2019-2020年湘少版三年级下Unit5 Period 2教案.doc

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2019-2020年湘少版三年级下Unit5 Period 2教案Basic aims of this lesson:1. Grasp the new words and sentences of this unit.2. Correctly use the sentence “How many rulers are there?”3. Understand Part D and part C.Teaching difficulties:Review the words and sentences.Free talk with the sentences have learned.Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, picturesStep 1 Warming up:1. greetings. How are you?How old is he/she?2.Ss count from 1 to 10 then 10 to 1.3.ss count their books: 1 book , 2 books, 3 books4. Ss Look at the pictures of part B and read sentences. Step 2 Presentation and drill1.T : Whats this? S: Its a pencil-box. T: Whats in it? S: Pens/pencils/rulers/ T: How many are there? Ss: There are Ss learn to ask each other: How manyare there?2.Ss listen to part A then read it.3.Read Part A In groups.Step 3 Practice1Quick response: T: How manyare there? Ss: There are .2. Play a game: Whispering3.Listen to the tape, read after the tape.4. Make performances.Step 4. Consolidation1.Listen to part C then chant.2.Assessment.3.Exercises book Handwriting on the blackboard:Unit 5 How many pens are there? How many are there? There are 附送:2019-2020年湘少版三年级下册英语期中试卷三年级英语科目(满分:100分 ) 得分:_听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(52分)( ) 1.A.glad B. good C. green( ) 2.A.boy B. baby C. but( ) 3.A.seventeen B. thirteen C. twenty( ) 4. A. shorts B. shirt C. she( ) 5. A .count B. coat C. colour二、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(52分)( ) 1. A. Are you Ling ling? B. Are you Linda?( ) 2. A. What colour is this balloon? B. What colour is it?( ) 3. A I like the red one. B. I like the green one.( ) 4. Its seven oclock. B. Its eleven oclock.( ) 5. How many pens are there? B. How many rulers are there?三、 听录音,选出正确答语。(52分)( ) 1. A. Good morning. B. Im fine.( ) 2. A. No, Im not. B. Thank you.( ) 3. A Its yellow. B. Its seven oclock.( ) 4. A. Thirteen pens. B. twelve oclock.( ) 5. A. Its very nice. B. No, it isnt.笔试部分(70分)一、根据汉语意思选单词。(52分)( )1. 夜晚 A. night B. high C. nine ( ) 2.谢谢 A. thanks B. thinks C. think ( ) 3.裙子 A. coat B. dress C .shorts ( ) 4.蓝色 A . red B. green C. blue ( )5. 11 A. ten B. eleven C. twelve二 选出不同类的单词。(52分)( ) 1. A. thirteen B. too C. twenty( ) 2. A. shirt B. shorts C. see( ) 3. A. balloon B. black C. blue.( ) 4. A. too B. nice C. big( ) 5. A. evening B. baby C. night 三 单项选择。(52分)( )1.-I am to see you .A. too B. to C. again( ) 2. -Its eight .A. clock B oclock C. clocks( )3. - -Im fine.A. How you are! B. Whats your name? C. How are you?( ) 4.- Whats your name?-_.A. Im fine B.OK C. Im Peter( ) 5. - . -Its yellow.AWhat time is it? B. Whats your name? C. What colour is it?( ) 6.How many _are there?A. clocks B. apple C. balloon( ) 7.Sorry, I_ know.amnt B. isnt C. dont( ) 8. _ are you !Thank you!A. How B. Here C. What ( ) 9.Look at the blue _.A. short B. sixteen C. shorts( )10. Is it blue?-No ,its_.A. a red B. green C. blue四、看一看,选出相应答语。(52分)( ) 1. How are you? A .Nineteen books.( ) 2. How many books are there? B . Its eleven oclock.( ) 3. Are you Jane? C. Its red.( ) 4. What time is it? D. No, Im not.( ) 5. What colour is it? E. I am fine.五、情景对话(52分)( )1.朋友见面问你的身体怎样,你应回答 A. Im fine, thanks. B. You are kind. ( )2、同桌丽丽买了个新包,你想问是什么颜色,应说: AThis is my schoolbag. B. What colour is your schoolbag? ( )3.Peter问你几点了,你不知道,你让他看一下钟表,应说: A. Its seven oclock. B. Look at the clock, please.( )4.妈妈给Amy买了一些新钢笔,Amy想知道有多少,应说: A. Its my pen. B. How many pens are there?( )5. 同学想知道你的外套是什么颜色的,应说: A. What colour is your coat? B. How about you?六、 连词成句。(52分)1. like, I , the, one, red .2. the, T-shirt, at, Look. .3. many, rulers, are, How, there? .4. you, Benny, are ? ?5. is , What, it, time ? ?

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