2019年三年级英语下册 lesson5 where教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 lesson5 where教案 冀教版教学目标:1、 知识技能:学生可以说出并且听懂常用句型Can you find my ?Yes,here it is。/No,I can“t。2、 过程与方法:Do and say.3、 情感态度与价值观:They can express the position”s saying.教学重点:We can express how to ask the question教学难点:Make new dialogues教具学具:卡片录音机磁带教学过程:1、 导入:Greetings。2、 新授:(1) Review feelingsmastered in level 1(happy,sad,hot,cold,tired)。Write thewords on the blackboard. Then stand in front of each word and act it out. Askfor volunteers to act out each word.(2) Demonstrate“Can you find my _?” by giving a student sth of yours andasking him on her to hide it .Close your eyes. Pretend you to have lost theobject and lead a dialogue such as:T: Oh, no! My _-_ is lost! I Cant find my_!Where is it? Can you find my_?S:Yes.No.T:Yes,here it is.(Pretend to find it.)(3) Practice it again.(4) Write “Can you find my ?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。“on theblackboard and let the standents say them a few times.(5) Use the student book to read the text ,think about thequestions:What happened they think?What is Danny wearing? Why?(6) Practice and play”Can you find it?“(7) Give them enough time to practice the dialogue and work inpairs.(8) Questions: My _-_ is lost!I Cant find my_!Where is it?Can you find my _?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。(9) Let them act the dialogue and then check out.3、 小结:Let the students say what they have learned from the text.4、 作业:Write down the sentences on the pieces of the paper.板书设计: Can you find my _?Yes,here it is。/No,I can“t课后反思:附送:2019年三年级英语下册 Lesson5 You Look Great教案【教材分析】本节课是EEC 小学英语第二册第五课第一课时(第58、59页),这是一个话题式内容:通过到商店购买各种颜色的服装,学习表达自己的意愿和想法。【学情分析】本节课授课的对象是小学三年级的学生,他们已经接触了一些简单的对话,并且在学习本课之前已经学习掌握了颜色的表达和商店购物的表达。因此,学生在学习本节课时有了一定的基础和语感。在教学中充分调动他们的激情,设计一系列的活动,让学生在亲身体验、探索、实践中掌握知识,并通过这些活动完成学习任务。学生通过老师的及时评价增强自信,激发学习热情,体会知识带来快乐的同时品味快乐的学习状态。【教学目标】复习并灵活运用颜色单词;掌握购买服装时常用的句式;通过本课的学习,使学生学会表达自己的想法、愿望,提高学生的会话能力和交际能力;通过合作学习、购物活动,培养学生合作意识和积极实践的精神。【教学重点】掌握重点单词及购物的表达法并能利用已掌握的重点句型自由地表达自己的意愿和想法。【设计思路】在设计本课的教学方法时,我结合小学生的特点,通过创设情景引出本课的重点句型。在课堂组织形式和活动组织形式中充分体现了“教师主导,学生主体” “师生互动,生生互动”的教学原则,除了让学生学习必要的语言材料外,尽可能营造“真实性”的语言环境和开放的空间,让学生在交流中学习应用。培养学生学习兴趣的同时也培养学生的“自主,探索,合作” 的学习方式。在学习过程中,关注学生个性发展,把形成性评价贯彻始终。在教学过程中注意抓住学生的“兴奋点”和“关注焦点”,运用实物、图片等手段,帮助学生在真实的语境中自主学习,充分地激发了学生的学习兴趣和学习动机,使学生的交流活动更有意义。注意师生之间的情感交流,注重培养学生的创造性思维,通过小组活动,锻炼学生的团结协作、合作学习的精神。【教学过程】Step I Warming up and Greetings i. Sing a song together. ii. T: Are you ready? (with actions) Ss: Ready! T: Very well. Class begins. Ss: Stand up, please. One! Two! T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? (with actions created by ourselves )T: Im fine, too. Sit down, please. Ss: Thanks.StepII Revision Review the words about colors and recite the chant about colors together.StepIII New lesson i. Lead-in and introduce the new words and sentenses to the students.T: OK. Today were going to learn Lesson 5 You Look Great! First lets say the meaning of “You”, it means Ss: 你。T: Look, means (use hands to act) Ss: 看。T: OK. “Great” means (point up the thumb)Ss: 好极了,棒极了。T: OK, very good. “You look great!” means 你看上去棒极了。 你看上去漂亮极了。Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: OK, good. When somebody wears beautiful clothes, we should use this expression. Yes or No? Ss: Yes. T: Well, today we are going to learn some words about clothes. Now lets look at some pictures, the first one, whats this?Ss: 裙子.T: skirt,skirt是裙子.Ss: T: s-k-i-r-t, skirt.Ss: T: This skirt. (pick up the picture)Ss: T: That skirt. (point to the green skirt sticking on the Bb) Ss: T: I want that skirt.Ss: T:The green one.Ss: T: I want that skirt. The green one.Ss: Write the sentence on the Bb and say the rules of writing sentences together: Ss: 1.句子开头字母要大写。2.单词与单词之间要有一定的空隙。3.句子末尾要有标点符号。 Then let the students say the sentence one by one to practice.T: OK. Do you want that skirt, the green one?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Here you are.Ss: Thanks.T: Good.Now read after me:I want that skirt. The green one. OK. Here you are. Thanks.Ss: T: Very good. Now lets think: what shoud the salesperson say to us when we go into the shop?Ss: Can I help you?T: So smart! Once more.Ss: Can I help you?T: Well, how can we answer?Ss: Yes, please.T: Now lets write them on the Bb.(Write the sentences on the Bb) Then let the students read together for two times.T: Now I will put on this skirt(The teacher do the action of putting on the skirt) and ask the students the meaning of put on.Ss: put on 穿上,戴上T:Very good.put on, put them on.(Do the action of putting eyes on to review the sentence we have learned.) Yes or No?Ss: Yes.T: OK.Put it on.(use the skirt)Ss: Put it on.T:Do you like it?Ss:Yes, I like it.T:OK. Put it on.(Give the skirt to a girl)T:Oh, you look great! Lets say together to her, please.Ss:You look great.G1: Thanks. Then let this girl pass the skirt to ansther one and practice these sentenses.( Put it on. You look great. Thanks.) T:OK. Now the girl have a new skirt. Boys, do you want a new shirt? (Show the picture of shirt)Bs: Yes, I do.T:OK.How about this shirt? Is it pretty?Ss: Yes, its pretty.T:p-r-e-t-t-y,pretty, it means beautiful.Ss: p-r-e-t-t-y,pretty.T:Oh, its pretty.Ss: T: How about this shirt? Ss: T:Can you guess the meaning?S1: S2: S3: T:Very good. Many students can guess the meaning. Yes, it means “这件运动衫怎么样?” “how about”is used to give suggestion. It means“怎么样?” (Write the sentence on the Bb) Now read after me:How about this shirt?Ss: T: Oh, its pretty.I like it.Ss: Then the teacher goes to a boy and say: How about this shirt?B1: Oh, its pretty. I like it.T: OK.Put it on.T:You look great! Lets say together to her, please.Ss:You look great.B1: Thanks.Then pass the shirt one by one and say these sentences.(How about this shirt? Oh, its pretty.I like it. Put it on. You look great.Thanks.)ii.Listen to the tape carefully.T: OK. We have learned some useful wordsand sentenses. Now please open your books and turn to page 58. Lets go with our friends to the shop and listen their dialog.OK? Ss: OK.T: Listen, listen, listen to the tape.Ss: iii. Repeat sentence by sentence.Step IV Practice and Match.First the teacher stick some skirts and shirts with different colors and let the students make their own dialogs by using the sentences learned just now. eg Salesperson: Good morning/afternoon. Can I help you? A: Yes, please. I want a shirt/skirt. B: What color? A: The blue/red/yellow/green one. C: How about this shirt? A: Oh, its pretty. I like it.Salesperson: OK. Here you are. A: Thanks. B: Put it on, please.C:Oh, you look great! A: Thank you. Pay attention to the students if they all understand it, let them make their own dialogs as above according to the pictures on the Bb. During this process the teacher walks across the class to help some students who dont understand well. Then let them act for the whole class.Step V Consolidation & Summary.i. WordsPrepare some word cards and phrases to fill in. sh_rt sk_rt h_lp w_nt pr_t_y看起来很漂亮 look_ 穿上戴上put_ 怎么样how_ii. Make sentences1. I help canyou 2. skirt I want that3. you here are Step VI Homework.T: OK. Have your homework now. NO1.Please practice the dialog freely.NO2.Please find the words of clothes in your own ways,you can ask your families,friends or others, you also can use the dictionary.Such as coat,pants and so on. Next class I will ask you to answer and see who find the most.Step VII See you.T: OK. Class is over. Good-bye, everyone. Have a nice day!Ss: Good-bye, Miss Li.Lesson 5 You Look Great! (第二课时) 教材分析教学理念 本课教学以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性。以课标理念指导教学,突出英语学科的人文性、工具性特点。力求质量为先,面向全体学生,以训练促思维,促英语水平的提高,充分保证学生的自主、自学时间。教材地位及作用本课继续承接兔兔的故事,为我们学生展开有一副有趣的画面。再有趣的故事情节引领下带领学生参与到了交际极强的活动中来,让学生感知,体验,参与和交际。使学生通过本课的学习在买卖的场所中又有一个运用语言的突破。学情分析学生接触英语只有一个学期,大部分学生对英语有比较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习习惯也不太好,有待于端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法。所以,在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,面向全体学生,始终把激发学生的学习的趣味放在首位。教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握用英语表达自己的意愿,以及学会听对方的意见,表达自己的想法,了解并学会说让对方穿上(戴上).的话。2.能力目标: 使学生获得对英语的感性认识,通过对语音语调的训练,并获得很好的听说能力达到较好的交际运用。3.情感目标: 培养学生对英语的良好兴趣和积极的态度.教学重点难点 I want. How about this? Show me the blue cap, please. Put on .(pants, coat, socks)教学策略仍然建立评比台,四个组进行评比,在学与练中都要兼顾评比。挖掘教材的使用性. 采用交际法教学,TPR教学法,在师生之间,生生之间,一生和群体的应用,增加多样的活动方式把新知识从新到熟又到固的过程。更希望学生有很好的运用的能力。教学准备 学生准备:英语书、练习本教师准备: 教学用具 、单词卡、物体、录音机、兔兔头饰 教学过程I、Organization Greeting: Hello. / Hi. Nice to meet you .Warm up G: Can I help you? Can I help you? B: Yes, Please. Yes, Please. G: Can I help you? Can I help you? B: No, thanks. No, thanks. Girls and boys say that chant happily.II、New lesson and leading1. Leading to the new lesson and reviewing last lesson1)T:Im a salesperson. Do you like me? Ss: Yes. T:Can I help you? (The teacher shows some shirts and skirts of pictures.)S1:I want that shirt . The green one.T: Here you are . OK.S1: Thanks.Ss can practice that twice.2) “How about this one?”The teacher shows some caps.T: Some cap. Very nice. How about this one?( To say that many times with the students.) ( The teacher shows the red cap.)Do you like it?Ss answer that ( Yes or no.) 3) Leading with asking the question according to the Tutus story. T: Please think if Tutu likes red . Lets listen to the tape , then answer my questions . What color does Tutu like? Ss can answer them and know Tutu like the blue cap. T:Im a Tutu. I dont like red . Show me that blue cap, please.2. “Show me that blue cap, please.” “How about this one?”1) Ss try to be Tutu and say that.2) The teacher shows the word card “show”. Ss can understand it and say it well.3) Games T:Show me your book. Ss do that.T:Show me your eyes/mouth/ears. Ss do that.4) Ss say that . The teacher does it like that.5) munication The teacher an Ss do the model. How about this one? I dont like red Show me that blue cap, please.6) To let Ss municate each other.One pair speaks Chinese, other pair speaks English.3. “put on , nice, small /big”1) Leading T: We know Tutu likes blue. Is the blue cap small or big?Lets continue to listen to Tutus story.S1: Its small./ The blue cap is small.The teacher shows the blue cap.( 实物)T: Do you like it? Ss:Yes/No. T: Put on this cap , ok? S2: Ok.T: Oh. Its nice. S2:You look good.Ss can practice this dialogue each other with this cap.2) “Put on this cap.” Put on da da da. ( Show the coat.) Ss try to say “ coat”. T:What? S1: Coat . Ss: Put on this coat. Put on da da da. ( Show the pants.) T:What? S1: Coat . Ss: Put on this pants. Put on da da da. ( Show the pants.) T:What? S1: Coat . Ss: Put on this pants.Ss can practice them many times.3) munication(1) Ss listen to the tape and follow the tape once.(2) Ss have same dialogues. “ Jack , Tutu, Lisa”S: Put on this cap.S: Oh. Its nice. S:You look good. Tutu.S: Thanks. Ss act them out in groups with a matchIII、Consolidation1) listening and speaking (注意磁带中的语调可以让学生感受英语学习的乐趣.)Ss listen to the page 60 and page 61 and Ss follow the tape once. 2) The teacher gives the question. Which cap does Tutu want at last? S:Tutu wants a big blue cap. IV、Homework1) Writing the new words many times.2) Ss practice this lessons play in group.


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