。老师每做的一项活动均为下一活动作铺垫,如热身环节,Song是为单词的学习作铺垫。Chant是为方向及怎样描述路线作铺垫。以故事的呈现到操练,最后到作业的选做题均作了铺垫。其次,能结合学生的年龄特点,以故事和TPR等教学方法,贯穿整个教学过程,以课室的摆设创设情景让学生模拟对话,以达成教学目的。板书设计如能结合最后环节练习的图形,这样在检查时能张贴有关建筑物图,让学生理解得更清楚。


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