2019年三年级英语上册《Unit 3 In the park》教案 上海本地版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册Unit 3 In the park教案 上海本地版Content3A M3U3 In the park Read a story (Period 2)Aims1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Look at the boat.2. Using wh-questions to find out the colours of objects e.g., What colour is it? Its yellow.3. Using yes/no questions to find out specific information e.g., Is this your ball? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Language focus1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Look at the boat.2. Using wh-questions to find out the colours of objects e.g., What colour is it? Its yellow.3. Using yes/no questions to find out specific information e.g., Is this your ball? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Teaching aidsMulti-media, pictures, word cards .etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings.2. Daily talk.3. Have Ss say a rhyme.4. Ask some questions according to the rhyme.1. Greetings.2. Daily talk.(S1-Ss)3. Say a rhyme.I see green.I see yellow.I see blue.I see purple.I see the beautiful rainbow,Shining over there,Outside my window.4. Look and say.e.g., T: (point to a colour) What colour is it? Ss: Its red.营造和谐的学习氛围,在师生、生生互动中进入学习状态。活跃学习气氛,同时以旧引新。While-task procedure1. To teach: Look at the(1) Show the rainbow and ask Ss to say something about it.(2) Have Ss talk about the rainbow.(3) Have Ss talk about the items of school supplies they have in pairs.2. To teach: Is this your? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.(1) T: (Collect some students items of school supplies and put them in a bag. Take out one and ask Ss to answer questions.)(2) Have Ss to ask and answer in pairs3. Have Ss listen to the recording for Read a story and ask some questions.e.g.,What colour is the kite?What colour is the boys ball?What colour is the girls ball?1. To learn: Look at the(1) Try to say.e.g., Look at the rainbow.Its beautiful.Its red.Its yellow.(2) Talk about the rainbow in pairs.e.g., S1: Look at the rainbow. Its beautiful.S2: What colour is it?S1: Its red, yellow, green, blue and purple.S2: How nice!(3) Talk about the school supplies in pairs.e.g.,S1: Look at my pencil. Its yellow.S2: Its nice. I have a new ruler.S1: What colour is it?S2: Look! Its pink.2. To learn: Is this your? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.(1) Try to answer.e.g.,T: Heres a rubber. Is this your rubber?S1: No, it isnt. My rubber is yellow.T: Is this your rubber?S2: Yes, it is.(2) Pair work3. Listen and answer通过先描述rainbow到同桌说一说rainbow,来学习句型。通过学习用品的描述,巩固句型,同时也贴切学生生活。在师生、生生互动中习得知识。让学生带着问题去听、去看,便于理解故事。Post-task activity1. Have Ss listen to the story again and repeat it.2. Ask Ss to act it out.3. Ask Ss to read the story and plete the following sentences.Listen and repeat the story.Role-play.Read and fill in the blanks.e.g.,Alice and Kitty are in the _.They can see a _.It is _. (colour)They can see a _.It is _ and _.读读、演演、练习等方式巩固知识,达到学以致用的效果。AssignmentListen to the recording for Read a story.Try to act out the story after class.注意基础型和能力型作业的兼顾。板书设计Unit 3 In the parkLook at the Its A: Is this your?B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.附送:2019年三年级英语上册Unit 3 Plants教案 上海本地版I. Teaching contents:1. Words and expressions: plant, leaf, leaves, root, trunk, branch2. Sentence structures: It has 3. Language function: Be able to talk about the plants and trees.II. Teaching difficulty: 1. The pronunciation of trunk, branch.2. The usage of It hasIII. Culture: Inspire students to understand the nature. IV. Teaching aids: Multimedia V. Teaching procedure:学习目标导学方法备注说明能迅速进入英语学习的状态。I. Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song.Fly the butterfly.2. Talk about the butterfly.The butterfly is 通过歌曲的演唱,创设了英语教学的氛围,又引出了主线Butterfly。 能初步感知新单词。能正确朗读新单词和词组。能初步理解新句型,并正确朗读新句型。能正确运用新句型结构表达。能初步感知新单词。能正确朗读新单词和词组。能正确运用新知识描述图片。能正确朗读段落,并且复述。II. While-task procedure1. Learn Part I.Task1: planta. Read in groups and try to read the new word.b. Read and spell: play +want plantc. Phrases: a/ an _ plantd. Practise: This plant isTask2: Learn the sentences.a. Elicit by the passage.b. Read and spell: hat+ his has Sound and tones: It has a flower. This plant has a flower.c. Look and say: This has d. Practice:Look at the plant.It has Its / Theyre2. Learn Part II.Task1: Learn leaf, leavesa. Elicit by the question. What has the plant got?b. Read and spell: leaf c. Phrases: a/an _ leaf _ leavesTask2: Learn roota. Elicit by the question.b. Read and spell: root rootsc. Practice: Look at the plant. It has leaves/ roots. Theyre Task3: Read the passage again.Retell: Hello, Im Butterfly. I like Look at this It has培养学生的自学能力。 通过描述植物的特点,让学生进一步掌握plant。由易到难,逐步展开表达。通过回答问题,调动学生主动学习的欲望。借助学生生活经验,组织说话练习,充分锻炼学生思维。培养学生理解短文并根据关键词汇复述的能力。能听录音判断。能正确理解新单词,并且能正确朗读新单词。能正确理解新单词,并且能正确朗读新单词。能运用新知识点表达。有感情的朗读。能正确描述the tree.课外继续加强新知识的运用和巩固,能熟练灵活的运用语言交际。III. Post-task activities1. Learn the passage of a tree.Task 1: Listen and judge.Task 2: learn trunk a. Read the passage in groups and try to read the new words. b. Read and spell: tree +duck +drinktrunk c. Look and say: The trunk is Task 3: Learn branch a. Read the passage in groups and try to read the new words. b. Read and spell: brown +want +peach branchbranches c. Look and say: The branches are d. Practise: Look at the tree. It has a trunk/ branches. Its / TheyreTask 4: Read the passage again. Talk about the tree. Look at the tree. It has 2. Assignmenta. Copy the new words and sentences. b. Write about a tree or a plant (more than five sentences).设计听力练习,初步感知段落内容,同时培养学生的听力能力。通过已学的单词让学生掌握字母的发音规则,以便掌握新授单词。通过已学的单词让学生掌握字母的发音规则,以便掌握新授单词。利用关键词让学生能较完整的表达描述the tree,进一步培养学生的英语表达能力。家作的布置是英语课堂教学的有效延伸。


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