2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Lesson 4教案 科普版.doc

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2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Lesson 4教案 科普版教学目标:1使学生掌握四会单词about和固定习语 Wele to2 使学生能用英语多“来自哪里”进行提问教学重、难点:对来自哪里的特殊疑问句提问和回答“be from”句型教学方法:听说为先 小组探讨 启发式教学教具学具:PPT 教学时间:第一课时教 学 流 程环节教师活动学生活动设计理念二次备课情景 导 入WARM UP:1 Sing English song2 Free talk (PPT出示一些国家或国内省份的图片,就此展开自由对话)引入课堂生自由发言,师生互动中适当拓展一石二鸟,既营造良好气氛,又为课堂展示环节埋下伏笔。自学导读出示学习目标1我能听懂,会说,会认读文中的四会单词。2我能理解和掌握 be from 句型的一般疑问3 我能用Where对第二人称来自哪里进行提问教授新单词。出示自学提示:1根据短语初步阅读课文,划出不理解的地方,做上批注。2 小组内讨论,试解决自己不明白的地方。生在老师引导下学习新单词,练习新单词,进行单词展示。根据自学提示小组内进行自学,做好批注。生在老师巡场时可自由提问。小组学习,以合作学习方式调动学生积极性,并适当照顾学困生。展示交流1本课的对话可以用自问自答导入法导入.2放课文录音,校正发音的过程强化学生记忆3组织学生对重点句子进行练习4组织小组进行展示1生听录音校正发音,小声跟读。2 生质疑,小组解惑。3 师生练读4 生生练读5 小组展示,组内练习巩固以听说为先法为原则点拨归纳1师引导重点句子语法归纳Are you from the USA?Yes,I am./No ,I am not.Where are you from?I am from 2 提问在此类表达中的注意事项1 学生讨论归纳。2 学生在老师进行补充之后进行质疑,进行再质疑,再解惑。以学生的探讨为主,充分发挥学生的主观能动性达 标 测评1、 填空 (1)Are you from America?Yes ,_。(2)_he from China? No,_from Japan。(3)Are they from England? No,_from America。2、 试翻译(1) 你来自哪里? 我来自美国。(2) 你来自哪里? 我来自北京。整合提升师:你还知道哪些国家的英文表达?还可以怎样进行提问?1 尽可能多的认识其他国家的英文表达2 另一种方式 Where do you e from? I e from_在文本基础上适当拓展,不要求掌握,要求懂即可板书设计教后反思附送:2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Unit 3Bank or Beach教案 广东版TargetI. Sentences:1. Where are you going? Im going to the bank.2.Is she going to the bank? No,she isnt.3.Are they going to the beach ? Yes , they are. II. Words: supermarket, bank, park, hospital, restaurant, swimming pool , shopping mall , movie theater .III. Sounds and words: f ship ,shirt ,she ,shorts ,shoes, shopping ; Picture Cards 15-22,a supermarket, a bank, a park, a hospital, a restaurant, a swimming pool , a shopping mall , a movie theater .The first periodStep 1 Review 1. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms. 2. Is there a living room. Step 2 VocabularyGetting readyPut Picture Cards 15-22 on the blackboard.T:Look at the Picture Cards.Say each word as you hold up the Picture CardsT:Now Listen and repeat. hold up each Picture CardsAnd say the word.Give Ss time to repeat .Using the bookT: Listen to the disc and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it.Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.T:Where is this ?(Point to beach .)Ss: Its beach.Model if necessary.Repeat with several Picture Cards.T: Close your books.T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and realia.) Where is this? Ss: Its a .Extension activityStep 3 Practice 2T:XXX, Can you read sentence ?(S1:Hello,Tony.Where are you going ?)(S2:I m going to the restaurant .Ss:Hes going to the restaurant.)Do the same with the picture of shopping mall.T: Now look at column on the right . Wheres Jenny going ?S1:Shes going to the party .Have Ss read the questions together .Ask individual Ss to answer .Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词2、抄写本课单词各5个The second periodStep 1 Review1、朗读短语。Step 2 TargetGetting readyAsk for three volun teers.Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard.T: Where are you going ? Im going to the bank .Have S1 point to the Picture Cards.Do the same for S2 and others if time permits.Using the bookHave Ss point to the first Picture. Model the dialog.Have Ss point to the second Picture.Ask two Ss to model the dialog.Play the disc and pause after each sentence,allowing Ss to repeat.Step 3 Song activities 1)T: Lets listen to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted .Point to the Picture Cards of swimming pool and movie theater .Chant as a whole group again. 2) Play the disc one and pause every sentence .Have Ss fill in blanks in the chant.Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词,句子2、抄写句子5次


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